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... [Dec. 8th, 2003|08:26 am]
To [info]ladyceleste and Lesley, I am sending your scarves today. Celeste's should arrive by the end of the week, and Lesley, you can't pick yours up until the holidays anyway... I just wanted to let you know that I didn't forget!
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Bad Santa, etc [Dec. 8th, 2003|08:07 am]
We took John's advice and saw "Bad Santa." Hilarious. And, when he makes fried bologna for the kid, I almost fell out of my chair, because my dad used to make ME fried bologna and I thought he was the only one.

We went to a housewarming party in Monroe on Saturday night. On the way home, we almost ended up in Illinois. (We were closer than we realized 'cuz I checked the atlas last night.) The people's house is really nice... It was nice to see some of Brice's friends (because their girlfriends/wives are funny, too). But, I've made the decision that I am never ever living in Monroe because it is waaaaaay too far to live there and work in Madison. It took over an hour one way to get there, and I'm thinkin', "Brice's friends do this everyday?!? Yikes."

Yesterday I ran out of Madison pretty fast, and Brice thought I was mad or something. No, I just wanted to get home in time to watch the Packer game. I was supposed to look over Fred's brother, but no one was home when I showed up to babysit. Meh.

I gotta go do errands and mail some presents for people. Have a keen day.
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Cinematic Music Moments, inspired by Sam [Dec. 5th, 2003|08:28 am]
[mood |entertained]

Because of Sam, I give you...

Ren's Top 5 Cinematic Music Moments:

5) The chase scene in JACKIE BROWN with the crazy-fast bongo music. I can't name the song because it's not on the soundtrack. It truly exemplified blaxploitation film music to a tee.

4) O BROTHER WHERE ART THOU?: John Turturro, fake beard and all, lip-syncing the yodelling part of "He's In the Jailhouse Now." It's a classic bluegrass tune made fresh and amusing through this bit in the film.

3) SILENCE OF THE LAMBS: When the soon-to-be kidnapped senator's daughter is jamming out in her car to "American Girl" by Tom Petty... It adds an extra touch of humanity to the character. It also serves as a transitional scene. One minute, she's singing at the top of her lungs in her car, the next thing you know she's in a pit looking up at Buffalo Bill.

2) Sam so eloquently described one of my favorite ones... the "Hip to Be Square" scene in AMERICAN PSYCHO. It's funny in the book, but it's absolute silly madness on screen with Christian Bale.

1) DESPERADO: In the very beginning of the film, Antonio Banderas and his mariachi band (Los Lobos on the recording) are in the tequila bar singing "El Cancion Del Mariachi." To this day, this song reminds me of raucous tequila bars and Antonio Banderas with his long hair in his eyes. Oooh, he's such a babe. (Or at least he was back then.)

Honorable Mention! PULP FICTION: Bruce Willis singing along with "Countin' Flowers On the Wall" while he's in his car. "And watchin' Captain Kangaroo..."

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Top 5 movies [Dec. 4th, 2003|10:32 am]
[mood |major headache beginning]
[music |"Modesto", Beck]

Okay, kids, it's time for me to ask you...
What are the top 5 movies that you quote too much?

Mine are:

5) "Pulp Fiction"
4) "Fargo"
3) "The Big Lebowski"
2) "Clerks"
1) "Mystery Men"

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Xmess songs and evilness [Dec. 3rd, 2003|04:36 pm]
Top 5 Songs that Make Me Incapable of Truly Hating the Holidays:

5) "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town", Harry Connick, Jr.
4) "Sleigh Ride" by Nat King Cole
3) "Let It Snow" by almost anyone, really
2) "Blue Christmas", Johnny Cash
1) "Louisiana Christmas Day", Aaron Neville (much more Cajuny than Christmasy)

Read more... )
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!?!? [Dec. 2nd, 2003|03:26 pm]
Why did I wait so long to find this website??? Why, why, why?

Mitch Hedberg
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(()) (()) [Dec. 2nd, 2003|07:41 am]
Plans for today:

Go to the post office and buy weird stamps.
Go to Great Party! (a real weird store) and look for Xmess cards, paper, etc.
Go to the bookstore and get some books for people.
Go to Pick N Save and get a hella good pile of Xmess cookie supplies.
Go home to work on cards, cookies, and other stuff.

