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Friday, November 15th, 2002
11:21 pm - pbbt.
awh, freaking crap on a stick. Shamokin lost tonight... we'd better not be going that far again. *grumble* :p

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11:20 pm - BOOYAH!
WE DID IT! What a game.... Lakeland = District 2 AA champs, after an insane game against Hanover Area. Both Kevin and I thought we were going to lose in the last minute and a half... I nearly started crying. But then I ended up screaming for joy into Spuddy's ear (sorry!;)).

So... seems like Mt Carmel next week, although not sure where yet. Looking forward to a great rematch (and to seeing Spuddy again, of course)! Sarah and I already told Mrs. T that we were staying for the game, and I'm hoping that somehow we can convince Mrs. Crotti to let Sarah and I ride back up with her (even though there are like a bunch of other underclassmen that also are going to the cluster meeting AND want to stay for the game), because I do NOT want to be out $225, but I also don't want to miss this. I missed the last one... and damnit, win or lose, I'm going to be there this time. If there's a celebration, I want to be a part of it. And if I end up crying hysterically, then at least I'll have a big group of people around me to hold me and cry with me. ;) But that's not going to happen, damnit! 'cause it's my senior year, and I said so. That whole MCA + even year = state champs thing? PFFT. Not this time. ;p

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7:09 am

Wanna take the test? Then go to the Skittles Quiz

i'm sleepy. spanish test this morning... psych quiz midday. ugh. :/

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Thursday, November 14th, 2002
11:21 pm - desperation
soooo, we tried finding long underwear for me for tomorrow night (and possible future games) 'cause i'm tired of freezing, and all we could find were men's long underwear... and eh, i didn't really care anyway.

so, i try on the shirt... long, but not wide. so i can tuck it in my pants. good deal.
pants... umm. well, okay. i think when i was little i wore a pair of my brother's long johns once, and that was okay because well... we were little. but now that i'm bigger, and these are men's pants... umm... there's just WAY too much material between my legs. :X it feels really odd, and at first i wondered how someone could walk like that. LOL but i discovered that if i roll up the waist twice or so, then there's not so much material and it works a little better.

so, tomorrow night it's either pantyhose or long johns with a big ol' crotch. in the end it wont matter, because i'll have on khakis AND uniform pants, and you won't know the difference. but still... teehee. :p

(said in frustration to my mom about five minutes ago: "But I JUST DONT HAVE THOSE PARTS!" lol :p)

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4:51 pm - Ain't it the truth? Thank you, Joby...
Stadium Lacking Gridiron Luster

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4:49 pm
i hate when there's a hair in your face, but you can't figure out which side it's coming from...

current mood: silly

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3:57 pm
OMG, Christine, I didn't know you got a LJ! Good thing I just glanced at my Edit Friends list, geez! *dance and sing and the like* ;) just start writing more! :p

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7:23 am - new article, punk. :p
Lakeland keeps finding ways to win
No matter what changes at Lakeland -- players, coaches, offensive philosophies -- one thing always seems to stay the same: The Chiefs keep right on winning.

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7:17 am
Kat's away message: Learn from your mistakes. You only have nine fingers left and electric pencil sharpeners are difficult to unjam.

What's YOUR Writing Style?

brought to you by Quizilla
You are a narrative writer. Usually a writer of stories rather than poetry, you grew up reading Shakespeare's less popular and heard of plays--like King Lear or the Henry series. Your writing contains a certain order and organization--be it chronological or otherwise. If you are to write poetry, it has to convey a logical (or perhaps unreal) story with some sort of order behind it.
Um... no? lol (at least, with the whole Shakespeare thing.)

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Wednesday, November 13th, 2002
10:33 pm - quick thought
is that you i see there with a MCA name posting on those message boards? Mr. "I'm going to the Lakeland/Hanover game b/c..." blah blah blah? hehe ;)

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9:02 pm
two quotes from today's trip...

"There's only one right clock in the whole world??" --Lauren
"Yeah, the Prevue Channel!" --Katie L.
(discussing the Atomic Clock)

"Danny needs decaf." --Carrie
"He needs to go to detox." --Michael
"I'm not fat!!" --Danny
(after Danny had too much Starbucks)

oh, additions to the marriage list:
Meyers band
Broadway musicals.
woohoo. :)

Movin' Out was great... it was just like Les Mis in the respect that it was presented in a format I'm completely unaccustomed to, and it took me a while to adjust to it. The first act left most of us uncertain, the second act completely blew us away. It's a fantastic show... the band and singers are incredible, the dancing is fantastic, and it's a refreshing change from your typical musical. It's also brand spanking new (just opened in NYC in October), so I highly recommend heading out to see it. You won't regret it. :)

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6:09 am - senior band trip!
"NYC... Just got here this morning... three bucks, two bags, one me..."

Well, okay. Maybe a little more money than that. ;)
Going to see Movin' Out... woohoo!
i heart band people. :)

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Tuesday, November 12th, 2002
11:59 pm - smile, even though your heart is breaking...
Spuddy: go like this -> :-D
MimeInAShoebox: :-D
MimeInAShoebox: y?
Spuddy: but now, dont just type it... smile :-)

:) and i am. goodnight.

