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Today's Stories

May 17, 2004

Ron Jacobs
Rumsfeld's Sovereignty Shell Game

May 15 / 16, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Green Lights for Torture

Douglas Valentine
ABCs of American Interrogation: Phoenix Program, Revisited

John Stanton
Kings of Pain: UK, US and Israel

Ben Tripp
Torture: a Fond Reminiscence

Brian Cloughley
Where are You Heading, America? Taking a Closer Look at the Patriot Act

Justin E. H. Smith
Islam and Democracy: the Lesson from Turkey

Brandy Baker
Equal Opportunity Torture: Lynddie England, the Right and Feminism

John Chuckman
Peep Show on Capitol Hill: Sex, Lies and Videotape

Bill Glahn
RIAA Watch: Goon Squad

John Holt
Fencing the Sky

Ron Jacobs
The Power of Patti Smith

Brian J. Foley
Why the Outrage Over Abu Ghraib?

Robin Philpot
Re-writing the History of the Rwandan Genocide

Eric Leser
The Carlyle Empire

Ray Hanania
From Abu Ghraib to Nick Berg: There's No Such Thing as a Good War Crime

Jeff Halper
Dozers of Mass Destruction

Joe Surkiewicz
Inside the Baltimore Detention Center

John Whitlow
Iraq Goddamn

Michael Leon
Invitation to a Beheading: Why Bush Should Watch the Berg Video

Poets' Basement
Krieger, Ford, LaMorticella, Smith and Albert


May 14, 2004

Dr. Susan Block
Bush's POW Porn

Ron Jacobs
Secret History of the War on Drugs

William Blum
God, Country and Torture

Michael Donnelly
The People v. Corporate Greed: A Victory on the North Coast

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
India Shines

Stephen Gowans
Building Democracy in Iraq and Other Absurdities


May 13, 2004

Dave Lindorff
Where is Kerry?

Colm O'Laithian
Torture and Degradation: Revenge American Style?

Saul Landau and Farrah Hassan
Wal-Mart: Scrooge with Hi-Tech Accounting Practices

Ralph Nader
An Open Letter to Bush on the Inhumane Treatment of Iraqi Prisoners

Willliam James Martin
Deir Yassin Massacre Recalled

Marc Salomon
Reality TV Bites

Forrest Hylton
Law 'n Order in La Paz: All Quiet on the Southern Front?

May 12, 2004

Blanton / Kornbluh
Prisoner Abuse: Cheney Warned in 1992

Virginia Tilley
So, Who's to Blame?

Bruce Jackson
James Inhofe, the Dumbest Senator of Them All

Thomas P. Healy
No Enemies: Making Peace with Bert Sacks

Linda S. Heard
Racism and Ignorance: a Lethal Cocktail in Iraq

Norman Solomon
Spinning Torturegate

Lisa Viscidi
The People's Voice: Community Radio in Guatemala

Jack Heyman
View from the Bay Bridge: Longshoremen Plan Mass Workers March on DC

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Rummy's Reprieve

CounterPunch Wire
Teamsters Corruption Scandal: Hoffa Exec. Assistant Alleged to Have Quashed Investigation into Mob Influence

Christopher Brauchli
Detention Camp, USA

William S. Lind
Bush's Waterloo?

May 11, 2004

Mark Engler
On the "Necessity" of Torture

Ray McGovern
More Troops? A March of Folly

Kurt Nimmo
Dirty Nukes and Jefferson's Grand Experiment

Mickey Z.
Less Than Hero

Christopher Reed
Torture on the Homefront: America's Long History of Prison Abuse

Dennis Hans
When John Negroponte was Mullah Omar

Bruce Jackson
Pete Seeger at 85

Mike Whitney
Killing al Sadr

Simon Helweg-Larsen
Shrinking the Guatemalan Military

William A. Cook
The Unconscious Country: Righteous Indignation, Nakedly Displayed


May 10, 2004

Robert Fisk
From Hollywood to Abu Ghraib: Racism and Torture as Entertainment

Wayne Madsen
The Israeli Torture Template: Rape, Feces and Urine-Soaked Cloth Sacks

Col. Dan Smith
The Shame of Abu Ghraib

Joe Bageant
John Ashcroft, Keep Your Mouth Off My Wife!

Ron Jacobs
Rummy's Prisongate Blues: Don't Leave Mad; Just Leave

Ben Tripp
Getting in Touch with Your Inner Savage

Ray Hanania
Why They Hate Us: Racism, Bigotry and Abuse

Reza Fiyouzat
Mishandled" Invasions

Diane Christian
Images & Abstractions & Genitals

Website of the Day
Crushing Iraqi Skulls with Tanks for Sport?


