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[09 Jun 2004|12:06am]
[ music | K's Choice - In Your Room ]

I was gonna go into tutorial today... but alas, Mom had to wait for a guy to arrive to give her something... but he was late, so she called him and told him to leave it in the mailbox. I wonder why she didn't do that earlier. >.> Anyways, I was too late to go in. Thursday then, I guess.

I think I might actually go to class tomorrow... because we have a test on Thursday and I'm not sure if she's gonna give us any notes. It's an hour... whatever.

I've had strong urges to just... sit around and mope at home lately. But Mom's birthday is coming up, and I should get her a present. Maybe I could be completely asian and take her out to dinner...? I dunno... I guess I'll think of something.

Jeff's planning on moving out by September... something about how he doesn't wanna be a kid anymore... and doesn't want to spend his third year of university still at home. He's thinking either Edmonton or BC. It'll be... weird without him gone. Then again, no weird sounds emanating from his bedroom. >.> And with grandma so old and constantly being sick... Mom says that soon, it'll just be the two of us. She says she would think about moving us into one of the apartments that she owns, but it'd be too far away from Churchill.

Nothing important. )

P. S. Happy birthday, [info]whiteskye

4 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[06 Jun 2004|05:46pm]
braki's LJ stalker is jedijman!
jedijman is stalking you because they heard you are awesome in bed, and they want to find out. They are also stalking the rest of your friends list!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder

>.> <.< Interesting.

I finished Season One of Angel. It was nice... just to stay at home with my computer and a bunch of DVDs, and just... be really lazy. Turn the monitor to face the bed, climb under the sheets, and just... watch.
Cut deep.

[06 Jun 2004|02:18am]
Nothing productive today. Watched about 12 episodes of Angel. Mom got me a 256 MB memory card for my camera. \o/

Now wasn't that just the most interesting post I've ever made?
1 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[05 Jun 2004|12:46am]
[ music | Taking Back Sunday - Eleven ]

So I met up with Tania and Sean today, and we went around rollerblading... and I've discovered that I absolutely detest rollerblading in the middle of the day. The heat is just... ugh. I hate too much heat. Every human will try and achieve the perfect temperature, so a certain degree of warmth is nice... but really, I'd rather be too cold than too hot. And yes, if someone asks me that in the middle of winter, I'd give them the same answer. The heat just... ugh. It makes my face tan, and I hate having tans. >.< Already my face is darker than my arms.

In conclusion, rollerblading in the evening is the best. ^_^

Tasha said she'd call me today to hang out and stuff... since both of us didn't have definite plans for the evening. But she never did... I wonder what happened. =/ ~sigh~ I miss hanging one-on-one with Tash.

I bought Angel Seasons One and Three today at HMV, because there was a deal to buy 2 for $80... which averages to $40 per season. Which is absolutely amazing, because usually the price will range anywhere from like... $55 - $85.

And... later on I went rollerblading with John, Tania, Ayla, and... Parkie! ~gasp~ Yay for evening rollerblading!

P. S. My camera needs a name.

4 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

Stolen from the Yosheh who is Canadian! [04 Jun 2004|12:30am]
[ music | John Lennon - Imagine ]

Post your friends' real names. BOLD IF YOU JUST DON'T KNOW. Italics if unsure.

I have some duplicates... so I'll post them when I first get to them, and I won't the second time. If the name does appear a second time... then it's just a different person.

Ali, Adam, Tania, Cassie, Eddie, Bryden, Tasha, Ayla, Scotty, Molly, Rachel, Keith, Mike, Dan, Heather, Brandon, Ryan, Adam, Dayna, Ben, Sami, Alex, Alan, Dan, Juju, Chris, Nolan, Shalom, Erik, jedijman (I know it, but I'm not sure if he wants it publicly posted...?), jinnnaoma, Tannis, Dominic, klawkat42, Adrian, Ashley, luigi007, Ryan, Lawrence, Brent, Al, mm7, nesshelper, Corey, Rick, Jenna, Jaime, Chris, Jessica, Lawrence, Dave, Carter, Nicole, Jeremy, Sean, Brendan, Tony, Denny, John, Adam, Mike, Browle, Heather, Shali, Tom, Christa, Urian, Matt, Suzy, Aaron, Heather, zemos

Cut deep.

