I Believe in a Thing called Love! [entries|friends|calendar]
Val Gal

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[06 Jun 2004|10:47am]
[ music | On Your Porch - The Format ]

Don't wanna make a big entry. Yesterday was emotional. I was really happy at some points, really sad at others. I wouldnt have changed a thing though.

We talked all night, about everything you could imagine... )

I'll miss you Ryan. Its hard to say goodbye to a best friend. but I'll never forget you. I love you, and we'll keep in touch....<3

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[04 Jun 2004|11:36am]
Read more... )
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Friday night minus during the show... [02 Jun 2004|06:42am]
[ mood | procrastinating ]
[ music | Drinking for 11 - Mad Caddies ]

Just when you thought I was done...

Here are the last batch of pictures from this weekend )

I failed at getting ones of Ryan and Tanya...failed to the max....:( :( :(


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Bank One Ballpark, are you nervous? [02 Jun 2004|06:08am]
[ mood | content ]

I got up early to get more study time in. I'm so...not feelin it. lamecore. Ugh....Chem....what a dumb class...

So Here's an actual update eh! Monday night my parents were like...we're too tired to go to the baseball game. We dont want these tickets! Soooo I called up my favoritest kid in the world named Austen! And we went to the game and got food and were studs and stuff. At one point (though we had amazing main level seats) Austie suggested we go on a "field trip" and we went to the HIGHEST row possible. Like no one else was up there. It was amazing. There Austen defaced property with his sharpie (including my hand, that rebel) and taught me how to do the tiger dance...which is really the most amazing dance I've seen in ages. haha. We walked around along the concrete behind the back row of chairs and for some reason he wanted me to do a pushup and I was like...not happening....so we ended up fighting and beating eachother up. Austen found a light up pacifier and tried to throw it on me and such. Good times.

Upon leaving, we got lost and walked around the entire perimeter of Bank One Ballpark nearly twice. We're amazing. I'm such a rebel because I was out until nearly 11pm on a school night. yeeeah.

Aside from being total nerds, Austen and I talked a lot about different things, whether be it stuff thats going on with us now, something we've gone through, or just our thoughts and opinions on something. It was really nice having some one on one time with that kid.

"My face hurts from smiling so much haha..."
"Austen. That has to be the most amazing thing you've said all evening."

And it was. Thanks Austie! I had such a great time :D

Yesterday wasnt as amazing by any means. my work was being gay with scheduling and stuff...I'll go into that later if I feel like it. But yeah guess what? I work today until 9 and Friday until close, which could be as late as 10:45pm. Lamecore.

3 days until Lawton comes.

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CSATSS - 5/28/04 (WARNING: Image heavy to the max, yo) [01 Jun 2004|10:25pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

So after many hours of work and optimizing that could have been spent studying for Chemistry...

here they are. )

...And theyre not even super amazing. They'll be better next time. I knows it.

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[01 Jun 2004|06:31am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | Dear Segio - Catch 22 ]

Um. so. there's this group picture of captain squeegee. that's really hot. taken on Friday.

muh )

...And I most def didn't take it. Nor did I take the new pictures from Friday's show that just got put up on the site....

....I need to pick up the slack.

Yes I actually got up early to photoshop pictures from the show...O.o

And the show on the 11th. I'm gonna dominate like so much volleyball. Those pictures will be the hotness, I say!

And I'm crashing a practice to take headshots. mahaha.

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Saturday. [31 May 2004|03:50pm]
Chris' House. )
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[31 May 2004|03:23pm]
I'm working backwards through my weekend. Here are pictures from Sunday.

Subway man?! )
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[31 May 2004|12:19pm]
Ok so I'm back home. and I most certainly have LITERALLY 200 pictures to sort through and optimize. so. be expecting many pictures from thsi weekend soon....
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"Rape isn't funny unless you do a clown."-Chris [30 May 2004|01:59am]
[ mood | tired ]

I've loved practically not having a curfew at all for two nights in a row.

Worked today. Wasn't bad. I was kinda pissed though because they told me I'm closing tomorrow. Thats right, they didnt ask me, they TOLD me. ya know what? I have church. and the day before is so last minute. Whatever. I'll deal with it since I'm taking a week off.

Taylor and Jill got me from work. I like how Jill's been spending as much time with Tay as I am...and her parents are in town. haha. Anyways, we got ready and thenw ent back to Taylor's and took a nap. we let Jill sleep while Taylor and I headed to Shannon's. It was nice seeing her. shes so gorgeous...

