she sold her soul to rock 'n roll
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
Totally Cute, Totally New L.A.M.B. bag design. I am buying this as we speak!
Concert was fantastic... details to follow... let's just say two words... Gavin Rossdale. ;)
Current mood: cheerful
(5 yums | eat me)
Wednesday, June 9, 2004
11:15AM - don't stop inspiring me...
Tonight I will fufill a dream that I have had ever since 1995 when I picked up "Tragic Kingdom"
They have been a musical stronghold for me over the past 9 years. Gwen, my inspiration, has never left me short of amazed and filled with awe. A little band that started in Orange County that has captured my heart forever.
Tonight I'm seeing No Doubt!!!!
Current mood: excited
Current music: "Running" - No Doubt
(4 yums | eat me)
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
1:30AM - do this!
reason for LJ username:
AIM sn:
reason for AIM sn:
do you enjoy reading my LJ:
interesting fact about you:
weird fact about you:
will you post this in your LJ:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:
4. an LJ user not on my friends list:
5. something to do in the next two months:
Current mood: tired
Current music: "Bury Me With It" Modest Mouse
(2 yums | eat me)
1:29AM - try this!
reason for LJ username:
AIM sn:
reason for AIM sn:
do you enjoy reading my LJ:
interesting fact about you:
weird fact about you:
will you post this in your LJ:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:
4. an LJ user not on my friends list:
5. something to do in the next two months:
Current music: "Bury Me With It" Modest Mouse
(eat me)
Saturday, June 5, 2004
Rest in Peace Ronald Reagan
I will never forget coming into homeroom everyday junior year and seeing your smiling face shining down.
Graduation details later...
Current mood: sad
(eat me)
Friday, June 4, 2004
"Closing time
Open all the doors and let you out into the world
Closing time
Turn all of the lights on over every boy and every girl
Closing time
One last call for alcohol so finish your whiskey or beer
Closing time
You don't have to go home but you can't stay here
I know who I want to take me home
I know who I want to take me home
I know who I want to take me home
Take me home
Closing time
Time for you to go out to the places you will be from
Closing time
This room won't be open till your brothers or your
sisters come
So gather up your jackets, move it to the exits
I hope you have found a friend
Closing time
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"
Tomorrow it's all over.
I never thought I'd say this but I'm kind of sad to see this end.
Current mood: mixed emotions
(eat me)
Thursday, June 3, 2004
3:20PM - I wanna banish you from whence you came but you're part of me now and I've only got myself to blame
God Bless The Darkness. They really make the world a better place and bring a smile to my face.Last night I went to see the Yankees vs. the Orioles at Yankees Stadium with TJ. TJ is a big Orioles fan and of course, I myself am a huge New York Yankees fan. So it was the big showdown between us. We drove down there and ran into some rain, but everything cleared up and the game went through. Yankees won 6-5. I got bragging rights now.
Twista's "Overnight Celebrity" has been in my head for the past two days and all I have to say about it is that song ropes you in and makes you surrender your brain and and speech my forcing you to say, "I could make you a celb-ety ovaa niiight..."
Class Day today. Whatever. I got an award from George W. Bush. Hoaki... he's not cool but the fact that I won an award is cool. Went to Ruby Tuesday's with the guys for lunch. Good times. Baccalaureate tonight.
Current mood: cheerful
Current music: "Growing on Me" The Darkness
(6 yums | eat me)
Tuesday, June 1, 2004
7:56PM - I'm chillin' on the east beach...
So finally I'm posting because I haven't had a minute to myself over the past 5 days.
Last Thursday Dev and I went to the city. Shopped at HM, Sephora, and Canal St. I bought 6 pair of earrings, a shirt, a scarf, a lipstick, and lip conditioner. Good times. Dev went so crazy with his Loui shopping. Took the train home. I had to judge talent show that night. It wasn't bad. Went to the diner afterwords. Austin had his wisdom teeth removed that day and was all drugged up on perkasets. He was a little loopy and was doing "the loopy dance". That kid is a nut.
Friday was Moira's party. Not bad, a little boring. Good food. The cops came and told us to turn down the music. It's a good thing Alex didn't jump in front of the police car because he was doing that a few times.
Saturday through today I have been working. Back at the old ticketbooth. I can't say I mind it. I get good pay, Cat is working there now, Dave is back, and Rob is back ;). So yeah... the only downside is Battly the fucking crazy old woman who now works there. It's just nuts.
Graduation is this weekend. Going to practice this morning only solidified how happy I am to be getting the fuck out of here. I chose my dorm for next year. Hopefully I'll get it.
Tomorrow I'm going to see the Yankees. Hopefully it's not canceled.
