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der Mann mit keine Hosen

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tired. [May. 19th, 2004|09:25 pm]
[mood |guh?]

Everything that happened this morning feel like it happened days ago. Things from yesterday seem at least a week old. I have no real concept of time anymore. I used to TRY to get like that. Not be a slave to the clock/calender or something. Turns out. . .I don't like it. I like today being today.

linki KILL you

[May. 16th, 2004|09:18 pm]
Sooo. . .I bought a car today. A 92 Cadillac El Dorado. A step up in the auto world I suppose. Looks nice on the outside, runs well, and the inside isn't as bad as my last car was when I got it. I am pleased. I can drive it yet of course, since I can't go to the DMV until thursday, but it is sitting in the driveway. Taunting me. Driiiveee me it says. Get a woman to please on the large back seat it says. My only complaint is bucket seats. Fuck that noise. It's all about the bench seating. Cake knows what I'm talking about. Not that I ever drive with anyone anymore. I have to start doing things again. My life has become nothing be work and sleep. But then, it's been like that for a while. Being the winter hermit works nice for a while, but now I have no idea what is going on anymore. I think that I used to have friends. I don't know. I should find out.
linki KILL you

[May. 15th, 2004|10:54 pm]
[mood |whiskified.]
[music |Béla Fleck & The Flecktones - Magic Fingers]

Is it sad that the best part of my week, the only thing that I look forward too, is sunday mornings. Because I know that I will be able to sleep late? Because I fucking love it. All week, I just wait and wait for it. I love that feeling when you wake up naturally at the time you normally get up, and remember it's your day off, and you can just go back to sleep. . .That is some good stuff.

linki KILL you

[May. 13th, 2004|10:46 pm]
I swear to god, every day that cabin in the mountains sounds better and better. I thought if I stopped watching the news, and reading the papers, it would go away. It doesn't. It all just keeps getting jammed into my skull one way or another. I really don't want to know anymore. I really want to check out that blissfull ignorance shit. No such luck.
linki KILL you

[May. 10th, 2004|10:15 pm]
[mood |gin-tastic]

If I ever see a pie cooling on a window sill, I will steal that shit so fast. But I have never seen a pie cooling on a window sill. Fuck.

linki KILL you

[May. 9th, 2004|12:32 am]
I'm a mess.
linki KILL you

[May. 1st, 2004|09:25 pm]
Ugh. So tired. So very tired. This whole work for money thing really isn't working out. 6 days a week. 10-13 hours per day. I think I'm dying. But I'm making a lot of money. I hear that makes it all worth while. I think a daily blowjob and weekly gold brick might make it worthwhile. At least the guy I am working with is alright. Keeps me from going completely mad. He talks about cars a bit too much though. But there are worse things for people to be into. Like dog breeding, or baseball cards.

Oh, and I love sammiches.
linki KILL you

how about some winge with that whine. [Apr. 27th, 2004|09:01 pm]
Holy crap, new job sucks ass. I smell like algae and my body fucking hurts. Hopefully it will be somewhat easier once all the pool openings are done, but that still lives the mindnumbing utter boredom of pool cleaning. Fuck. I should have kept my old job. At least I smelled like a bad, all though pheremonally sexy version of my self at the end of the day. Now I just smell like unicellular organisms. Also, the guy that is training me listens to terrible radio stations. I had high hopes for someone else that listens to NPR all day, even when something crappy is on like a show about campaign finance reform. Oh well. It's only until November. And it's lots of. . .(fucking) money. At least, compared to the skill required.

Also, my car is a goner. RIP you piece of crap. You gave me nothing but trouble, and looked like shit the whole time. In a way this is good, I would like a new car, one that doesn't burn so much gas. And one that can pass inspection. Fuck, I'll be very very happy with anything that will go more than 6 months without needing a trip to the mechanic. (On a side note, I am getting a new mechanic. The guy I have now is an ass. It takes him a month to find out I need a new timing chain, and he's going to charge me $140 for diagnostic work? Yargh, there is no justice.)

So yeah. Fuck. I can't wait for a day off. I am going to get so damn drunk. . .
linki KILL you

[Apr. 25th, 2004|12:31 am]
The evil reign of the pink grinning hippo is at last over. For one day, I am free. Then back to wage slavery. But without the shitty logo. Huzzah.
linki KILL you

[Apr. 20th, 2004|01:07 am]
[mood | bored]
[music |The Doors - Hyacinth House (Demo)]

I'm fucking terrified of starting this new job next week. I hate the first month at a job. I hate being the new guy. I hope I made a good decision in switching jobs. I've had bad luck with jobs, except for one, for the past 4 years. It's so typical that the one job I've ever had that I really enjoyed, was the one I had for the shortest period of time.

