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Friends Only thank you please [Sun 8th Feb 2004 ~ 19:19]
You read the title.

Friends only now.

If you want to read this any more, leave me a comment and I'll add ya.
8 rhythm stickshit me

Hahaha, how ridikerus [Sat 7th Feb 2004 ~ 13:16]
are you sexy? by jeska
your name
do YOU think you are?
on a scale from 1-10 you are a10
other people say you arebeautiful
your sex appeal will last tilOctober 13, 2082
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
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Awwww [Sat 7th Feb 2004 ~ 13:14]
Your Love Situation by Amberishjewel
Your Love Is...Seductive
During Lovemaking You Act...Like a child, always playing
Your Partner Is...Your soulmate
Your Partner Has Said That You...Are a great lover
Your Love is Summed Up In A Quote."Love is bittersweet"
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
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[Sat 7th Feb 2004 ~ 13:12]
Who were you in a past life? by Kat007
Favorite Color:
You were most probably:A depressed goldfish
If not then you were:A sheep dog named Grody
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
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Grr-licious [Sat 7th Feb 2004 ~ 13:02]
[ mood | mixed, again ]
[ music | Scanner whirrings ]

Oww... I am in the most uncomfortable position possible. Cross-legged on chair with knees banging against table (owwwwwww) with big ass heavy fashion book on lap which I have to scan from but is too heavy to lift and put onto scanner. Grr.

I did some work this morning. I know... scary. Me? Actually doing work? *shocked* And this is why I am with said book now.

Feel really bad about Kris now. Stupid, stee-upid me. *slaps head*

Hopefully my 18th sorta night up town today will cheer me up. My first Broad Street expedition! w00t! Going to Sports Cafe to drink whilst being dressed up all fancy playing pool. Yeah. Then on to Flares 70s themed club with the dance mats and the goldfish bowls filled with cocktails and flashing swizzle sticks, and KARAOKE! I can't wait... I have the feeling I won't wanna leave EVER. Every single one of my friends (even Jen, who can't even make it) is hell-bent on getting me drunk tonight, as I'm 18 now and all. Winnie is even going to force-feed me an entire goldfish bowl. Pah.

But that's if I can get off this chair. *smites book*

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I am SO a drummer [Sat 7th Feb 2004 ~ 12:38]
Which Band Should You Be In? by couplandesque
Your Name
Band NameYeah Yeah Yeahs
TrademarkHair Colour Changes Constantly
Love InterestThe Drummer
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

And I used to have pink hair... yes indeedy-yo.
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[Fri 6th Feb 2004 ~ 21:44]
[ mood | mixed emotions ]
[ music | 'Here In My Room' Incubus ]

*gasps for air* That just took me hours to scan through and upload all those pics and then put them on my lj. I need to relax... stupid me giving my manslave Pedro the day off. I need a massage. *pretends she actually does have a manslave and not just a back scratcher*

My day was boring, went out for a meal tonight and ended up arguing with my family cuz they piss me off sometimes. They were arguing for 15 minutes in the car about WHICH JOURNEY to take to the fucking place. Who cares? We all end up at the same place! I swear, they need to relish on every single detail, especially when it comes to me, too. I have no private life. If I get a text it's like "Who is it? What do they want? What does it say? I thought they didn't like you?" over and over again and it does my head in. *drowns it all out with relaxing Jamie Cullum music*

Booking Incubus tickets tomorrow... hizell yeah!

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My 18th piccies... there's loads [Fri 6th Feb 2004 ~ 21:29]
La de daah )
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[Fri 6th Feb 2004 ~ 21:11]
School night piccies )
6 rhythm stickshit me

5 things I love about... (stolen from Beth) [Fri 6th Feb 2004 ~ 10:46]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | 'Perfection Through Silence' Finch ]

Take three people who are close to you and say 5 things you love about them.