May 8 / 9, 2004

Cockburn / St. Clair
Torture: as American as Apple Pie

Adam Jones
America's Srebrenica: What About the Hundreds of POWs Suffocated and Shot at Kunduz?

Douglas Valentine
Who Let the Dogs Out?: Torture, the CIA and the Press

Kurt Nimmo
Rush Limbaugh and the Babes of Abu Ghraib

Brian Cloughley
Humpty Dumpty is Falling

Lucia Dailey
Forbidden Games

Joanne Mariner
* * * *: Redacting Moussaoui

Mickey Z.
Please Forgive U.S.? (There Are No Innocent Bystanders)

John Chuckman
The Thing with No Brain

Doug Giebel
Someone Knew: There Were No WMDs

Norm Dixon
How the Bush Gang Exploited 9/11

Sam Bahour
A Guiding Light Falls on Ramallah

Susan Davis
Disorderly Conduct as Fine Art

Dave Marsh
In a Pig's Eye: Alan Lomax, Dead But Still Stealing

Laura Flanders
Life with Dick and Lynne

Dave Zirin
Fans Push Spiderman Off Base

Carolyn Baker
Why I Won't Vote in 2004

"Ain't No Sense in Voting"

Dr. Susan Block
Onan for Two: Liberating Masturbation

Poets' Basement
Smith, Sleeth, Ford, Albert and Saska



May 7, 2004

Human Rights Watch
10 Prisons; 9,000 Prisoners: US Detention Facilities in Iraq

Ron Jacobs
UnAmerican? I Wish It Were So

Robert Fisk
An Illegal and Immoral War

Ahmad Faruqui
The 50th Anniversary of Dien Bien Phu

Alexander Zaitchik
From Terrell Unit in Texas to Abu Ghraib: Doesn't It Ring a (Prison) Bell?

Mike Whitney
The Price of Victory

Norman Solomon
This War, Racism and Media Denial

M. Shahid Alam
A Comic Apology


May 6, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
They Did It for Jessica: Smeared with Shit; Kicked to Death

Kathy Kelly
May Day in Pekin Prison: Prison Labor for the War Machine

The Sunk Cost Fallacy: War as Vegas Casino Game

Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Totalitarian Democracy

Robert Fisk
"Smoke Him": Video Shows Wounded Men Being Shot by US Helicopter

John Janney
Torturing the Way to Freedom?

Christopher Ketcham
Outlaw Heterosexual Marriage Now!

Alan Farago
Dead Oceans: So Long, Thanks for the Fish

Sam Hamod
Bush on Arab TV: Worthless and Demeaning

James Brooks
Sullen Spring

William S. Lind
On the Brink of Defeat in Iraq



May 5, 2004

Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba
Complete US Army Report on Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners

Kathleen and Bill Christison
Kerry: a Lost Cause for Progressives?

Will Youmans
Deal with the Devil: a Palestinian Zionist and the End of the World

Patrick B. Barr
Terrorists R Us: the Powerful are Exempt from the Label

Lawrence Magnuson
Nightline's All-American Morgue

Greg Moses
Pocketbook of Denuded Ideals

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Tormenting Prisoners, Torturing Truth

Lee Ballinger
Cinco de Mayo and Unity

Gilbert Achcar
Bush's Cakewalk into the Iraq Quaqmire

Website of the Day
Operation Phoenix & Iraq


May 4, 2004

Human Rights Watch
A Timeline of Torture and Abuse Allegations and Responses

Kurt Nimmo
The CIA Privatized Torture

David Peterson
CBS, Self-Censorship & Iraq

Barry Lando
CACI's Private Torture Chambers

Patrick Cockburn
Torture: Iraqis Disgusted, But Not Surprised

Dr. Susan Block
Indecent Insurgents: Watch What You Say

Fidel Castro
A Mindless, Unnecessary War

Mike Whitney
Empire of Torture

Sonali Kolhatkar
How to Stop the War: Demonstrate Against John Kerry

Josh Frank
The Lost Sierra Club

Stan Goff
The Role: Another Open Letter to US Troops in Iraq

Agustin Velloso
Spare Us Your Disgusting Ethics

Stew Albert
American Know-How

Website of the Day
Scenes from a Cover-Up




May 3, 2004

Virginia Tilley
Let the Wall of Silence Fall

May 1 / 2, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
An Army in Disgrace, a Policy in Tatters, the Real Prospect of Defeat

Robert Fisk
"Good Guys" Who Can Do No Wrong

Alexander Cockburn
Watching Niagara: Stupid Leaders, Useless Spies, Angry World

Heather Williams
Gringo, We're Going Home: Latin American Troops Flee Iraq

Diane Rejman
An Army Vet on Torture in Iraq: Abu Ghraib as My Lai?