On the bright side, it can't really be much worse than the job that I have now. I'll have to get up a lot earlier, and work longer, but the work isn't as hard. At least not in the same way. I'm sure I'll be twice as tired when I get home from work, but my muscles won't be screaming at me when I get into bed. At least, not as loudly.

I was really, really hoping to save up enough this summer to move off the island, but it looks like I am going to be forced to buy a car. And soon. I'll have to borrow the cash from my folks, but I think they will make me pay it back rather quickly. I should have found a job closer to home. I'd much rather not have a car. But it is much to far to ride a bike to every day, especially to get there that early. And, like every job that I've ever had, it starts too early for me to take the bus. Someday. . .I will live somewhere with real public transportation. And I will probably curse it as much as I curse my car. Hahahahha, I am un-pleasable!

link4 dead|i KILL you

[Apr. 14th, 2004|11:12 pm]
God damn it. Why do the buddhists have to be right so damn often? Fuckers. I still don't have my car back. It's driving me mad. And I hate my damn mechanic. Raaarrrrrr!!! God damned material posessions.
linki KILL you

[Apr. 13th, 2004|12:14 am]
[mood |on my way to drunk]
[music |the magnetic fields - love is like a bottle of gin]

Well, I put in my 2 weeks notice at work. My boss was. . .less than happy. She feels it is a grave injustice. Apparently she thinks that keeping me for 3 days a week through the winter is some kind of favor. Shit, I could be collecting unemployment, and getting drunk all day if I didn't have to work those days to keep that crap job. I was never given a raise, and never got the health insurance I was supposed to get (which, by the way, is illegal). And she thinks I am treated well. I'm the fucking office peon. Fuck. If I didn't need money for smokes and booze between now and when I start the new job I would have told her off. Unfortunately I am both weak, and addicted.

I guess I didn't go into much detail of my little vacation to Worcester, MA. It was good times. Except for 2 people I got to see everyone that I wanted to see. The two I didn't get to see though was up towards the top of my list of people to see. Unfortunately, one graduated early, and was in boston. He said he might be able to come down, but no such luck. He's a good guy, I really would have liked to see him. The other was my freshman year roommate. Besides wanting to see him, I felt sort of obligated to do so. I guess I suck. I didn't call him until later in the trip, and he had gone to visit his girlfriend out of state. Screw him for having a life/female. But all in all, a good time was had. Loads of drinking, all catching up and all. Of course if my friend carrie up there doesn't start to understand, as I have told her before, that we aren't screwing around anymore, I may have to kill her. Especialling since she always tries when I am hammered, and therefore gets pretty far before I have the presence of mind to stop. God damn. I need some of that will power stuff. I hear it is nice.

But it was good to be able to see everyone before they went there seperate ways after this spring. I have no idea when I'll get to see any of them again, especiall those living over there past the mississippi. Eventually. I fully plan to randomly run into them somewhere, someday. Because that is how it would be if it were a book. Which it might as well be.

p.s. sorry for not proofreading or spell checking, but. . .I don't fucking feel like it. bitches.

linki KILL you

[Apr. 9th, 2004|10:52 am]
Uhmmmm. . .Subservient Chicken? I don't know if this has been beaten to death by other folks linking it or not, but it is inSANity. Go Here is both where I stole the link from, and a partial list of interesting commands for the chicken. This can't possibly be real, and I must be going isane. Also, I have that song from the tourism commercial for Washington DC, the one with senators and such singing, stuck in my head. It is stuck so hard.
link1 dead|i KILL you

[Apr. 7th, 2004|01:58 pm]
Yargh. Inventory day at work again. Again with the half assed procedures. Again with the mind numbing repetition. Either MS excel is melting off of the computer screen, or my brain is melting out of my ears.

It seems like I will, in fact, be a pool boy this summer. I start on the 26th. I'm not at all sure how I feel about this, but at least it is a different job. It's more money, but only because of excessive over time. It is actually less money per hour. The only bad thing really is I now have to give notice to my boss, and I really, really hate that shit. Confrontation isn't really my thing. But I am also not a big enough asshole that I can not give notice, and just stop showing up when I start the other job. Yarbles.

