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Monday, February 23rd, 2004

Time:12:24 pm.
I've been halfheartedly hoping that The Last Samurai will play on base again. It hasn't for a couple of weeks. Anyway, it is playing again tonight at 9, and I'm going. Alone. There are still 2 bottles left from Saturday whewn we didn't go out, and they're just going to go bad if I don't use them, so... I'll go out tonight and Nick can feed Milo if need be. Veronica will be long asleep by the time I leave anyway.

I have blood sugar problems. I think. I eat breakfast, and before I even feel hungry again I have a headache and am dizzy and start feeling faint. So I eat something and it's fixed about 20 minutes later. I just wish I would feel hungry before I started feeling faint.
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Sunday, February 22nd, 2004

Time:3:55 pm.
Instead of having a productive afternoon, I completely passed out on the couch and woke up 90 minutes AFTER Veronica. The worst she did was get on the loveseat with me and stand on my legs, and strew a substantial part of a bag of Fritos over the coffee table, so it's not a big issue, except that I just wish I could control my sleeping habits like I have (mostly) been able to for the last few months.
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Subject:busy morning
Time:12:16 pm.
Veronica came in around 3:45, not too long after I went back to sleep, and wanted to watch TV. Um, no. So I brought her into bed with me and she squirmed and wouldn't sleep, so I put her back in bed and closed her door. Then I had a fucked up dream: It started with us (me and my extended family, some of whom are dead in the not-dream world) being chased by some "bad people" and ending up hiding out at my grandma's house -- it's a pretty remote location. Anyway I made everybody turn off all the lights and said we would never use electricity again because "they" would see us, and I had a huge fight with 2 of my male cousins about it, and then somebody was knocking on the door. So I answered it, gun in hand, ready to shoot, and it was just some guy who works with Nick (a fictitious character, existing in dream-world only, named eddie cash). I had sex with this Eddie, except he didn't have a penis, but he DID have a black necktie. Like I said, fucked up. Anyway, then Eddie left and I ran into Nick and was suddenly very penitent. I cried and begged forgiveness and he said he couldn't handle talking about it right then, and we all had to leave anyway because "they" had found us and were on their way. Then we were walking along the street somewhere and women kept offering to give Nick "a special massage with happy ending." And he looked at me and I didn't feel I could deny him the chance, since I'd just cheated on him, so he kept going off for 3 minutes or so with these women and coming back claiming "that didn't count."
I was very happy to wake up. Milo got up at 6 something and I brought him to bed with me, and I guess Nick left at some point, because he was gone when I woke up around 7 with Veronica. ;)
Then I did a load of laundry, took a bath, brushed my teeth and Veronica's, picked up the bathroom and living room, vacuumed the living room and kitchen, found and emailed the tax information from our bank accounts to nick, gave Milo a bath, made breakfast, played with Veronica, and put her down for a nap. Also various diaper changes and several fruitless attempts to use the potty. That's not in any sort of order. Oh, and I paid my credit card bill online and cut Veronica's fingernails (a huge, HUGE hassle).
Now Milo's falling asleep again -- he slept all morning. He has a general schedule now, finally. He wakes up when Veronica gets up, because I make him. He eats and plays for a couple of hours, and then takes a long nap, usually waking up right around noon or 1 (right as veronica goes down for her nap, sigh). Then he's up for another couple of hours, and takes a long nap from, say, 3 to 6. Then he's up for a few hours, and is almost always down for the night by 10. Sometimes it's as early as 7:30. I'm just glad he finally settled into a schedule, so I know what to expect. Two long naps and a long sleep overnight (broken up by at least one feeding) is totally doable.
The only problem with this is that I'm getting a decen tamount o fsleep now. Two nights ago I got almost 10 hours of sleep -- interrupted, of course, but it was heaven!!!! -- and since then I've been exhausted. Every time I sit down I'm in danger of passing out. I know this is just my body saying "well, as long as we're catching up on sleep, let's get to it!" I spent over 2 months getting around 5 hours of sleep a night, and that was usually interrupted once to feed Milo. Now I'm finally going to start feeling like a human again. It's just around the corner.
Going out last night was *great*.
And... that's it. It's 12:30, and Veronica's been down for 15 minutes or so. I'm going to have some ice cream and take a break. On the afternoon agenda is more laundry, cleaning the kitchen, painting my toenails, and vacuuming my room. Depending on how bored I get, I'm also considering rearranging the furniture in my room. That's always good for a mood lift, and I haven't moved anything around in there in months. The bed, in particular, has been in the same place since we moved in almost 2 years ago. We moved Milo's bassinet out into the hallway last night so Melissa wouldn't have to go into our terribly messy room to put him to sleep, and I want to keep it out there. He won't be in it much longer anyway. We need to buy Veronica a big-girl bed so we can re-convert her bed back to a crib and stick Milo in it. Maybe that's what we'll do with some of our tax refund. As soon as he sleeps through the night reliably, I'm going to move him into her room. I think she'll adjust all right. I'm going to assume he won't sleep through the night until after Nick leaves for the Gulf, so even if it takes a while for her to adjust, she won't be keeping up anyone who can't take a nap the next day. ;)
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Subject:being a mom
Time:3:07 am.
we got home around 8 last night. veronica, predictably, had stopped screaming about a minute after we left, and we came home to find her in melissa's lap watching elmo. she was SO happy to see us! MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA and she ran to hug me! Then after a few minutes it was DADDY DADDY! And Milo had apparently been asleep almost the whole time and had just drunk about half a bottle. I nursed him and gave Veronica a bath. We put her in bed and I nursed Milo again and put HIM in bed. By then it was almost 10 pm and we went to sleep.
At 2:25, Nick's incessant coughing woke me up, so I went to get him some water, and decided to just stay up until Milo woke up. I didn't think it would take long, but as it turns out it's 3:10 now and he's just starting to shift around. Maybe he'll reliably start waking up only once a night? Or dare I hope for him to sleep THROUGH the night?
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Saturday, February 21st, 2004