1 week till No Doubt
3 weeks and 3 days till Incubus
3 weeks and 4 days till Gay Boyfriend Day aka... Gay Pride Parade in NYC
Current mood: cheerful
(4 yums | eat me)
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
4:17PM - I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one... hit me
TJ called and woke me up at 12 today. He came over. We watched music videos and he too me out for lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. Sweet. Vacation is a wonderful thing. Going out later. Going to NYC tomorrow with Devin. :) We're gonna have fun together as we always do. I can't wait to go shopping with him. We're gonna go down to Canal St. to try and get some Loui, hopefully the cops don't shut things down again.
Current mood: cheerful
Current music: "99 Problems" Jay-Z
(1 yum | eat me)
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
12:29PM - before I forget...
Hey remember this guy... Adam Busch aka Warren from Buffy the Vampire slayer? I saw him in a small convience store in the East Village on Friday when I went to get advil for my headache. He liked my wallet. ;)
I have to write about the show still... details later.
Current mood: amused
(4 yums | eat me)
"I hope the exit is joyful and I hope never to return."
-Frida KahloToday was my last day of finals. Basically, besides gradution I'm officially done with high school, and done with St. Joe's. In so many ways it feeling like this really isn't over yet. I'm sad that this chapter of my life is coming to a close. I walked to school today and thought about these four years along the way. In everyway today both felt like the first day of Freshman year and the last day of Senior year. The weather was that mix of summer yet cool that happens in both spring and fall. I wore a pink shirt like I did freshman year and was walking as I have done over the past four years. It's sad that my life is moving out of this stage but I am excited for the next stage to come. In a way St. Joe's showed me that I can survive through hell and make it out ontop. It also showed me that transition is absolutely not a bad thing. I was anxious to get out of St. Catherine's and come to St. Joe's as a freshman. Now I'm anxious to get out and go to a new St. Joe's. I'm anxious to meet new people, make new friends, learn different things, and have new experiences. I'm anxious to shed this old skin. Still I can't say there is anything I regret over these past four years. Everything that has happened to me has happened for a reason and has made me a better person. I am thankful for the good and bad of these past four years but I am finally ready for the next four.
Current mood: contemplative
(eat me)
Sunday, May 23, 2004
I wrote one of the three essays for my America final tomorrow. I have just decided I don't give a fuck about the rest. I know this shit and even if I don't pass the final, which I will, I won't fail the course.
I just have absolutely no motivation at all. Tomorrow is going to suck.
Current mood: crazy
Current music: "Bombs over Baghdad" - Outkast
(3 yums | eat me)
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Current mood: curious
Current music: "Roses" Outkast
(eat me)
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
I get a call on my cell...
who is it from....
( ? )
Current mood: excited
(4 yums | eat me)
6:41PM - just some thoughts
Amen to that. I've read enough history books to know that this conflict is not ending anytime soon and that on June 30th the US is just not going to "hand it over" to the Iraqi's. It's called "interim government" for a reason.
It's just like fucking Vietnam where we divided the country at the 17th parallel with the communsits in the North and the "non-communists" in the south. So then we put an American born Roman Catholic puppett into power who was hated by the people because he was Catholic cracking down on Buddhism in a predominantly Buddhist country. We promised the people of Vietnam that in 1964 there would be a "free election" between Diem from the south and Ho Chi Minh in the north and that the whole of that country would be reunited under the winner. But of course, Ho Chi Minh, the George Washington of his country, is leading in the polls and is going to get the popular vote so America cancels the elections. I bet a million dollars that if there are elections in Iraq and an Islamic fundamentalist gets the popular vote in the polls that these elections will be canceled too. Either that or the US will stuff the ballot boxes and only create more outrage. Now that my friends is democracy in action.
Iraq just like in Vietnam we grossly underestimated the opposition we would meet and the power we would need. The people kicking our ass in Iraq are guerilla fighters. They have no uniform. They attack us and fade into the background. How can we fight an enemy without a face.