5 things I love about Winnie:-

* The way she likes all the same music I do and goes to concerts with me
* The way we can dance like crazy loons really early in the night at the Academy and not give a fuck
* She has the best taste in clothes
* She got me into Japanese horror films
* The way that she knows what I'm thinking or feeling, even if I'm hiding it away

5 things I love about Ian:-

* The way he makes me laugh more than anyone else can
* The way he pushes me into things I need to do but are too lazy to do, like getting a goddamn job
* The talks we have late at night like in Paris and when he stays at mine
* He loves all the things I do
* How he sticks up for me if someone messes me about

5 things I love about Emily:-

* She thinks up funny, mad things to do (especially in lifts)
* The way she hugs you every time you see her, and every time you leave her
* Her kindness
* The fun we have dancing at Subculture (much like Winnie's)
* The way she answers her phone ("Haroooo!", "Raaaah!", "Hellewwww!", "VickAY!")

*feels warm and fuzzy*

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I have cookie fever [Thu 5th Feb 2004 ~ 21:57]
I eat like a fat kid.

*spills more cookie crumbs*

But... so GOOD!

I have to hide the cookies... *spazzes into a sugar rush*
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I hear you on the radio... [Thu 5th Feb 2004 ~ 21:40]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | 'Megalomaniac' Incubus ]

FRIENDS BABY!!! Oh my God, I cannot express to you how happy I am. It's so strange how something as small as a TV series can completely change my mood. I laughed so many times during the new episode, and I did, of course, watch the hours of Friends related programmes beforehand. PHOEBE AND MIKE! *hoorays for Phoebe and Mike* And Precious? What the hell kind of name is that? Monica's hair had me in stitches. I LOVE FRIENDS!

But anyway, I promised you an update and I'll deliver. Meal was great. Me, my mom, dad and brother were there, as well as Pip, Jonny, Emily, Rachel, Ian, Char, Sam and Winnie. Got lotsa presents, which are as follows...

From Ian - top that I have but in red (which I prefer), pink bag, hairbrush
From Pip - Pretty little ring with a pink jewel, bath stuff
From Emily - Keyring that says 'Sharon' in beads (you nutbar), Spongebob jelly pens!!!
From Char - Necklace and bracelet set, make up jigger wotsit
From Sam - Chinese water garden set, Palmistry book
From Raych - Toffee moccachino stuff, big giant mofo box of Millie's Cookies!!!
From Em and Sam - a MR FROSTY that I've wanted since I was yay high. I cannot believe someone finally got me one!!!

Thank yoooooooouuuu you guys! *hugs all of you*

I'm a bit worried about my sugar intake at the moment. 4 and a half cookies and one toffee moccachino in the space of 15 minutes is not a good thing.

But back to the subject, we had a nice meal, yes. Waitress came out at the end and brought me an orange thing with a candle in it and everyone sang happy birthday to me *blushes*. I was so embarassed Ian and Rachel got embarassed for me too! Bless them...

Rachel brought a cup and ball thing to the restaurant. Everyone on the table could do it but me. *pouts* It was also no fun when it flew down my top. *cue my embarassment again* That thing is NOT A TOY, kids!

At the end of the night though my mom left Ian's presents at the restaurant and she felt really bad about it. So she drove me back there and we managed to find the bag with the stuff in. Presents can be replaced with my birthday money, but I wanted the sweet little tag thing he wrote for me. It was so sweet!

Anyway, right, I'm off now to watch Friends again (I recorded it). *evil laughs*

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FRIENDS IN... *counts*... 2 HOURS 40 MINUTES!!! [Thu 5th Feb 2004 ~ 18:18]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | The Salon on TV ]

Can you tell I'm excited? I cannae tell you how long I've waited... I love Friends so much, ever since it started oh-so-many years ago... oh yeah, love you guys too, yada yada yada. :-P

What I thought was going to be a boring day was quite a non-stop one. Went to college, got there for about 9.10 (hey, it doesn't matter cuz we have no teach, ya dig?). Winnie looked absolutely devastated and my heart was breaking for her, but that's another story. Jen came in at about 10, cuz she gets the train from far away and sometimes that's just how it happens. Then Winnie got a certain phone call *smilies* and was all happy again. Did some work, listened to Incubus and Jamie Cullum. Stayed about an hour more than I should've without realising. *shocked as hell*

Then Lorenzo came up and him, Winnie and I went to Solihull for a pizza hut buffet. Had very *ahem* interesting conversations about how guys can't live without erm... something. *shooshes* But I laughed lots. I likes Lorenzo, he makes me laugh and talks so much about his stories!

