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(The Other) Sandra's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in (The Other) Sandra's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
    5:18 pm
    I wish I'd thought of that
    But [info]just_becky did. Salute her.

    "Oh evil Satan!
    Oscillate my metallic
    sonatas live! ho!"

    A palindromic haiku. Now how cool is that?

    In other news, I'm tired and hungry and it's the Tun tonight. Be extra nice to me and buy me drinks and things if you see me there. Even cuddles will not be unwelcome if you think you know and like me well enough.

    Current Mood: determined
    Thursday, May 27th, 2004
    1:42 pm
    Greta Pagwell? I knew her, Horatio
    An interesting curio for those like me who grew up with Norman Hunter...

    Current Mood: mellow
    Wednesday, May 26th, 2004
    12:46 pm
    A departure for me
    Given how much writing I do it's surprising how little of it is fiction and how little of that I ever show anyone, far less think of submitting anywhere.

    But this caught my eye and for whatever reason, it got under my skin enough for me to have a shot at entering.

    I'm sending my version of this in today. I don't suppose for a minute that I shall get anywhere, but then again I've loved Ed McBain since I was about 13 and discovered a row of green-spined Penguin editions of his earlier 87th Precinct books in the library of my school boarding house, and let's face it, what else is this contest but an excuse to write Steve Carella fanfic and have a vanishingly slim chance of actually getting it broadcast on the radio to eight listeners?

    (No, not that kind of fanfic. I don't think Carella/Meyer slash would cut much ice with the judges. Though I couldn't resist squeezing in a tiny cameo by Dick Genero in the last scene).

    I won't be putting it online for obvious reasons but if anyone really wants to read it I'll email it on request.

    Current Mood: creative
    Wednesday, May 19th, 2004
    6:40 pm
    From [info]wordweaverlynn via [info]stonebender
    A rather decent meme, methinks:

    1. Does my username suit me?
    2. Is my journal's title cryptic or descriptive? What do you think it means?
    3. Does my journal expand your knowledge of me?
    4. Do you think my bio describes me well? If there were no names given would you be able to guess who it was describing?
    5. Which of my interests surprises you the least?
    6. Which of my interests surprises you the most?
    7. Which of my interests needs explaining?
    8. How many of my friends' journals do you read on a regular basis?
    9. How many of my friends are strangers to you?
    10. Which of my userpics suits me best?

    In other news, I am off work with a raw throat and a hacking cough. This isn't meant to happen in a nice summery spell of weather...

    Current Mood: thirsty
    Current Music: 10cc, 'The Worst Band In The World'
    Tuesday, May 18th, 2004
    2:16 pm
    The man who sold the moon
    Hey... sense of wonder...

    Current Mood: pleased
    11:06 am
    Secrets of the spammers revealed!
    Courtesy of [info]badspam I've discovered the reason why recent spams have taken to starting out with a cheery greeting such as "Hello young lovers!" or "Greetings, white man!"

    Would you believe it's from an old Miles Kington column about 'One hundred ways to say hello' that's been stolen by a Russian humour site and that spammers are taking as gospel?

    Well, it is.

    Current Mood: weird
    Thursday, May 6th, 2004
    12:25 pm
    Weird coincidences
    Somehow I seem to run into Les Barker references everywhere I turn these last few days.

    MUST get round to sending off for some of his CDs.

    Current Mood: lazy
    Wednesday, April 28th, 2004
    12:33 pm
    Ebay nitwits
    Anyone remember The Drunken Sailor who caused such a rumpus on Ebay by selling some beanie babies which he claimed his ex-wife left behind when she left him?

    Now we have this.

    What is it about Ebay?

    Current Mood: amused
    Tuesday, April 27th, 2004
    12:07 pm
    Via the ever reliable [info]swisstone
    Who is not a loony, no, not at all (wibble), honest (gibber tweet tweet):

    I'm Ludvig II, the Swan King of Bavaria!
    Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
    From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.

    Current Mood: loony
    Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
    11:56 pm
    Heart attack and vinyl
    Having a spare couple of hours between work and my Feminists Against Censorship meeting tonight, I popped down to Notting Hill and had a root around in the music and video exchange there. Originally I was after some more DVDs to add to the growing collection, but none took my fancy (not at those prices anyway) so I went a few doors down to the vinyl section.

    I now own the following vinyl LPs:

    Shel Silverstein, Freakin' at the Freakers Ball
    Sparks, Big Beat
    Richard Strange, The Phenomenal Rise of Richard Strange
    Al Stewart, Russians and Americans
    Chris Spedding, I'm Not Like Everybody Else

    Having already blown twenty quid without even getting out of the S section, I retired at this point with my trophies... Damn, that shop is dangerous to go near.