The only difference is that involvement in Vietnam was the product of sound Cold War calculations. China was under communist rule, the Indonesian president was giving more rights to the communist party in Indonesia and China had just tested it's atomic bomb. American leaders feared a domino effect in third world asian countries such as Vietnam and bordering Cambodia and Laos. America feared that if these countries were to fall they would ally with China and that it would jeopardize the security of Japan and other countries of the world. So, in theory Vietnam politicians had basis for their war. Our involvement in Iraq lacks any rationale besides capitalism and revenge. Our president lied and wanted desperately to go to war in Iraq and used post 9-11 fear to mobilize a war effort. Our president tried to link Saddam to terrorists and weapons of mass destruction. Neither of these checked out. We are currently entrenched in a war we should have never been in. The people in Iraq are living in more chaos and fear then they did under Saddam's rule. Iraq is mob rule right now. It's just like Vietnam, if you drop enough bombs and kill enough people the civilians of that country become only more angered and more desperate to fight off their "liberators". I could go on and on about this... but I know that I do not want a president like this. I do not want a president who blatantly lies to his people. Just watch... if the Bush administration plays it's cards right on June 30, Bush may try to get a little peace accord started right before the election. He's gonna try to win back your votes but you bet if his ass gets elected again... young men in this country will be sitting in the deserts of Iraq dying senselessly for old men's pride.
Current mood: mad at my country
(5 yums | eat me)
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
"Then take me disappearin' through the smoke rings of my mind,
Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves,
The haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach,
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free,
Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands,
With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves,
Let me forget about today until tomorrow.
Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.
Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you."
-Bob DylanThese song lyrics are so beautiful. :)
Current mood: chipper
Current music: "Mr. Tambourine Man" - Bob Dylan
(eat me)
Monday, May 17, 2004
5:00PM - taken from emily
10 bands/artists you love
- River City Rebels
- The Clash
- The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- Coldplay
- N.E.R.D.
- Kanye West
- No Doubt
- The Strokes
- The Velvet Underground
- Flogging Molly
9 things that make you smile
- Caramel Frapps
- Gay Men
- Asian Babies
- Sleeping in
- Concerts
- Slurpee's
- Shopping
- Shoes
- My friends and family
8 things that you wear daily
- rings
- bra
- underware
- shoes
- socks
- shirt
- sunglasses
- necklace
7 things that annoy you
- not getting enough sleep
- working
- stress
- having a lack of funds
- my messy room
- going to school
- unclean clothes
6 things you're looking forward to
- possibly going to korea
- graduation
- summer
- college
- all the concerts this summer
- going to nyc as many times as possible this summer
5 things you're scared of
- rejection
- when i fail to fufill my own goals
- the olsen twins
- ms. lowell
- radiation
4 people you'd like to spend more time with
- Gaffney
- Barrett
- Fromm
- Devin
3 movies you could watch over and over
- Pirates of the Carribean
- Kill Bill
- American Beauty
2 of your favorite songs at the moment
- "Take me Out" Franz Ferdinand
- "Yeah" Usher
1 person you could spend the rest of your life with
- not sure about for the rest of my life yet... but for now... TJ
Current mood: content
(1 yum | eat me)
Gay Marriage is Legal in Massachusettes!
Current mood: jubilant
(2 yums | eat me)
Sunday, May 16, 2004
11:27PM - crazy shit that happened to my cousing Kevin...
him: Hey
me: Hey
him: oh man do i ever have a story for you
him: so yesterday me and my roomate went to bargain books before we were gonna go to odyssey fun world
him: and his friend was working and was the only employee there
me: mmhm
him: so we were just dickin around looking at hilarious books
him: when we see this like middle age guy with sunglasses grab a couple books put them in a bag he is carrying and walk out
him: so we told the kid working there and he was like fuck it just let him go
him: so i waited till he got to his car
him: i walked out front of the store
him: and yelled
me: uhuh
me: lol
him: then the guy just sat in his car for like 15 minutes
him: then he pulled up in front of the store
him: at this point the kid working there told me to get under the table where i couldnt be seen
him: the guy came in all pissedoff
him: and wanted to managers number and the owners number
me: lolol
him: so the kid working there gave him bullshit numbers
him: so he goes out to his car
him: calls the numbrs
him: then storms back in
him: and starts demanding real numbers
him: and says he isnt going to leave
me: holy shit
him: then told my roomate that they should "take it ouside"
him: even though my roommate didnt yell anything
me: are you SERIOUS
him: after threatening to call the cops
him: he said
him: "you bet your ass i will be back"
him: and left
him: we waited like 4 minutes
him: then we sprinted to my roomates car and got the fuck out
him: and the kid working there called the cops
me: that's fucking insane
him: yeah
him: the crazy fuck just had a pipe sitting in his car
me: that guy is going to hunt you down ad kill you in your sleeo
me: fucking maniac
him: i know
him: and i was sitting under a table like 2 feet from him
him: trying not to make any noise
him: because i knew if he saw me
him: and recognized i was the one who yelled
him: that i was gonna get a lead pipe to the skull
him: it was quite the exciting afternoon
me: lol
him: we just went back to my roommates house and turned the alarm on and grabbed baseball bats incase the crazy fuck followed us
Current mood: amused
(eat me)
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