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Sunday, June 6th, 2004
3:09 am - I shouldn't be awake right now
I need to wake up at 7 AM on Monday morning for my first day at Cossette
Doing so will hopefully occur with at least 6 hours of sleep (aka, getting to sleep before 1 AM)
The summer is relentless in terms of trying to fall asleep at a decent hour... but fuck, you know what, so is the university year... I never had to wake up that early and when I did, it was because I procrastinated or some shit like that.

I'm mad excited about this job...
I really want to do well and thus I am utilizing the reality television mentality.
Pretend that I am trying to win a full-time job or a yearly contract so that I exceed expectations.

Tomorrow morning, I'm waking up at 9 AM and going for a walk with my mom at 10:30.
I like walking and I may get into a habit of waking up early and doing so on weekends (to keep my sleep schedule in tow)
But this Monday, I want to be the only person who is happy to be there and shows it.
I will work hard, I will succeed, I will go above and beyond the call of duty and I will be the best Aaron that I can be.

So today I went to York...Dale... and bought some corporate-like striped clothing and some corporate pants so that I can join the corporate world.
I want to be the young go-getter that who, rather than seeking out other for advice, will be sought for advice about what is new and hip (or new and hype) in today's world.

I seem to have my pulse on things, especially in terms of marketability.
I was discussing with Jeff today why people wear mesh hats and Paul Pierce jerseys and I think I'm pretty on point.
What marketing companies need to learn (and especially the accounts that they hold) is that you often need to think 3 months ahead with your advertising.
If mesh hats are popular now, how popular will they be in 3 months?
Right now, I'd say they are at their very peak, which means that in about 3 months, they will be on the decline.
So what will be on the uprise???

I also have much to discuss with Mr. Quitt.
We are very different entities, but we are very good at feeding off of each other and are a tribute to each other's knowledge.
We will always be friends, but now we will be friends who are also contacts and brains.

I'd like to welcome you all to the world of corporate Aaron.
Due to confidentiality, I will not disclose aspects of work, but I will disclose how my day was, who I'm meeting and how they are affecting me.
Believe me, it's going to be fantastic.

Soon, I will show all of you my snazzy new clothing and you will say

"damn Aaron, you should be a fucking model and shit" and I'll be all like "awww shucks, you're flattering me.


"nice clothes" and I'll be all like "cool, should I be a fuckin model and shit?" and you'll be like "no" and I'll be like "suck a llama's shitty ass"

Overall, this summer is now taking shape as something different and when the smoke clears, I think I'll have a more firm grasp about where I want to be in 2 years.
A few months ago, I was in doubt over getting a masters degree, but now, it's looking like a viable option.
Brock needs to confirm that I'm in the honours program first before I jump the gun, but I have the average and the extra-curricular, so I think I'll be aight.

I'm also doing some writing for draftcity.com and enjoying it...
It's a great website for those interested in the NBA Draft.
Speaking of the NBA, tomorrow is finals game 1 and it's gonna be a goody.

I'd also like to express my remorse over the loss of Ronald Raegan... I'd like to... I really would... but I can't.
Ok, I guess I will.
I hate the Republican party, but Raegan is still a person with a significant role in history.
After all, he kept the U.S. alive during the Nuclear Arms race against the Commie Russian Reds that were building nuclear arms (only to disarm and leave the U.S. with millions and the former USSR with none)
At least Raegan's garbage politics sparked the Psychedelic movement, which is one of my favourite eras.

Oh yeah, Jennifer Lopez got married again, so congratulations to her and her ass on their marriage.

I wonder what it would be like to marry someone and have them give you like a yacht or something as a wedding gift.
If I didn't have a lot of money, I think I'd be confused, even if I knew that they had a lot of money.

This post isn't really going anywhere and is preventing my pursuit of sleep.

Ok, I guess that's it for now dear journal.

