I pretend I don’t exist
no one sings the blues, everyone just sings the greens
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Get to know the REAL you by crash_and_burn
Your Name
You Are A:Jock
Your Favorite Band/SongFive Iron Frenzy - Oh Canada
You Like To Read:Fiction novels
You Firmly Believe In:God
Everyone Thinks You Are:OMG WAY HOTT LOLZ
You Were Conceived:Backstage at a Queen concert
You Will Marry:Your current boy/girlfriend
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

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This place you have entrapped me in,
With this love and security,
I am so close I feel your heart beat within.
Our love is purity.

When ever I am alone with you,
You make me feel like whole again,
my heart is telling me that your love is true.

My heart's empty without you
My dreams will never come true without you

Current Mood: stressed
Current Music: sunny day real estate - grendal

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I'm sure Im the last one to tell you, but I'm so sorry to hear what happend if you need anything you know you can always call, I'll be back in houston in about 2 weeks much love

Current Music: KXLU radio

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Current Mood: anxious
Current Music: Drum & bass radio

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Updated :P

Current Mood: chipper

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Sorry about the lack of updating I just got back in town today from houston, I had been gone for some 2 weeks but they were the most fun I have had in a while, life is really looking up for me and I am finnaly truely happy with who I am with, I still have some bumps down the road I still need to get over for one starting school second being surrounded more by my family because I feel like I have started to loose touch some what and I dont want it to leave ever, I want to be close to the one I truley love as well I love it out here but I came here to grow up not to loose contact with these people, I love you all, good night.

More updates to come, pictures ect...

Current Mood: drained
Current Music: Dj shadow - some record

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Current Mood: loved

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new hair...
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+4 )

Current Mood: cold
Current Music: Kill hannah - big shot

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º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º:: <3 ::º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º
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+4 )

Current Music: Death cab for cutie - A lack of color

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I'm still in houston, but I decided to update. This break I have found out so many things about everything I've lost some freinds but I have met some incredible people through out it all and for all the harry/sarah crew I love you guys you guys are the fuckin shit I'll see you guys tonight, peace.

Current Mood: refreshed
Current Music: Death Cab for cutie - Passanger seat

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alright kids you guys have a chillax break I'm off to H-town. Peace.

Current Mood: rushed

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Remember that 72 inch TV we found, well we couldn't fix it so we turned it into some tripy house to fuck with here are some pictures THESE ARE UN EDITED

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+10 )

Current Mood: horny
Current Music: Tricky - feed me

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Excpect a lot of pictures this weekend Mwahahah

Current Music: Spiritualized - anything more

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Last one I promise
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I promise Ill take my camera out more it's getting tired of staying home alone all the time so as promised more pictures to come soon.
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in a picture mood :D

Current Music: kenna - freetime

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Question time......
ok people I have a very extremely important question to ask... the question I have is the name of the band or song of a music video that has a pair of legs walking around the whole video wearing red converse I think and the whole video is of the legs walking around and hes getting beat up randomly and the only lyrics I can recall is " I got to get away get away" I think? well if you can answere that question I am willing to become someones slave and do anything they posses me to do so name of the band or song . . . ok go, go find it and the first one with the answere will no be reffered to as god.

Current Mood: cynical
Current Music: Kill me Tommorow - traviling salesman delimma

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some of you might have seen this...

Current Mood: awake
Current Music: violent femmes - color me once

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Fuckin A livejournal keeps deleting my shit!!!
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+16 )

Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: KXLU radio

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That movie Kill Bill is this shit, I was torn between Texas chainsaw massacre and Kill Billand I was the only one that wanted to see the TCM so I went into the movie expecting another matrix rip off, the movie was actually one of the best movies i've seen in a long time. This weekend is going to be an interesting one hahah . . . .

Current Mood: drunk
Current Music: Nightmares on wax - fire in the middle

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I feel so bleh 0_o?

