02:43pm 31/01/2004
  OHHH YEAH. Madsion! I met your friend Dan! See, I was being my obnoxious self at the movies and screaming Randolph because half of Randolph was there. So this kid turns around and asked me my name and I was like uhh Jamie and then he asked if I had a livejournal! So I said yeah and he was all I'm Madison's friend Dan! And I also met your distant cousin. Aaaand the end.  
The dilemmna of the Jewish spelling... thing.   
10:54pm 30/01/2004
mood: horny
music: The Cure - Hot Hot Hot!!!
Today I used the word 'schmegeggie' in front of Owen today. Well, Mr. Lankypants couldn't get over it and how Jewish it was. But 'schmegeggie' looks weird. So... POLL TIME!

How should this word go about being spelled?
- Schmegeggie
- Schmegeggy
- Schmageggie
- Schmageggy
- Jamie is a sexy beast

The choice is yours. Anyway.

Went to Panera (<3<3<3) with Erika and then went to see 'The Perfect Score'. It was a funny movie. Kind of. The random stoner guy was the best though. And half of Randolph was there was no one would be quiet but it made it even more funny. But we forgot to have an orgy in the middle of the movie. :::::emo tear:::::

I went to second base with everyone today. And by everyone I mean... everyone.
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Full update coming later.   
02:53pm 30/01/2004
  I got Photoshop 7.

However, I lost all of my mp3s (550+). Children, lend me your CDs.

And if your names are: Owen, Nikki, Doug, and Diana, I must come in contact with you sometime.
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Shit shit shit. Etc.   
11:43am 28/01/2004
mood: bored
music: ER!
East Coast Pride! )

NO SKEWL 2DAI!!!1!111!!!one

Shit. My new favorite word is shit. So, shit. I really really really want cake and no one is giving me cake. Well, tomorrow whenever we have school I start gym. And I don't want to start gym AT ALL. However, Ceds and SE and... Owen are going to be in my gym period and/or class which makes it all worthwhile. Yehaw.


I boredededed!! )
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06:28pm 27/01/2004
mood: cranky
I'm so Matt fabulous! )

Ummm so Family Guy is making a movie? I was looking for some quote on IMDb and I saw this and now I'm all excited and things relating to that sort. Actually I bet they're lying to be mean to me and crush my dreams. Because IMDb people know my dreams and all.

In other news, MIDTERMS ARE FINALLY OVER. That's right bitch. English was easier than caity bop. HAR HAR HAR. Shit I'm so funny. [/end mean streak] Anyway. During French Mme C was all "I don't want to embaress this person but I'm going to do it anyway! Jamie got the highest midterm grade!" And everyone looked at me. Yeah that's right. 98 bitch, holla.

Fucken a. All I want to do right now is eat cake and watch Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. Sadly, I own neither of them. So I'll settle for Steve Irwin and turkey.

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12:15pm 27/01/2004

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This is a subject.   
08:05pm 26/01/2004
mood: accomplished
music: DMB - Stay Or Leave
Emma Watson's thoughts on Buckbeak:
"It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life."

I can't seem to find a picture of Buckbeak, but here's my description. Albino folk singer from Not Another Teen Movie (or any Albino... folk singer for that matter) + Mrs. Lewis + ugly horse = Buckbeak. Yeah. So, that was reason #9327 why Emma Watson should stop existing.

I spent a good 14 seconds studying for English. I think that'll be enough. Yeah.
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This diva needs her stage, BABY!   
03:11pm 26/01/2004
mood: ruler of the world-ish
music: RENT - Take Me Or Leave Me
Matito10 [7:24 PM]: i just bought a $200 monitor today
Mrs J Radcliffe [7:25 PM]: um... i found a nickel today...
That made me chuckle way too much.

AOL tech support people are really fucking weird. I swear, I think they're hitting on me. Well everyone is always hitting on me, so I wouldn't be surprised. You know how it is.

TV is really starting to piss me off. I'm going to start my own show called 'Sex and Food'. It'll be about sex and food. Or maybe about kittens. Whatever. OOH. It could me on me and Owen's tv channel, too. I'll have to talk to him about that.

I'm also back on my Roosevelt stage. But now he's SE. I'll explain some other time.

Listening to this song makes me feel like I own the world. Which I do. LITERALLY!
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Don't wake me I plan on sleeping in   
11:31pm 24/01/2004
mood: hopeful
music: The Postal Service - Sleeping In
I got a frame at La Senza today. I feel like... my parents should disown me or something because I got a picture frame at a frickin' lingerie store. But it was 'cute' and only $3. It's the 'cucumber' one. Um anyway.