Auf weder sehn.
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...Xmess Cards vs. Ren... [Dec. 1st, 2003|11:10 am]
I spent (literally) at least an hour looking at the Xmess card selection at Target. I have three main requirements for the selection of my holiday cards:

1) They can't say "Christmas" on them for obvious reasons.

2) They can't have Thomas Kinkade crap-torial pictures on 'em.

3) They have to look goooooood.

Thus, I didn't find my cards at Target, no matter how hard I tried. Dang. At least I got a red lion amaryllis kit, cleaning stuff, and TP. Plus I got books at la biblioteca.

Now I gotta go work out before Roger comes home. Erg.
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Our new national anthem should be Hawaii Five-O [Dec. 1st, 2003|07:54 am]
So, if you've been wondering, I'm not dead. I had two Thanksgiving dinners this weekend plus a slew of household chores and football games... but now, I'm back.
The next week or more is going to be weird because my dad has to use up his yearly vacation time, so he's working half days. Ugh! I have to do all the fun stuff I want during the time of 8-12:30. Today, for instance, I want to make a Target run and bring back the huge stack of library books I have. Which also means bringing home another huge stack so long as none of them are due before Xmess.

By the way, I'm going to be unreachable between December 23rd and December 30th. The Ohio trip cometh. Just so you know because there's always a couple people who try to call me and hang out that week.

I have to "beat feet" outta here if I'm gonna bask in the goodness of Target and do other stuff... Have a swell day!
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[Nov. 29th, 2003|06:45 pm]
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I'm glad he's OK... yikes. [Nov. 26th, 2003|12:43 pm]
My brother was driving to work today (Chicago area), and a big tire came off of a truck and hit his car. The tire went across the median and hit the left fender. He said that the front of his car looks like a banana peel the way the fender split. His airbag went off. He wasn't hurt, but he's pissed off. He won't have any transportation problems this weekend, because they can still take his wife's car to holiday dinners... but on Monday, he doesn't know how he's going to get to work. Ugh!
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...oops, I did it again. [Nov. 20th, 2003|01:23 pm]
Just a note to point out that I've been spending waaaaaay too much online, and I ran out of ISP time for November. I might post once or twice from the library, who knows. See ya, kids. Happy Turkey Day.
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...random journal thing I found [Nov. 19th, 2003|02:58 pm]
Best line I heard today, thanks to a guy named [info]longi:

"Praying is like junkmail for Jesus."
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Poems [Nov. 19th, 2003|10:43 am]
Two new poems, cut for your pleasure...

Praise-atory Notion )

No Convenient Affection )
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Shopping? [Nov. 18th, 2003|04:53 pm]
Chris ([info]conjurdude ) and I went shopping in Milwaukee and Grafton. We went to Best Buy and Half Price Books. Then we went to Borders and read a lot of Get Fuzzy comics... and then we went to the Grafton Yarn Store. I got sparkly yarn for Aimee's scarf. (Holla back, Aimee.)

I got the Martin Scorcese CD with Muddy Waters stuff on it. It's excellent music.

I am going to go take a bath and eat some supper. Tah tah.
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A word to my viewers [Nov. 18th, 2003|09:18 am]
[mood |morning-after-ish]

This post is for those of you (more than just Zach) who have said that my journal is too cryptic.

Need I remind you, I don't write this for anyone. It's not a homework assignment. It's not a literary magazine. It's my personal journal.

I use my journal primarily for three things: to remember things I did, like I used to do in a written journal; to write out my feelings, for therapeutic effects; to amuse myself, like anything else I do.

My journal is cryptic because so many people throughout my life have said that they get sick of the way I put my emotions on display (when I do, which isn't as often as it used to be). This has taught me that it is better to maintain a sarcastic, brash exterior than to talk about my inner dramas. It is easier to bitch about customer service than to explore the things in my head.

If you want to know what's going on with me, talk to me. Too many people use the LJ as an excuse to not talk to their friends. They figure if they read something on the LJ, that's all the info they need.

I'm not angry at anybody. I simply want to remind people that I don't show everything about myself on here, and most people don't... It would get boring if we knew what our friends were doing every second of every day.

