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User:ibscrewed (548793) ibscrewed
Just When You Didn't Think It Could Get Worse
Hate, Frustration, Rage, And Everything In Between
Name:IB Screwed
Website:Your Friends At IBO
About:Didn't think IB had a LiveJournal Community? Surprise, surprise! This community focuses on the crap continually offered by IB. It's a place for IB bashing, so feel free to vent. Any thoughts, discussions, or other topics relating to IB are welcomed. Any kind of harassment will not be tolerated. Additionally, your posts should be kept on-topic. Advertisements for other communities or general flaming will be deleted immediately. This community is in no way affiliated with the infamous IB Screwed website and any resemblance to existing online forums is purely coincidental.

This message was brought to you by [info]integrate, the maintainer of this fine yet pointless community.
Memories:1 entry
Interests:150: 1337, accents, accordions, advanced placement, algebra, anal rape, analysis, ap, apathy, apple pie, arrogance, art, band camp, begging, being antisocial, binary, biology, books, bragging, bullshitting, business, caffeine, calculus, cas, cd-roms, cheating, chemistry, cockiness, college, combovers, commentaries, computers, crack, cunnilingus, death, dependence, depression, differentiation, dorks, dsl, education, ee, elitism, essays, exams, exhaustion, extended essay, extracurriculars, failure, fellatio, floppy disks, foreign exchange students, foreign languages, frustration, geeks, geometry, global studies, gpa's, grades, grammar, harassing teachers, hating ib, heavy artillery, heroin, higher level, highwaters, history, honors, ib, idealism, immorality, indecision, insanity, integration, intel, international baccalaureate, killing teachers, kissing ass, learning, losers, lunch boxes, lying, masochism, masturbation, mathematics, mental illness, mindreading, modems, monotony, motherboards, music, nerds, no sex life, number theory, oral sex, orals, papers, pentium processors, pepto bismol, perfection, philosophy, physics, plagiarism, plaid, pornography, procrastination, programming, prostitution, psychology, psychosis, punctuation, quizzes, rainbow suspenders, rejection, research, retards, revenge of the nerds, scholarships, school, sexual favors, sleep, sleep deprivation, social isolation, speed, spelling, stealing, stress, study groups, studying, stupidity, suicide, telekinesis, tests, the internet, theorems, theories, theory of knowledge, thermoses, thick-rimmed glasses, thinking, threatening, trigonometry, tutoring, typing, unconsciousness, vicodin, weaponry, work, world literature, writing. [Modify yours]
Members:433: 00ems, 10101, 6ji30pun, _absent, _blowyourmind, _crazysexycool_, _embeth_, _mariposita, _penser_a_rien_, _record, _takemeaway_, _yousuck, ab_fab_justice, act4one, addressunknown, adespota, aestheticism, aibreann, akinari, allyscully, always_golden, alwaysgreen17, amazing__grace, ambiguo, aminotyours, anesthetikarma, angelmab686, angrycereal, aquafoxguy3, arabianknight05, arcane_anteater, aslels, aspasia_, atlantischick, atwistedmaze, aurorazborealis, autophage, awesomeaug, azianhottie222, babij, banannaz, barefootsailor, bassvampire1306, bastardsword, bellasaur, benjohnson, bex, blitzedstar, blucrushxx, bluenewt, boricuaee44, broadway005, butterflydecay, cafe_aulait, calisplaypen, captainlibby, carmsratherpale, chaoticdawn, chataki, cheapblackpens, cheekiepoo, chibidreamer, chisi, clickclickbang, coloraturabella, commigirl, confy, cool_green_ivy, cooldork, coolguy721721, cosmic_wings, counteraxe, cowsforthought, crazedgiggles, crazy_faith, cruzangirlco04, cryinthesun, ctazyleiabees, d1rty_laundry, darkaurora, darkerthanthou, davidclay, daydreamr3000, dazlynds, deathundothee, demonfaerie, digitalised, divine_bovine, dixieleopard, dnlr, dragonspeaker, drewhilfiger, driv3n, drummerstix, eatpunkrock, ebinesos, edvard978, elbie8901, elenitsa42, emmzer, englishangel33, ephemereciel, ericab, ericacae, eris416, erisedilla, eunmi007, evanescent_life, evening_glory, everephemeral, everyones_empty, evilsoap, exit_chrysalis, exluckystrike, eyefoundwaldo, fadesoslowly, fallin2thegap, farwell, fatal_atracshin, fatkitty9, ferret13, fertlemind, firebrandt, flamingkitten, flashflashtea, flitterbug05, floatingstar, followyournose, forthemasses, foxynams, frecklegirl4, gadget13, gaelic_dancer, gamesiplay, gemtiger, general_m, ghetto_ib_homie, girldead, girlwithouthat, gojuryukid, gorgeous1313, gringigglebliss, halogen1102, handsoffme, happymedium16, heaven_or_vegas, hydrogenlove, hyperslinky, iadork4life, ibhighstrung, ibibgirl, ibmad, ibnerd01, ichbinjuri, iiiissy, ilovefishhair, iloveicecream, imsorry_dolores, indie_go, ink_smudge, insteadofathem, integrate, intrepia, iolair, iouonestar, j_ro, jacram37, jamapi, jarsofclayrulz, jazzyjellybean, jebusrox, jelloink, jilly_bean, jimmyrodgers, jinfae, jtlgxtujftr5k8q, juggleboy, julay, just1jill, justchokeme, justlikepretend, juventina, kaiserscott, kararok, karlienicole, kateonaplate, katiba, katsby, key2sunshine, kidzoeatofree, kikei, kikyoincarnate, kinkstarr, kiss_my_bruises, kissclikbangdie, kissmybrass88, kmcd, kyrayamino, ladylai, lamiseriadulce, lannajin, leelaa, leepacific, lexy718, liang_nan, liasantana, libertybellbell, lickety_split, lilfrenchfry1, liquidcynicism, littpiski, liz_psyko_blond, llamax, loansharkliz, longlonglegz, lovely_shadow, lovelyleo85, lovesasa, lustrousorchid, lykkesopp, lyssa87, m4r14, mafiamember10, mahavidya, malachigarnet, mangolish, matheholic, mattimeo9, mayuke, melisus, meredith005, merky, meteora8705, meusiter, mewtopia, miss_sorbet, mobchick, mocharose, moosesocks, mru1e, mspinkie, munchkinjess, myorificebleeds, mystikate, nadz, nataliethompson, nattie_angel, nazeri, neverreallyhere, ngcfan525, nicholask, nik1as, nildita, nodaybutoday, nondescript, norne, nothingworse, nuclearsummer, nyaru, onmygrass57, oopsz, orlando_s_lover, paintedsecrets, parallax_, patrizi0, paulinethegreat, peachytcarnehan, penguinhardcore, penguinpete, peppermintchick, pezsyzygy, phantomangel, philxcore, phiretygrr, pinknekochan, plainmornings, pocaloca, pointegirl, pointlessforevr, poisoned_faith, pojo345, pokerdog387, preptart, prettynpinkxx, princessfuzzbal, protopic, prozackisyummy, psychodeadthing, psychoguitarist, psychokitty627, ptymona, punainen, pure_blood, pure_pain, purplicious, pvalov_rings, pyrrhicvictory, qtflutiekats, queech, queerbychoice, radicaldestiny, raggedeanne, rainbow_kittie, ralphie, reapingfolk, riotous_prole, rocksexandroll, rollingdusche, roxanneruby, royalduck1, runaway_ninja, sabella, sagai, sailor_cheese, sailor_crimson, sakuma_san, salmonazi, sammysays, sara91786, sara_chan, sariko, scarlettskies, sclonesometears, scubastephanie, sdhskeeper, selfie, seminolesweetie, sewnonhearts, sexyjaqioli, shanghaistylez, shankz, shannicat, shardendra, shellerie, shingo_emma, shinylimabean, shootingstar715, silverylilwicca, sixstringreject, skippykenji, skippymcskipper, smart_cookie, smilemptysoul, socalledpunk, soccerguy315, societybedamned, socrluvr20, sonoftomorrow, southernjuliet, sparkly_queen, spenyacer, spiderbite99, sprklz, spydey, squirm, starwingj3d1, sublimeygrrl, subtle_knife, sucker_, sugar_high, surreal_dreams, susietoxic, sweet_charade, sweetfallacy, sweetsofi, swimqt812, sxxybunny, synergistica, talkingheads587, taza_rota, tcbabe, teachmetofly, temporaryjake, the_dark_fyre, theaznsensation, thedreamer1, thegreatmagoo, theupsguy, thewarmth23, theyellowdart, thinkdork, thisdyingmusic, thoughtssurreal, tinkerbelled, tinnaaa, tmbg126, tolovesomebody, tsunami_sam, tulipfield, twelveeyes, twilight_tears, twisicily, twolipstwolungs, tygereye27, ugly_boy, ultranos, umasasayaki, unfinishedream, unfurled, unlovely_bl0b, unspokendreamer, v1ol1n_g1rl, vacillation, vagingo, valerrie, venufan, vhsmess22, vikilily_t, vish007, vivalamuffin, vixen_willow, vixter_rose, wankercrank, wastedthoughts, wavicle, waxed_kisses, weezingsoul, wildblackberry, winson, winterflamingo, wompwomp, woohoo929, wuhooo, xblackasdayx, xbreakstuffx, xemolyx, xrainbowboix, xxmeg, yarrr, yearbook50, yifinity, ziggy_janche, zsmash
Watched by:276: 00ems, 10101, _mariposita, _nunya69, _penser_a_rien_, _record, _takemeaway_, ab_fab_justice, act4one, ad_dementia, addressunknown, adespota, aibreann, allycat14, allyscully, always_golden, alwaysgreen17, anesthetikarma, angrycereal, arabianknight05, arcane_anteater, aspasia_, atlantischick, autophage, azianhottie222, babij, banannaz, barefootsailor, bastardsword, benjohnson, blucrushxx, broadway005, butterflydecay, calisplaypen, captainlibby, carmsratherpale, chaoticdawn, chibidreamer, confy, cool_green_ivy, cooldork, coolguy721721, cornellian, cosmic_wings, counteraxe, crazedgiggles, crazy_faith, cruzangirlco04, cryinthesun, d1rty_laundry, darkerthanthou, daydreamr3000, dazlynds, deathundothee, der_tim_von_ib, digitalised, drewhilfiger, drummerstix, eatpunkrock, ebinesos, edvard978, eini, elenitsa42, emmzer, ericab, ericacae, eris416, erisedilla, eunmi007, evening_glory, everyones_empty, evilsoap, eyefoundwaldo, fadesoslowly, fatal_atracshin, ferret13, fertlemind, firebrandt, flitterbug05, flutterbyz, followyournose, foxynams, freakychowchow, gadget13, gamesiplay, gemtiger, general_m, girldead, goofyguy2007, gorgeous1313, hydrogenlove, hyperslinky, iadork4life, ibhighstrung, ibibgirl, ibmad, ibnerd01, iloveicecream, imsorry_dolores, ink_smudge, integrate, iolair, iouonestar, j_ro, jarsofclayrulz, jelloink, jtlgxtujftr5k8q, julay, justchokeme, kateonaplate, kikei, kikyoincarnate, kiss_my_bruises, kmcd, lannajin, leelaa, lexy718, libertybellbell, lickety_split, lilfrenchfry1, littpiski, liz_psyko_blond, longlonglegz, lustrousorchid, lykkesopp, lyssa87, m4r14, mafiamember10, mahavidya, malachigarnet, mangolish, matheholic, meggy04, melisus, merky, meteora8705, meusiter, mewtopia, mocharose, moosesocks, mr_ryfly, munchkinjess, nadz, nataliethompson, nattie_angel, nazeri, neverreallyhere, nik1as, nildita, nodaybutoday, ...
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