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Air Pollution Control
Community Assistance
DOE Oversight
Ground Water Protection
Internal Audit
Natural Heritage
Office of Strategic Planning
Radiological Health
Recreation Educational Services
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
State Parks
Tennessee Historical Commission
Underground Storage Tanks
Water Pollution Control
Water Supply
Department Initiatives
TDEC-TDOT Agreement
Watershed Approach
Early Action Compact
Year in Review

Welcome to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. TDEC's responsibility is to ensure that Tennessee has the cleanest and safest environment, the greatest recreation opportunities, and the most valued natural and cultural resources of any state. Our parks, natural areas and communities will be models of environmental stewardship and prosperity. These values drive how we accomplish our mission:

SERVICE: Through shared commitments and thoughtful actions we serve the people of Tennessee by protecting and enforcing the public trust along with enhancing our state's recreation and natural resource assets.

BALANCE: A cleaner, safer environment goes hand in hand with economic prosperity and increased quality of life in Tennessee.

ACCOUNTABILITY: We take ownership for the process and results of our work.

CULTURAL CHANGE: Each individual has a responsibility to protect our shared environment, and we must involve every Tennessean in environmental protection.

Betsy Child

The Tennessee Conservationist Magazine

The Tennessee Conservationist Magazine

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