Below is user information for Valera. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | valera (193979) |
| Seldom Randomings of the Imp здесь был я |
Name: | Valera |
Text Message: | Send valera a text message on his/her cellphone/pager. |
Website: | |
Location: | Cliffside Park, New Jersey, United States |
Birthdate: | 1982-09-18 |
E-mail: | |
AOL IM: | rand0m bits (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
ICQ UIN: | 8682080 (Add User, Send Message) |
Yahoo! ID: | fickle_imp (Add User, Send Message) |
MSN Username: | |
Jabber: | mertviyg0r0ds0vsemdrug0izh3rtv | @ | |
Bio: | Communities maintained by me: webdev, flashdev, perldev, , vbdev, cliffsidepark, lviv, marketplace
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if i put you on my friends list, it's simply because at that time period, i was interested in reading your entries.if i took you off of my friends list, it's simply because at that time period, i wasn't into reading your entries.
Looking past what I've just said above, if you're adding me as a friend, please read/comment here ;)
Mini Bio: My name is Val Schuman(Валерий Шухман), I'm currently `current_year - 1982` years old and I'm from Cliffside Park, NJ (It's a small, largely asian town in northern NJ, only a brigde[GWB] or a tunnel[Lincoln] away from NYC). UPDATE: Now I'm also from Centereach, NY. This one's a country-ish place in Long Island. I'm renting a room here because it's near my University.
I work as a web developer for local NYC government; Most of the time I don't really work, though (Like right now. This is what I do at the office, write LJ bios :D). But when I am doing something work related, it's usually either simple content updates, or somewhat large database projects (Although, I'm no database expert. Not at the moment, anyway.) It's a boring job I stumbled upon when I was 17, imagining it was much better. I plan on quitting it as soon as I finish college (If not sooner.)
The P above is old news. I've quit my job just before Fall 2004 to go to Stony Brook University. I'm majoring in... Computer Science. I like it way more than my previous college! =)
The college I go to is NYC Technical College. It's a shitty CUNY school where I've disliked most of the professors I've had so far. Then again, maybe it's just me; I'm not much into collective education. Scratch that!
I'm geeky, and yet I'm not. in my understanding geeks are defined by their obsessions. I don't have any. A great many things excite me, but I should say there is nothing I am emotionally obsessed with.
But boy, do I get excited... I can get a silly idea into my head and go to any & all length to make it work, push it through. This works for anything. My brother got his motorcycle license, and I, within about a month, got my permit, went to $400 motorcycle classes, bought a motorcycle, and then got my license. Granted - it took caused a lot of headache to get the bike registered because the dealership messed up the documents; but that's a whole other story. =). A similar thing happened with skydiving. I got the idea into my head, and went with my ex about a week later. Ohh, then there was a time when I wanted tea with sugar at midnight! I was in my Long Island place with no sugar at all and I was going nuts -- I wanted it so badly. =)
As far as my geekiness goes, I'm very much into computers. Not sure if I can say much more about that subject... There really isn't anything specific about computers or in the computer field that I'm into. I just like all of it (moreso the software rather than the hardware aspect).
Some info below may be/is redundant, but most isn't.