Subject:Out tonight!
Time:1:26 pm.
T minus 3 hours.
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Subject:oh yeah
Time:8:29 am.
I took a demo LSAT the other day on I took it with about half my brain, because Veronica was up and needing attention, and I got a 158. This is very heartening to me. I could do better, I'm sure, if I had time to read instead of skim the passages. I only missed 2 on the games part. And I knew I had missed almost all the ones I missed. I'm really thinking that law school is the right path for me -- after the kids are older, of course.
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Friday, February 20th, 2004

Time:9:04 pm.
On Thursday at playgroup, the director of the Early Intervention team happened to drop in as part of the orientation of a new staff member. So Vanessa introduced us to him. He looked at me, looked down at Milo and Veronica in their stroller, looked back up at me, and said, "So, Mrs. Burnett, what do you do in your free time?" I liked him immediately.

Today Veronica tried to use her potty. She was sitting on it, not producing, just hanging out, and then she got up and left. Then she came back (stark naked; her bath was running) and sat on it and peed. The only problem was that the lid was down. Nick and I praised her to high heaven, but I'm pretty sure it didn't sink in. I don't even think she heard us over her "uh-oh"s.

Nick came home from work for about 3 hours tonight. He came home, had a snack, played on the computer, had dinner, watched TV, played with the kids, helped put Veronica in bed, gave me a kiss, and left again. It's funny that this really awfully busy time at work will end right before they leave for Hong Kong. I guess I'll see my husband again sometime in August or September.
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Thursday, February 19th, 2004

Subject:why i haven't slept
Time:12:53 am.
I drank too much Coke and couldn't settle in bed. So I came out here and started reading LJ and came across the following. It's really, really gross.
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Tuesday, February 17th, 2004

Subject:How I came to be trashed at noon
Time:12:15 pm.
Okay, I'm not actually trashed, but I'm quite tipsy.

I am making the chicken soup recipe from my new cookbook, and it calls for 1/2 cup of wine. I put it in, and it smelled really good (for a $12 bottle of Chardonnay), so I poured a glass and started sipping. A few minutes later, I realized I hadn't eaten yet today. I tried to counteract drunkenness with some French bread and butter, but it didn't work. Tasted superb, though. And boy. The soup smells *fabulous*. And it's so simple. Simpler and yummier than the soup recipe I made up on my own.
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Time:7:36 am.
No Way.

Veronica woke up at just past 7 this morning. After all that. She ate 4 Saltines while I stared around bleary-eyed, dumped the last 2 in the trash, and proceeded to have a fit when I told her she didn't get anything else to eat right now, and a bigger fit when she found out I wasn't going to let her retrieve her Saltines from the garbage. So I put her back in bed. It didn't work. I have no idea.
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Subject:i am going to smack her.
Time:2:25 am.
it is 2:30 in the fucking morning. she slept for about, what, 45 minutes again? i don't even CARE what her problem is. she won't do anything but cry and i do NOT CARE. she's screaming into the sofa cushions because i told her to stop crying. i guess at least it's quieter.

i really, really, really feel virtuous because i'm not smacking her 10 ways from tuesday.

oh yeah, and milo's still awake too. did i mention nick's on duty?
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Time:1:44 am.
It's coming up on 2 am. I'm still awake. This is because Milo only slept for half an hour or so, and was just drifting back off at 12:30 when Veronica woke up screaming. As near as I can figure out, she had a bad dream involving a door and her foot. She watched Elmo to calm down and screamed every time I tried to put her back in bed. So... an hour later I was totally done with putting up with it and put her in bed and closed the door and said "I'm sorry, but you need to sleep, and you won't sleep on the sofa or in Mommy's bed, so you have to sleep in here, and I have to close the door so you'll stay in here." And, wonder of wonders, she rolled over and went to sleep before I'd even left the room.
Then Milo started screaming bloody murder, which is really rare for him, and I put him in his bassinet rather than yell at him, and came out here to talk to you kind people. Now I'm calmer and going to get him.
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Monday, February 16th, 2004

