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Executive CommitteeStaff of TCJFCJ



Tennessee Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

The primary mission of the Tennessee Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges is to ensure that there will be a more efficient and prompt administration of justice in the juvenile courts of this state, and to ensure that the causes of dependency, neglect, and delinquency will be better understood and dealt with through the use of all available resources.

Program Goals

  • Provide technical assistance to the state's 112 judges, 34 referees and over 350 staff with juvenile court jurisdiction;
  • Educate juvenile court judges, referees, and court staff to enable them to better meet the needs of Tennessee's children and youth referred to the courts;
  • Develop and maintain a Core Curriculum to be used as orientation training for all new court staff;
  • Collect accurate and complete information on cases referred to and disposed of by the juvenile courts.

Services of the TCJFCJ

  • Represents the 98 courts with juvenile court jurisdiction in the state's 95 counties.
  • Provides 12 to 15 hours of continuing legal education annually to juvenile court judicial officers on specific juvenile justice related topics.
  • Provides a 48.5 hour basic juvenile justice training core curriculum course annually to 25-30 new juvenile court staff.
  • Provides 4 to 5 in-depth training seminars annually to enhance juvenile court professionals' knowledge regarding youth, family dynamics and legal and social intervention services.
  • Provides technical assistance to judicial officers and court staff.
  • Collects case referral and dispositional data from all of the state's juvenile courts and publishes an annual statistical report.
  • Responds to ad-hoc requests for statistical data and provides data and information to federal, state and local governments as well as other organizations and individuals.
  • Responds to questions from the public and provides information or refers the party to the appropriate entity.
  • Represents the Council by serving on a number of interagency committees.
  • Monitors legislation and informs the courts of changes in the law related to juvenile court jurisdiction.
  • Provides statistical data to TCCY for 3-year juvenile crime analysis and annual updates that enables draw down of federal JJDP funds.

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