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Captain of the Old Navy
a half-hearted fanatic
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Boring entry~!
Augh! Summer! When did this happen?!

The furniture re-arranging worked. My room seems smaller, but I can get in and out of it easily, so I think it was worth it. Even if I hate it, I'm not moving furniture again until it gets cool. Or if I paint, which I will do as soon as I'm sure we're not moving.

Today I bought new clothes! And shoes! And then, in a fit of bravery, I THREW OUT my old shoes, which I've had for... six years now, I think. But I'm sure I could think of a scenario in which I'd need them! :( Also, I still don't have a watch.

Tomorrow is class, but Thursday is Ikea. OMG YAY IKEA! And Friday is lunch with Elizabeth and Holding and some dude Elizabeth works with, and then Little India with Holding! Woo!

Current Mood: hot

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The post of exclaimation points!
This is shocking and exciting! I have determined a layout for my room which would allow me to -- get ready for it -- open my door all the way! I think! So tomorrow I will try to re-arrange everything. Also, I will buy new clothes and watch Harry Potter and SAVE THE WHALES. And ponder the colors I will paint my room once I know we're not moving (because the people downstairs did it! So it must be okay!)

There is screaming in the living room, of the bad kind, so I'm assuming the Flames are sucking. It's my least favorite province against my least favorite state, so I can't say I'm too invested. Although the Flames beat the Sharks! So maybe I'm rooting for Tampa! Because go Sharks! (haha, I could care less about the Sharks. I'm just for whoever's playing against the Leafs, and they're out already. So.)

Current Mood: apathetic

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dancingspring's LJ stalker is duckz!
duckz is stalking you because a little birdie told them you talked behind their back. They are also getting with your significant other!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

Elizabeth, you bitch! >:O

In other news, boo studying.

Current Mood: blah

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Some lj comment pages haven't been loading for me. Anyone know why? (please don't tell me to switch browsers. I will eventually. I'm looking for a solution to the problem I'm having now.)

Coincidence of the day: I've read maybe half a dozen comics today, out of about 400 I've downloaded but not read yet, and what was one of them? Batman #420, where the KGBeast tries to assassinate Ronald Reagan.

ETA: *link removed* Or maybe it's all fake. Look, I never claimed not to be gullible.

Current Mood: tired

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Ever since our cable mysteriously expanded, I've been watching an obscene amount of Home & Garden Television. It's renewed my Ikealust, and has made me want to do all sorts of decorating. Nooooo good! On the other hand, it means there would be a bright side to moving if that's what we end up having to do. Which is not to say I want to move, because that would suck hard.

(incidentally, just in case, anyone in Toronto looking for a place to live? Starting in the fall? For, say, a year? We'll know if we need you by July 2...)

Current Mood: creative

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If there's one person you want to slap upside the head once or twice with a frozen trout for acting like an annoying asshat, post this exact same sentence in your LJ.

I had the coolest dreams last night. First I dreamed I was a vampire (I carried around a plastic water bottle full of blood! It was great!), then I dreamed that the Olympics (swimming, no less) were taking place right outside my house (the Berkeley one, not The Hoegaarden). Also, I was wearing a leather jacket in both dreams, which I blame entirely on the three hours of my life I wasted watching the What Not to Wear marathon with [info]duckz.

Current Mood: awake

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This is, like, the funniest thing ever. Or at least the funniest thing recently.

Current Mood: amused

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It has been decided: current costume is Raccoon Tail Selkie. It was a toss up between Raccoon Tail and Wolfie for a while there, but eventually I decided to go with the easier one, not to mention the one I actually play as. >.>

Twink, my next blood donation is July 23, if you want to stay synchronized.

Off to Fabricland! Or maybe the grocery store, then lunch, then Fabricland! I'm so hungry! *weeps*

Current Mood: geeky

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OMG NO MORE SUGAR FOR ME!!!!!!!!!! *spaz*

Good thing I'm going out to drink! Then I'll be sleepy! Maybe!

Also, I want a Super Dollfie! Or one of those Korean dolls that are the same scale!

Current Mood: hyper

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There seems to be some confusion as to who I actually was in the AN pictures. I guess that's what I get for never actually mentioning my costume on here. *g* Anyways, I was Tiger's Eye, girl! version. So the one with the black and white PVC and the brown and orange wig. And the AWESOME EARRINGS which you can't see. :p

In other news, I love this picture:
That pose? The strap holding up my boot cover had just broken and I was trying to keep it from falling down completely. Ooops!

Miya-sama seems to be kicking some ass in my poll, which is great since I already have half the material. I do, however, want to make some sort of comic book costume for Toronto Comic Con in June. But my ass is still to huge for current Wondy's spandex pants. You know who I really want to cosplay? Anarky. He's, like, the only person I could ever successfully crossplay. And dude, it's Anarky. I less than three him so very much! So maybe. If I can find a billion yards of something red for cheap.

Current Mood: happy

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OMG pics!


I looked better than I thought I did. :o

Poll #298970
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

What should my next costume be?