Time:8:19 pm.
Veronica went to bed and Milo didn't wake up for an hour afterwards. I sat on the couch and did NOTHING. I didn't read or watch TV or even think about much of anything except the new recipes I want to try and the kitchen gadgets I want to get. It was heavenly.
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Time:7:30 am.
I fixed the pics. The popup windows were the wrong size. I'm not html-savvy but I figured out how to make them too big instead of too little. ;)
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Subject:oh yeah, and...
Time:12:50 am.
Milo apparently got to eat bananas today. I picked him up this afternoon and he very clearly had banana breath. It's possible that Veronica just kissed him and the smell hung around, but I also think it's likely that she fed him some banana.

I don't think he actually could have swallowed an appreciable amount. At this point, he still has his tongue-thrusting reflex that prevents him from eating much of anything solid. I do think he probably got to lick a banana. I guess it won't kill him, and I'm just happy it wasn't something much more dangerous -- a fruit snack or raisin.
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Subject:okay, i finally did it!
Time:12:01 am.
everybody go look at

sorry, i'm too excited, and i forgot how to make that clickable. just copy/paste. and look at the 8 new pictures! they're each a separate entry, all pop-up. go look and see how cute my kids are. if you're in a hurry or just don't want to look at all 8 pictures, i recommend "A Size Comparison." Keep in mind that Milo is 2.5 months old -- maybe a week younger, in the picture -- and Veronica will be 2 YEARS old next month.
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Sunday, February 15th, 2004

Time:12:44 pm.
Well, Valentine's Day didn't turn out quite as planned. It turns out Nick didn't get a sitter FOR VALENTINE'S DAY. He just got a girl who's willing to sit for us at some point. And she had to work yesterday. So we'll go out next week, no huge deal. I found all that out on Monday anyway, so I was over it by Saturday. Then my present didn't come. Well... Okay, no biggie. After those disappointments, the day really was nice. Nick liked his Indiana Jones, and he took Veronica to the commissary to get her out of my hair. Then he cooked dinner and great ice cream sundaes for dessert, and occupied Veronica while I did some cleaning. And no, the day wasn't completely G-rated, in case you were wondering. ;)
We watched 2 of the movies already, and have plans to finish the 3rd one today. It turns out, like I thought, that I have definitely seen the Temple of Doom before.
Then Nick took Veronica out this morning for a long time. Long enough that I started to miss her well before she got back. They went all around and bought some stuff -- a tiny mouse for Nick's laptop and a huge basic cookbook (Julia Child's The Way to Cook) for me. I've been wanting one for some time. It has basic recipes for everything, and variations, and detailed directions, and wine recommendations, and side dish suggestions, and everything I wanted in a cookbook.
Then Veronica went down for her nap, and Milo woke up, but went back down too, miraculously. And then... Nick was looking restless, so I suggested he go out somewhere for a while. He said he didn't feel like it, and was obviously in a crappy mood, so whatever. Then like 10 minutes later he packed up his laptop and said he was going to go check out some of the wireless networks they have around town. Okay, whatever, I guess he just couldn't take my suggestion. At least I've got the apartment to myself.
I'm going to Sim it up. I deserve it. I did 2 loads of laundry, folded and put away the rest of the clean stuff, and cleaned the kitchen. And my kids are sleeping at the same time, in the middle of the day. More prime Sims time can not be found.
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Friday, February 13th, 2004

Subject:pets are not people.
Time:1:44 am.
Pets are not people. They are animals. They are great in a hundred ways, but they are not your kids. They are your pets.

If you don't have kids, then they ARE your kids and you should certainly disregard everything I just said. Also, if you disagree, then you should also certainly disregard it.
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Thursday, February 12th, 2004

Subject:An open letter to my cats
Time:11:37 am.
Dear Sirs,
I know your litterbox had non-scoopable litter in it, and was 3 days this side of having been changed. This is not your fault, it is mine; I had good reasons, but we won't go into it. However, Veronica's rug and the sleeping bag on her floor are not acceptable substitutes. Also, trying to hide your turds under the sleeping bag doesn't work. I have a sense of smell, and sharp vision, which, together, allow me to sniff out (pun intended) your misdeeds.
Should it happen again, I will not hesitate to give one of you to the shelter. I brought you to this relationship; I will take you away. The other of you has some diplomatic immunity, but keep in mind who takes care of you. It's me. Watch your back. And your toilet habits.
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Wednesday, February 11th, 2004

Time:6:23 pm.
Nick got the camera to work without a hitch. Dunno what's up with that.

Anyway, I'll post a lot of pics as soon as Nick gets back from the store to show me how to update from his computer. I have it bookmarked on mine, but...

Milo's up.
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