Need I remind you, I have things to do like everyone else. There are times when I want to write about the great day I had, but I simply don't have time to write it all down in a post.

I am planning a ~fun~ day today, but I'm running on five hours sleep because of all the drama (pronounced like Dramamine) goin' on last night. None of it is resolved, either. Most of it was my fault.

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The Battle of the Top 5's... for your early Tuesday pleasure [Nov. 18th, 2003|12:37 am]
[mood | calm]

I had to type this all out because it made me smile to no end after a crappy evening.

Top 5 songs with places in the title:

Ed's Top 5
5) "New York City Cops", The Strokes
4) "Detroit Rock City", KISS
3) "We'll Always Have Paris", Cherry Poppin' Daddies
2) "I Left My Wallet in El Segundo", Tribe Called Quest
1) (tossup) "Welcome to Atlanta" by Jermaine Dupree
or "Jesus Ranch" by Tenacious D ('cuz it counts as a place)

Ren's Top 5
5) "San Francisco", Me First & The Gimme-Gimmes
4) "No Sleep Til Brooklyn", The Beastie Boys
3) "Chicago", Frank Sinatra
2) "London Calling", The Clash
1) "Katmandu", Bob Seger

Extras that we should've included: (and I didn't even type 'em all)
"Christmas in Hollis", Run DMC
"Erotic City", Prince
"Copacabana", Barry Manilow
"Ground Zero Brooklyn" , Carnivore
"Hotel California",The Eagles
"By The Time I Get to Arizona", Public Enemy
"New York City", TMBG
"Stairway to Heaven", Led Zeppelin
"Kashmir", Led Zeppelin
"Brooklyn Zoo", ODB
"Hell", Squirrel Nut Zippers
"Bombs Over Baghdad", Outkast
"San Quentin", Johnny Cash
"Bermuda Highway", My Morning Jacket
"Hollywood Freaks", Beck
"Sweet Home Chicago", Robert Johnson
"Love Shack", The B-52's
"Chicago", Hieroglyphics
"Downtown", Petula Clark
"Teenagers From Mars", The Misfits
"Hanging Garden", The Cure
"Top of the World", Shonen Knife
"Spa", Johnny Socko
"Is There Life on Mars?", David Bowie
"Werewolves of London", Warren Zevon
"Brooklyn", Mos Def
"Tennesee", Arrested Development
"Kansas City", Taj Mahal
"Octopus's Garden", The Beatles"
"Straight Outta Compton", NWA

Extras that should be ignored:
"Stuck In My Car", The Go-Go's
"My Old Kentucky Home", Jim Nabors
"MacArthur Park", Glen Campbell
"Roadhouse Blues", The Doors

And so on... I'm sick of typin' for awhile.

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Oh, for fuck's sake. [Nov. 17th, 2003|11:40 pm]
[mood | angry]
[music |Muddy Waters in my head]

Oh, for fuck's sake. Ed put it best, "If I talk about it, I'll open up a whole can of worms."
Let's just say that the Steelers game wasn't the only ugly thing tonight... Hopefully the discussion is over now.

I'm shaking. Geez. Somebody pass the decaf mandarin orange green tea or somethin'.

Oh, and don't get me started on that thing about "the definition of Ren" some years back by PsychoHumanVacuum-- "Ren is... green tea..." (Blah blah blah. At least people don't make slurping noises in reference to my greatness.)

All I really have to say is if I ask someone for help, it took a lot of courage for me to ask for said help, and I appreciate it when requested help is given. Thank you.

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[Nov. 17th, 2003|04:41 pm]
I won a drawing at the bridal show. I get a Mary Kay consultation with a facial and all that jazz. Plus I get $20 of free stuff. Neat.
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<<>> [Nov. 17th, 2003|01:01 pm]
I started my Xmess shopping today. I got stuff for Brice and my dad. The cashier at ShopKo can't do math because she thought she didn't owe me any change. The people at Pick N Save are as incapable as ever, too... I love the store's selection of products and low prices, but most of their employees are just... uninspired. I went to Hobby Lobby and the bank, too. I just got in about a half hour ago.

I must go work on things around the house that are bugging me.
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