View Answers

Miya-sama (Oniisama e...)
5 (45.5%) 5 (45.5%)

Arrowette (Young Justice)
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Fersen (Rose of Versailles, Takarazuka version)
1 (9.1%) 1 (9.1%)

Wonder Girl (Young Justice)
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Wonder Girl (Teen Titans, current run)
2 (18.2%) 2 (18.2%)

Spoiler (Batman et al)
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Selkie, Wolfie variation (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles)
2 (18.2%) 2 (18.2%)

Other (leave comment)
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Do something original, you t00b.
1 (9.1%) 1 (9.1%)

Maybe you should get some, I don't know, money first?
2 (18.2%) 2 (18.2%)

Bonus question: Who would win in a fight, Beer-chan or Kero-chan?

View Answers

2 (20.0%) 2 (20.0%)

4 (40.0%) 4 (40.0%)

Neo, outside the Matrix
4 (40.0%) 4 (40.0%)

In other news, my room is now something resembling clean, which is pleasing to me.

Current Mood: pleased
Current Music: Lareine -- Romancia

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It's over! :D

Oh my god, I'm never wearing that costume again. Actually, I think I'm probably never performing again. *dies*

But, yay, we were great! Even though I messed up a couple times! Whee!

(this entry is much more energetic than I am)

(also, everyone but Andrea has Jempox from SARS! OMG!!!111)

Current Mood: satisfied

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Current Mood: rushed

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So I've decided to try [info]nanomango this year. Mainly because I can never do NaNoWriMo because it's in November, and November is the Month of Death for schools on the semester system. But June, heck. That's easy. Now I just have to learn to draw. :p (I was writing out my script in class and I'm so ashamed. It's about faries. Seriously, I should write it under the pen name "Rayvyn" and spell magic with a k and put it on an all-black webpage. That plays a midi of The Cure.)

(I kid. Actually, I think it might be pretty good. Except the art.)

Current Mood: creative

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Whoa now.

Look, you all know I don't join with many of my fellow athiests/agnostics in the "Organized religion sucks!" position, but Bush's religious views? Should not be held by a president.

Current Mood: scared

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Book meme #2
1. Take five books off your bookshelf.
2. Book #1 -- first sentence
3. Book #2 -- last sentence on page fifty
4. Book #3 -- second sentence on page one hundred
5. Book #4 -- next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
6. Book #5 -- final sentence of the book
7. Make the five sentences into a paragraph:

(okay, I grabbed five books from my desk, which is way more random than my bookshelf, so. This was the closest I could come to something that made sense.)

I did not promise you anything. Blacksmithing is hardly a subject one expects to discuss at social gatherings. When they happen, they commonly amount to revolutions and dismemberments of empire. But when it comes to taking five minutes a day to stare in a mirror and repeat a positive message of love and understanding to the universe, well . . . Sorry, Charlie -- only good-tasting tuna get to treat themselves well! 'Why, then I'll teach you to play and sing, For I dearly love a good harp,' said she.

Book #1: Alex W. Bealer, The Art of Blacksmithing
Book #2: Ben Stiller & Janeane Garofalo, Feel This Book
Book #3: Assorted founding fathers, The Federalist Papers
Book #4: Denis Diderot, Memoirs of a Nun
Book #5: Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn
(can you tell which sentance goes with which book? God, I hope so.)

Current Mood: lazy
Current Music: Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer -- Happytown

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So I finally finished my 12.6 gig Gargoyles download. And I'm *counts* 22 episodes in. Man, I've missed this show. Especially the episodes with IMPORTANT MORAL MESSAGES. Like GUNS ARE BAD and READING IS GOOD.

In other news, our deck has a roof. It's classy! It would be nice if it had, you know, some kind of not-dirt floor, though.

Color meme:
1. Copy and paste this: [font color="username"][b]username[/b][/font] into your journal.
2. Replace square brackets with html brackets.

and if I hadn't changed it:

Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: Battlefield Band -- The River

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Le Divorce was, like, the worst movie ever. It was even more boring than Maid in Manhattan, and that's saying a lot.

Current Mood: bored

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AN stuff
Done (OMG YAY):
coat for me
coat for [info]hellbelle

Still to do (OMG NO):
boot covers

Everything has been purchased, though.

Current Mood: busy

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I'm thinking I hold grudges for too long. I mean, Chez Panise is going to get mentioned whenever people talk about the Bay Area. My hatred for Alice Waters (and more importantly, for her daughter Fanny [that whore]), which causes me to seeth everytime said restaurant gets mentioned, really does nothing to help me.

Likewise, my continued annoyance with Penn (of "and Teller"), for coming into Virgin when I still worked there and making them keep the store open extra long for him and almost making me miss my train home (I pretty much left against the wishes of my bosses. I was like, "fuck you guys, unless you're driving me across the bay, I'm leaving) and omg this sentance is so run-on. Anyways, being mad at him is silly because by all other accounts he's a pretty cool guy, and he does awesome things like work with Neil Gaiman and choose the ACLU as his charity for Celebrity Fear Factor, and my mom knows him (and got in a fight with him at a skeptics conference last year, my mommy is awesome!). Maybe he had a good reason for insisting the store stay open. Maybe he didn't know it was closing, and wasn't tipped off by the way most of the lights were off. Maybe he was having a classical and world music emergency. Anyways, I think I can forgive him. More than I can forgive that bitch Fanny.

In other news, I may be slightly sunburned. I don't look it, but I have that sunburned feel. You know the one. At least, you do if you're as white as me.

Current Mood: forgiving

la belle dame sans merci
Name: la belle dame sans merci
quote of the moment
"When I said the embargo of Iraq was like swiss cheese, I meant it was ineffective." -- George W. Bush
best. article. ever.
Back June 2004