Raped Ape Magazine
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Below are the 8 most recent journal entries recorded in
rapedape's LiveJournal:
Monday, August 2nd, 2004 | 3:20 pm [zeno]
Raped Ape Magazine #5
Rated R
This month's contributors: Casey, ansat, Daver, Gianni Bologna, J London, jeffjustin, jkonrath, porcelaingoddes, Lazy Eight, djtselliot13, mope, srass, zeno
There were a few of you omitted who I normally publish, but time contraints and heavy duty work patterns in Djibouti have kept me from using my usual diligence in putting together the zine. I promise that RAM#6 will have a special surprise.
| Friday, July 9th, 2004 | 12:33 pm [zeno]
R A P E D A P E M A G A Z I N E I s s u e # 4 is now available
Featuring work by:
Head Chops: Sergeant Zeno
Floor Chops: Mope
ASCII Chops: Casey
Residual Aftermath: Aryeh ben Naphtali Deliverer Daver Didi Far Away Points Gianni Bologna J London John Dollard Jon Konrath Lady Chelsea Lazy Eight SeanMike Sergeant Zeno Valdorgassel
tada! | Tuesday, June 1st, 2004 | 7:03 pm [zeno]
R U S S I A N A T T A C K M O N K E Y I s s u e # 3 ùþ Å .·´¯`·.><((((º> <º))))><.·´¯`·. Å þù (special ascii fish edition) is now available
Featuring work by:
Skippers: Editor Sergeant Zeno Grammatician Mope ASCII Artist Casey Fishermen: Annon Aryeh ben Naphtali Chelle Crux Ansata Daver DC Deliverer Didi Gianni Bologna J London Jeff Justin John Dollard Jon Konrath Lazy Eight M. Scarlett Nikolai Kingsley Sergeant Zeno Shodan Valdorgassel xxxjoel Xyon
VOILA! Current Mood: creative | Monday, May 17th, 2004 | 6:08 pm [zeno]
| Saturday, May 1st, 2004 | 9:51 pm [zeno]
The second issue of Raped Ape is now available here:
Featuring work by: ansat, Aryeh ben Naphtali, Casey, Citizen Ted, didicam, qedrakmar, jeffjustin, Jenn London, John Dollard, jkonrath, mope, porcelaingoddes, Lazy Eight, djtseliot13, zeno, annie_lennox, valdorgassel, Wango138, and xxxjoel Those of you already on the mailing list will receive the 130kb file via email.Feel free to encourage others to read the ezine and write for us if you wish! | Thursday, April 1st, 2004 | 11:45 am [zeno]
The first issue of Raped Ape is now available here:
Featuring work by: Andi Retti, ansat, Casey, DC, DC, Destitute Cowgirl, didicam, Jeff Justin, Jherek Carnelian, John Dollard, jkonrath, mope, porcelaingoddes, zeno, Shodan, Ted Rosen, the_carrot, valdorgassel, Xyon, Wango138
I do ask that all of you try to read every bit of this first issue of rapedape. If you don't like one story, then skip to the next one. If you don't like the magazine, then don't ever read it again. But if you do find that you like it, I respectfully request that you send your best regards and appreciation to the authors who appeal to you. Each has their contact information at the end of the magazine. Those of you already on the mailing list will receive the 150kb file via email.Feel free to encourage others to read the ezine and write for us if you wish! | Tuesday, March 30th, 2004 | 6:01 pm [zeno]
Stay tuned The first issue of Raped Ape is just around the corner.
Here is the lineup of authors:
Andi Retti Aryeh ben Naphtali Crux Ansata DC Destitute Cowgirl Didi Jeff Justin Jherek Carnelian John Dollard Jon Konrath Lady Chelsea Sergeant Zeno Shodan Ted Rosen The Carrot Valdorgassel Xyon Wango138 | Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004 | 4:21 pm [zeno]
First Issue Due End of March 2004 Why did I want to make this a community? I dunno. There probably won't be much posted here, but it is something to do. |