Then we got Jill and headed to Floridino's to meet up with Tyler. Afterwards we got ice for ice blocking, but ended up not going. then Jill rode with Taylor and I rode with Tyler. He's such a rad kid, good company. we went to Chris' house. He has a really pretty house. His parents are really nice too. we played with his ferrets, and then watched the Family Guy in his room which is checkered. muaha. Tyler, Jill, and Taylor got on the bed which was semi-water bed...it was intriguing. I chilled in a chair by the bed while Chris busted out with a giant bean bag for himself. We spoke of odd numbers and lonely bunnies. thats right.

We called Austen to tell him to come chill with us, but he was busy. So we're supposed to hang out with him this upcoming evening. How exciting! :)

When Tyler had to take off we ate chocolate cake and I spilled water all over the kitchen and I felt really bad....anyways, then we watched the breakfast club...or most of it. Realizing it was 12am, we resolved it was time to depart. And I left my pictures and disk over there....grr. anyways. it was a fun evening....

Jill's already asleep. I'm going to go join her.

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ryan and tanya like beef and cheese just like meeee [29 May 2004|04:31pm]
[ mood | enthralled ]
[ music | Get Up and Go - Captain Squeegee and the Soap Suds ]

Last night was amazing! So me, Jill, Taylor, Ryan, and Tanya all go to the Old Brickhouse tos ee Captain Squeegee play. We were half an hour late and I was freaking out about missing them, so at a light me and Tanya jumped out of the car and ran to the brickhouse. We're amazing. Chris waved me over and me and Tanya talked to him for a while. Then i found Austen and that made me super happy because he's amazing.

Anyways CSATSS played a good set. Austen suggested I get on stage to take some pictures, and i did just that. I took a break from my duties for a minute and skanked around with Tanya. that was the hotness.

After Squeegee's set, me, Jill, and Taylor went into the parkign lot and chilled with the guys for a while. I got some group shots of them....which could have been good....but I'll go into that later. We spent a good 2 hours in the parking lot, and I really got to know all the guys a lot better in that time. Here are my impressions of each...

Joe: This kid was really bummed...tired....moody....whatever. actually, it was as if we digressed and he didnt even talk to me, as if we weren't close. he actually spent more time talking to Taylor. But shes hot. so. yeah. =P

Austen: I wish I had gotten to see more of this kid. Even though he was busy, he chilled with me and talked to me, and he really makes me feel encouraged about my pictures. I appreciate ya, Austen :)

Chris: Oh my gosh this kid's amazing. He was really hyper and hilarious. We argued over who Austen loved more, me or him. haha. He was just really cool and I'm glad I got tos ee that side of him

Casey: I talked to Casey the least. He seems rad though. And his girlfriend's really nice and pretty :)

Ryan: I didnt get to talk to him that much either. But...I thought how it was cute how he worried about me and the girls sitting on the ledge of the overpass, as if we were going to fall. He was bummed at one point of the night, and when I asked him what was wrong he really opened up to me. I thought that was sweet, and he seems like a really good guy.

Danny: Met him for the first time, as in actual introductions and such. Didn't see that much of him. he seemed really cool though, I got that nice guy vibe from him.

Tyler: This kid was by far one of the coolest. He talked to me adn taylor and Jill the most, and complimented my photography. He seemed to enjoy our company, and hes just really rad and fun to talk to.

There was this one other chick who seemed rad but Ic an't remember her name for the life of me...she had short blonde hair that was really cute and I know she's cutting Chris' hair today...anyways....she seemed cool. at one point she seemed kinda down so i gave her a hug and she was really sweet...I dunno. some people just have that smile to them that gives ya a good feeling.

Anyways. Then me and the girls decided to go to ihop. Ryan and Tanya had t go home, so Taylor took them home while I rode with Tyler, Joe, and Casey to Ihop. Tyler drives like a maniac...but it actually didnt make me nervous for some reason. Chris, Bonnie, and Bree met up with us there as well. It was fun...I mostly talked to Chris and Bree. Tyler spilled soda on Casey and it was magical.

Jill and Taylor got there late, and had to take off soon. it was an amazing evening though...

Today I got my film developed. Its shit. I hate cussing, but it is. apparently I'm a retard who cant focus and enjoys washing out her photos with too much flash. I'm pissed because you can tell some of the pictures are like with amazing poses and stuff but I screwed them up. gah.

