S W A N S  Commentary

c o m m e n t a r y

May 24, 2004


Trade liberty for safety or money and you'll end up with neither. Liberty, like a grain of salt, easily dissolves.
The power of questioning -- not simply believing -- has no friends. Yet liberty depends on it.


Note from the Editor:    Before you begin accusing the French of once more sticking it to America for awarding the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival to Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" documentary, be aware that only one out of nine jurors was French. Four were American and one was British...prompting Moore to facetiously quip, "more than half came from the coalition of the willing." Anyway, of late, Americans need not the French to stick it to them. They're doing a good job on their own. To understand why a documentary won the top prize, a rarity at Cannes, suffices to read Frank Rich's superb review, "Michael Moore's Candid Camera," in the May 23 edition of The New York Times. Says Rich, "Subtleties and fine distinctions are not [Moore's] thing. That matters little, it turns out, when you have a story this ugly and this powerful to tell." Ugliness, as this new issue of Swans shows, is very much a part of the American landscape.

Whether the whole Muslim and Judeo-Christian fundamentalist caboodle is doing us in, with their respective apocalyptic policies having Armageddon and Rapture written all over them, is a matter of conjecture; but, posits Milo Clark, Wahabism, an extreme and powerful Islamist sect financed by Saudi petrodollars, may well be the most ruthless of all. That the Bushies have aligned their own interests and those of the USA with these fanatics should be exposed with the greatest urgency, suggests Clark in his well-researched historical analysis.

Civilization, a word coined by French physiocratic economist Mirabeau in 1756 (in his treatise, L'Ami des hommes), gives Phil Rockstroh serious pause. How can it be, he muses, with a gut-wrenching picture by Graphic Designer Angela Tyler-Rockstroh, that we in the U.S. have reached this ultimate stage in our development, the Wal-Martization of torture? Is this US destiny, "the true nature and heart of America," to use Mr. Bush's words? Michael Doliner, for his part, concludes that "we now claim we are fighting to make "them" into "us" . . . . [But,] to treat [Iraqis] as insects is to declare that we ourselves are insects."

And how can it be that the fossilized left and safe-states strategists spend so much energy demonizing and attacking Ralph Nader? Is this phenomenon also an inherent part of American "true nature"? Louis Proyect submits a clear analysis of the syndrome. Would energy not be better expended bringing potential voters to cast their lot with the ABB candidate? Have these "revolutionaries" anything to offer, plain and simple, besides trashing Nader? Instead of shooting at the messenger, could they come up with a positive rationale to vote for "their" candidate and cease emulating Mr. Bush's "us vs. them" axiomatic moronity? Is this too much to ask?

The news cycle is such that one cannot keep up with it. Just reviewing a few events and people who made the news in the past weeks requires a healthy dose of humor, if only to hide an increasing sense of revulsion at the "true nature" of this utterly debased culture. Gulags, psychoses, paranoid conspiracies, home-grown terror are some of the issues Manuel García and Richard Macintosh (welcome back, Richard!) address in their respective pieces. Philip Greenspan, once again, brings his observations to the fore in regard to the morale in the military and the causes for mutiny. We leave you with Joel Wendland's review of Rahul Mahajan's Full Spectrum Dominance, and a poem by Gerard Donnelly Smith that sums up how this orgy of violence might be viewed in history.

As always, please form your OWN opinion, and let your friends (and foes) know about Swans.





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RESISTANCE: In The Eye Of The American Hegemon
A Special Issue on Iraq - Feb. 04

Patterns Which Connect

Wahabi And Saudi Arabia, Islam And America
by Milo Clark

Finally, long connected patterns are being noticed.

In one sense, Watergate saved us from Nixon. Perhaps Abu Ghraib may yet save us from Bush.

Slowly, slowly, major publications are getting closer to core actualities. Newsweek has gradually broken ranks during recent months. In the May 17th issue, a strong sidebar reversed out of a black background is headlined "Questions of Justice, The Abu Ghraib abuses are part of a deeper crisis." Notice that the subhead is not a question.

