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Kimiko Lynn

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DEAD WEEK... [04 Jun 2004|01:21am]
[ mood | bored ]

Tomorrow I have my last two classes of my first year in college. Next week I have finals and after that... I'm done! I really can't wait until I'm back home relaxing w/no classes in my comfy bed! My bed at home is like sleeping on a cloud compared to the crap I've got up here. Well here's a list of things to do once I get home:

-See my bunny.
-Spend some quality GIRL TIME.
-Go to the beach.
-Ride my bike.
-Make myself a feast.
-Get a job.(!!!)
-Love my cat.
-Disneyland, oh yeah.
-Keep in touch w/the Cal Poly folks.
-Jury duty. Boooooooo.
-Get a tan.
-Teach my goldfish tricks.
-Relax & enjoy!

4 Stars Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

UPDATE FOR MY CO... YAY! [12 May 2004|04:14pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Thursday - Track 4 (I don't know the name) ]

This past week a lot has been going on... how exciting! First off, cheerleading tryouts were this past Saturday, and you all probably thought I would never go back to that... but I did. All together I spent about 10 hours at the gym for tryouts! A few hours consisted of sitting and waiting as well as uniform fittings, but the other 7 hours were spent working my ass off! I was soooo sore Saturday night, Sunday, Monday, AND Tuesday. Even today my arms are a little tender. I can't believe how out of shape I am! Anyway... the good news (or is it really good news?) is that I made the squad. And the even better news is that cheerleading is now under athletics and we don't have to pay for ANYTHING! I could really just jump for joy about that.
The second wonderful thing that happened this week is that I found my co for WOW! That has got to be the best news in the past like, 7 weeks! I was so stressed that I would not find a co and almost ready to quit. But now everything is great and I'm really looking forward to doing WOW.
Other exciting things this week:

-No english all week (YES!) because we're having conferences and mine is on Friday!
-No grc lecture because our teacher is in Germany! Hooray for Germany! He's actually at this big printing thing that happens every four years...
-Strawberry Festival this weekend! You know I can't wait!

So overall... this has been a good week. And hopefully it will continue to be not only a good, but a great week! And of course it's week 7 (of the quarter)! That may seem like a random thought but stuff w/the number 7 always seems to have some significance in my life. Anyway, I hope you all are having a great week 7 as well. That's all for now!

3 Stars Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

LONG DAYS AND NIGHTS... [30 Apr 2004|12:49am]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | Yellowcard ]

So my life has been pretty mundane as of late (that is besides all of the drama that goes on that I manage to hide from everyone!) No but seriously, this quarter is going to be the end of me. I just finished w/all of my midterms and to be honest I'm not very happy w/my grades. I basically have an essay due in english EVERY monday, which sucks. I just hope I can do better than C- work from now on. That was pretty depressing. I am going home this weekend and doing the whole mother's day thing early (you know, like sending a card two weeks early beacause you thought it was last sunday). No but really it's because I'm not gonna be home the weekend of the 9th, so hopefully that will be okay. I can't wait to go home... I am getting so sick of being in this place. Also, the weather is driving me nuts. Not that there isn't weather in other cities... but it goes from like low 60's to low 100's the next day. What the heck is wrong w/this place?? Summer will be good for me because I'm really homesick and right now I don't even feel like I want to come back next year. But of course I will, because I have to. Well that's all the complaining I can do for now. So long.

Beatrix Kiddo (Black Mamba)

You're the Bride! Strong and determined, you can do anything once you set your mind to it. You long for vengeance and for a happy ending, and will do anything to achieve them.

Kill Bill: Which Deadly Viper Assassin Are You?

1 Star Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

SPRING BREAK... [28 Mar 2004|12:33pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

Well today is the last day of spring break and it's very sad because that means I have to go back to school. I like school and everything it's just that... I know this quarter's gonna be killer. I mean, my classes are in like 4 hour blocks w/no breaks... and not even fun classes! But classes like math, writing, and econ! But I got myself into it... and it's just what I've gotta do.
At least I had a fun week at home. I went to Disneyland, went shopping, tanning, saw Lori Sue and Darlene and did random fun things. Oh and I finally got my Barbie that I've been talking about for weeks now... haha! It's the asian "Cali Girl" Barbie, and we bought her outfits, too.
Well tomorrow's a new day (and a new quarter) and who knows what adventures may come my way. Just kidding I have no adventures! So that's all for now I supose...

