Guerrilla Funk Recordings was born out of necessity. Its a musical organization founded specifically to counter the corporate stranglehold of censorship currently plaguing the entertainment industry....More >>
The Devil Made Me Remix
You asked for it - here it is! Includes the long versions, b-sides and remixes of your favorites - and more! Available Here Now! (In stores June 29.)
Bye, Bye, A Piece Of The Pie
After selling millions of records for major labels, many artists expect comfortable nest eggs. They often barely find goose eggs.
Brown Vs. Board Of Ed.: 50 Years Later
In spite of landmark decision, wealth has created separate and unequal schools in Bay Area and elsewhere.
Third World: Naked Contempt
The torture and degradation carried out in Abu Ghraib simply repeat the fantasies and delusions of the colonial mind-set.
Biowar In Africa
A Libyan court has sentenced five nurses and a doctor to death for infecting hundreds of children with the AIDS virus.