"One by one, the reasons for sending America to war in Iraq seem to have crumbled." p. 35

The Financial Times of London, the world's Wall Street Journal, formerly a strong investor in Bush/Blair, has backed off, now quite firmly. Martin Wolf, a key columnist and editorial voice, headlines an op-ed piece for Wednesday, May 12, "The Saviour of democracy is run by a unilateral bully." Wolf says,   More...

Milo Clark is a writer and researcher focused on strategic issues.

America: Myths and Realities

Can We Torture Them For You Retail?
by Phil Rockstroh
With a Graphic by Angela Tyler-Rockstroh

When Saddam was forced to close shop due to the fierce competitive practices of Bush Inc. -- the world witnessed the Wal-Martization of torture.

Private First Class Lynndie R. England, with her gamine grin and imbecilic thumbs-up gesticulations, is the corporatist/military equivalent of a Wal-Mart greeter.... In other words, she was who the customer (the Iraqi prisoners) had first contact with when they entered the store -- but, in reality, she had no more say over the practices of the corporation than the men's room attendant at Enron had in bilking the state of California during the heyday of its energy manipulation scams.

[...] Hello, Welcome to Abu Ghraib-Mart...   More...

Phil Rockstroh is a poet and a musician who lives in Manhattan.


The Terrible Shrug
by Michael Doliner

Much has been said about the torture pictures and reports, but I think one point has been missed. When I look at the picture of Lynndie England pointing at the genitals of a prisoner, or Charles Graner smiling behind the naked pyramid of Iraqis, or the picture of a prisoner cowering before jailers, I am doubly horrified by the expressions upon the faces of the torturers. The pictures look like snapshots from a vacation. The torturers are vamping like children in front of a camera, and this makes what they are doing all the more humiliating to the victims. They seem to have no sense that to abuse and humiliate is something dark and unholy.   More...

Michael Doliner has taught at Valparaiso University and Ithaca College. He lives with his family in Ithaca, N.Y.

Countdown to 2004

Behind The Anti-Nader Attacks
by Louis Proyect

No matter how much the liberal and social democratic disillusionment with Senator John Kerry deepens, there is still no sign that the Anyone But Bush (ABB) crowd is ready to break ranks with their candidate. Whatever fervor is missing from their endorsement of Kerry, it is more than made up for by a well-orchestrated attack on Ralph Nader -- the only clear alternative to Bush and Kerry in 2004 -- that is now reaching a fever pitch.

In the May 3rd edition of NYC's liberal Village Voice, Harry G. Levine heaped all sorts of abuse on "Ralph Nader, Suicide Bomber."   More...

Louis Proyect is a computer programmer at Columbia University and the moderator of marxmail.org

More Patterns Which Connect

Recent News, Personalities And Definitions
by Gilles d'Aymery

News, like a kaleidoscope, reflects a series of constantly changing patterns that both fascinate and confuse the onlooker. After a while, it all becomes dysfunctional. Attention slowly oozes away and the information disappears like a dream. So here are a few people and events that made the news in the past few weeks, with short contextual descriptions.

- Paul H. O'Neill: A sour grape, whoring his tell tale book on the TV shows. Claimed Baby Bush wanted Saddam's head on a plate since day one of his new Administration (crime of lese-majesty).

[...] - Abu Ghraib: Humanitarian cast of characters and revealing S&M pictures, featuring among others, poster-gal Lynndie England ("proud to be an American"). Expect new video game just in time for the Xmas season.

[...] - Palestinian Zoo: Evil animals used to smuggle weapons through evil tunnels. Action: Destroy zoo. Result: Zoo destroyed. Part of "Operation Rainbow."   More...

Gilles d'Aymery is Swans' publisher and co-editor.


American Gulag, And A Dogfight Of Psychoses
by Manuel García, Jr.

Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib, Bagram, Kunduz/Sheberghan, Mazar-i-Sharif and the Naval Consolidated Brig at Charleston, SC: it is now an acknowledged fact that America has a Gulag Archipelago. Like all empires and coercive ideologies of the past, American Capitalism (ersatz "democracy," "freedom," "free markets," "globalization") has a hidden prison system for the absorption, detention, interrogation, and disappearance of enemies. The true horror here is the depth and age of the ignorance of the workings of its empire by the American public.   More...