The ones on the digital were good though. not amazing, but good. oh well. I'll redeem myself at the show on the 11th, promise.

So I'm getting ready to head over to Shannon's with Jill and Taylor. then we're meetign up with Chris and Tyler to chill with them for the evening. should be some good times.

But. yeah. there were definitely downers last night, but it didnt even matter because I had the best time...you have no idea. thanks everyone :)

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[27 May 2004|11:04pm]
[ music | What's Goin' On? - Captain Squeegee and the Soap Suds ]

I'm really stressed out. But. My hard work will pay off. It has to.

The more I get to know Roxy (from my discipleship group), the more I absolutely love her. she's so much fun. She made me laugh so much today...

Joshi's been helping me a lot with my mood and motivation tonight. I loves him :)

Tomorrow night should be a blast. I've got my cameras ready. I'm kinda nervous though? I'm expecting a lot out of myself. I want some amazing pictures.

We'll see how that goes.

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[27 May 2004|08:50pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Buddy Holly - Weezer ]

I know you've missed my pictures.

So here are pictures from the last week. )

I fail chemistry? yes yes? ok.

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[24 May 2004|07:07am]
[ mood | tired ]

I figured out a lot of things about myself as well last night.

Zach told me to make a plan. and I'm working on it. A lot is going to have to happen over the next few weeks, but hopefully everyone will come out of it better.

Anyways. Last night was really nice. Sarah came to Cornerstone and St. Tim's with me. I was really glad she heard what Chris had to say at cornerstone. At St. Tim's we had a lot of time to our own thoughts, and I held Sarah's hand through all of it. we talked a lot. And I think last night helped her. it helped me too.

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"I'm a redneck woman, I ain't no high class broad!" [20 May 2004|08:40pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Jon on the phone ]

Listening to Jon Maloy sing country songs on the phone was the highlight of my day.

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This awkward silence makes me crazy. [20 May 2004|05:40am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Down - Blink 182 ]

After hours of whispering, awkward silences, and even yelling and crying, I really think me and David are ok. I mean, we're not getting back together. Not anytime soon anyways. But...by the end of the conversation we were laughing and talking again. And he still wants to be friends. Good. because I cant imagine us not talking to eachother or anything...

Yesterday Chelsea Pierce visited me at work. She always makes me smile. She even went home and wrote about my mad sandwhich making skillz in her journal. hee. I've been bad at keeping up with the Val points but I know she's gotten 5 by now. so darlin', where do you wanna go to dinner? :)

Zach called me yesterday too. he made me feel a lot better. not only did he tell me that I've done the right things and such, but he just....I dunno. brightened up my evening a bit. And he always makes me laugh, even right after a serious conversation. thanks kid.

Hm. I have a lot to say but the words aren't coming. maybe because I've pretty much opened up as much as I'm willing to in a public entry ;)

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[19 May 2004|03:24pm]
[ mood | failure-iffic ]

"Dude, you suck at relationships."

Yeah. Of this I am aware.

I dunno. It was just hard to hear it. I know everyones been thinking that, but. yeah. And....I freaking knew it. I mean, look at Ryan and Tanya. theyve been together for a year. Thats so amazing. Then...there's me. Who either cant hold on to something good or messes up. I know a lot of you are thinking bad things of me, or at least my actions or something. But please I ask of you, stay my friend? try not to think badly of me? I'm doing the best I can....and I do still love you guys.

I don't know what to do from here....

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[18 May 2004|10:24pm]
[ mood | confused ]

Today was crazy. It was Chelsea's birthday though. And I got to see her beautiful smile<3

a lot went on today. I don't know.

Sometimes I wish I were better at solving problems. I want to help so many situations. But today all I did was pretty much act as the source of drama. or something.

I'm so confused.

All I know is

I want to help you.

All of you know my cell is on all night, right?

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Let's make a list of who we need; it's not much if anything. [18 May 2004|06:57am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | The First Single - The Format ]

A couple of pictures from the last two days... )

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[17 May 2004|11:54pm]
[ mood | busy ]

1 2 3, six minutes to spare? okay.

Take that, turnitin.com! *shakes fist*

oi. Joshi, Ryan, and Joe were my smile-makers today. thanks kids<3

Sarah and I had a nice talk last night and tonight. I liked it.

Me and David are....erk. Well, I guess its really my fault. but....oi. trying not to think about it.

My papers done. its not late. I'm good. I'm sleeping now.

<3 <3 <3

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