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i am not tamed
Feb. 10th, 2003 07:56 pm
backdated entry - want to be my friend?

My journal is completely friends only and has been since early 2003. Please comment to this entry if you would like to be added.

I will go read your user info and interests as well as a bit of your journal. I'm a snob about grammar and the use of IM speak in journals (it comes from being an English major), and I don't like a lot of memes or quiz results. I like hearing about you and your day-to-day life. So if for whatever reason I don't add you, or drop you after a short while, don't be offended. You probably just didn't feel like a fit to me.

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i am not tamed
Feb. 6th, 2003 03:18 pm
I would just about kill for Twizzlers or gummy worms or something like that right about now.

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i am not tamed
Nov. 15th, 2002 03:25 am
a poem for you, before I go to bed.

Fire and Ice

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

~Robert Frost, 1920.

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: "winter", tori amos

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i am not tamed
Oct. 25th, 2002 02:40 pm
My tangerine is sour. How disappointing. It looks so lovely.

Wolfgang Puck is annoying with his cheesy "live! love! eat!" chant. Once my brother called the customer service number on the back of a Wolfgang Puck frozen pizza box and asked if Wolfgang Puck personally made each pizza.

The VCR may have ruined my yoga tape. The chick was annoying anyway; I usually do it with the sound muted. I just forget all of the positions so I need the tape. I did the more strenous workout today anyway. Wakes me up, that's for certain.

Right as I was finishing up Angie called. We worked at MP together, and we exchanged phone numbers when I left but I lost hers. I tend to write them down on scraps of paper, the backs of envelopes, grocery lists, that sort of thing. I probably stuck it in my pants pocket and washed it. Anyway, it was nice chatting with her. She's still there but is also working part-time at Blockbuster. While she was talking to me Sandy arrived so I talked to her for a little bit too. I am so envious of her job at the library.

Speaking of jobs, I'm a bit torn. I had a voicemail from one place telling me that orientation started Tuesday at 10 am. I guess that means I'm hired. But I'm in class then so I can't make that orientation. I wish the other place would call.

I'm not sure which I'd prefer. One of them would probably be more flexible about the fact that I need ten days off between Xmas & the beginning of my spring semester. The other one would probably be more fun and isn't straight retail (I wouldn't be stuck running a register the entire time). I think that they would both pay around the same thing.

So I'm not exactly sure of what to do...maybe I'll wait a little bit before I call back.

Don't freak out at the Megadeth lyrics, they just seemed to fit since this is a Halloween-themed Friday Five.

It's Black Friday, paint the devil on the wall )

Current Mood: awake
Current Music: "save yourself", stabbing westward

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i am not tamed
Oct. 19th, 2002 08:13 pm
DH just came home and [info]jasontd let him borrow Vulgar. It has a quote on the back from the San Fransisco Chronicle: "An ugly, revolting movie". Yay! Thanks Jason, I can't wait to see it. =)

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i am not tamed
Oct. 19th, 2002 07:54 pm
We watched John Doe last night, having given up Firefly as a must-see. I continue to like John Doe although I see things that could potentially make me stop watching it. First of all, the character of Karen. It seems as though the actress is trying so very hard to be a "typical teen" (I think she's meant to be a college freshman), and it's annoying. Last night she used words like "coinkydink" and "eighty-six". She also says "like" quite a bit. It might've been more believable if she were a cute little blonde airhead or something like that, but she's brunette and not even particularly cute in my opinion. Just annoying. I continually cringe at her dialogue and mannerisms.

The other thing that might get to me is the elusiveness of the plotlines. Yes, John Doe is supposed to be an enigma, but I wish that we could find out a little bit of concrete information each week. This week he possibly found his parents, but then his potential father was killed in a firey car crash. The show began with the discovery of the skeleton of his potential mother, murdered thirty years ago. I'm no forensic expert but it's interesting enough to me to have watched many shows and read several books. Surely between the two of the bodies some DNA could've been extracted. When bodies burn they don't burn to a cinder as some people believe. And I recall reading about cases where DNA was extracted from tooth pulp in very old skeletons. Yet DNA matching was never even mentioned on the show. It just ended with John Doe putting a monument on the grave of his potential mother.