Good news? I talked to my mechanic, and there is absolutly nothing wrong with the car. Of course that doesn't mean that it will start. Which it won't. Of course. Again, I would really rather have some kind of animal transportation. Horse, camel, burro, whatever the fuck. At least when they stop working you can eat them.
link5 dead|i KILL you

[Mar. 29th, 2004|02:26 pm]
[mood | tired]

I had a long ass rant here, but it was whiny, and I try not to whine (not particularly hard though). My car is broken again. About 45 minutes from my house. If I am lucky, my mechanic will pick it up before the owner of the gas station it is had has it forcibly towed. The gas station man is a cock. Did people NOT used to be nice? Now I know why old people are always complaing about service. How much trouble is it for this guy to let me take up one of his parking spaces for the day. I talked to him. I asked him nicely. And he was a dick. "No, you get it out of here before 9 in the morning, or I am towing it."
"But, I am not going to be able to get someone to do it that early." "It is gone before 9 or I am towing it." "Can I leave my keys with you so the mechanic can pic them up from you?" "No, I don't want any keys." "Would you like my cock in your ass?" (In my head) "why yes, please, violate my anus". Yargh. Back in my day, the dude would have given me a ride home, and bummed me a smoke. Oh. This IS my day. I think I feel a certain orifice of mine being violated. I wish I had a beer to cry in. I blame my gods. Namely the God of Car Health and Driving With the Low Gas Light On (bless his holy name), (Father to the God of Parking Spaces, and the Goddess of Good Deals on Used Automobiles). Wha?Huh?

link1 dead|i KILL you

Today, I am a post monster. [Mar. 22nd, 2004|01:15 pm]
I meant to meantion this before, but if you haven't seen it already, check out "A Nous la Liberte" (often translated as "Freedom For Us" it seems more likely to me that it would be "Liberty For Us." But for some reason babel fish is blocked on my work network). It's quite the. . .FILM. Directed by Rene Clair, who, it seems, is quite important. It is about two prison cell mates who break out, but only one makes it out. Years later one is a very successfull business man, and the other not so. Very funny. Go watch it. If nothing else, french always sounds nice. And one of the deleted scenes on the DVD has a singing flower. Come ON people! A singing flower. Also, cute french woman. And funny facial hair.

On a side note: I fucking HATE it when you buy yourself a pickle, and you bite it, and it is just a soggy cucumber. Fuck that.
linki KILL you

the not so invisible hand [Mar. 22nd, 2004|12:43 pm]
[mood |guh]

I suppose by now it is all but cliche to criticize Walmart. This is something I haven't read about before though. Normally you hear about how they pay shit wages, and force out local so called mom & pop retailers, and such. But apparently they can also wreak havok on their suppliers, and play a possibly interesting role in the national economy. To be fair they seem to have a good influence on certain aspects of the way their suppliers run their businesses (increased effiency, and reliability) but then come the costs. I find it hard to make a decision on Walmart. It is my nature to denounce them as an evil corporation hellbent on destroying the competition. But people do like a gallon of pickles for $2.97. No wait, I lied. Fuck walmart. Oh right, the link. Everyday low prices. . .

linki KILL you

[Mar. 22nd, 2004|10:28 am]
I really like that flavored instant oatmeal stuff. Especially the peaches kind. That shit is really good. I wish I had a bowl of it right now. I wish I was better at getting up early. I like breakfast, but I don't have time to eat it because I find that laying in bed while the alarm goes off is a better, although oatmealless use of my morning time. This Is a little more fun than it looks, but also frustrating. Stupid blue boxes.
link1 dead|i KILL you

[Mar. 22nd, 2004|02:00 am]
Mmmph. I think that I slept too late today. I didn't get up until around 3:30. I am not going to be able to sleep for a while, and I have work tomorrow. And mondays are my worst days at work. Not because of usual "I hate Mondays" garbage. But because they are so dead, and seem to last forever. They make my brain hurt.

I am going up to Worcester on tuesday, to visit some friends from college. It should be interesting I guess. Can't say that I like going to Worcester itself, but it's good people. And it is 5 days of not having to do much of anything real. I don't know though. Last time I went up to visit I felt rather out of place. I don't know why exactly. I mean I still got along great with everyone, and over all had a good time, but it just felt off being on campus, but not actually going there. Plus not seeing people for a year, you fall out of the loop. I guess it is just weird being somewhere that was home, when it isn't home anymore. I got the same thing when I came home from school on vacations. It would take at least a week for it to feel like home again. It will be good to see everyone again. Other than 2 or 3 people I talk to online, and the occasional letter to/from another, I have no contact with them. And it is their senior year (shit, it would be my senior year if I wasn't such an ass and dropped out) so after this spring they will be scattered to their hometowns, making it hard to see most of them. Plus I get to be drunk for most of a week. Which I feel that I can use. Everything is so fucked up nowadays. My brain is so tired.
linki KILL you

[Mar. 9th, 2004|12:48 am]
I love walking in the show. I love the crunching sound. I love leaving the prints in the snow.
link2 dead|i KILL you

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