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9:30 pm
being in love with love stinks sometimes. :)

*sap and mush and such things*

current mood: giggly

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Monday, November 11th, 2002
9:10 pm
it sucks when you want real, actual, legitimate food and you end up eating a bowlful of Grape Nuts instead.

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9:07 pm
i just took that personality disorder test thingy, and the only one i scored High on was 'histrionic'... the rest were all low or moderate. Yay, I guess?
*looks to see what a histrionic is*

People with histrionic personality disorder are constant attention seekers. They need to be the center of attention all the time, often interrupting others in order to dominate the conversation. They use grandiose language to discribe everyday events and seek constant praise. They may dress provacatively or exaggerate illnesses in order to gain attention. They also tend to exaggerate friendships and relationships, believing that everyone loves them. They are often manipulative.

um.. no? some of those questions were answered because of the way one specific person thinks of me... heh. *slaps forehead* i am pretty sure i am not histrionic. i don't use very big words. i don't think everyone loves me, although i like to joke that this is the case because i think it's amusing. I don't think that i exaggerate illness or dress provocatively... heh. :/

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8:51 pm - head on straight
I just realized that I never got to write about our FCCLA Veterans Day ceremony on Friday. It went really, really well... very few mistakes, everything was pretty well organized, and our guests of honor really loved it. Some repeaters had commented that it was the best one yet. Our speaker, Major Michael Konzman, was fantastic... also one of the best speakers we've ever had (next to Keith Martin... he was the man. You know, the WBRE guy?), and it was nice to see our state rep Jim Wanczak show up.

I think we had at least 20-some veterans, plus the Knights of Columbus, and we also honored students in the high school that are currently enlisted in the PA Army Nat'l Guard. It started off with everyone (students, and later veterans) entering the auditorium, silently walking through two aisles of lit candles (and the bodies holding them) to their seats. Then, the presentation of colors, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Star-Spangled Banner. An introduction by our president, and afterward a brief history of Veterans Day by Darlene. Some poems were read (including the three winners of our annual Veterans Day writing contest), a powerpoint presentation was displayed, and the veterans were called onstage, recognized, and presented with frames containing a poem as well as Thank You letters. Our Sr. High executive council also did a brief candle ceremony and explained what Veterans Day meant to them, the band did a medley of the Armed Forces songs, the chorus did a very nice presentation (and at the end the entire school stood and sang God Bless America together)...

all in all, a very good ceremony. There were nothing but positive comments from everyone, and it was great to talk with the veterans during the reception and hear what they thought and learn some more about them. Fantastic people... I hope we can get back to the Veterans Hospital again in December...

To heck with all of the superficial holidays... Veterans Day surpasses them all.

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8:09 pm
o/` To dream the impossible dream
to fight the unbeatable foe
to bear with unbearable sorrow
to run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong
to love pure and chaste from afar
to try when your arms are too weary
to reach the unreachable star...

This is my quest -- to follow that star
no matter how hopeless, no matter how far...

To fight for the right without question or pause,
to be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause.

And I know if I'll only be true to this glorious quest
that my heart will be peaceful and calm when I'm laid to my rest...

And the world will be better for this,
that one man scorned and covered with scars
still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable stars...

current mood: lazy

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6:00 pm - scene from yet another slasher movie? (or not...)
(after a conversation about visiting Swarthmore)
Jon: or maybe i'll JUST VISIT YOU sometime. bwhahaha.
MimeInAShoebox: LOL
MimeInAShoebox: *sinister music plays*
Jon: heheh
Jon: so the question.. what to make myself for dinner
MimeInAShoebox: Hmm.
MimeInAShoebox: depends. what do you have in the house?
MimeInAShoebox: and will you make extra for me? Lol
Jon: sure, and then... *sinister music* I'LL BRING IT TO YOU!
MimeInAShoebox: *scream*

teehee. I'm silly.

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1:04 am - coolness stolen from Kelly's subprofile: You know you're from the 80's when...
You watched the Pound Puppies

You can sing the rap to "the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"

You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish

You owned those little Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls

You know that 'Whoa' comes from Joey on "Blossom"

Three words: M.C. Hammer

You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales"

If you played the chipmunks Christmas album all year long!

Remember reading Kool-Aid man comics

You ever watched Fraggle Rock

You had plastic streamers on the handlebars of your bike

You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons

You wore a pony tail to the side of your head

You saw the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the big screen

You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school

You made your mom buy you one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side

You played the game "MASH" (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House) with friends at school

Your mother wouldn't let you have garbage pail kids

You wanted to change your name to Jem in Kindergarten

You wanted to be a Goonie

You ever wore fluorescent, neon if you will, clothing

You wanted to be on StarSearch

You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf

You remember the craze, and then banning of slap bracelets

You still get the urge to use "NOT" at the end of every statement you make

You remember Hypercolor T-shirts

Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band

You remember Punky Brewster

You loved Howard the duck

You thought Sheera and He-Man should hook up

You exchanged "friendship bracelets"

You ever owned a pair of Jelly Shoes

After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you couldn't stop saying "I know you are but what am I?"

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