But I'll keep watching. Dominic Purcell is very handsome. =)

my oh-so-thrilling Saturday )

Current Mood: indescribable
Current Music: "when the children cry", white lion

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i am not tamed
Oct. 18th, 2002 05:41 pm
it's friday, I'm in love...

1. How many TVs do you have in your home?

Just one, just purchased in August 'cause the old one died.

2. On average, how much TV do you watch in a week?

Probably not more than ten hours.

3. Do you feel that television is bad for young children?

I think it can be. Too many people use it as a babysitter. Parents should be aware of what their kids are watching and not complain about what's on. I watched some stuff when I was younger that I would say was inappropriate for my age, but I turned out okay. Well, not really...;)

4. What TV shows do you absolutely HAVE to watch, and if you miss them, you're heartbroken?

Most of the stuff that I like is on cable, which means that it gets repeated eventually so it's no big deal if I miss them. But right now I watch The Real World Las Vegas, John Doe, $40 A Day, Good Eats, and Trading Spaces fairly regularly.

5. If you had the power to create your own television network, what would your line-up look like?

Really eclectic. I like cooking shows, home improvement shows, and real-life shows like Cops and Trauma: Real Life in the ER, and The Operation. Some trivia-type game shows. I'd have music videos but not show the same poppy crap over and over again (I miss my MTVX, wah). I'd show old-school cartoons like He-Man, The Smurfs, and The Gummi Bears for the kiddies. And Mister Rogers.

Current Music: "church of the poison mind", culture club

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i am not tamed
Oct. 15th, 2002 02:29 pm
I am so moronic sometimes. I was writing an e-mail and was almost done...then for some reason I hit a key and now I can't find the e-mail anywhere. Not in "drafts", not in "sent", not in "trash", nowhere. Could I really have deleted it just like that? Sigh. Now I'm much too annoyed to rewrite it.

Time to head up to the Geology building for my lab. Whee. I just hope it doesn't take as long as last week's. The lab period is from 3 to 5 pm, but usually I'm out of there by 4 or 4:15 at the latest. Might have something to do with the fact that I start it early, but last week's lab required a lot of explanation by the instructor. I fear that this one will too...

Current Mood: ditzy

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i am not tamed
Oct. 15th, 2002 01:00 pm
Silly, silly me.

I almost forgot about the poll I posted yesterday. I blatantly stole that poll from [info]renaet, by the way.

This guy in the computer lab just called me "ma'am". I'm 25. Tell me, am I old enough to be a "ma'am"? He was asking me how to find plays on the internet. I told him to Google. 'Cause I Google. I don't Yahoo, and I don't ask Jeeves.

So anyway, here are the questions I've gotten so far along with my answers...

What is your proudest accomplishment?

I really don't know. This is a job interview type question, and I always feel like I come off really stupid when I try to answer it. I usually BS. I say crap about going back to school, mostly.

Would Buffy beat Electro Girl (from Angel) in a fight?

I've only slightly watched Buffy (yeah, I know) and have never watched Angel, so I really have no idea. But from looking at photos I think that it'd be fun to watch such a fight!

Hmmm, these answers aren't going so well, are they?

what's your favorite mint food?

Peppermint Patties, although I can't remember the last time I had one.

is that your cat [referencing this usericon :)] ?

Yes indeed, that is my Gus. He's quite the cute kitty and (mostly) worth all of his idiosyncrasies, which are too numerous to list here.

Current Mood: amused

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i am not tamed
Oct. 15th, 2002 12:43 pm
Well, I continue to underestimate myself. I just got my Faulkner mid-term essays back and I got a 98% along with some very nice comments. I was so worried about that exam! Understandably I'm feeling good right now. I'd feel a little better if I had something for lunch, the money to get something for lunch, or at the very least the possibility of eating something before 6 pm, but maybe my sense of pride will stave off the hunger pangs. Sure it will.

I didn't want to get out of bed at all this morning and had a strange dream in which I overslept. It's very rainy and cold, not even 60 F, whereas just a few weeks ago it was in the mid-80s. Perfect snuggling-within-the-flannel-sheets weather. But as I needed to go to class and had no snuggling companions other than my kitties, I forced myself out of bed. It's slightly possible, although not very probable, that I will skip classes on Thursday. It all depends on how DH's surgery goes tomorrow.