I close with this picture of Samuel L. Jackson wearing huge glasses.

current mood: tired

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Friday, June 4th, 2004
4:39 pm - Sorry to Noah, Hooray to everyone else
Creed breaks up

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Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004
7:48 pm - JAAAAAERB!
Ok, so I have a job now.

I'll be working an internship at Cossette from Monday-Friday 9-5 (probably) until the end of Summer.

So I probably won't be staying out as late and will be a lot more tired, but after some getting used to, everything will work out fine and weekends will be amazing.

I'm glad that I will have something to do on a daily basis.

current mood: anxious

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11:58 am
Join [info]_theshizzle
I'm trying to join it right now!

I hope I make the cut, but seriously, why wouldn't I?

Peep my application here

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Monday, May 31st, 2004
1:16 pm
People who write "le sigh" on their livejournal (or others) are le fucking idiots.

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Saturday, May 29th, 2004
11:58 pm

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Friday, May 28th, 2004
3:29 am - Napoleon Dynamite
Tonight I saw Napoleon Dynamite with Julia, Jeff, Noah, Levitt, Quitt, Eric and Morgan

All I have to say is that it is on my top-10 movies list and that I'm seeing it again on Monday and possibly on the rest of the VIP nights because of how great it was.

Everone go see this movie

current music: Woods of Ypres - A Meeting Place in Time

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Thursday, May 27th, 2004
4:07 am
June 25th: The Streets and Dizzee Rascal

I'm so there

Dart, you with me?

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Wednesday, May 26th, 2004
1:05 am - don't be the bunny
first and foremost, click here

second, I went and saw Urinetown with Julia tonight and it was very good. I recommend it strongly.
We also ate at Shopsy's, where I had a Montreal Smoked Meat sandwich, coleslaw, a potato latke and two pickles.

I received my books in the mail.
Bookcloseouts.com = gold.

Oh yeah.. everyone go to this website and sign up for the fan club. Then get free passes to one of the movie screenings.


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Tuesday, May 25th, 2004
3:50 pm - New photos are amazing... bELIEVE dAT!
Let's get started... okay

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2:49 am - Dubya signs a deal
George W. Bush stepped down as president today to sign a contract with the WNBA
After being drafted by the Detroit Shock, Swin Cash presented his brand new jersey to the former president.

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Sunday, May 23rd, 2004
2:53 pm - anybody can hear things, but it's those who listen that accomplish them
Happy 22nd birthday to Julia
Unhappy 20th non-birthday to Shawna B.

Happy birthday to me.

current mood: relaxed

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Saturday, May 22nd, 2004
3:21 am - All-dairy diet

If you need stock advice, please seek help from this man

tomorrow will be the hardest day of my life... please read this )

current mood: cynical

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3:08 am
I know how to swallow pills now
and I have you to thank

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Thursday, May 20th, 2004
3:19 am - what a deal!
I just ordered all 5 books that I wanted off of bookcloseouts.com for $73.00 Canadian SHIPPED!

Considering that this was one of the books:

and it would cost roughly the same price shipped from amazon.ca, I think I got a good deal.

Here are the books that I got for that grand total:

I Want to Take You Higher: The Psychedelic Era 1965-1969
Rhino's Psychedelic Trip
Milk It!: Collected Musings on the Alternative Explosion & the Music of the 90s
American Splendor: The Life & Times of Harvey Pekar
The Official NBA Encyclopedia

I also found out that their head office is in Thorold Ontario and hires 250 people, which is probably the most people from Thorold that work anywhere.

In other news, Chris Webber may kill himself in the next few days...
Aside from being able to nail Tyra Banks on a nightly basis (excluding a few days a month due to maintenance), he has the worst luck on earth.

current mood: tired
current music: Syd Barrett - Golden Hair

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Wednesday, May 19th, 2004
5:05 pm - it's fun to nearly meet your grizzly demise
Today while driving on the 401, my car stopped and didn't start back up.
To add insult to injury, this happened in the middle lane.