Diane Christian
Blood Spilling: Osama, Bush and Sharon Speak the Same Language

Patrick Cockburn
Seems Like Old Times in Fallujah

Dave Lindorff
Bush's Torturous Logic: Shocked, Shocked, Shocked

Chris Floyd
Suicide Bomber: Neocons, Nihilists and Annihilation



April 29 / 30, 2004

Dave Zirin
A Pawn in Their Game: the Unlonesome Death of Pat Tillman

Kathy Kelly
The Warden's Tour

Greg Weiher
Fallujah and the Warsaw Ghetto: the Banality of Evil

Michael S. Ladah
Terrorism and Assassination: the Ultimate Depception

Patrick Cockburn
The Fallujah Mutinies





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May 17, 2004

The John-John Ticket

Kerry Woos McCain


John Kerry wants John McCain to be his running mate.

But wait a minute.

John McCain is a Republican and John Kerry is a Democrat.

No problem.

It would be a "unity government."

"The enthusiasm of Democrats for Mr. McCain, an Arizona Republican, is so high that even some who have been mentioned as possible Kerry running mates -- including Senator Bill Nelson of Florida and Bob Kerrey, the former Nebraska senator -- are spinning scenarios about a 'unity government,' effectively giving Mr. Kerry a green light to reach across the political aisle and extend an offer," reports the New York Times.


What aisle?

As Gore Vidal tells us, there is but one party in Washington and it is the Property Party. In other words, all property worth owning shall remain in the possession of big honking corporations. Dem-Repub partisanship is merely a squabble over formula. Our citizen-politicos agree wholeheartedly with the strikebreaker Calvin Coolidge, who once said "the business of America is business."

"Democrats say a bipartisan Kerry-McCain ticket, featuring two decorated Vietnam War veterans from different parties and regions of the country, would give them a powerful edge in the debate over who can best lead the nation in the war on terror."

It does not require a whole lot of reading between the lines to understand this. In order to "best lead the nation in the war on terror," Kerry and McCain -- as determined participants in an immoral war resulting in the death of 2-3 million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans -- are remarkably qualified to finish the job in Iraq and in due course invade Syria and Iran, maybe even Saudi Arabia. Thus the Johns avidly embrace the degenerate neocon ethos -- that is to say total and "preemptive" war against the third world or "under-developed" countries bearing appreciable measures of oil, minerals, lumber, etc. -- beginning with the Arab Middle East and its uncooperative Muslim hordes.

Let's call it Bush Lite minus opposition to abortion.

Naturally, a Kerry-McCain ticket is a long shot. However, the ABBers (Anybody But Bush) out there should take note.

Come November, if John is John's running mate, you will need pinch your nostrils extra tight to fend off the pervasive stench. Consider:

McCain was one of the Keating Five. He was investigated on ethics charges for taking contributions (a generous $112,00) from the swindler Charles Keating who was convicted of racketeering and fraud in both state and federal court. Total cost to American taxpayer: $3.4 billion. McCain hung with Keating at his extravagant Bahamas pad and flew on the racketeer's airplanes at least nine times. McCain's wife and father-in-law invested heavily in a Keating shopping center in Arizona described as a sweetheart deal.

In addition to associating with bank swindlers, McCain is fond of mobsters. He sent birthday cards to Joseph "Joe Bananas" Bonano, the head of the New York Bonano crime family, after the notorious mobster retired in Arizona. I guess sun birds of a feather flock together in the Grand Canyon State.

John's in favor of allowing corporations to do whatever the heck they want -- especially when it comes to raiding the till to support political candidates such as himself. He opposed legislation that would have forced companies to get permission from stockholders before using treasury funds for political activities.

Republicans like to say Democrats have loose morals -- recall how they so mercilessly lambasted Clinton for his juvenile dalliance with an intern -- but the Republican John M. also had a WD40 lubricated zipper. McCain readily admits his first marriage crashed and burned due to his fooling around with women other than his wife.

Republicans have zero tolerance for drug abuse -- or they did until it was discovered Rush Limbaugh had an obsession for munching pain pills like M&Ms. It seems McCain's wife Cindy, the daughter of a wealthy Budweiser beer distributor, was addicted to prescription drugs. Mrs. McCain even stooped so low as to steal drugs from a medical charity that she ran.

