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parting is such sweet sorrow [06 Jun 2004|12:21am]
[ music | the postal service - recycled air ]

uhunh. that's the way it's done.

2 $

[03 Jun 2004|11:30pm]
[ music | the postal service - the district sleeps alone tonight ]

It's really sad to think about how we only have one year left all together. I hate goodbye's.

1 $

just a few driveways away [02 Jun 2004|11:32pm]
Just do it. Goodnight. Just do it. Just do it.
2 $

[02 Jun 2004|03:40pm]
[ music | glassjaw - calvacade ]


and that's that.

3 $

[01 Jun 2004|10:03pm]
[ music | third eye blind - she likes me for me ]

 I remember when I was bad I had to write them.
Now when i'm bad I ride them.
2 $

[01 Jun 2004|03:31pm]
[ mood | irritable ]

It's June
3 $

[31 May 2004|09:33pm]
What does this mean? What the hell does this mean?

[30 May 2004|07:07pm]
[ music | the used - pieces mended ]

Fuck all of you stupid people that live for making my life fucking hell. You're so ignorant of anything remotely intellegent. Don't worry, knowledge won't bite! Haha uhh fuck you.


[30 May 2004|01:02am]
[ music | the used - on my own ]

the taste of drugs and your lips.
the feel of cold skin comforted by your warmth.
the smell of drugs
the fucking gummies i'm eating now.
oh the paranoia
the look on your face when i ----
the look on mine when you ----
the taste of ink
the taste of drugs and your lips
3 $

[29 May 2004|05:14pm]
[ mood | leaving for concert in ]
[ music | 15 minutes.... nice. ]

This is one of the few days I find myself looking good. Real good. Let me have my moment ladies and gents.


[29 May 2004|11:45am]
[ music | blink - little things ]

Have dad's phone all day all night. What he doesn't know is i'm probably going to keep it *devious stare* 416-841-6001. Callé moi whwnever folks. Oh look, this is my phone sitting next to me on. I'm getting one. Man it'll make life so much easier.

Going to Blink tonight. Should be fun. Finally and Sila/Ashley night again. Amphitheater days. (dave mathews. shhh)

1 $

[28 May 2004|06:52pm]
[ music | my chemical romance - our lady of sorrows ]

I'm not the jealous type, but even if I was, I wouldn't envy you.


ask yourself [27 May 2004|11:08pm]
[ music | third eye blind - she likes me for me ]

Would you rather be beauiful, or feel beautiful?

[27 May 2004|08:28pm]
[ music | eisley - blackened crown ]

In these open-toe sandals I can feel the wet grass sloshing in between my toes. So cold. The wind cools me off as the sun tans my feet unevenly. I'll just tuck them away where nothing can harm them. Sound familiar?

[27 May 2004|07:23pm]

16 $

[26 May 2004|11:13pm]
See that? (look up) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ That is the best icon ever made by the coolest kid. No... *sigh* not me. You're too kind people. Joel. MERCI BABE.

song = good. [26 May 2004|07:02pm]
[ music | nelly furtado - try ]

The more I cry, the more I cry.


[25 May 2004|08:20pm]
[ music | brand new - failure by design ]

There was a stabbing early this evening in my home, involving a fucking knife and my toe.  This is the bitch responsible: Viewer Discretion Is Advised )

11 $

[25 May 2004|07:54pm]
[ music | boxcar racer - sorrow ]

One day you'll die and i'll fucking dance on your grave.


I want to organise a world shooting [24 May 2004|06:46pm]
[ mood | homesick ]

Being back from Montreal is always, an experience. Missing the people I got to see, missing the people I didn't even more. Everyone changing without me kind of makes me sad. I used to have this reoccuring dream, where right as my family was about to load the car to come back to Toronto, I would get on the bus right beside our car, and ride it far away. From there I would run, until my family finally had to leave, and I was able to live there forever. The whole, way it looks, way it smells, the way people look at you, the way the roads turn and breeze moves your hair. It's just home. But you wouldn't understand that. "It's time to go home now Ashley." "No, going home would be staying here." I slept at my best friends house; hers is right beside mine. And I saw these kids run down my driveway from inside and that's supposed to be me. Inside is my room, with my bed, and my closet. And right through the front door is that hall that leads to the kitchen. I just wanted to kick that kid. But it wasn't her fault. I just want to be able to blame someone. My dad? His company? Time? The drive there is always amazing. WELCOME TO MONTREAL. I love that sign. And from there on, all of the signs are french. All of the restaurants, and stores, and road signs. The drive back is me trying to sleep the whole way until I pull into my driveway, there's nothing interesting to look at. WELCOME TO TORONTO. WELCOME TO THIS ENGLISH TOWN THAT MAKES YOU MISS HOME MORE THAN YOU THOUGHT TO BE POSSIBLE.

3 $

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