Current Mood: blank
Current Music: Kill hannah - big shot

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Spreading the love by one lighter at a time

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+1 )

Current Mood: bored
Current Music: Biggie Smalls - real niggaz

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More colored lights un-edited
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+4 )

Current Music: Le Tigre - Fake French

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Current Music: The Hives - supply and demand

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+2 )
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I was chillin out on the balcony this morning when I saw the most pimp couches ever. I went downstairs across the street and asked the lady if I could have them so I hauled the couches across the street and took them up....

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Our adventures
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+9 )

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Tv

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Things have been going really well lately, and it's been busy but I'll update sometime this weekend with pictures and such.

Current Music: Dj shadow - midnight in a perfect world

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I got bored today so I added some more holes, I couldnt find my other rings so I had to use these Im changing them out but they were pierced with a 6 gauged needle and streched to a 2.

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: company flow - Dear El-p

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So I got the final word today, Ernie is officially coming, hes flying in on sunday at 3, shit son old school days (:. I got a new toy in the mail yesterday, an Olympus C-5050 digital camera, I took a few shots today not much but this weekend I'm going to go test it out but for now here are some shots

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+4 )

Current Mood: tired

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man yesterday was one of those days that every fucking thing goes wrong, I woke up at 5:30 and looked forever to find my shoes not so bad but I got to work to load up the equipment and then when I headed out to go to the job my fucking car broke down for no fucking reason it ran fine just 10 minutes before and all or a sudden it shits out on me, so me and mary get a ride from somebody else and head to work after about 30 minutes of being at work some dumbass left his shit out everywhere and I had fallen onto some insulation and fuckin gave me this hardcore rash that fuckin burned all over my body I couldnt breath all day and the sun/sweat fuckin made it wose and everyone was in a rush to get work done so we could leave early and when mary was taking this 200 lbs.+ concrete blocks up this ramp at the very top about7 ft in the air they fell over causing her to falloff onto her back, she had to go to the hospital and she fucked up her arm bad. well 7 hours later going through hell from the burning we get off work drank for a little bit casue I though it would help, nope it made me want to kill any and everything so I just went home at like 7 and went to sleep. there was more shit that happend but thats the most of it so today I am going to the http://www.redbullflugtagla.com/ so hopefully today wil be better, hopefully.
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Update on the new "dew"
Ok here are just a couple of pictures I am waiting for the fuckin phone guy to show up now so I can have a phone(obviously) and I was bored so I just took a few Ill post more later of the apartment and mary and misc. photos over the past few days until then
"Bored To Death
I'm Just Bored To Tears
Same Old Shit Just Different Day & Year
Killed Myself But That Got Boring Too
So Beyond The Point Where It's Not True"

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+4 )

Current Mood: bored
Current Music: No knife - misson control

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Long-time no-talk
Ok guys I am finnally back from this long two weeks of hell with no internet hahahah well The cable/internet guys came today to set it all up and me and mary are all settled down now, I cut my hair short and a ton of other stuff but ill post pictures of everything in the next couple of days

Current Mood: calm
Current Music: The OC show

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well I finally got the apartment and my car, I'll be moving all day so Ill have pictures of a lot of recent stuff soon I have just been way to busy lately. everything is good except that I am sick but Ill update soon. and don't forget my birthday is tommorow ;P hahaah

Current Music: the Cure - to wish impossible things

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Well the trip was fuckin awsome I wish I couls have seen more people though and chilled longer, I got my car finally AND I drove from Houston to fuckin LA by myself without stopping once to rest I'm still tired as shit all update more about it but im to tired to type right now hah

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+12 )

Current Mood: tired

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this is in human for someone to be up this early hahahahaha byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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+5 )

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: Crash Test dummies

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This is our companies new buisness card you like? I like, I made it :P

Current Mood: moody

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We try to hide our frozen fear

Current Mood: crushed

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Current Mood: drunk
Current Music: Interpol - precipitate

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::It's random old picture hour::
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+5 )

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Blonde redhead - Speed x Distance = Time

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since you perverted people are hounding me to know how fucking big me cock is I generously am giving you a picture of it, now you guys don't laugh cause you know mines bigger then yours

+1 )

Current Mood: scared
Current Music: Gus Gus - Lady shave

I feel my heart slamming against my ribs
I've nothing to give
Name: I've nothing to give