Manuel García is a physicist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.


Walking Wounded
by Richard Macintosh

Back in the early nineties, my wife and I briefly operated a Western-style bar and grill -- the Loading Chute Saloon -- located in a small town in California. The Loading Chute attracted all sorts of characters, some real, some faux and aside from a few dangerous moments, was a lot of fun. One of the legitimate characters who frequented the Loading Chute was a youngish rancher who had the innate ability to antagonize almost anyone he ran across. For the sake of anonymity, I'll just call him "Billy."   More...

Richard Macintosh is a former Public High School Teacher and a part-time consultant on Personnel/Team matters.


A Cancer In The Military
by Philip Greenspan

The agony that afflicted the military by their failure to defeat the Vietnamese has never really been alleviated. Several excuses have been advanced -- all shifting the blame.

The politicians tied their hands; the media did not adequately inform the public of their mission and were critical of their activities; and the public did not give them support.   More...

Philip Greenspan is a retired attorney, a World War II veteran and a political activist.

Hungry Man, Reach For The Book

Rahul Mahajan's Full Spectrum Dominance
by Joel Wendland

Few writers have delivered clarity of analysis and the scope of information on the Iraq war as does Rahul Mahajan in Full Spectrum Dominance. Impeccably researched and insightfully argued, Mahajan's short book slices through the layers of lies, misleadership, hidden agendas, and criminal acts perpetrated by the Bush administration in its drive for war in Iraq.   More...

Joel Wendland is managing editor of Political Affairs, a monthly magazine of ideology, politics, and culture, and a member of UAW Local 1981 (national writers union).


Twisted Ascension
by Gerard Donnelly Smith

From his wheelchair he arose a martyr;
he walked away from the rockets' red glare
while all round him arms and legs rained down.   More...

Gerard Donnelly Smith teaches creative writing, literature and composition at Clark College in Vancouver, WA.

Letters to the Editor


John Steppling reviews Swans' past edition (a new feature); and other friendly and not-so-friendly readers have their say regarding Swans, and the perspectives expressed by John Blunt, Jan Baughman, Gilles d'Aymery, and, as in the famed Americana, more. We had our share of hate-mail. Sorry, didn't make the cut!

We appreciate your comments. Please, remember to sign your e-mails with your real name and add your city, state, country, address and phone number. If we publish your opinion we will only include your name, city, state, and country. Thank you.   More...


– Say NO to Amazon.com and the corporate bookchains! Support your local independent bookstores! Books can be ordered through Booksense. Simply enter your Zip code and click on "Go" to find all local independent bookstores near you:


– Highly recommended book: Alexander Cockburn & Jeffrey St. Clair (editors), The Politics of Anti-Semitism, CounterPunch and AK Press, 2003; ISBN: 1-90259-377-7. 178 pages, $12.95. You can read our review of The Politics of Anti-Semitism.

– A book for your library: Jeffrey St. Clair, Been Brown So Long it Looked Like Green to Me: The Politics of Nature, Common Courage Press, 2004; ISBN: 1-56751-258-5. You can read Louis Proyect's review of The Politics of Nature.

– A book to accompany Swans' Special Issue on Iraq: IRAQ UNDER SIEGE: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War, edited by Anthony Arnove, South End Press, Cambridge, MA, 2002, ISBN: 0-89608-698-4 (cloth), 0-89608-697-6 (paper). See, http://www.southendpress.org/books/iraq.shtml

– A must-read book: Johnstone, Diana; Fools' Crusade: Yugoslavia, Nato, and Western Delusions, Monthly Review Press, 2003, ISBN: 1-58367-084-X. An excerpt of the book, the introduction, is published on Swans as well as three reviews whose links are appended at the end of the excerpt.


– If you wish to receive an e-mail regarding each new rendition (twice a month) with the Note from the Editor and the URL to each article, please send an e-mail with "Subscribe Swans" in the subject line. Please also include your first/last name in the body of the message.

– Remember, every time you reload the front page, one of 82 different quotes appears randomly in the left margin (below the link to the French translation).

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