Look to the Night Sky

TIME FLIES... [06 Mar 2004|01:41pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]

Wow I can't believe my second quarter in college is almost over... which means my first year is almost over, even though there's still another whole quarter to go. But I'm really glad that this quarter is almost done. In just 2 weeks it's spring break and relaxation, as if I don't get enough of that as it is. Every day for me is just laying in my bed doing a whole lot of nothing. As we speak I am laying in my bed typing on my computer. But that's the joy of the laptop. I mean, you can just put it on your lap, and type away. Well, I guess I was just updating because I had nothing better to do. So that's all for now. Love you Bunny.

gold heart
Heart of Gold

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla
Look to the Night Sky

THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST... [26 Feb 2004|10:56pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Juliana Theory - Into the Dark ]

Oh to know the pain of loving someone and finding that they don't feel the same way. How sad is it that a lousy MOVIE can come between two people so easily. What's more important to you? Love, or entertainment?

1 Star Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

LONELY LIVING... [06 Feb 2004|11:27pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Incubus - A Crow Left of the Murder ]

Oh, the perils of college life. Some wouldn't complain, but of course I have to be the one to speak against the norm. This past month or so that I have been back at school has been nothing short of stressful, fun, enlightening, lonely, and depressing. There are so many ways that I could describe each day. It seems that for every good thing that happens, there are about three other not good things lingering about. I'm in a slum for money... mostly because I have not contacted my work for the past month so THEY don't even know if I'm still working there. I need to start being more responsible about that, by the way, and accept the consequences, whatever they may be. But, to tell you the truth, I don't ever want to work there again in my life. So whatever consequences they can dish out will probably not be negative, at least from my point of view. And speaking of work, this is my first year ever having to file taxes and those W-2's are nice and confusing.
I really wish that I could drive home every weekend because I always seem to get screwed in some way and end up not doing anything on the weekends. But seeing that I have no money, it makes driving a little difficult, w/no gas and all. Last weekend was fun because Chris came up and when he's around I don't feel like I need to worry about anything else in the world. The thought of him is often what keeps me going. But after a week or so, depression kicks in and Lord only knows what can be done after that.
I just have to express my happiness in myself for doing all of my math homework this quarter so far. It's such an improvement from those high school days when I swear I didn't do a single page of homework. If I did my homework it was like, and event. But, I think I've been really good about staying on top of all my work. And I may not have a good grade in that class, but if I keep it up, maybe it will improve. Maybe not, but I hate math so I don't know what else I can do.
Well, I don't know what else there is to say about this lonely Friday night. I'm really excited about going home next weekend, though, because it's Valentine's Day and I get to go see George Lopez w/Chris which I hope is gonna be fun and great. Also, it's a 3-day weekend and those only come once in a blue moon so I am sooo grateful for that. Now, I'm just going to sit back and relax to the sounds of some great music.

2 Stars Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

FINALS NEXT WEEK... [04 Dec 2003|09:22am]
Well it's almost time for my first quarter in college to end. It went by so fast, it's amazing. But I'm still ready to go home for a while. I am definitely looking forward to Christmas! Okay so who watches the OC... that is a great show. And I love Seth and his "Christmukkah."
So yesterday was a big event, I finally got an A on one of my speeches. Sure, it was the last speech, but at least I did get one A. I didn't even expect it, I was so happy.
Well, I can't wait to come home... it's gonna be great.
Oh and I bought Pirates on Tuesday and watched it that night! I love that movie.
3 Stars Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

THE WEEKS GO BY... [18 Nov 2003|08:24am]
[ mood | indifferent ]

Well I've been here for I don't know how long now... and I never know if I'm happy of depressed. Chris came to visit me this weekend, though, and that was the best time I've had in a while. He makes me so happy... just spending time w/him. He bought me a new fish before he left and I named it Bunny and I love it so much!
So lately I've been working A LOT! Currently I'm working at Jamba Juice and at Albertson's (sorry to all you union members... it's nothing personal) in the Starbuck's. It is such a kick back job working there it's just that working two jobs is really hard work especially when the end of the quarter is coming near. But as soon as the holidays are over, I will only be working one job again... I just want to build up some extra cash so I can buy people Christmas presents. That's always been something I've loved to do... except I've never actually had a job and my own money to buy Christmas presents so this year will be extra special.
Oh so this time last week I was driving to Disneyland w/my roommate Emily and our neighbor Karlien. We spent Monday night at Chris' cuz my house is a mess and then we went to Disneyland for the day on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun... and good roommate bonding time. I love Disneyland.
Well I don't know what else to say right now... I'm in class doing just about nothing. Well I miss everyone, but next week will be a different story. See ya'll later!