I was going to be Good and go to bed at a "reasonable time" last night, but I was too weak to resist the call of certain temptations. I always am. I had no problem getting to sleep though, and I slept very well. At least until the alarm clock went off.

So tomorrow I get to take DH to the oral surgeon and hope all goes as well as can be expected. Poor DH. Aren't we lucky to each have surgery in the same year?

completely inaccurate quiz results )

Current Mood: cheerful

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i am not tamed
Oct. 14th, 2002 09:31 pm
Oh, I am such the smitten kitten.

Current Mood: giddy

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i am not tamed
Oct. 14th, 2002 07:43 pm
I have an interview Thursday night for a seasonal position at what is easily the most obnoxious store in the mall: The Build-A-Bear Workshop (they had a table at the job fair). I'd better practice my chicken dance.

I was Very Good. I offered DH the computer. He declined and is in the bath instead.

A poll, just for kicks. Similar to ones I've seen elsewhere. Only I can see the responses. I might post some of my answers but I don't know. We shall see. I might not get any takers at all...

Poll #67713 I'm a copy-cat, I am
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

tell me anything

ask me anything

Current Mood: giggly
Current Music: "compromise", indigo girls

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i am not tamed
Oct. 14th, 2002 04:31 pm
DH has his oral surgery on Wednesday. He may or may not be put under depending on his pain tolerance and all, so I'm going with him. He won't be able to eat solid foods for a few days either, apparently, so it's pudding and soup and whatnot. Mmmm.

I couldn't sleep again last night. I got off of the phone around midnight (I think...time loses all meaning) and I was so sleepy...but I just lay there. My nap yesterday didn't help I guess. They never do. I should've read Light In August but instead re-read Ryan White's autobiography.

I've been good today, with housework and schoolwork. Work. I was a bad lazy girl yesterday so I had to make up for that. I liked the first part of geology, the rocks, but topographic maps and hydrogeology aren't as interesting to me. I must remember to get up early enough to have coffee before I go to school. I come so close to falling asleep. Eventually it might happen, and that would be disasterous and embarassing since I sit really close to the front of the room.

The weather is gorgeous again, back to autumn. I seem to see the same people when I walk, no matter what time of day. I usually walk earlier in the mornings, but since DH was home for some of the day I re-arranged the schedule and walked around lunchtime. Still the same two ladies there.

They drive up in a pickup with a big US flag magnet on one side. One of them is lots older than the other, and she only walks a few laps before getting back into the truck. The other one is much larger and walks more laps, always wearing a really nasty t-shirt that may have once been white. I feel kind of bad when I pass them, but they each walk the outside edges of the track, so I always have to go between them. It seems rude, but I can't walk slower...gotta keep up my momentum. And I can't say anything because I have on headphones and so does the larger lady. I'm not sure of the proper etiquette there...

I was going to answer [info]tinman's e-mail, but since he mocked me about writing "colour" instead of "color" I don't think I will for awhile. As punishment. Or something. I can write "colour" if I want to. It's not as though it's incorrect in any way. I don't usually write "realise" instead of "realize" though. I like "z"s. Not enough to put them in words where they don't actually belong (hizzouse, lizzadies, h to the izz-o, v to the izz-ay, stuff like that) though.

Yesterday on Good Eats Alton Brown made beer and it made me want some. It didn't really make me want to make my own though. I had homebrewed beer once, and it was nasty, and it was made by a guy who called porn "crotch candy" (TKITH's Brain Candy was just out on video then) so maybe I shouldn't have tried the beer at all...

Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Music: "there is", boxcar racer

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i am not tamed
Oct. 12th, 2002 11:30 am
1. I think it's a dirty trick for it to feel like autumn for awhile and then there be more summer days. Dirty. It's supposed to get cooler again though. Hopefully.

2. My parents are doing some churchy thing this morning so I'm not heading out there for another hour or so. I think that my mom and I are going to do the garage sale thing. Should be interesting, although I probably won't actually buy anything.

