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'Tragic Kingdom' No Doubt |
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LAYER ONE: -- Name: Vicki Cavanaaaaargh -- Birthdate: 3rd February 1986 - that's right, it's my birthday tomorrow! -- Birthplace: Birmingham, England -- Current Location: *points* there -- Eye Color: Bluey-silver -- Hair Color: Blonde -- Height: 5'2" -- Righty or Lefty: Righty tighty, not lefty loosey.
LAYER TWO: -- Your heritage: English mom, Irish dad. -- Your weakness: Music, all things toasted, sessy men. -- Your fears: Fire, murder, clowns, rejection, loneliness. -- Your perfect pizza: Barbeque chicken, red onion, mushrooms. -- Goal you'd like to achieve: To fall in lurve at some point in my life, or y'know, the fashion dream thing.
LAYER THREE: -- Your most overused phrase(s) on MSN: Anything within two of these ----> * -- Your thoughts first waking up: Gah... morning... cold... get up... gaaaaaah -- Your best physical feature: Belly freakin' button. It's groovy and sparkly now it's pierced. -- Your bedtime: 12ish. -- Your most missed memory: Childhood carefree innocence.
LAYER FOUR: -- Pepsi or Coke: Coke -- McDonald's or Burger King: BK, for the chips. -- Single or group dates: *shrugs* Not bothered. It's a date at least. -- Adidas or Nike: My trainers are Adidas so I'll go with that. -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Ice Tea is heaven! I just drank a glass of mango flavour. *drool* -- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolatey goodness -- Cappuccino or coffee: *in fake French accent* Cappuccino mon ami
LAYER FIVE: -- Smoke: Nope -- Cuss: This language is no fun if you don't -- Sing: Am right now, to 'Don't Speak' - No Doubt -- Take a shower every day: Again, I just did, and I do every day. -- Have a crush(es): Maaaaybe -- Do you think you've been in love: Nope, woe is me! -- Want to go to college: I haven't in a week because of snow. And then on my birthday I have to go in for a whole day! Grrr... so no, I don't want to go in tomorrow. -- Like high school: It was good I guess. Made some great friends who I love. -- Want to get married: I do have my schmooshy side. -- Believe in yourself: Yeah, sometimes. -- Get motion sickness: Nope -- Think you're attractive: Every now and again I suppose, if I'm having a good day -- Think you're a health freak: I can be if I think about it. I'm about to go into a health-freak phase now actually. I need sit ups. I did 100 today *is proud* -- Get along with your parents: Very well... I told my mom today about my fake ID and was really great about it. -- Like thunderstorms: They're uber cool, cuz I like to be a-scared. -- Play an instrument: Drums, keyboards, recorder (HAhahahaha), very very extreme basic guitar, triangle.
LAYER SIX: In the past month . . . -- Drank alcohol: Hell yeah -- Smoked: I don't think so, no. -- Had sex: Nope :-( -- Made out: Yeah -- Gone on a date: Nay -- Gone to the mall: Yep, but they're called SHOPPING CENTRES. -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Nah, but they ARE heaven's biscuits. -- Eaten sushi: I *heart* sushi. Yes. -- Been on stage: I don't think so. -- Been dumped: Nope -- Gone skating: Nah -- Shoplifted: Nuh uh -- Changed who you were to fit in: Nope, I am me thankyouverymuch
LAYER EIGHT: -- Age you hope to be married: Not bothered, as long as I'm in love it doesn't matter now does it? -- Numbers and Names of Children: I'd like 2 or 3. A mix of girls and boys, but I'm not sure about which I want more of. Girls' names: Megan, Kate or Imogen. Boys' names: Ben, Jack. -- Describe your Dream Wedding: [soppy] With a dream guy. [/soppy] -- How do you want to die: After having said goodbye to everyone that matters most to me. -- Where you want to go to college: I am, at Solihull College, doy. -- What do you want to be when you grow up: Fashion designer or similar -- What country would you most like to re/visit: Ireland (because I miss it) or the States, or Italy.
LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl . . . -- Best eye color: Blue or green -- Best hair color: Brown -- Short or long hair: Depends -- Height: I don't care as long as they're taller than me, which isn't hard! -- Best weight: Don't care, I'm not shallow. NO REALLY, I'm not!! -- Best articles of clothing: Boxers ;-) -- Best first date location: Not fussed -- Best first kiss location: On me, lips or neck. If we're talking places? Again, not fussy.
LAYER TEN: -- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0 -- Number of people I could trust with my life: I can count them on one hand -- Number of CDs that I own: About 200 -- Number of piercings: 3 -- Number of tattoos: 0 -- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: About 3 -- Number of scars on my body: About 4 -- Number of things in my past that I regret: 1 thing, which I've never told anyone.