My mom and I went to Fuddrucker's today. Mmm. The guy near us ordered a bowl of soup. What I don't understand is if that the restaraunt is famous for making disgustingly greasy (yet delicious) burgers, what would make you think their soup is any good? Your thoughts, please.

I'm really in the mood to go clubbin'. And to have sex on the beach (not the drink) and buy a really expensive painting in an art gallery in New York and eat chocolate mousse cake and then go see Movin' Out. I am totally run-on sentence fabulous.
Fucking weird!   
10:34pm 23/01/2004
mood: artistic
music: RENT - Tango: Maureen

Anyway. I complete, totally, 100%, without a doubt failed my Biology midterm. I don't even think I got my name right.


But today was sthuper swell. After the exam we sat in the commons for 6th period exams (I have lunch then) because SOMEONE NAMED ERIKA forgot to get her permission slip thingy to leave early. But its okay because I um... got to see Erika and Owen fuck.

Then we went to Erika's house and her brother drove us to the mall. Mad crazy propz to Dave. Somehow, we wound up at the arcade and found Owen, Matt, Fluffly, Brian and Norm. I played DDR and totally kicked all asses possible, and then played Soul Calibur II. Holy tap dancing flamingos on a pineapple flavored stick, I totally kickass at that game. I beat Owen (once). Well, they don't call me "Jamie the beaver tooth warrior slugger dancer" for nothing. Really. Also got the RENT soundtrack which is amazing times a lot. And Erika bought be candy. Yay.

I went home for about 4.3 seconds and then ventured off to Nikki's. We ate candy and danced to Daft Punk and watched The Wizard of Oz.

Today was a good day. Hrmmm.
And you are my reason for breathing   
04:01pm 21/01/2004
mood: crappy
music: Soco - She Paints Me Blue
I just want to thank everyone for all the comments. I would respond induvidually, but I'm lazy. Yay. So thanks a whole lot; you guys mean the world to me.

In other news, today was the first day of midterms. Ew. History was okay. The first half of the test was kindof hard, but the second half and the essays were pretty easy. French was the fucking easiet midterm I've ever taken in my life. It took me a whopping 20 minutes to finish it. As I was playing a rousing game of Snood on my cellio waiting for the midterm period to be over, I get this horrible feeling in my stomach. Turns out uh... how do I put this... the Bloody Baron gave me a visit. Buahaha.

Tomorrow is Computer Graphics and Driver's Ed. I kinda... lost my CG binder (um oops?) so Marie faxed me the notes. Pr0pzz to Marie. I claim her babies.

And I love Courtney and our hour long conversations. They're hot. She's hot. I less than three Courtney loads. LOADS!!
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04:29pm 20/01/2004
music: Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue
As if things couldn't get any worse.

I was talking to Nathan online last night, we bickered, he signed off. I called him because something seemed wrong. Yeah well, something was. His sister picked up hysterically crying and said "he's dead".

Nathan killed himself.

I still can't believe it. He kept saying how 'he wanted to be with Chris so badly'. Well, I guess he got what he want. I've heard of death by 3's but now what? Death by bunches? This is absolutely crazy.

I was in tears all morning, but Owen and Nikki (well... mostly Florida :D) and everyone managed to make me feel better. So thanks to you all. The wake is Saturday and the funeral is Sunday. I'm not going to the wake. I just... can't. But I am going to the funeral. And just to let you guys know, I'm physically okay and don't plan on doing anything drastic. Cuz... you know me and my... drasticness.

When you bury an old person, you bury their past.
When you bury a young person, you bury their future.

Nathaniel Donovan Miller
9/26/87 - 1/19/04
To a great friend, jokester, lacrosse player, brother, son, and person. I'll always love you.
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09:13pm 17/01/2004
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I was getting bored with hurting myself   
08:54pm 17/01/2004
mood: bored
music: Alk3 - 100 Stories
I'm really in the mood for cinnamon buns, mac n cheese from a box, FFVII, a boyfriend and sex. Sadly I have none of these. Goddamnit. So I've decided to throw away my life dreams and become a prostitute. Because you don't have to worry about love and you get paid for sex. It's definitely the best job ever. Besides a taste-tester for Taco Bell.

Andrew should burn me the Yeah Yeah Yeahs CD. And I just realized that Aleksey still owes me $15 for my 'Take Off Your Pants And Jacket' CD by Blink 182 that he lost 2 fucking years ago! I don't even want the CD anymore... I just want money. :[ Another perk of being a prostitute. Loads of money!

