What is Gmail? Gmail is a free webmail service from Google, the people who do the search engine. Like Hotmail, but better.
Why would I want Gmail?
There are lots of reasons. Gmail has a clean, easy interface, without any annoying banner ads. Gmail blocks spam. And gmail offers you 1 gigabyte of space for your emails: you'll never have to delete a message again. Read more about it here.
Can I sign up for Gmail?
Not in a straightforward way. Google's still smoothing out the kinks, and isn't letting everyone register. The only way to get an account is to be invited by a Google employee, by certain current Gmail subscribers, or by certain "active" users of Blogger. For more information on these groups, see our Checking for Invitations page.
Why the rush?
For lots of people, there's no rush; they're happy with their email service. Some of us, however, are over-eager for Gmail's ease and elegance. Furthermore, we want to snag a good email address before the barbarians make it through the gates. Why settle for g_r_a_m_o_p_43fp@gmail.com when you could sneak in early and nab gramophone@gmail.com?
Everyone's talking about Gmail, but it's still only a handful of lucky ducks who have snagged an account. And while the rest of us go hungry, you can be sure that the best email addresses are being gulped down by nefarious hooligans.
tells the people with Gmail about the people without.
By the time the gates open to the public, you - the web-savvy A-list indie-rock-listening cool kid - might be left with nothing but the lamest of addresses. And trust me, you don't want to be ws_alist_IRL_ck21@gmail.com.
Want to get a taste of the sweetest lil' net app this side of, uh, google? Add your plea to our Swap List, offer something to swap (maybe just your eternal gratitude), and hope you'll find a kindly patron!
Browse the Swap List and get in touch with someone who sounds worthy. Do it for love or for profit!
Read the sidebar on the left for information on what's going on. It's simple: I promise. If you're a current Gmail or Blogger user and want to know where to look for (further) Gmail invites, click here for instructions.
There's no catch. We just think that people are nice, and that there should be a way for those nice people to get together. We're not spammers or email harvesters or anything nasty: promise. Read more about us here.