1 Star Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

BITCH... [29 Sep 2003|04:26pm]
[ mood | drained ]

you're bitch.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I only had two classes today and I am so thankful for that! I am so tired. Well on Thursday night I drove home and helped babysit w/my love Chris and then fell asleep on his bed. Then Friday we went to eat at Quizno's and saw the movie "thirteen." I thought it was a good movie but it made me really sad... but Chris didn't like it. Well then after that I dropped him of at BJ's, the old workplace, and then I stopped by Jamba Juice to say hi to the old co-workers... I miss that place. So I drove back up here on Friday night and watched Top Gun w/my friend Matt. Then Saturday afternoon Athena and I hit up Nacimiento and I had never been there before but it was so much fun. Sunday I sat in my room most of the day except for when I went downstairs to watch a little ping pong action. I wrote my speech and then didn't go to sleep until SUPER late which was not a good idea because i had to get up around 6 this morning. So I had my pilates class and then I had a 3 hour break to shower and perfect my speech and then I had to go to my speech class and GIVE my speech. Anyway, this guy in my class said that he thought I did really well which was reassuring because I thought I just did kind of alright. So now I'm sitting in my room and I'm super tired so I think I'm going to go take a nap! Love to you all! Bye!
Look to the Night Sky

LAB WORK... [23 Sep 2003|09:36am]
[ mood | crappy ]

So I'm in my first lab for my Electronic Publishing Systems class today... fun stuff. I am so tired and I just want to go to sleep. My classes have been pretty cool so far and I'm looking forward to my sculpture class later today. Well I don't know if I really have much to write about but I miss everyone back home. Especially Chris, Natalie, and Darlene!!! I love you guys and it's really hard w/o you! Well... more to come later.

1 Star Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

HELP ME PLEASE!!! [17 Sep 2003|12:29pm]
Look to the Night Sky

COLLEGE LIFE... [17 Sep 2003|12:24pm]
So I tried to update the other day and something happened... I don't know what. But anyway... it didn't work. So I'm living up in SLO now... it's a pretty cool and laid back place. I am so sore though from all the walking we've been doing. My dorm is literally the furthest from campus so we have to walk so far up and down hills. The good news is that I'll be getting plenty of exercise though. I like it here so far I guess. It's fun... but I miss my friends. My roommate is cool though and very nice. Well that's all for now I'm sure I'll make plenty more updates because I know I'll have lots of free time!
Look to the Night Sky

CHRIS' UPDATE... [13 Aug 2003|11:31pm]
[ mood | nerdy ]
[ music | incubus in my head... ]

Hey Cyber Land...Well, Kimiko is letting me speak my mind...since i don't have one of these guys...first of all...does everyone know how special Kimiko really is??? Probably for you guys...hahahahaha...i mean wow...this girl is really complicated though...(but time has given me a lil advantage and i've seem to have figured her out) (ex.the "somethings wrong Lip")Kimik knows what i'm talking about...For those of you who don't know what the "somethings wrong Lip" is let me tell you...when i have Supposedly...done something wrong or not even have done anything...she compresses her it bugs...but i still like her...or should i say Love...yes i sincerely Love her...she is my best friend...she knows my ins and outs...OOK this is a bitch...yes a bitch...everyone who's in a relationship knows what i'm talking about...even if you trust the person...a weird jealousy lurks in the misty love waters...haha...She gets all weird when a girl either talks to me or anything that to that nature...SO...this girl thinks i'm "Hot"...psh...and "i" really don't think so and now here's the thing that bugs the "hell" out of me...she gets all crazy...i will say something like "ah thats cool"...and she would say something like "yeah she's really cool, everything she does is cool"...Let me just say for the record NOTHING WOULD EVER HAPPEN>>she's doing it now...i said..."i don't want to say i'm not attracted to her because thats rude"...and she says..."why you are attracted to her"...hahaha...anyways the main point is she gets in this mooods where she changes my words to make something totally different out of it...and she takes jokes to seriously sometimes...So it is up to you guys to help US out...respond with generosity...should i just not talk to the female species??? what do you guys think???
would this truly solve the problem??? Because she talks to males right!!! doesn't she talk to you "guys"...she says not that much...she should just leave me in the dust...cuz all we are is dust in the wind...GOOD song...anyways hope you guys enjoyed my dumbass talking for awhile...good luck in college who ever is hard...haha...these damn journals...ook until next time... rent a damn good movie and give your review here...sorry guys i just want Kimik to get a lot of comments...Later on kids...