We went to Gap and the Entertainer and made rude sentences with the Winnie The Pooh speak-and-learn book. For instance, we make nice stories turn into "Christopher Robin is a big Pooh!" and laugh like loons on loon tablets. Then twas 2.30 and I had to meet Sam and Char and Matt to go see Big Fish, which was a great film. Surreal, and I like surreal. It was like a big dream of a fairytale of a dream. *sighs* No matter what film Ewan McGregor happens to be in, it's always good.

Then went to the camera shop and found it had just closed so I couldn't drop off the films of School Night and my birthday dinner. 5.15? Every other shop finishes at 6, or 8 in Touchwood because it's late night Thursday. Pfft! So instead I went to H&M;, had to stop myself from succumbing to new-found underwear-wanting binge. So I bought two tops for me to customise for Fashion.

Now I'm home, eating cookies that Raych bought me for my birthday (my favourites - anything from Millie's Cookies). I shall update later about my birthday dinner last night. Yes... I will. *nods*

In other news, I wants to speak to Kris! *pouts* But he's working *pouts more*

3 rhythm stickshit me

Go go go shorty, it's yer birthday! [Wed 4th Feb 2004 ~ 10:35]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | 'Pistola' Incubus ]

Yup, yesterday twas my 18th birthday!

Thank you Min, Ian, Em, Pip, Sam, Char, Mimi, Kris and everyone else that wished me happy birthday by phone or other means. 30 freakin' texts in one day! I feel so loved!

I got lotsa cool stuff...

About £125
Teddy bear with an 18 balloon (awww)
Afro Ken socks
Polka dot bag
Funkay belt
Jamie Cullum 'Twentysomething'
No Doubt 'Tragic Kingdom'
RATM 'Live At The Grand Olympic Auditorium'

More presents today because it's my birthday dinner! Woo!

Yesterday at college I finished my skirt, so sat there forever listening to new Incubus album. I <3 it. I could listen to Brandon's voice allll day. Before I bought it at lunch, me and Winnie kept trying to sing it right, and failing. Went something like "Heeey megaGLOmaniac!" (Winnie) "IT'S NOT GLO!!! IT'S LO!!!" (Me). Then onto "Heeey megalomaniac na na na JESUS! Na na na NO FUCKING ELVIS!!!" Such douchebags we are. But then checked lyrics and got it right. She bought me a Starbucks at lunch and we had a lovely little chat. As always. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy cuz we were talking about soulmates, and she said that in a way, I was hers (in a non-lesbian way), because we just 'get' each other and she's my best mate. *fuzzes over at very thought*

Got home to find big 18 banner in front room and CHOCOLATE BIRTHDAY CAKE!!! I had no idea my mom had even done that. My smile was THIS big *stretches arms*

Later, went to the pub round by my gran's and had a nice meal for mine, my dad's and my gran's birthdays (ours all come at once). Got home and went on internet to find there was a BIRTHDAY THREAD on Foo that Winnie had started! *hugs you all* Thanks everyone that posted, because that was insanely sweet. Espesh Mimi and Kris also that wanted to do the same thing.

Got phone call from Ian (oh yeah, we're friends again), and he wanted me to go celebrate with him at Dhiren's. Also got phone calls from Mimi (thank you!) and Kris!!! *screams* His voice = very similar to Ewan McGregor's *melts into pool of unrecognisable goo* We talked about our phones and how I giggle when I'm nervous *pulls funny face*. I'm so crap on the phone. Sorry to those that phoned me.