But when it comes to the drug abuse of other people -- especially poor people unable to hire fancy lawyers or acquire country club memberships -- McCain is about as flexible as reinforced concrete. "Of the four major candidates, McCain has expressed the most hawkish positions on drug policy," explains the Issues 2000 website. "He wants to increase penalties for selling drugs, supports the death penalty for drug kingpins, favors tightening security to stop the flow of drugs into the country, and wants to restrict availability of methadone for heroin addicts." No word if McCain finds it necessary to shut down doctors and pharmaceutical corporations that allow rich talkshow hosts to squirrel away thousands of pain pills and turn the domestic help into couriers.

McCain fully supports the neocon way of reacting to the world. He believes al-Qaeda and Saddam were in cahoots and urged Dubya to invade Iraq way back in December, 2001. He mindlessly declared the invasion justified even as a mountain of evidence began to surface indicating Bush and the neocons had lied through their teeth about Saddam and his illusory WMD. McCain supports the so-called missile defense system -- even though the thing is an immense failure and will result in flushing billions of dollars down the rat holes of gluttonous defense contractors. For McCain, our future is one of never-ending war and aggression. According to McCain, the job of the United States is "not simply to contain rogue regimes, but to drive them from power."

Finally, McCain is determined peace will never exist in the Middle East. Like Bush and Kerry, McCain is all agog over the Butcher of Beirut, Ariel Sharon. He likes to tell the accused war criminal what a fine job he's doing turning the Palestinians into impoverished prisoners on their own land. Last August McCain said "there should be no linkage of the route" of Israel's apartheid wall to the $9 billion in loan guarantees the US planned to bestow on the scofflaw Zionist state. McCain told Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom that "the Oslo Accords failed because they were based on the premise that Palestinians and Israeli could live peacefully together. The fence is an effort to see if Israelis and Palestinians can live peacefully apart." In other words, Palestinian Bantustans are fine by John McCain and John Kerry. "Israel's security fence is a legitimate act of self defense," Kerry believes. "Israel has a right and a duty to defend its citizens. The fence only exists in response to the wave of terror attacks against Israel." No mention of the additional land Israel has stolen in the process, much of it valuable agricultural land.

A John-John ticket would be virtually indistinguishable from a Bush-Cheney ticket on foreign policy. Nothing will change if Kerry-McCain are elected come November. It will be more of the same -- only the United Nations and the Europeans will be coaxed back into the fold after they were so viciously alienated by the boorish neocons. Old Europe will be back in vogue.

Regardless of Kerry's choice of running mate, the ABBers will hold their collective noses and vote for more of the same in November, so desperate are they to get rid of Bush and his warmongering entourage. It's all about window dressing.

Is it possible they will come to their senses in 2008?

Or will they be fooled again?

Kurt Nimmo is a photographer and multimedia developer in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Visit his excellent no holds barred blog at www.kurtnimmo.com/blogger.html . Nimmo is a contributor to Cockburn and St. Clair's, The Politics of Anti-Semitism. A collection of his essays for CounterPunch, Another Day in the Empire, is now available from Dandelion Books.

He can be reached at: nimmo@zianet.com

Weekend Edition Features for May 15 / 16, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Green Lights for Torture

Douglas Valentine
ABCs of American Interrogation: Phoenix Program, Revisited

John Stanton
Kings of Pain: UK, US and Israel

Ben Tripp
Torture: a Fond Reminiscence

Brian Cloughley
Where are You Heading, America? Taking a Closer Look at the Patriot Act

Justin E. H. Smith
Islam and Democracy: the Lesson from Turkey

Brandy Baker
Equal Opportunity Torture: Lynddie England, the Right and Feminism

John Chuckman
Peep Show on Capitol Hill: Sex, Lies and Videotape

Bill Glahn
RIAA Watch: Goon Squad

John Holt
Fencing the Sky

Ron Jacobs
The Power of Patti Smith

Brian J. Foley
Why the Outrage Over Abu Ghraib?

Robin Philpot
Re-writing the History of the Rwandan Genocide

Eric Leser
The Carlyle Empire

Ray Hanania
From Abu Ghraib to Nick Berg: There's No Such Thing as a Good War Crime

Jeff Halper
Dozers of Mass Destruction

Joe Surkiewicz
Inside the Baltimore Detention Center

John Whitlow
Iraq Goddamn

Michael Leon
Invitation to a Beheading: Why Bush Should Watch the Berg Video

Poets' Basement
Krieger, Ford, LaMorticella, Smith and Albert

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