1 Star Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

ASIAN... HAHA... [13 Aug 2003|12:52pm]
[ mood | bored ]

You are not European
You are not European.

What's your Inner European?
brought to you by Quizilla

This is funny... because I am asian...

Look to the Night Sky

WEIRD... [06 Aug 2003|11:08am]
I've just gotta say that at this moment it feels really weird to be out of high school... no more homecoming king and queen and no more dances altogether. No more games... well there's still games, but it's not the same. It seems like that's the kind of stuff you live for in high school. Weird.
4 Stars Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

SUMMER TIME... [06 Aug 2003|10:23am]
[ mood | grumpy ]

and the livin's easy... That's a true statement when you don't know what the hell is going on in your friends' lives. But then you find out and you feel like you haven't even been there for them. Well I don't know what to do... I'm not a good fixer-of-things and I don't even know if I'm that good of a friend to anyone.
Well yesterday I went to the fair w/Chris and it was pretty fun. We went on a couple of rides and I was happy because he doesn't like "gay ass" fair rides but he would go on them for me. I tried to win him a goldfish but I didn't... and he made a basket and won me a cute little puppy. We looked at the photography exhibit and the floriculture building... that was fun. And then later after the fireworks we found Darlene and Jordan and Tony. I love seeing my friends places and talking for a long time. That's a good thing about the fair... you're almost guaranteed to see someone you know. Well actually sometimes that's not a good thing...
So my plans for today: go to the gym and go to Adam's going away cake and ice cream party. I'm gonna miss that guy. Speaking of moving... I move in September. It doesn't seem that close yet, though.
Well that's all for now.

1 Star Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

GRADUATION THIS WEEK!!! [09 Jun 2003|08:22pm]
[ mood | determined ]

Wow I can't believe it is finally going to be over. To all of you who have been there for me through tough times, I thank you. You are all great people and I appreciate all that you have done for me. I hope that I can keep in touch w/all of my friends somehow when I go away to college... maybe livejournal will help me do that. Well here comes summer! And in 3 months it's off to Cal Poly SLO!!!

2 Stars Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

NON PROM... [06 May 2003|07:48pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Here's a picture of my lil' sis Ixchel and I at Non Prom! I like it!

Well that night was kind of fun... I think I was just missing Chris too much because I could've had more fun. I felt like a lost kid wandering around looking for a friend. Anyway, I just wanted to update so that everyone could see that picture! The End.

1 Star Tonight| Look to the Night Sky

THE PROM IS CREEEPING UP ON YA! [28 Apr 2003|07:21pm]
[ mood | excited ]

Oh man! Well Natalie took me to the DMV today and I got the paperwork to get a new license and it says that BOTH parents need to sign it! Which would be all fine and dandy except for the fact that my mom is in St. Louis until Friday!!! I can't live w/o my license until Friday! I've gotta figure out something!!! Especially since I still have to order Chris' boutonniere and pick up my dress. Hey I bet ya didn't know that's how you spell "boutonniere." Anyway, I'm really looking forward to THE prom (as we say it nowadays), not only because it's the prom but for two other special reasons. Number one: Chris and I met last year on May 3rd; and Number two: Our 8 month anniversary is on May 4th. But why can't the prom be as exciting as it is on TV and in the movies? Well maybe it's just exciting because it's always all about who gets prom king and queen, like everyone gets all into it. I guess it's never been that exciting before because we've never done nominations like this before... it's always just been at the dance. I wonder who will get nominated. I really hope that Eric does because I know that he really want and deserves it. I am kind of excited to see who is nominated, though... to see who's up for it or whatever. Well I guess my dad is going to try to forge my mom's signature on the license application thing which is very surprising to me. I didn't think he could ever do anything against the law. Well I'm tired of being online and I have nothing else to talk about, so that's all for now!!!

Look to the Night Sky

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