
Recent Entries

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31st May 2004

10:36am: OH MY GOD!! JANEL is BACK!! well.... sort of.

I've been around, actually. No, not like that! Get your mind out of the dirty streets. I've been working a lot and sleeping a lot, and kicking back those drinks a lot, ect ect..
Today I am moving to my new house (excitement!). I am Very Tired but I can doooo it.. and work tonight.. and sleeeeeeeeep when I get home. SCORE. Tomorrow is a day of unpacking fun.

Gotta head out. Email me for my address and phone number if you want it. Stalkers.

(1 Touch| Reach For Me)

22nd May 2004

12:45am: Name: Janel
Age: 19
Birthday: September 28th
Location: Ontario, Canada
Favourite Evanescence Song: Breath No More
Favourite Video: Everybody's Fool
Favourite Band Member: Amy, and formerly, Ben.
Evanescence Concert: I loved them all for different reasons: New York, because I met the band, Boston, because I got to talk ot Amy for awhile, Montreal, because Amy looked right at me, all three because I was really close, and now I'm excited for the one in July.

(11 Touches| Reach For Me)

10th May 2004

8:37pm: OH MY GODDDDD!!!!1

Evanescence is coming to Ottawa July 19th. Tickets go on sale to the general public Saturday May 15th at 10 from Ticketmaster.

Current Music: EVANESCENCE!!

(5 Touches| Reach For Me)

21st March 2004

11:25pm: I am also editing my friends list. If i take you off it means no offense, I just have way too many people to keep up with, and too many that I don't know that well, and many that added me just for one ineterst - I will see you in the communities. not to be mean but I just can't keep up. too much! i'll check in on you guys who i take off periodically.

(2 Touches| Reach For Me)

11th January 2004

3:23pm: Friends Only.
I've had this journal since 2000.

Comment to be added.
Image made by [info]danceuronashes

(28 Touches| Reach For Me)

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