• Practical Futurist: The China puzzle Dangerous it may be, but China is also, in one Silicon Valley venture capitalist's view, "the biggest equity opportunity in my lifetime."
• SOMETHING IN THE AIR Here's what we're learning with our cell phones, sensors and Wi-Fi: losing the wires is only the beginning. What happens next is unpredictable, empowering and sometimes a bit unnerving.
• EXPLORERS’ PRIZES SHARED WITH THE WORLD The Royal Geographical Society is making a treasure trove of artifacts and documents from explorers such as Charles Darwin and Edmund Hillary available to the public.
• PRIVATE SPACESHIP SET FOR HISTORIC FLIGHT SpaceShipOne's team has made a date with history for June 21, setting the first full day of summer as launch day for the first piloted spaceflight in a privately developed craft.
• VIRTUAL REAL ESTATE BOOM DRAWS REAL DOLLARS The concept of virtual home ownership has captured the imagination of a growing number of online gamers, who are plunking down real cash for their own slice of the digital frontier.
• SIMPLE PASSWORDS NO LONGER SUFFICE As more Web sites demand passwords, scammers are getting more clever about stealing them. Hence the need for “passwords-plus” systems.
• MICROSOFT OFFERS NEW MEDIA PLAYER Microsoft Corp. released Wednesday a preliminary version of its newest software package for playing video and audio on personal computers that will also allow online music stores to sell songs over the Web.