Went to Dhiren's and had 2 JD and cokes because I have to drink SOMETHING on my 18th. Was okay but don't really know Dhiren or Richard, who was also there. Also felt a little uncomfortable being the only girl there.

Phew. So that was my day. This morning played guitar and watched Teen Big Brother all over again. And now I'm here. With window cleaner watching me through window.

Jeeeeez, long post was that!

9 rhythm stickshit me

Steee-olen from purps68 [Wed 4th Feb 2004 ~ 10:30]
If you had been found dead yesterday at 8 o clock, what would you have been wearing and what would they have found on you?

Found Wearing:

New cool low-rise jeans
My favourite black long-sleeved top with zippy and badgy things on it
Long blue, white, black stripy socks (which almost matched Winnie's yesterday - yowzas!)
Black underwear
Err... oh yeah, glasses cuz I was on the puter
Earrings and belly button bar
3 rings


In my pocket was a 10 pound note (just given it from gran)
Was eating chocolate birthday cake, so maybe a crumb here and there?

Nothing else cuz was at home
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I'M Justin!!! [Mon 2nd Feb 2004 ~ 20:59]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | 'I Get A Kick Out Of You' Jamie Cullum ]

Went to town today with mom. She bought me stuff for my birthday, so I got a nice new pair of jeans that I call my 'Clash jeans', because they remind me of The Clash for some reason... and some posh black trousers cuz she got an iron mark on my old ones which made them shiny in places, which looks dodgy. *ooh err*

I go through phases of eating like a pig for a few weeks, and then losing my appetite for weeks too. The loss-of-appetite phase has started again today. I don't know why my eating habits are so irregular... although my mom's the same.

Was supposed to do SOME form of Fashion work today, but fooled around like a big pansy on the dance mat again and reminisced over Series 9 of Friends (TOW The Lottery, probably one of my favourite Friends episodes EVER), so I didn't do that much.

I wonder if Tim's bought me a cake for Fashion tomorrow? He said he was gonna... jeez if he hasn't my birthday's going to S-U-C-K.

Read in Winnie's journal that her and Adam are on a break. I kind of sensed something was wrong on Sunday and her talking about it with me recently made me think something was going to happen soon, I just hope she's okay and I'm there for her whatever happens. *hugs Winnie with big stretchy arms*

I passed the Entertainer in town today and noticed that at the kiddy entrance it now says "No Adults Allowed". Made me think of when me and Ian crawled through it at Christmas. Hmmmm.

2 rhythm stickshit me

Stolen from Helen... [Mon 2nd Feb 2004 ~ 20:30]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | 'Tragic Kingdom' No Doubt ]

-- Name: Vicki Cavanaaaaargh
-- Birthdate: 3rd February 1986 - that's right, it's my birthday tomorrow!
-- Birthplace: Birmingham, England
-- Current Location: *points* there
-- Eye Color: Bluey-silver
-- Hair Color: Blonde
-- Height: 5'2"
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty tighty, not lefty loosey.

-- Your heritage: English mom, Irish dad.
-- Your weakness: Music, all things toasted, sessy men.
-- Your fears: Fire, murder, clowns, rejection, loneliness.
-- Your perfect pizza: Barbeque chicken, red onion, mushrooms.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: To fall in lurve at some point in my life, or y'know, the fashion dream thing.

-- Your most overused phrase(s) on MSN: Anything within two of these ----> *
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Gah... morning... cold... get up... gaaaaaah
-- Your best physical feature: Belly freakin' button. It's groovy and sparkly now it's pierced.
-- Your bedtime: 12ish.
-- Your most missed memory: Childhood carefree innocence.