[03 Jun 2004|03:01pm]
[ music | Lola Ray - Automatic Girl ]

I'm seriously considering like... skipping class next Wednesday. Because we have the morning off, and that's also the day of my double spare... so I'd be going to school for an hour... to Keyboarding, no less... then leaving again. And it seems kinda pointless. Then again, another part of me wants to be the good ol' responsible student and not skip... also, we have a Keyboarding test on Thursday, and she might say something about it. But I really doubt it. So... I dunno.

I tried going to tutorial again this morning, only... Freiter wasn't there. >.< And I was actually ready to go in that time. Oh well... Tuesday, then.

I am done... 3 of my 14 Social assignments that are due for June 14th. Since I have no school tomorrow or Monday morning... I hope I can finish the other two I'm supposed to have done, and then I'll be a happy, caught-up cow.

I got 100% on my Finance test. \o/ I'm tied for the highest mark in the class with this asian guy named Chris. But at least I'm not second for once in my life. -.- It annoys me when I'm second.

3 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[02 Jun 2004|09:55pm]
So I was about to go into tutorial this morning... I'm walking there... then about halfway there I start getting a little shy... and by the time I'm in the front of the door, I couldn't go through it. I stared at it... paced around a bit in front of it and stared at it some more... then walked away, berating myself for my stupid shyness. I shall try again tomorrow. I need to improve, regardless of any social obstacles I may face. >.>

During Social (which was first period ANYWAY >.<), we watched the Great Canadian Heritage Quiz. One of the questions asked about the population of Canada.
Some girl: Um, I dunno... 20 000?

Some people are stupid, lol. And then during my double spare... I went home to grab my cell phone, since I forgot it... and by the time I got to school, lunch had already started, so I couldn't find Al or Taryn... so I hung out with Christine and her geeky friends. >.> They can be a little annoying... but hey, better than hanging by myself!

Then I called Brent, and we talked for like... almost 40 minutes. >.> Then my phone died.

Then I went shopping with Tania and John... first to the Deerfoot Outlet Mall, then to Market Mall... I got owned. Not only did I not get food adequate to dinner, but I didn't find the white pants I was looking for... at least, none that I liked that DIDN'T cost like... $70 - $80. >.<

P. S. John's stick was between my legs. He grabbed it a lot. And Tania stroked it. >.> <.<
1 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[01 Jun 2004|04:17pm]
Um... lunch was really funny today. I owned Al. >.>
Al: Yeah, I went to the ortho today... and they put on 4 chains... so it's kinda tight.
Me: Like your mom?

So yeah. Ownage. And funny stories.

I still have a 98 in Finance.

In Social, I finally got my essay back. There were 5 categories, each was out of 5... only two of them were really out of ten and you just took what you got out of 5 and multiplied it... and... I... I didn't even... I didn't get a single 5. Every single... every category was a 4. So... 80%. Eighty. Fucking. Percent. I didn't... I didn't think I'd do so... well... bad. I mean, even Callum got better than me... and Cecelia, and Mark, and just... fuck. I'm stupid and that mark is horrible. It doesn't matter if other people don't think it's horrible... the bottom line is, they are not me and they do not commit to or care about school as much as I do, and therefore, they have different expectations of themselves and saying that they would be happy with that mark is not a valid comparison. Freiter wrote that to "bring my writing to the next level", I should... do something with counter arguments. See him for details. Guess I'll go to tutorial tomorrow. >.< Fuck. I are teh fucking moron. Fucking 80. In writing. Holy fuck dammit. And my Social mark? It's sitting at 88. I want. A fucking. 90. But I can still get that... if I do really well on my final project and the last quiz we'll be getting, I could boost it up to 91%. And then all I'd have to do is do really well on the final too, and I'll be all set.

...Fucking Social. >.<
Cut deep.

[31 May 2004|04:52pm]
The day was excruciatingly boring. However, Katie provided entertainment on the ride home.

