Lilli Marleen |
Lillis place for rants and musing about life, universe and the whole rest. Mostly left, mostly sarcastic, mostly in Lilli-english.
You look for the Song Lilli Marleen?My email: LilliMarleen_Weblog AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk If the 400 characters in my comments are not enough, just mail me! As you might see soon, english is not my mothertongue. And since english speaking people are used to others stumble around in their language, I hope I don't make too much of an idiot of me here. So - my deepest apologies adressed to the English Language for not worshipping her better. My about page is here My Amazon Wishlist! Blogs I like: Arons Israel Peace Weblog Daddy, Papa & Me Zogby Blog Across the Atlantic ectophensis The Lefty Directory view from the back window of my pickup truck Hi, I'm black! Eschaton Papa Scott A Fistful Of Euros London Underground Tube Diary The Russian Dilettante Little Yellow Different German Blogs I read: ap-project Lyssas Lounge London Leben industrial-technology and witchcraft Anke Groener Almost a Diary l.o.g lawblog blogosfear Beruf Terrorist Landschaftstraum Forum Innenpolitik SPD Newslog Other links: Social Democrats in Germany Die Zeit (a german newspaper) Spiegel (the german magazine) Underground Internet Ancient History Sourcebook Roots of English Dictionary Rautavistische Universitaet Popdex-popularity index Disclaimer Webrings < ? blogs by women # > My Popdex Game Profile Popdex Metapop Blogarama |
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Duh? Somehow, I don't get this argument line. If Flick really got some of the pictures from his Nazi-Grandfather, what better way than a public exhibition is there to have all people participate? What else is he expected to do? If there were any heirs claiming the pictures, I'm sure they would have done already, so please can someone explain to me what the problem is and how else he should act? Metin Kaplan turned up As assumed, Mr.Kaplan walked in the police station in Cologne-Chorweiler last night. Clever move. He has to register each monday, in case of a holiday the next work-day. Since this monday was not a holiday he could accept (or do Muslim have "Pfingsten"?) and since showing up in a place full of journalists couldn't be what he desires, he choose to make his appearance last night. Yes, he is indeed a clever, short man, let's see with what he'll come up next. His lawyer claims he's way too ill to be deported, he is said to suffer on prostate cancer. But how ill has someone to be when he can live hidden for days or weeks? As long he can sit and go to the toilet whenever he wants, I can't see any problem with the prostate cancer when on a journey. And a flight into Turkey is really a short trip. Monday, May 31, 2004
Kopf machen... Wenn ich das so lese, sieht das aus, als ob Jens nicht wirklich gut drauf ist, im Moment. Im Gegenteil, es liest sich eher so, dass er sich right now ziemlich einsam und verzweifelt fühlt. Jetzt glaub ich einfach mal, dass süße Bildchen von niedlichen Kätzchen oder Blümchen in seiner Mail ihn nicht wirklich fröhlicher stimmen würden. Jens, ich weiss nicht, ob Dir das jetzt zu persönlich ist, oder so, aber ich glaube ich weiss so ungefähr, was Du suchst. Jetzt will ich Dir nicht die Nase lang machen mit "Kuck ma, ich hab was, was Du auch haben willst" und so, ich will Dir nur klarmachen, dass Du nicht der letzte Mohikaner auf dieser Welt bist und dass es sowas schon gibt, aber dass es manchmal eben fucking anstrengend ist, sowas zu finden, oder noch besser, sich finden zu lassen. Ich spar mir sämtliche praktischen Anwürfe, weil ich vielleicht die Situation auch komplett verkenne. Macht aber auch nix. Ich hoff einfach, dass Du Deinen Kopf bald wieder oben hast. Oder auch endlich mal ein "Freio" findest. May the Foreskin be with you! Well, I'm used to silly film names, it's an absolute bad habit to re-name american movies when they come into german cinemas. They hurt booktitles the same, sometimes. But I wasn't aware of the fact there are people who name their films worse as any German could fuck up the translation. Well, you live and learn or you won't live for long (stolen from Heinlein:"Life of Lazarus Long") and I know I could trust in Ernie to find a site where I can learn something new. So Ernie found Brad Young and his 100 worst Porn Movie Titles. My absolute favourite is - as quoted above "May the Foreskin be with you", but I'd say "Fat, the Bald and the Ugly" and "Ass-Hole-O-Mio" do folow really close after. The alltime favourite is, of course a film called "Sex". How fed up with life and all must one be to come up with such names? Anyway, Mr. Lilli and I had a good laugh about them. While Mr. Lilli is watching "Saving Private Ryan", I read titels as "Shaving Ryan's privates". I'm impressed. Rather. Adult Divorce You know, I admire people who are able, after a relationship splits up, to remain in a friendly relationship. Mr. Lilli's Ex and I to chat on the phone regularly and from time to time we meet up for a Tekilla and a talk, but that also needed years. Her Hubby isnot so happy about this, but we do it amongst us. Some of my best male friends are ex-lovers from me. Any why not? I mean, in the best case, you know pretty well why you are no longer in a partnership, but you know each other much closer than anyone else. I love endings like that. Even when I get furious when someone says"Let's stay friends" right at the splitting up. When we were lovers, we might become