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[2004-01-30 Fri 16:27]
I have a great red pimple on my nose, that's great!

I have an rpg night today, though. I'll be GMing.

I ordered (? - placed an order on) a fixed-price modem thingy. I won't get any faster Internet connection but it'll be of fixed price. The irony is that I can't really afford the extra x euros per month that would be the difference to the cheapest broadband.

Well.. um... My adventure isn't that finished but I hope I can improvise. :>
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[2004-01-24 Sat 18:48]
[ mood | blah ]

Yesterday I had a moment of extra joy when I thought my kiwifruit sowing had sprouted but after a while I checked the pots and it was the third bell pepper seed, more than a week after the previous ones. Then, I've sowed parsley, and caraway has sprouted.

And I think the Epiphyllum cactus is beginning to grow. I also cut a small branch of the big jade plant and planted it. I'm planning to give that to mfl.


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[2004-01-23 Fri 21:11]
Blech -- yesterday I was updating but then Mozilla crashed. So no fancy update even yet.
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[2004-01-17 Sat 16:50]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | David Bowie - "1. Outside" album ]

I put the yet-ungrown cactus to the hanger. It looks actually funny (or pathetic), being very small and on the white plate/tray/whatever. At least it isn't on the radiator any more.

This day was spent washing laundry and sitting on the couch. Oh, and I checked (as usual) if any new plants have sprouted. No luck today.

A meeting and a party still today. I feel apprehensive, I guess.

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"Which America-hating minority I am" quiz+++ [2004-01-16 Fri 18:55]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | David Bowie - Hallo Spaceboy ]

It's better to be an intellectual than something else...
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New bell peppers have sprouted, two out of the three sown (?) seeds. No sign of kiwifruit (knock on wood), caraway or chives (most recent addition).

I bought David Bowie's "1. Outside" album. [info]eerik uses that form although the 1. refers to the "millennial album cycle" that didn't happen. I like this album very much, especially the tunes Outside, the Hearts Filthy Lesson (it's written that way), No Control, and others.

I've bought a thingamajig (I hate when I don't know what they're called) for hanging a flower pot, and another thingy for attaching that hanging flower pot to the (yet another) wooden thing that is next to the curtain rail. I'm not sure what I'll hang there but the new cactus, as its "leaves" will hang when they're longer.

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[2004-01-12 Mon 16:17]
[ mood | tired ]

Now I'm enamoured with plant taxonomy. I'm planning to produce a html document with the taxonomical tree, and plants I have/had or recognize in nature as its leaves. Sounds very organic.

Other than that, I've been very tired during the last few days.

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[2004-01-08 Thu 01:46]
[ mood | okay ]

Today I visited L and brought her a self-sprouted (?) date palm. The first leaf is only 7 cm tall now. Then we watched Pom Poko, an anime film. I liked it rather lot. I've seen also Princess Mononoke and half of Sprited Away... L and her bf have almost all movies from/by/produced by (the same studio) Hayao Miyazaki.

Then L gave me a small cactus. Not of the usual variety but one of those with flat "leaves". It's still very small.

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Gender guesser [2004-01-03 Sat 20:03]
[ mood | bored ]

Uugh I don't want to update now but I found this toy...

My journal says I'm 66% masculine.
What does your LJ writing style say about your gender?
LJ Gender Tool by [info]hutta

(It says [info]dutchpink is probably male, too.)
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[2003-12-30 Tue 14:46]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | YUP - Murhaaja soittaa pasuunaa ]

I *have* returned home from Christmas time pause, and it was interesting -- lots of outhouse use, ie. no running water, unless I would run with the sink in my hand from the well. I didn't do that because it was quite slippery there...

My plants have survived except the thymes which looked very ill before as well.

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[2003-12-22 Mon 08:34]
[ mood | tired ]

Ok so this is the last update before heading away for Christmas... I didn't sleep very well but I must put my plants to the home-made "watering system". Before that, though...

Hyvää Joulua - Yule - Christmas - Holidays!

(Hyvää means, basically, 'good'.)
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(Surprisingly long entry) [2003-12-16 Tue 14:46]
[ mood | okay ]

Going to do home page stuff with two people for Jyväskylän SETA.

I re-installed the Sims after a long while. I must not play that whole night as I must be at six on the other side of the town.

Two hours of good time. But I must go and wash myself before that. I have now charged AA batteries in my bicycle lamp; I've purchased two sets of four batteries and a charger. It takes 16 hours to recharge four 1300 mAh batteries.

It's become colder; it might be almost -20 C at the middle of the night.

I've eaten too much chocolate-covered raisins.

I slept only five hours. I didn't go to bed until three (I was searching for the Sims manuals), and I was woken up at exactly 8:15 am., when a neighbour hit the wall (presumambly a spike to the wall) three times. I wasn't very excited about that. I did get up and watched morning news and read the newspaper. Then I made coffee (first I wrote: cooked coffee, as we talk about "keittää kahvia" in Finnish) and woke my bf up. He was much sleepier than I. (He was wearing earplugs but I don't want to wear them every night...)