3. Patchouli and ginger-amber lotion makes for a very spicy and interesting scent. I smell yummy.

4. It's a pigtail day because it's sticky and humid, and I don't feel like having my hair stuck to my face.

5. I am also very colour-coordinated today: pale green shirt, slightly darker green sneakers, jade & silver bracelet and earrings (about the same colour as the sneakers). It's unusual for me to be so. If I had a digicam I would take a photo. But alas and alack.

7. If you haven't noticed by now, green is my colour.

8. Spaghetti squash, not so much. The flavour is okay (very bland), and it does indeed look a lot like strands of spaghetti, but the texture is disgusting. Luckily I had a box of pasta (I think it was rigatoni or ziti) so I just boiled that and tossed the spaghetti squash. Oh well. I like experimentation occasionally, even if it doesn't work out.

9. I have mosquito bites from yesterday. I'm glad that they make clear Caladryl, because I remember going to school with pink smears all over my legs and arms. I wonder if I have West Nile now.

10. My tummy hurts a little bit, maybe from the two cups of espresso I drank earlier. I was craving it though, and it went nicely with my apricot muffin.

11. Last night I had pie and it was tasty good.

12. I will never figure out how I can love Sex and the Citythe show but really loathe the Carrie. Her fashion sense, her look-at-me-I'm-so-cute attitude...blah. Hate it. Last night there was a rerun that I'd only seen part of, because it was during the season when Charlotte married Trey and I didn't like that season at all. Kyle McLachlan is cute and everything, but that whole storyline just annoyed the hell out of me.

13. [info]shinjojon actually posted in his LJ. I think I must've influenced him 'cause he said "anyways" and that is so me.

14. I know I skipped #6. Old habit.

15. The other day I saw the new Christina Aguilera video ("Dirrty", I guess the extra rrr makes it coolerr, like Nelly with his "Hot in Herre"). My goodness. I think she's trying to out-Britney Britney, only she's a bit too much of a skinny thing for that. She needs more T & A if she's going to do it properly, in my opinion. Yes, I think about these things.

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: "lullaby (goodnight, my angel)", billy joel

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i am not tamed
Oct. 11th, 2002 04:12 pm
Yet another highly amusing website, this time from [info]jasontd:

Amber Forever Chatlogs

I've laughed so much sitting at the computer this week...

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: "aerials", system of a down

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i am not tamed
Oct. 11th, 2002 03:37 pm
it's friday...

1. If you could only choose 1 cd to ever listen to again, what would it be?

1200 Curfews by the Indigo Girls.

2. If you could only choose 2 movies to watch ever again, what would they be?

Chasing Amy and Evil Dead. I've got it all there: comedy, drama, horror and cheesiness.

3. If you could only choose 3 books to read ever again, what would they be?

In Constant Flight by Elizabeth Tallent, The Law of Love by Laura Esquivel, and The Lord of The Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein (it counts, 'cause you can get all three books bound into one edition!).

4. If you could only choose 4 things to eat or drink ever again, what would they be?

Water, Triscuit crackers, pesto, and cheesecake.

5. If you could only choose 5 people to ever be/talk/associate/whatever with ever again, who would they be?

Oh dear. Well, my sweetie, and DH, and...ah, I'm not going to count family or my kittycats. That makes it easier. I'm not sure who I'd cut off for the remaining three spots though. Can't say. Might hurt feelings if they're reading this. ;)

Current Music: "polly", nirvana

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i am not tamed
Oct. 11th, 2002 03:23 pm
My head hurts. I have a bad cut on my left index finger from the kitten. Time to trim claws, methinks.

I have pie. It is a turtle pie. I haven't eaten any of it yet though, I shall wait until after dinner.

I had such a strange dream last night, and when I woke up I wrote it all down like a story. It's ten pages long and it doesn't have an ending, really. But it's sort of like Being John Malkovich only you don't go inside a celebrity's head, just different people's. You can go inside the heads of people in different time periods and places. It's interesting. The main character wasn't really me, and she went inside two people's heads and stayed in the second one...forever, I guess. She liked it there. And he knew she was there, and he liked it too.

I know. I am a freak.

