Cross My <3 &Hope To Die [entries|friends|calendar]
Miss Mary Mack♥

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all across the idiot nation.. [28 Oct 2004|04:59pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | green day ]

I have decided to make a new LJ username and a new AOL screen name <3 yay!

Add me:

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<3 [25 Sep 2004|04:51pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | take it away // the used ]

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for bre<3 my lover [25 Sep 2004|02:23pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | blink 182 ]

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</3 I really don't care if I never wake up again [22 Sep 2004|03:23pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | chloroform perfume&mercury; rising // fata ]

She keeps on asking
"Do you think it hurts much to die?"
"It's hurting so much more to stay alive now"
She's gonna find out how much it hurts to die
She laced her perfume up with death
Feel it in my lungs
So I'll pull in the deepest breath
And drop my head

How sad
This is what your life has been reduced to
A single room apartment
Containing no more than a mattress
The strings have been removed from the blinds
And all the outlets have been painted over
The television screen is streaked with blood
Smeared from your knuckles as you were
Trying to punch it out
But you underestimated it's strength
Or maybe you just weren't trying hard enough
Startled by a knock at the door
You rise for the first time in two days to answer
But you can only greet the visitor
With one short statement
Hello my first name is distance
And I really don't care if I never wake up again
Hello my name is distance
And I really don't care if I never wake up again
And I really don't care if I never wake up again
And I really don't care if I never wake up again

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[20 Sep 2004|10:17pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | stitches // orgy ]


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This is the truth... these are the things I can't say when were alone [19 Sep 2004|06:02pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | truth of my youth // nfg ]

These are my thoughts written down on paper<3 [19 Sep 2004|06:00pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | truth of my youth // nfg ]

My pussies<3 )

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We never planned on this disaster... [19 Sep 2004|05:56pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | this disaster // nfg ]

Mr.Smith and my 5th period<3 )

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You must not have a heart... [19 Sep 2004|05:49pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | over the head, below the knees // nfg ]

El Dante.. x.x and his stuff )

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You'll never learn your lesson! [19 Sep 2004|05:46pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | failure's not flattering // nfg ]


Ross &Justin;

My shoes!!!

My hand.. in a condom... x.x

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I do hope you learn a lesson [19 Sep 2004|05:44pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | doubt full // nfg ]

Rachel is THE hottest! )

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[19 Sep 2004|05:33pm]
[ mood | full ]
[ music | i don't wanna know // nfg ]

Dante's art... on my legs! )

<3 [19 Sep 2004|05:30pm]
[ mood | envious ]
[ music | failure's not flattering // nfg ]

AntiFashion259 [5:18 PM]: you wish you were me
TaKeMyHeArTaWaY0 [5:19 PM]: oh yeah
AntiFashion259 [5:28 PM]: i was getting my ass grabbed lmao
TaKeMyHeArTaWaY0 [5:28 PM]: o.0
TaKeMyHeArTaWaY0 [5:28 PM]: ::grabs... MY OWN ass::
TaKeMyHeArTaWaY0 [5:28 PM]: x.x
AntiFashion259 [5:29 PM]: ::grabs jenna's ass::
TaKeMyHeArTaWaY0 [5:29 PM]: o.0
TaKeMyHeArTaWaY0 [5:29 PM]: woah now
AntiFashion259 [5:29 PM]: lmao
TaKeMyHeArTaWaY0 [5:29 PM]: that's breanna's ass
AntiFashion259 [5:29 PM]: kelly grbs my ass at lunch
TaKeMyHeArTaWaY0 [5:29 PM]: wow
TaKeMyHeArTaWaY0 [5:29 PM]: that's nice
AntiFashion259 [5:30 PM]: and roy tends to kick my ass in the hallway.. then i kick his
TaKeMyHeArTaWaY0 [5:30 PM]: interesting

[19 Sep 2004|04:14pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | tbs ]

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For Al-ay<3 [18 Sep 2004|06:25pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | saints and sailors // dashboard ]

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For Becky<3 [18 Sep 2004|05:32pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | on the way down // ryan cabrera ]

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For Em<3 [17 Sep 2004|05:55pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | vindicated // dashboard ]

I was planning on making more than one icon but I just didn't get around to it.. maybe tomorrow<3

Your FO Banner.. Hope you like <3 )

</3 I loved you.. I loved you [16 Sep 2004|05:24pm]

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[16 Sep 2004|04:39pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | wonderwall // oasis ]

My IDs for school... )

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</3 [16 Sep 2004|04:25pm]
[ mood | crying ]
[ music | blue // remembering never ]

Fuck this.

I'm not waiting for anyone. Anymore.

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