friends one day, but we can't stay friends. This couple seemed to have shared much more than just sex and love with each other, so in their hearts was space enough for another kind of love. Harry Potter Have I mentioned that I do like Harry Potter? I resisted a long time, but when some friends lend me their four copies of the first four books in english, I was caught in a second. The fifth book came here via Amazon, the first day it was to deliver (the night delivering would have been too much even for me). So you can imagine how much I look forward for the new film. And that from the woman who went to cinema the last time to was Star Wars Episode I, years ago! The BBC offers a lot of Infos about Potter, also the interesting insight that the actor Radcliff said, he thinks Harry will die at the end. Yes, that's a possible ending, but it's a children's book and I hope she doesn't have the heart to let him die at the end. Anyway, the BBC also offers the ultimative Muggle-Test. I scored a 9 which I not so bad, without having had a look back into the book or the news around it. Sunday, May 30, 2004
Metin Kaplan again Should it worry me that everytime I start something about Metin Kaplan, my Computer mysteriously buros and somehow eats this entry? It's now my third try, to bring it down. I've had the doubtfully honour to see Mr. Kaplan several times in person and while I managed not to kick him, spit at him or smash him against my fist ("He stumbled into my fist, you honour!" "Well, seven times?"), when I saw all those men outside the bulding being there and doing this special suspect sort of nothing, I know pretty well one core of his problems. He is short. He is a short man with small lips and yellow-ish skin, so if I'd look like that I might feel close to some extremists, too. But serious. Mr. Kaplan was one of the chiefs of this group "Caliph State" and as long they did not anything that was against german laws there was no reason to look at them a second time. Remember - this was the time before 9/11, this was the time where Islamists were just some radicals, with the same impact on German society than radical Christs, Jews or even Buddhists. But then Mr. Kaplan called his minions to murder one competitor who also wanted to become the big chief of this state. Especially because this guy was murdered short after, this was clearly against German Laws, so there was a reason to imprison him for about two years. While his imprisonment, there was an ongoing battle between his lawyers and the state. The main problem was that he couldn'T be deported into Turkey because there was the danger he might have to face torture when caught there. It doesn'T matter if he's an Islamist, a Rapist or whatever, so when Mrs. T makes it look like it is because he is an Islamist, she is partly wrong. It's just the german laws. It's simplified, but you won't be deported into a country where death penalty or torture are to expect. I have no idea what would happen to an american citizen, but I'm pretty confident, he would be brought to the US. In general I like this law. And people like Metin Kaplan are IMO the price we have to pay for such laws. Even when I'd rather see him in Turkey, I'm willing to pay this price, because the whole set of laws is ten times worth a Metin Kaplan abusing is. It's not that German authorities are too slow, too dumb or too whatever for not deporting him, it's the state of the democracy in Turkey that worries some judges and politicians. Mr. Shily himself, our "Innenminister" has made several trips to Turkey to ensure, Mr. Kaplan will be treated fair after brought there. He is pretty confident this will all happen. Mr. Kaplans lawyer (a german woman) is not. She also fears that others might be tortured to tell the turkish police things about Kaplan. I have no idea how far the Turkish democracy went until now, but alone the fact that Öczalan is still alive leaves hope, doesn't it? Actually Mr. Kaplan is expected to walk in the local police station tomorrow or give something from his doctor why he can't and I'm pretty sure, he will do right that. It's now the "Ausländeramt" being in trouble since it was reported they did try to play games with the judge. Kaplan will be safe for another two months because that's what the last court said, for him going into revision. And he will... People like him always use each and every straw they can get. As I use to say ... there is no short man without a serious damage... Saturday, May 29, 2004
Good British Food Okay, I know, many of Germans do think British Food is plain awful. They judge it by what they either found themselves in some British Pubs or by what they've been told by others. I must say - you are right, but in the same second you're oh so deadly wrong! Just think about it - imagine the pub around your corner, the one which is not the best one, where the sauce for the Jägerschnitzel is the cheapest Aldi choice, the Kakao is made with water and the Lasagna comes in an Aluminium box. One can survive eating there and sometimes you eat yourself there, but you know pretty well, it's not some representative kind of food you get there. And now imagine, German food would be judged by exactly this pub/ restaurant. Mr. Lilli and I are the proud owners of some good British Cooking books and we use them often. Sure, there are things no civilized human being should be forced to eat, like english sausages for example, but I'd include the German "Saumagen" also to this list. Here I found some nice