I went for a walk today in the woods, in the park. It seemed cool and it was cloudy when I started. Of course halfway through the sun came out, it warmed up, and I was standing all sweaty in the midst of stickerbushes listening to the bugs go reeeeeeeeeeeee endlessly. Yeah, that's enough nature for now.

Then I went to get pie. Mmm, pie. I wished that the bakery had key lime tartlets, but they did not, and as DH doesn't like key lime pie it would be silly of me to buy that. He likes mostly chocolate schtuff but I am not as much of a chocolate fiend as I once was, so I compromised. It has chocolate in it, this pie, but it is not all chocolate. Pie. After dinner, of course, which I think will be spaghetti squash.

I might go see the 'rents tomorrow, not sure yet. I was out there two weeks ago but I was hanging out with my little brothers then. So it's different.

Current Mood: achy
Current Music: "dead leaves and the dirty ground", white stripes

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i am not tamed
Oct. 10th, 2002 04:02 pm
DH went to the dentist yesterday about his filling. He thought it was just a filling that had fallen out. Nope. Much worse. Today I made him a consultation appointment with an oral surgeon, because that baby has to come out. Meanwhile he as an antibiotic for the infection and Vicodin (yep, Vicodin) if it starts to hurt. The dentists apparently aren't shy with the good stuff. I would figure Lortab or something like that. I asked him if he didn't need them, could we sell them? Or at least go on a bender one weekend? ;)

You may be sick of my gushing about my Faulkner class and professor here, but hey, it's my journal and if you don't like it then don't click! )

Current Mood: cold
Current Music: "for all we know", the carpenters

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i am not tamed
Oct. 9th, 2002 01:37 pm
My autumn desktop must have worked because it's cool outside...something like 59 F. I am so happy. I actually had to wear track pants when I went for my walk, and I wished I'd worn a long-sleeved shirt after I'd been out there for awhile. But it was lovely. I want to go camping.

I was just lying on the sofa watching Revealed with Jules Asner on E! (it was about Jennifer Love Hewitt, and I don't even like her) but then that Slim Fast commercial came on with the cute brunette walking all over the place, and I felt guilty so I got up. Whatever works.

Then I fixed my oven door handle. It had come off on one side, and I had to take the door apart (it's two layers sandwiched together, and the handle was screwed into the top layer) to do it. I could've called maintenance but I hate doing it for stuff like that. I hate having strangers in my apartment. The last time they came to install a new hot water heater, because my old one was leaking. Of course it messed up the linoleum and wallpaper and although I told them about it neither of those things have been fixed. It's mostly aesthetic anyway so I haven't been riding them about it. I just don't care enough about it, I guess. The wallpaper in the kitchen is horrible ugly stripes and fruit print.

I read some horrible reviews of my apartment complex at last night. Maybe I'm just not as uptight about stuff as some people, because I don't see most of the problems that they mentioned. This is our fifth apartment so I think I have an idea of what makes an apartment livable. No, there aren't marble countertops and Berber carpet, but it's okay. Plus our rent hasn't gone up in the going on two years that we've been here.

DH is going to the dentist this afternoon because he thinks that part of a filling has come out. Very painful. I'm wondering if he'll feel like eating dinner or not.

I want to make something with dried apricots and pecans...muffins, maybe? Something yummy like that. Or pie. Could I make a pie with dried apricots? If I did, would I want whipped cream or vanilla ice cream on it? 'Cause with today being Wedneday I am so not going to the store. Senior citizens get 5% discount there today and so going there would make me hate old people and that's wrong.

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: "poem", taproot

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i am not tamed
Oct. 8th, 2002 08:19 pm
Les tartes!

Quand vous retournez, apportez les tartes.

Only now at home can I fully appreciate Weebl.

DH was not as amused as I was. But that's not too surprising. I am easily amused though.

I want pie. We have none. Apparently I forgot to buy cookies at the store. Bad me. Perhaps I will make banana smoothies. I bought schtuff with which to prepare muffins but instant gratification is necessary.

Sometimes I am stupid that way. I think, 'oh, I don't need to buy sweetie cakes...I can make them!' But then I want sweetie cakes and then I realize that they are not made. Why why why.

Current Mood: giggly

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