I kept trying to restart the car to no avail and ended up having to jump the construction baracade so that I didn't have to sit in my parked car on the highway, which was prone to collision.

I ended up on the other side of a construction baracade waiting for either the police or CAA to show up and help me out.

A cop showed up and even though I had tried to start my car up about 30 times, the cop was somehow able to do it.
My dad explained that the fuel pump had cooled down.

It was fucking frightening and I'm glad that I'm okay.

As a result, I had to schedule a job interview for one week from today rather than today.
So I have another week of sitting ahead, but I may start working on a movie script.

So I'm back from St. Catharines and had a good time adding to the house, editting the Press and playing Dreamcast.

Tonight I'm going to Soundscapes to see Feist and tomorrow I'm seeing Broken Social Scene at the Drake Hotel, thanks to Josh[info]_bledwhite's extra ticket-voucher-rights thing.

The plan for this week, do more writing for DraftCity and work on a movie script for "Comatose"

current mood: alive
current music: steve earle - good ol' boy (gettin' tough)

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Monday, May 17th, 2004
7:28 pm - The world is not enough
I'm at the Brock Press office working right now.

It's been awhile since I've last posted.

Summer has been exceptional thus far, but I hope to be employed soon because although I love this current free time, I feel unproductive.
I should at least start writing another movie script.

Today has been productive because I've been proofreading.
I've also landed a writing gig with draftcity.com for a weekly column of sorts.
Writing about basketball comes very naturally.
Unfortunately there's only one decent basketball magazine out there and it's likely impossible that I'll ever write for them.

Julia just got here.
It's her birthday in 6 days.
The world of Julia is an exciting place.

I just found out there's a Broken Social Scene show on Thursday and I need to somehow get a ticket.
Hopefully Josh's friend got a ticket so that I can go with him.

The new house is fun.
We got a Dreamcast for it, so all we need is a Genesis, Jaguar and 3DO to have access to all of the systems.
Get it for yourself.

Way of the Warrior for 3DO kicked ass.

Ok, done for now.
Going to some concerts soon and will update you as to their goodness or badness.

current mood: jubilant

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Thursday, May 13th, 2004
2:12 am - Amazing concerts announced
BRAID w/ Minus The Bear, Murder by Death, The Viking Club. Kathedral. $12 at RT, SS, HS. June 1.
TED LEO/PHARMACISTS Horseshoe. $10 at RT, SS, HS. June 21
THE MAGNETIC FIELDS Trinity-St Paul's, 427 Bloor W. $25 at TM, RT, SS. July 2.

Who's coming to what with me?

And how does a classic band like G Love & Special Sauce get stuck opening for Jack Johnson? :(

Last few days in St. Catharines were great and I'll be back there on Monday.
I really, really love my new place.

By the way, Jordy, Goodwill has a bitchin coffee table for $20.

current mood: thankful

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Tuesday, May 11th, 2004
12:25 pm
Pitchfork are idiots.
After reading their latest news blurb on Nine Inch Nails, I'm not sure if I will ever read their site with an objective ear again.

They completely stereotype the band and act like holier than thou pricks when reporting news about them.

They're supposed to be a news source and why should anyone view them as a credible one when they write stupid garbage like that.


New The Streets album has a song with Chris Martin of Coldplay.
Imagine a typical Coldplay song with The Streets rapping throughout with Martin chiming in every now and then. It's not bad. Not bad at all. In fact, very good.

"Dry your eyes mate, I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up. There's plenty more fish in the sea. Dry your eyes mate, I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts. But you've got to walk away now, it's over.

current mood: cynical

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3:32 am - Steve "Steve Kerr" Kerr
After seeing Supersize Me, Noah and I were sharing a conversation about exercise.

Noah: Let's go to Condom Shack
Aaron: That contributes to good exercise
Noah: But I have nobody to exercise with
*Jeff gets off of cell phone*
Jeff: I'll exercise with you

*awkward silence*

current mood: tired

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