Taryn: You faggot.
Katie: Taryn, don't call me that! Homosexuals are gay!
...And then she went on about how it was the funniest thing she ever heard. >.>

Katie: Al, give me five! Shirts off for Kiprusoff! Win in 6, show your tits! ^_^
Al: ...o.O;
Hahaha. Katie's great.

The beginning of this said you had to be 21 to take it... oops. )
Cut deep.

[29 May 2004|01:51am]
It's been a while since I've taken this one... )

So today, I finally saw Kill Bill 2 with John and Tania. It was really good. Bill was a very bad daddy. XD

Then... when John dropped me off home, this person just happened to be walking by my house the EXACT instant I stepped out of the car. It turned out to be Gregg Lewis... I hadn't seen him for like... a year and a half. And he shaved his head. So first I was like... Why is there someone talking to me? Who is he? Ok... he's black. Who do I know... that is black? Scotty? No, it couldn't be Scotty. And then I stepped closer and I was like, Whoa, it's Gregg! So we talked for a while... apparently, he was taking a midnight stroll because he couldn't sleep.

And yeah. Odd timing, seeing him. But it was neat.

P. S. I weighed myself today, for the first time in a couple of weeks... possibly months. I still weigh 98 lbs. Go me... I think. o.O;
4 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[28 May 2004|01:24am]
[ music | Smile Empty Soul - For You ]

...So today was amazingly boring. Except Social, because Freiter was sniffing the chalkboard eraser because he's a dork. o.O;

After, Taryn skipped Hair Care and took the bus with me. She had pennies at lunch, but alas... Al was not not there, so we couldn't throw them at her.

Tania came by later, and we went to Ruckers for a bit... my stamina's better now than it was before, even though I haven't really been playing DDR? Odd.

1 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[26 May 2004|07:09pm]
[ music | DJ nagureo - 5.8.8. ]

So... on the Social test today, I got 93%. On my Finance midterm, I got 99%. I kind of... I don't know... expected... better? The Finance test was really easy, and I just... I got confused over this one definition... and it was the only mark that I lost. And I actually did know the answer, I just... got confused. So I got 77/78... but that's so close to 100 it's kind of frustrating. I really did want to get 100... as for my Social one... I don't get why I got those questions wrong, because according to my notes, they're right. At least... 2 of the 3 I got wrong were. But whatever... I'm starting to think I'll never be happy with any mark I get anyway. Which means that the rest of school's going to be a bitter disappointment for me. Even when I do get 100, I'm not... happy. I'm just satisfied. And I think that's bad... I'll be beating myself up too much. Oh well... I'll probably have a different attitude towards it next year.

2 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[25 May 2004|07:02pm]
[ music | Garbage - Only Happy When it Rains ]

Um... I feel like such a post whore slut at the moment, but this is just SO important. >.>

I have my photo journal up! I put a lot of work into the layout and icon... and then I had miscalculated, so the layout doesn't look as great as I would've originally liked it to... but it's great! Special thanks to [info]t3hazn and [info]july1st!

And an extra, extra <3 to [info]mazrimtaim... because he's hosting all of this! ^_^ I don't know what I'd do without him.

So, here's the journal: [info]oh_dot_oh. Don't you just love the name? o.o And feel free to add to your friends list or whatever... I <3 that layout. ^_^ Now to come up with something for this one. x.x

Additional notes: It's made for 1152 x 864 resolution. The font used is Bradley Hand ITC... if you don't have it... then you're missing out. Really, you are.

6 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[25 May 2004|05:48pm]
[ music | Brand New - Jude Law and a Semester Abroad ]

So... I was actually able to write a poem today. Oh gasp! It's been forever. Doesn't have a title yet, but I showed it to Brent and he liked it. >.> So here it is!

Feedback would be greatly appreciated )

6 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[25 May 2004|04:56pm]
[ music | K's Choice - Virgin State of Mind ]

Um... today, during my spare, I went to Ruckers and saw... DAN! Oh em gee gasp x infinity! >.> <.<

Then I had my three hour Finance midterm... I got a strawberries & creme frap though, to help me through. ^_^ The stupid thing wouldn't balance... so I went back and checked everything, fixed it... and I still wasn't balanced, for some reason. Check everything over, started to get really frustrated because nothing was wrong... and then it turned out that I had just punched in the numbers wrong. >.> Oops. Oh well... if I didn't get 100%... then I got pretty damn close.