    Current Mood: jubilant
    Current Music: Sparks, 'Amateur Hour' (Yes I know it's not on the above alb
    Friday, April 16th, 2004
    12:39 pm
    Chris Priest on bureaucracy
    A great article which fully deserved to be put in a national newspaper, but I can't help but wish a fanzine had had it first. My fanzine, even.

    Current Mood: touched
    Thursday, April 15th, 2004
    12:47 pm
    From [info]yonmei
    Which Blake's 7 spaceship are you?

    You're the Space Princess, a luxury passenger liner
    for the wealthy and leisured. You're full of happy
    drugged passengers and mind-numbing muzak, but your
    real cargo is Zerok gold and a fat git of a purser
    I told Avon you couldn't trust but did he listen to me?

    Take Vila's quiz (pictures by Avon)

    Current Mood: weird
    12:34 pm
    The post that made my day
    [info]metaquotes is always full of goodies, but this post just made me roll around laughing so much all my colleagues Looked At Me.

    As well as the original sourcequote I commend you to [info]dawning_star's icon in the first comment and [info]azurelunatic's Child's Garden of US Presidents halfway down. But just read the whole thread, dammit!

    Current Mood: energetic
    Wednesday, April 14th, 2004
    1:37 pm
    Well well
    They've made a sequel to Ginger Snaps.

    Apparently the DVD came out Stateside yesterday.

    Could be good... could be awful... anyone seen it yet?

    Current Mood: okay
    Friday, April 2nd, 2004
    2:51 pm
    Happy birthday
    to [info]countess_sophia, who continues to rock in every regard. Have a great day, O fabulous one.

    Current Mood: working
    Thursday, April 1st, 2004
    12:25 pm
    Yes I made it back
    Vegas was... interesting. Full report may follow.

    I was expecting quiet, suave green baize and men in tuxedos saying "Very interesting, Mr Bond" (not to me...) and suchlike. In fact it was more like Southsea sea front -- turn down the heat from the sun (which was obnoxiously hot; nobody told me Vegas was in a desert) and add some penny falls and it would be bang on.

    Your joke link for today is the IRC Bible version of Genesis ch.2. I roll in the aisles.

    Current Mood: tired (still!)
    Saturday, March 20th, 2004
    1:18 am
    Viva Las Vegas, allegedly
    Am alive (though tired) in Vegas. [info]wandra, sorry not to have been in touch before; the hotel phones defeated me when I tried to make an international call and net cafes are unknown in downtown Vegas it seems. Can you let Simon know too?

    Vegas is also hot. This is not fair. It's only March and I could be wearing a bikini if I dared show that much flesh -- yet back on the east coast one poor soul was snowed in to the extent that he's missed the con. What a big country the US is, to be sure.

    Corflu is good so far but boy, am I knackered! Bedtime for now, methinks.

    Current Mood: crazy
    Current Music: the birdlike tweeting of a thousand slot machines
    Wednesday, March 17th, 2004
    12:42 pm
    Hi! Bye!
    My LJ reading has been woefully spotty and inadequate for the last two weeks due to my law exams (which I think I did pretty well in, and foo to my firm for not giving me a training contract this year). As I'm about to sod off to Corflu till Tuesday it's unlikely to improve. I still love you all, but time is like an eclair, long in shape but short in duration. If you've got anything you really really want to make sure I know about, email me, mmkay?

    Just time to applaud Metro for its last couple of days; yesterday was (grief!) its fifth anniversary which it celebrated by interviewing the evergreen and delightful Major James Buffy-Maun, while today the puzzle section gave credit for one of its brainteasers to our very own [info]jiggery_pokery. Chris must be so jaded with seeing his name in print by now....

    Current Mood: excited
    Friday, February 27th, 2004
    4:17 pm
    You can tell I've run out of work
    From [info]purplerabbits' journal comes this site, which is a good way to waste several hours.

    It's not by any means complete, but then by its nature it never can be. It's prone to misprints and double entries also by its nature, but I think the most unsatisfactory aspect is the "Albums by this artist from" feature which is evidently search-engine-driven, and not very well at that; if you look at the page for the Saints (the creators of the punk anthem (I'm) Stranded) you are offered the chance to buy an album by the Utah Saints or one by All Saints, neither of which is likely to satisfy a punter searching for the Saints themselves...

    Current Mood: listless
    3:31 pm
    Advice from a proofreader
    From a public post by [info]brisingamen which we should all take to heart. Yes indeed. Go read the whole thing:

    Assuming you do breathe while speaking (and given what you're writing about, I really hope you do), please try reading your own prose out aloud according to your own punctuation. Every time you turn red and start clutching your throat in the middle of a sentence, because you have run out of breath, consider why this might be. I'm not saying that a pause should be directly equated with a comma but on occasion a comma is the visual equivalent of taking a breath. Please bear this in mind.

    Current Mood: mischievous
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