I've really eaten too much chocolate-covered raisins.
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[2003-12-15 Mon 14:56]
[ mood | blah ]

Meeting today. It's snowed (yay). Time to put the final bell pepper away soon, I guess.

I have Christmas anxiety.

The greyness isn't helping much. I thought I wouldn't catch seasonal mood alternations (sounds silly, but I don't mean the clinical name).

I've drunk coffee.

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"Linguistic Sub-discipline" quiz!!!! [2003-12-12 Fri 16:38]
[ mood | amused ]

PHONETICS: You are phonetics!! You are obsessed
with the stuff that flies from your mouth while
producing the voiced velar fricative!!

What's Your Linguistic Sub-Discipline?
brought to you by Quizilla


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[2003-12-10 Wed 21:47]
[ mood | well... ]

Lots of fruit flies in my plants. Argh. Bought fly paper.
I think I must eat the bell pepper green as my patience is growing thin.

I think I'll just submerge (?), or almost (to the soil level) the movable pots and try... what? I don't know what I could try.

I just remembered that I have spenach soup on the stove. Must eat now.

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[2003-12-08 Mon 19:10]
[ mood | blank ]

Silent, not much happening. Christmas plans are always missing.

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Phone post trend [2003-12-05 Fri 16:13]
[ mood | okay ]

The new feature, phone posts, has appeared on my friends page... I just regret that I'm not going to download them with this modem connection, so I won't be getting all the details out of those posts. :P

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Christmas trees [2003-12-03 Wed 16:07]
[ mood | hopeful ]

I feel strangely delighted by the simple Christmas tree (spruce) in the cafeteria Wilhelmiina. I has electric candles, some Christmas balls and some other red decorations (very few) but it still made me feel... homely and peaceful.

The Christmas tree in the Disney tv show shown every Christmas, in the episode/part where Chip'n'Dale and Mickey Mouse and Pluto are spreading havoc, is far too densely-branched and -needled. Of course, I'm grown accustomed to Finnish, and especially northern spruces where branches are few and widely apart.

Still, that little Christmas tree has helped me to feel better.

Then I saw the "official" Christmas tree being decorated with electric candles in Kirkkopuisto ('church park', it surrounds the city church). They won't be putting paper decorations on it as it's outdoors but they have put little flashing lights next to the trunk, which makes it look rather interesting. I still think the flashing lights might be a bit too much.

We will certainly not buy a Christmas tree ourselves; the place we will spend the Christmas, whatever it is, is quite likely to have one.

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[2003-11-30 Sun 13:58]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Absoluuttinen Nollapiste - Mustaa ei ole ]

I'm again tired

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T-i-r-e-d [2003-11-29 Sat 17:47]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Absoluuttinen Nollapiste - Nummirock ]

Ti-red tiredtired t.i.r.e.d. [väsynyt, väsinud, müde, trött, fatigué, ]

I bought tangerines, though. And yesterday I bought the new album by Absoluuttinen Nollapiste, "Seitsemäs sinetti". It sounds mostly good.

[info]eerik was yesterday in Jyväskylä and he called me, and we hung for a while in the centre. He had come here to attend a dissertation (something) and the evening party.

Going to eat waffles this evening. No gaming sessions scheduled for this weekend unless something happens ex tempore.

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[2003-11-27 Thu 22:03]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Suzanne Vega - "Songs in Red and Gray" album ]

It's extremely slippery but I bicycled nonetheless.

The snow is melting, and I fear it will be gone and it will be dark and dreary again.

I've been enlarging maps for the rpg campaign (by hand), and I finally decided on a real scale for them. There's about 30 km between Wiǧocšo and Fornass.

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Little Prince quiz [2003-11-25 Tue 16:00]
[ mood | sad ]

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[2003-11-21 Fri 23:19]
[ mood | gloomy ]

I'm still here... I haven't really been in a writing mood. I think I've done some progress in some areas.

Modified D&D; on Sunday.

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Biological molecule quiz [2003-11-17 Mon 17:35]
[ mood | tired ]

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[2003-11-16 Sun 13:12]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | Radiohead - Morning Bell ]

The public presentation of my sister's dissertation went fine, as did the evening/night party.

Board games later today.

I feel very terse.

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Monday again [2003-11-10 Mon 20:35]
[ mood | horny ]

Today I cleaned a bit. I vacuumed the mattress and then the bottom of the bed and then we took the bottom off and I vacuumed the floor below... and boy, it had lots of dust. Enormous globs of dust, in fact.

We ate elk/pork fried stuff. I drank water.

I washed clothes.

I feel very random. I'm going to put the ringflower to biowaste.

Yesterday I played Elfenland in Kortepohja. We didn't want to play anything else but I gave the stats of my ranger to the MERP GM.

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