In Social, Freiter told us we have a unit test on French-English relations... tomorrow. And he just told us today. Yeah, thanks. >.>

Went back to Ruckers after school... Dan, Poutine, Tasha, and John were there... John was waiting for Tania so they could go to work. Then I hung around until Dan had to leave.

Hurrah, I saw Dan. \o/

Edit: Oh yeah... and on the ride home... Mark Gordon and these 3 other guys were on the bus with me... and it was really entertaining. There was this brown guy with dreads... and he was talking to this random group of Junior High students... he called them "little ones"...and at one point the bus driver threatened to kick him off the bus because he undid his pants and they were kinda down. XD But yeah. Entertaining.

Cut deep.

[24 May 2004|10:02pm]
So... today, Tania and I went to meet John... we went downtown and to TD Square... to Devonian Gardens, where we studied for a bit and did homework... it was raining on and off, so... sometimes John and I rollerbladed, and sometimes we didn't. We then went to... A&B; Sound, where I got the Smile Empty Soul CD. <3 ...Then we got bubble tea, and went to Ruckers... Dead End* is really stupid. x.x Aaand... I can't pass Rhythm and Police*, because it's... grr.

My three hour Finance midterm is tomorrow. Eep!

Edit: *Done on Doubles.
5 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[23 May 2004|11:25pm]
Went to Tasha's later today... we read a funny article and waited for Tania... then we watched Interview With a Vampire, since it was on A Channel.

Got home, and got yelled at because I had to ask Mom to give me a lift home. Oh, I'm sorry, next time do they want me to walk home so I can get yelled at for that? Seriously... I don't get what the fuck they want from me. Am I such an insolent child to ask for a ride instead of walking? When I initially called, Mom was like, "Oh, come on." Oops, sorry! I rarely ever ask for rides, so is it really that much to ask? Isn't that something that a parent would expect? And then I get yelled at by grandma when I get home... right, I really needed that. It's such a bad thing to ask for, right? Like... how dare I even dream of making such a ridiculous request? Whatever... it's a fucking ride home.
2 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[21 May 2004|03:39pm]
We had a debate in Social today, on whether the government should continue to try and unify the French and English in Canada. I was on the opposition... it was a funny debate. >.>
During the rebuttal for the Pro side:
Ernesto: What are we, quitters? I mean, look at the Calgary Flames!
Much laughter ensued.

In short, they had really weak arguments and we won.
Aaand... I need something to do today. ;.;
3 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

[20 May 2004|10:41pm]
[ music | Fenix TX - A Song For Everyone ]

Well school was boring. o.O; Afterwards, Tania came over and talked to people on my MSN. Eventually John came over too, and we hung around here for a bit until we finally went to Market Mall. Had food, walked around, looked at stuff... then John went to work and Tania and I went back here... hung around again, before she left.

The day was fun, though... and worms are creepy. ;.; At least... a bunch of them all in one area are. Creeeepy, I tell you.

I took a video of Tania. \o/

Cut deep.

[19 May 2004|11:10pm]
[ music | Four Star Mary - Strangled ]

Went to Poutine's after school, because he was treating some people to a movie? But there were extra people... and then Tania called and asked if I would go to the University with her. Extra people + me not being in a people mood made me agree to go.

So I met up with Tania, and we went to the University... however, Ticket Master was closed... so then we went downtown to... study? But neither of us had a writing utensil... so we went around trying to find a pencil or a pen, but all the stores were closed. So Tania studied without one and I took pictures. Then we went to Safeway... then to my place? Tania got Sprit ReMix... it's like, berry flavoured. And it tastes alright... but who names a drink ReMix? o.O;

Aaand... I had registered another account a few weeks ago that I haven't used yet... I'm thinking of pimping it up with an awesome layout and using it as my photo journal... that way, I don't flood this one with pictures. ^_^ As for this one, Tania says she will make me a layout that I'll keep up until I can make my FSM one... it'll be funny. XD

P. S. I slept with Brent last night! >.> <.<

3 drop of blooddrops of blood. | Cut deep.

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