Omg. I got this thing from BBYO for a trip to Israel this summer. Holy shit, I would kill to go on this trip. Its from July 11th - August 1st. (COUGHbirthdayCOUGH) Yeah too bad it's $2990 plus a registration fee of $250. But still, you get to raft down the Jordan River and sleep on the Galilee shore, and float in the Dead Sea and learn about the Holocaust and yeah. Theres also another one from August 1st - 10th which is only $920 but I really don't think I want to spend 3 days on an Israeli army base and then a week on a kibbutz. Okay none of you know what I'm talking about.

At least I'm going on the Holocaust museum field trip for Team Harmony (TEAM HARMONY!!) on the 30th. That should be pretty cool. I wish I was doing something/someone right now.
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Da da da da!   
11:19pm 16/01/2004
music: Comedy Central
You thought it couldn't happen. BUT IT DID. The legendary second snow day in a row. Randolph hasn't had one of these babies since the blizzard of '96. I sound really old.

Girl you are close to me like my mother.
07:12pm 15/01/2004
music: News
Snow day.

And I'm so bored that I'm arguing with my mom about Jeopardy. I don't even know what we're arguing about.

But I cannot wait to see Owen in his new glasses. He's just going to look so damn hot that I'll have to leave class and masturbate because his hotness is just too much to handle. If you don't think Owen is the hottest person alive to the 75th power, you're totally... normal.
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05:47pm 14/01/2004
mood: blank
The true story is out. They arrested the two men for second degree murder. (Read the story here if you don't know)

During the day reporters from the newspaper and news station were flocking throughout the school and 'local spots where teens hang out' like the McDonald's and Pizza Palace. It was so weird watching them.

And just to make matters worse, Caitlin Chelton passed out during sixth period lunch. The paramedics came and had to wheel her out on a stretcher with one of those breathing device things. She has bad asthma, or something along the lines of that. I've never seen the whole school so... out of wack before.

In other news, I finished my digital collage. And my new name is Jamie 'Beaver teeth' Bergstein, The Warrior. Word.
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Kiss me once in the snow, I swear it never gets old   
07:30pm 13/01/2004
mood: depressed
music: Alk3 - Every Thug Needs A Lady
Another person dead. Lauren Crossan. I didn't know her personally; but I knew who she was. Only 18 (19?) years old. I'm not sure what the true story is, but I know it was something along the lines of she was at a cheerleading competition in Hawaii and fell off bleachers or something.

What is with this? Why did all these people have to go? You never think about death in seriousness until it hits home. And no matter how many times I want to die because of some stupid grade, boy, friend, or whatever I event it all seems worth it because in the end I know it's going to be alright. Its sad that things like this makes you realize that life is the most precious thing. Although they'll probably never see this, my love and condolences go out to Lauren's family and friends.

But onto more happier news.

Today was Erika's birthday. I baked her a cake. And ate like, 97% of it. But it was really amazing to the ninth power. I am just an amazing baker. I'll have my own show on The Food Network, you just watch. Speaking of Erika, 3! Har har har.

Speaking of short Asians, it was Short Asian Awareness Day. Our featured short Asian is our good friend, Danielle Bennett. Congratulations! You win... absolutely nothing. I was going to decorate the commons but unfortunately I ran out of decorations. Drats.

I totally forgot to write about this!
Quote of a million years ago:
[using the Xbox]
Antonucci: Ooh, put on "Me vs. Madonna vs. Elvis"!! I love Elvis!
Battaglia: Elvis ROCKS!

Yeah. It was funnier at the time.

Big Fish is definitely the greatest movie of right now times 5. It makes me want to start a family and bake apple pie and preach to underpriviledged children about good dental care.
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11:18pm 10/01/2004

His sister called me and told me he was on some serious life support, and they were going to stop it because it didn't seem worth it. BUT HE'S AWAKE. Oh my god. I'm like, crying hysterically I'm so happy. He's in recovery... or something... yeah. He has a broken arm and a few broken ribs and had to get stitches and everything, but he's fucking ALIVE. Awake! Living! Ah. I feel like adopting kittens.


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Don't bother write   
10:03pm 10/01/2004
mood: amazing x5
music: Co&Ca; - A Favor House Atlantic
Ohmyfuckinggodonastick. Today totally brought all the boys to the yard. It took my mind of... yeah. Ahhh today was great. RENT + people + Jekyll and Hyde Club + lap dances + limo - worries = fucking amazing day. Ah. I love everyone. Today was amazing.