recipe for meateaters like us: Toad in the Hole Ingredients: 125 gr (1 cup) plain (all purpose) flour pinch of salt 1 egg, beaten 200 ml (one scant cup) milk 75 ml (1/3 cup) water 2 tablespoons beef drippings 250 gr chicken legs (without bones) 250 gr small "Rostbratwürstchen" First step: Mix salt and flour and make a well in the centre for the egg. Add the egg. Second: Half of the milk goes in, mix it all with a wooden spoon Third: Beat it until smooth, then add the rest of the milk and all the water Fourth: Beat it again. Then let it stand for about an hour. Fourth b: Go and write some good Blog entries while waiting for the hour passing by. Forth c: Pre-heat the Oven at about 200 C/ 425 F Fifth: Add the drippings to one large pan, then cut up the chicken and the sausage that you have it all over the pan. Sixth: Heat the pan in the oven for a few minutes until it's very hot, then put it out again and in goes the batter all over the sausages and the chicken. Seventh: Back into the oven to cook for about 35 minutes until it's golden brown at the surface. Don't open the oven for at least 30 minutes! Eigth: Serve it hot with a nice gravy (chicken or so) This is not really Finest Cuisine, but Wondergirl loves that stuff. You can eat it with Ketchup, so children will be great with it, you can also make it "finer" with some grated cheese and some Red Wine Sauce, if you like to. We also love stuff like Mulligatowny Soup, Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding or Cranachan (Recipe can be found somewhere in my archieves, I have no idea, where). Mr. Lilli has some kind of "Good Pub Detector" included. He always finds great places for food when we're around. Friday, May 28, 2004
Metin Kaplan As the BBC reports, Mr. Kaplan is no longer searched for by the Cologne police. Which leaves me happy for our "Rechtsstaat". Not that I likehim or for what he stands, but I'm pretty happy that even he - whatever PITA he is - gets the benefits of our state and our principle of justice in justice. We'll see, what the court will deciede. I have written a long post about this in German, but somehow Blogger managed to chew it and have it vanish into Nirvhana. Well, I won't write it again, today, for that I'm way too tired. Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Blogspot burps At least from time to time. I have trouble to get on blogspot sites, also I've got troubleto here, from time to time. But well, as usual.... as long as I don't pay them money, I can't complain. You are Snoopy! Which Peanuts Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla thx to Schroeder for the link Nothing helps I fear there will help nothing. You can polish and clean and caress and wax it, but the (not so) private parts of David won't grow any more. But a bigger one would look obscene and half erected, somehow. Monday, May 24, 2004
So is there hope for friendship between them? I don't like France. It might be, because I don'T speak the language and so don't understand the people and all. The one time I was in Paris for a weekend was a trauma. None of us spoke French and at the Restaurant we didn't know if the words on the card were the food or the waiters adress, so we were pissed about stuff being out own fault - why do we go to a place where noone undertands the people? The few french people I got to know (in France) were without exception absolutely arrogant, simply refused to speak anything but French with me, even when they were old enough to have learned english at school. I can't stand French films and just very little of french music, there are just very few french actors I like, and French food...? Well, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, German and English is what I like much more. I'm sure, I would like it better if I knew it better, but I see no reason to waste my holiday time in France, when I could stay where I really like it, be it in England or the German North. On the opposite there is Great Britain - I love it! I speak the language (well if you consider Lilli-english being english), I like the humour, the Brits have wonderful musicians like Robbie Williams, the food is great, most of the Brits I met were pretty okay, the one or the other was even more to me, so who am I to waste my thoughts on the french? The only positive was the recent French action when Bush went into this war that will cost him his re-election (I hope it so much!). I was really sad, my so much liked Brits were unable to do anything else than jumping on George W.'s lap. The most Brits I know don't like France, too. Some dislike them because of their peace-politics, others have real reasons for it. The more is stuff like this that lets hope for friendship... some day. Sie nervt Eigentlich tut es mir ja schon weh. So als Frau, die immer schon der Meinung war, dass Emanzipation der Frau nicht heissen darf, allen Männern das Gemächt zu entfernen habe ich sie trotzdem eigentlich immer ganz gut gefunden. Ich fand auch ihr "Duell" mit Veronchen recht gut. Aber bei Jauch heute, geht mir die gute Alice Schwarzer wirklich auf den Zeiger! Wenn ich schon so wenig weiss, dann schäme ich mich schweigend und gehe nicht Gott und aller Welt damit auf den Sack! Das Getue, was die so absondert, ist wirklich nicht zu ertragen. Ich habe auch keine Ahnung, was die bundesdeutschen Landwirte flächenmäßig am meisten anbauen (Weizen, Hafer, Mais, Kartoffeln), aber dann soll sie raten, oder die Kohle nehmen und sich verzupfen. Nee nee Alice.... dat is so nix... |