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Below is information about the ".*:Sex Me:*." community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:sex_us (1676124) sex_us
¿?Are You Sexable?¿
thats for us to decide...
Name:.*:Sex Me:*.
Location:California, United States
This Is How It Works
1. Must have at least 3 pictures, one SHOULD be a face shot
2. Must put all but one picture behind an lj cut, including the survey
3. You CANNOT post comments unless you have been accepted or if it is in your own post, if you do comment without being accepted then you will be banned
4. It may take a few days to be stamped, so please be patient
5. If you are to be accepted, you may comment and post whatever or whenever you like
6. You MUST post your picture within 24 hours of joining
7. This is a very hard community to get into.. So please don’t be offended or take anything too literally,after all you are asking for our opinions.
8. If you are rejected.. you may try again with better pics, but if you are rejected time after time.. GET A HINT!!
9. If you are rude or disrespectful to any of the members or especially the mods, you may be banned
10. To prove you have read the rules please put "sex me" somewhere in your entry, doesn’t matter where but it must be there
11. If you have already been accepted and want to post more pics, please make it clear that you have been accepted, so people will not vote on you
11. Remember looks aren’t always everything, but they sure are here!! Have fun!

`*..5 favorite bands//
`*..Favorite movie(s)//
`*..Do you drink//
`*..Do you smoke/do drugs//
`*..Have you had sex//
`*..Whats your sexual prefrence//
`*..What’s the most sexable thing about you//
`*..Why do you think your sexable//
`*..Short summary of what your like//


The UNsexables: [info]alwayshis4ever

The sexables: [info]nuclearxromance, [info]eatme3940, [info]sexy_lil_amz, [info]ithotyoulovedme, [info]ilovemyeskimoho, [info]unouluvme, [info]car3ssm3down, [info]comexwithme, [info]guzzle, [info]ashie_

The BANNED: [info]starsplattered, [info]samalama69, [info]xnoiz_kissesx

SISTER COMMUNITIES: [info]x_beauty_x

your sexable mods and maintainers
Interests:121: 80's, alexisonfire, art, atreyu, baby blue, ballet, being crazy, black, black and white, black hair, booty shorts, bored, bouncy, boxing, brand new, bubbles, cars, cha, chanel, cherries, chicago, chocolate, coca cola, concerts, cookie dough, crayons, crazy nights, cuddling, dancing, dark, diamonds, disposable cameras, drawing, dvd, emo, erika, eyeliner, eyes, eyeshadow, finch, fishnets, flirting, fred astaire, friday nights, friends, fries, g-strings, gene kelly, ginger rogers, glamour, glitter, gucci, hair dye, holding hands, hott pink, hugs, i love you, ice cream, kisses on the neck, kissing, laughing, life, lipgloss, magna doodle, make-up, making out, margaritas, marilyn monroe, mashed potatoes, milkshakes, movies, music, nail polish, parties, photography, piano, piercings, pink starbursts, poems, poetry, poison the well, pop rocks, potatoes, punk rock, rain, rating, red, red roses, rock, rockstars, rufio, scarfs, sex, sex and candy, short skirts, shows, silly string, slinky, snowboarding, soccer, stars, strawberries, sugarcult, sunsets, taking back sunday, tears, the format, the starting line, the used, thrice, throwdown, thursday, tickling, toesocks, truckerhats, victorias secret, water fights, whipped cream, woah, yellowcard, you. [Modify yours]
Members:25: _toxic_kiss_, alwayshis4ever, ashie_, backin1985, beautifull_lies, car3ssm3down, comexwithme, cool_bean_kid, crumpledflame, eatme3940, elle_sta, ergodicorazon, guzzle, ilovemyeskimoho, ithotyoulovedme, jakebehonest, nameurpoison420, onmylonelymind, sexy_lil_amz, singingstud, socialcomfort, solo_blunted, unouluvme, xxshy_gurlxx, xxstarsfallxx
Watched by:18: _toxic_kiss_, ashie_, cool_bean_kid, eatme3940, ergodicorazon, guzzle, ilovemyeskimoho, ithotyoulovedme, jakebehonest, onmylonelymind, samalama69, sexy_lil_amz, singingstud, socialcomfort, solo_blunted, unouluvme, xxshy_gurlxx, xxstarsfallxx
Account type:Free Account

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