-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: BK, for the chips.
-- Single or group dates: *shrugs* Not bothered. It's a date at least.
-- Adidas or Nike: My trainers are Adidas so I'll go with that.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Ice Tea is heaven! I just drank a glass of mango flavour. *drool*
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolatey goodness
-- Cappuccino or coffee: *in fake French accent* Cappuccino mon ami

-- Smoke: Nope
-- Cuss: This language is no fun if you don't
-- Sing: Am right now, to 'Don't Speak' - No Doubt
-- Take a shower every day: Again, I just did, and I do every day.
-- Have a crush(es): Maaaaybe
-- Do you think you've been in love: Nope, woe is me!
-- Want to go to college: I haven't in a week because of snow. And then on my birthday I have to go in for a whole day! Grrr... so no, I don't want to go in tomorrow.
-- Like high school: It was good I guess. Made some great friends who I love.
-- Want to get married: I do have my schmooshy side.
-- Believe in yourself: Yeah, sometimes.
-- Get motion sickness: Nope
-- Think you're attractive: Every now and again I suppose, if I'm having a good day
-- Think you're a health freak: I can be if I think about it. I'm about to go into a health-freak phase now actually. I need sit ups. I did 100 today *is proud*
-- Get along with your parents: Very well... I told my mom today about my fake ID and was really great about it.
-- Like thunderstorms: They're uber cool, cuz I like to be a-scared.
-- Play an instrument: Drums, keyboards, recorder (HAhahahaha), very very extreme basic guitar, triangle.

In the past month . . .
-- Drank alcohol: Hell yeah
-- Smoked: I don't think so, no.
-- Had sex: Nope :-(
-- Made out: Yeah
-- Gone on a date: Nay
-- Gone to the mall: Yep, but they're called SHOPPING CENTRES.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Nah, but they ARE heaven's biscuits.
-- Eaten sushi: I *heart* sushi. Yes.
-- Been on stage: I don't think so.
-- Been dumped: Nope
-- Gone skating: Nah
-- Shoplifted: Nuh uh
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Nope, I am me thankyouverymuch

-- Age you hope to be married: Not bothered, as long as I'm in love it doesn't matter now does it?
-- Numbers and Names of Children: I'd like 2 or 3. A mix of girls and boys, but I'm not sure about which I want more of. Girls' names: Megan, Kate or Imogen. Boys' names: Ben, Jack.
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: [soppy] With a dream guy. [/soppy]
-- How do you want to die: After having said goodbye to everyone that matters most to me.
-- Where you want to go to college: I am, at Solihull College, doy.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Fashion designer or similar
-- What country would you most like to re/visit: Ireland (because I miss it) or the States, or Italy.

In a guy/girl . . .
-- Best eye color: Blue or green
-- Best hair color: Brown
-- Short or long hair: Depends
-- Height: I don't care as long as they're taller than me, which isn't hard!
-- Best weight: Don't care, I'm not shallow. NO REALLY, I'm not!!
-- Best articles of clothing: Boxers ;-)
-- Best first date location: Not fussed
-- Best first kiss location: On me, lips or neck. If we're talking places? Again, not fussy.

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: I can count them on one hand
-- Number of CDs that I own: About 200
-- Number of piercings: 3
-- Number of tattoos: 0
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: About 3
-- Number of scars on my body: About 4
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: 1 thing, which I've never told anyone.

2 rhythm stickshit me

Stolen from Beth, thank you! [Mon 2nd Feb 2004 ~ 10:25]
1. The name I would chose for myself: Phoebe... shortened to Pheebs, doy.

2. Three bands I've been listening to recently: No Doubt, Rage Against The Machine, Jackson.

3. The last three songs I heard: 'All At Sea' Jamie Cullum, 'Killing In The Name' RATM, 'Know Your Enemy' RATM.

4. The song I like to sing when I go Karaoke: When I sang karaoke many many years ago, I sang 'Summer Lovin' Grease Megamix with my mom *blushes like a demon*. I also sang the Friends theme tune at a karaoke club once... *blushes more*

