• REPORT FINDS WELFARE OF U.S. CHILDREN IMPROVING The well-being of children is improving in most states, the annual Kids Count report finds. While eight out of 10 indicators showed improvement, two indicators showed negative trends.
Anywhere from 3 to 11 percent of high school students, mostly boys, have used steroids, surveys show. Over time, steroids can stunt kids’ growth, shrink testicles and cause heart and liver damage. Parents can be on the look-out for the following symptoms of steroid use:
Rapid, improbable gains in muscle and weight
Aggressive behavior known as ‘roid rage’
Mood swings
Worsening acne, often on the chest and back
Breast enlargement in boys
Facial hair growth in girls
Deepened voice in girls
If you suspect your child is using steroids, consult your family doctor.