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Self Injury Community

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MOD [23 Jun 2004|11:49am]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | -who knows- ]

will one of the MOD's in this community please let me know if i'm okay staying here cause i don't si or anything..i joined and update cause no one else seems to care nor do they understand my pain and everything..and they get mad at me (friends at school) so yeah...please let me kno!


[4] Catch My Bleeding Tears

[23 Jun 2004|07:34am]

[ mood | Very emo ]
[ music | I'm Listening to Daybed talk... ]

Another lessson I didn't get to learn...
you're my obsession,
I've got know where to turn...

I wanna feel the way you make me feel when I'm with you...
I wanna be the only hand you need to hold on to,
But every time I call you don't have time.
I guess I'll never get to call you mine ....

The hot tears streaming down my face reminds me of your kiss )

</end of being in love>
</end of letter>

NOTE IN [info]_knowyoulive THis is the first post I've made in months that isn't about me being the Owner/moderator. This is actually me being emo.

Catch My Bleeding Tears

[23 Jun 2004|10:59am]

It's people who think they've got some power in the community that piss me off. I was easy enough for the OWNER & MODERATOR to post about the LJ cut thing.. But for the uh, wannabe? to bitch about the community being deleted.. COME ON


Give me a break, stfu

Sorry about the rant, but this pissed me off
[1] Catch My Bleeding Tears

[23 Jun 2004|02:21am]

i guess i haven't cut in awhile
like its been forever
and i do get the urges
but i just keep myself busy
i hid my 'utensils' so its harder to find them
and my rooms a mess so i can clean that
it also helps if u cover up ur cuts, not because ur embarrassed but because they are reminders
i don't know,
its been helping me
but when i do have a razor in my hand,
and im about to cut
i just breathe for a lil bit and think
what would happen if this goes to deep
keep yourselves busy, and dont dwell on ur problems
i dwell but i write a lot....look at my personal LJ and then i have poems posted all over the internet....
so I write a lot

find something that keeps ur mind off of things, or atleast gets ur anger out
Catch My Bleeding Tears

All i want is nothing... [23 Jun 2004|04:27am]

[ mood | numb ]
[ music | phish ]

For the past few weeks...i have been coming back to this journal. looking at what everyone has to say. I think i forgot how much this place helped me when i wrote...but now i feel helpless.

i want someone to help me! i am alone...and scared...and more then anything i cant stop cutting myself...i cant stop...i cant stop thinking about suicide...

i cant thinking about how tempting nothing sounds. i want nothing...nothingness.

i am empty...i have nothing left to offer anyone...and i dont know what to do.

i dont know how to breath.

Catch My Bleeding Tears

[23 Jun 2004|03:44pm]

[ mood | happy ]
[ music | love outside andromeda - mercury 2 degrees ]

I am going to try and concentrate on the positives. Everyone here is very different, and i think we should make the most form that and try and draw on other peoples experiences to help ourselves. What i want to know is, what helps you ignore the urge to cut? What do you do (other than self harm) to feel better when you are down? Has your therapist/psychologis (if you have one) suggested any useful ideas that have helped you, or may help others?

My therapist suggested to me that i link a happy memory with each of my finger, so that when i am depressed i can go through them, and as i touch each one, i recall the memory for that finger. Each memory is meant to relate to a certain emotion sorta thing. The first is when you have felt cared for, the second when you have felt proud of something you've done, the third when you have helped someone, the 4th when you have felt love towards someone or something, and the 5th something that you suceeded at...i think...or it could have been something that made you feel happy...i forget =)

But anyway, that's just one idea, what do you find helps you?

[1] Catch My Bleeding Tears

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