5. The car I drive: Ford Fiesta - tis my mother's.

6. The car I want: Mini Cooper in pillarbox red wih racing stripes and union jack livery.

7. Most attractive character on "Scrubs?": JD!!! *faints at thought of Zach Braff*

8. Most attractive Final Fantasy X character?: Err... Super Fun Cool Man?

9. Favorite FF IX character?: Jeez, you think I have a clue?

10. A favorite book: 'The Rebel Fairy' Deborah Wright

11. One thing I like about myself: My creativity.

12. One improvement that I've made to myself that I'm proud of: Losing allll that weight a year and a half ago.

13. One new hobby picked up over the last year: I would say guitar playing... but I gave up *erk*

14. One old hobby I wish I participated in more: Drums!!! I miss my drums... *sadness*

15. My "game," when I go to Vegas: Slot machines, but I've never been to Vegas.

16. A "game" that I'd like to learn better: Poker?

17. Favorite comic strip in the newspaper: Charlie Brown! \m/

18. Celebrity I would most want to meet: Michelle Branch / Dave Grohl

19. Movie that I want to see that I have yet to see: Toooo many. 'Ring Virus' as it's the only 'Ring' I have yet to see. 'Velvet Goldmine', 'Jay And Silent Bob', 'Almost Famous', 'The Shining'

20. My "drink" at the club: Usually it's vodka and coke cuz it's the cheapest thing there, but I prefer girly drinks like Baileys and Malibu.

21. Magazines I currently subscribe to: I don't but I buy Glamour, Vogue and Cosmo for Fashion research, and NME every now and again. Plus, anything with the Grohl or Foo in it.

22. Number of pillows on my bed: Three. Two for under my head, and one against the headboard because IT HURTS!

23. My sleepwear: Spongebob jammies or undlewear

24. What do I think of excessively "nice" people?: I'd probably trust them too easily, or be overly-conscious they were trying to get something. But I think you can tell if they're being genuine or not.

25. What would I do with a million dollars?: Donate some to charity, buy a house, a car, make sure all my loved ones are financially secure... and buy MEANINGLESS STUFF!
2 rhythm stickshit me

My night... [Sun 1st Feb 2004 ~ 22:52]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | Jamie Cullum - 'All At Sea', my personal favourite ]

Watched Lost In Translation... very very goooood. Kris, good recommendation. I wanna live in Japan now! Beautiful shootage. And Scarlett Johannsen is beautiful in a non-lesbian-sounding way. Very simplpistic yet brilliant. Wanna see again.

Got No Doubt 'Tragic Kingdom', Rage Against The Machine 'Live At ... some place' and Jamie Cullum 'Twentysomething' as early birthday presents. Love them all, especially Jamie... mrow.

Went to Toyk with Pip and Sadie who I haven't seen in aaaaaaages to see a jazz / blues type guitarist friend of hers play. Verrrrrrrry good and much like Jmaie Cullum, only not as priddy. Drank and caught up. Baileys = heaven's drink and I'm getting slightl ydrunk on my own in my house now on it.


Town tomorrow for birthday shopping with Mom. Fo shiz!

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School niiiiight! [Sun 1st Feb 2004 ~ 14:51]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | 'Red Is The New Black' Funeral For A Friend ]

Last night was good. They should have a school night EVERY WEEK! They got the biggest attendance *snigger - that's so schooly* since they opened last night. Woo! It was boiling though cuz of all the people and girls were going around in bras and boys topless... *eek* But they played Finch and Foo, so I was set. Those are MAH SONGS! They played a bit of Incubus too, as it was Incubus launch party night but THEY WEREN'T THERE! Harumph. I was gutted.

Felt kind of awkward cuz it was like me and Winnie and then Ian who didn't speak to us all night... but then that's all that can be expected really.

Woke up this morning feeling disgusting. I was really low and smelt of smoke, which I hate. But then I got clean and went out for my Dad's birthday lunch, even though it isn't till tomorrow (and then mine the day after - yay!). I cheered up quite a bit. I swear I was in tears laughing at my dad talking about all the funny times they had in Cyprus. Heeheeee...

Seeing 'Lost In Translation' about err... now actually! So I'd better toot off.


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