| | | | Random Info About Me
• I'm very open minded. • I'm mostly an introvert. • I'm an agnostic. • I'm extremely fickle. • I'm a geek. • I ride a motorcycle. It's a Kawasaki Ninja 250R • I've skydived and I want to do it again. • I enjoy solving problems/problem-solving. • I love Israel. • I'm originally from Russia (Lvov, Ukraine, USSR) • I'm a CS major in Stony Brook University. • I run a linux server on my home LAN and have a lot of .. good stuff on it =)
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Favourite Movies
Things I want to do before I die
ThinkGeek Wishlist
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Memories: | 147 entries |
Interests: | 143: agnostic, aim, animals, apache, arguing, artificial intelligence, asp, bandwidth, bashing microsoft, being appreciated, billiards, books, bsd, c, c++, client-side scripting, coding, coffee, common sense, computer, computer geeks, computer security, computers, console, conversation, counterstrike, cuddling, cyrillic, databases, debating, developing, dns, dogs, dreamweaver, error correcting, etc., fall, finger, freebsd, future, geek, geeks, grammar, hacking, hockey, html, ice skating, ice-skating, ideas, information, information technology, intelligence, internet, irc, israel, java, javascript, jokes, joking, knowledge, lan, learning, linux, lips, literature, lizards, logic, lviv, lvov, martial arts, meeting new people, motorcycles, mp3, mysql, networking, networks, new friends, new york city, nyc, observing, opinions, originality, philosophy, photos, photoshop, php, piracy, programming, psychology, randomness, rational thought, reading, redhat, restaurants, rm -rf, rollerblading, rtfm, russia, russian, sarcasm, sci-fi, science, science fiction, security, server-side scripting, servers, sesame seeds, shells, simplicity, skiing, sleeping, software, software piracy, spacious bathrooms, sql, ssh, stored procedures, studying people, sushi, swimming, techno, technology, thinking, thought, thoughtfulness, traveling, trust, unix, val, vampires, vb, vbscript, vi, virgo, warez, water, web design, website design, website development, weirdoes, whois, wind, you. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 139: | _anri_, _pilot_, adcott, aesalon, afterannabel, agent_retro, airscale, alexey_dream, alyarulz, aman_geld, avva, azazelle, bagira, bellaxmorte, berendenn, blindraven, bloodyhellca, bosium, brad_x, bricolage_, brooklyndracula, bssmokie, burvinok, cafe_aulait, catflower, codewhore, commygirl, dancing_lizard, darquis, dashing, determinedsoul, dkpk1986, dolboeb, dowhatnow, dumped_girl, edbook, elleks, emma_loy, erre, ezh, ferociousfairy, flickering, flyswatter, ge_m, gella77, gintare, gizella, goldenapple82, greenbat, guro, halleyside, icecoldsuccubus, igorevich, induke, innatchka, irater, irushka, jadeshadow, jdevelop, jellyzero, joukov, katlaus, kim_jong_il__, kirigoe, krasem, kuh, ladyspencer, linus_torvalds, lisin, lond, lostjewel, lovely_imp, lovelyubov, lvovsky, lyalka, lyapustin, lynch_mob, mascaria, matrushkaka, menelvagor, merdanchik, micronix, mimle, mirrorbox, mostdangerous, mystikal, nausved, neurozen, omnedai, phonephobic, piroshki, pizzajd, pjammer, poison_dv, polevaulter, potatodragon, psyberia, quasidan, richelle_wagner, rillifane, riotesque, rk_fan, rorschachroses, sanekk, sany_, sguez, sillyville, skink27, sleepy, slidepuzzlejesu, smakddd, snov, solemngirl, soul_pages, soulo, spot, stamps, stasja, sterlingmoons, throw_rocks, timv, tvbob, tw33tiebyrd, unopposed, upuwka, v_d, valera, valjusha, valshooter, vd_photo, vermanatorx, vinzz, visus, voidvector, vrml, xevinx, ya, zaikah, zloebu4ka | | 97: | aforism, agnosticism, anekdot, bergencounty, certification, cliffsidepark, coders_haven, compscibooks, cpp, cprogramming, csharp, databases, datinandrelatin, debate, design, developers, diyhosting, enforcers, featureannounce, filez, flashdev, freebsd_users, geeks, hardware, httpd, iceskaters, infosec, israeli, it_admin, it_professional, java_dev, kluje, learn_languages, linux, linuxnewbies, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, ljpersonals, ljtranslators, lviv, marketplace, math_help, menshealth, mj_girls, motorcyclep0rn, motorcycles, mysql, nj_geeks, nycgeek, paidmembers, perl, perldev, phallicpregunta, philosophy, photographie, php, php_dev, picture_poems, pishu_pravilno, pixelpeople, programmers, psychology, real_philosophy, rhlinux, ru_coding, ru_design, ru_flash, ru_hosting, ru_icons, ru_ivrit, ru_kitchen, ru_linux, ru_lukian, ru_martial_arts, ru_php, ru_root, ru_scifi, ru_webdev, rulj, russian_ness, selfportraits, sextips, sexual_health, shellcode, show_your_boobs, sqlserver, stonybrook, techgirls, thequestionclub, unixadmin, vbdev, visualbasic, wallpapers, webdesign, webdev, xalyava, za_granizza | | 1: | linuxworld |
Mutual Friends: | 110: _anri_, _pilot_, adcott, aesalon, agent_retro, airscale, alyarulz, azazelle, bellaxmorte, berendenn, blindraven, bloodyhellca, bosium, brad_x, bricolage_, bssmokie, burvinok, cafe_aulait, catflower, codewhore, commygirl, dancing_lizard, darquis, dashing, determinedsoul, dkpk1986, dolboeb, dowhatnow, dumped_girl, edbook, emma_loy, ezh, ferociousfairy, flickering, flyswatter, gizella, goldenapple82, greenbat, halleyside, icecoldsuccubus, igorevich, induke, innatchka, irater, irushka, jadeshadow, jdevelop, jellyzero, katlaus, kirigoe, krasem, kuh, ladyspencer, linus_torvalds, lisin, lond, lostjewel, lovely_imp, lovelyubov, lvovsky, lyalka, lyapustin, lynch_mob, mascaria, micronix, mirrorbox, mostdangerous, mystikal, nausved, omnedai, phonephobic, piroshki, poison_dv, polevaulter, potatodragon, quasidan, richelle_wagner, rillifane, riotesque, rk_fan, rorschachroses, sanekk, sany_, sguez, sillyville, skink27, sleepy, slidepuzzlejesu, smakddd, solemngirl, spot, stamps, sterlingmoons, throw_rocks, timv, tvbob, tw33tiebyrd, unopposed, upuwka, v_d, valera, valjusha, vermanatorx, visus, voidvector, vrml, xevinx, ya, zaikah, zloebu4ka |
Also Friend of: | 20: _stacy, angharad, aree, bemine86, f0xghost, laneve, lilacbumblebee, mlila, natasha_rostova, nerdzrool, notmyfaultdance, olah, sacredsweet, shaul, shmivejournal, silvergem, somebodies, thebitingfaery, thesamovoid, thirdjane |
Member of: | 94: aforism, agnosticism, certification, cliffsidepark, coders_haven, compscibooks, cpp, cprogramming, csharp, databases, datinandrelatin, debate, design, developers, diyhosting, enforcers, filez, flashdev, freebsd_users, geeks, glaza, hardware, httpd, iceskaters, infosec, israeli, it_admin, it_professional, java_dev, kluje, latinos, learn_languages, linux, linuxnewbies, lj_userdoc, ljpersonals, ljtranslators, lviv, marketplace, math_help, menshealth, motorcycles, mysql, nj_geeks, nycgeek, paidmembers, perl, perldev, phallicpregunta, philosophy, photo_tennis, photographie, php, php_dev, pishu_pravilno, programmers, psychology, quotez, real_philosophy, rhlinux, ru_coding, ru_design, ru_flash, ru_hosting, ru_icons, ru_ivrit, ru_kitchen, ru_linux, ru_lukian, ru_martial_arts, ru_php, ru_root, ru_scifi, ru_webdev, russian_ness, selfportraits, sextips, sexual_health, shellcode, show_your_boobs, sputnik_zhzh, sqlserver, stonybrook, techgirls, the_hot_geeks, thequestionclub, unixadmin, vbdev, visualbasic, wallpapers, webdesign, webdev, xalyava, za_granizza |
Account type: | Permanent Account |