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Tuesday, June 8th, 2004
7:57 pm
I know this might offend some of you, but I kind of hate how it seems like everyone nowadays who can use a computer think that they're a composer, because they can fuck around in a computer program, make some god-awful beat, and screw with things until it sounds like something they heard on the radio. I've worked really hard to get to where I am, four years of university study so far specifically in music composition. Just because you make sound playback on a computer doesn't make you a composer. It takes the manipulating of themes and motives and making them interesting, the extensive knowledge of what individual instruments can do, and how to get them to do what you want them to do. An unchanging repetitive beat doesn't mean you're a minimalist, it means you're stupid.

And sometimes four years of study in music composition still doesn't make you a composer. But that's another tirade.

This post is not directed towards anyone on my friends list, or anyone who reads my journal that I know of.

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Monday, June 7th, 2004
3:22 pm
Time to mess with conservative homophobes' polls again; thanks [info]arilinn.

Poll about MTV's new gay network "pushing the homosexual agenda"

current mood: vindictive

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Saturday, June 5th, 2004
2:03 am
Also, I found out tonight that the Orient Kitchen (a very good Chinese restaurant that also has sushi,) which is two blocks from my apartment, is open until 1:00am Sunday through Thursday and 2:00am Friday and Saturday! I knew it was open late but I didn't know that late! Woo!

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1:55 am
I just downloaded Mozilla FireFox and I think I'm going to like it! Fuck you IE! Fuck you Javaaaaaaaaaa!!!!@

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Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004
2:24 pm
You need to be more optimistic.

current mood: optimistic

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Tuesday, June 1st, 2004
4:18 pm
Holy shit. I went to the eye doctor and got an eye test and new measurements for contacts. They gave me a trial pair of the new perscription/contact fitting to try out. I just put them in, and my vision a lot stronger, almost to the point of being unnecessary, I think. I can read my IM's on my computer from my bed, which is about 8 feet away. I had to squint to do that before. Also, these contacts keep their concave shape while trying to put them in, and putting them in was really easy. I'm supposed to try them out for a day or two before ordering a year supply, which I will. But jeez, this is crazy! The eye doctor (crazy old man) told me I'd probably have 20/15 vision with these, so I guess he does know what he's doing.

OMG, vision. It's almost hard to focus on the computer screen, though. Maybe I should put it back further or something.

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Monday, May 31st, 2004
11:31 pm
Memorial day with the fam was good. Especially the food: grilled filet mignon marinated in balsamic viniagrette, sauteed mushrooms, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, focaccia, salad, brownie cake, fresh pineapple and watermelon. Steak (or roast), mushrooms, and potatoes (baked or mashed) constitute my favorite meal, as I eat all three together on the fork.

And, my brother's dog is so fucking cute. Kyoot, even.

And I did laundry for free, and watched some tv, including the ever hot Dave Atell. I didn't get hit by a bus this time, though.

current mood: content

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Saturday, May 29th, 2004
11:29 pm
By the way, I just saw Margaret Cho at the Improv, and she was fucking awesome! As is to be expected!

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11:27 pm
Jefferson Starship The Next Generation will be in Pittsburgh on August 7th! Happy birthday to me!

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2:59 pm
What are you supposed to do when someone in a relationship is constantly hitting on you, but obviously has no intentions on breaking up with their significant other? This isn't the first time, or first person, who has done this to me, also. Why can't single men hit on me?

And more importantly, why have I not yet dated someone named Mark?

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12:38 pm
Indian Winter has arrived! Yay!

current mood: cold (yay!)

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Friday, May 28th, 2004
9:34 am
an online conversation between my mom and me

me: matthew will be home monday?
mom: yes monday night
me: for dinner?
mom: i don't know he said about 8-9 are you coming over for memorial day
me: and do what?
me: maybe
mom: have a f-ing cookout

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9:09 am
I had a dream I was wearing pink tennis shoes, and I was self-conscious about it.

Also, I slept from 10pm to 6am. I'm not quite sure why.

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Wednesday, May 26th, 2004
10:11 am - I. Hate. Everybody.
You know, whenever there's mayhem and confusion regarding some process you need to complete for something related to school (or work, or tons of other things,) the mayhem is almost always due to people not knowing what they're talking about. Finally I've gotten this loan shit straightened out with McGill, after:

FAFSA online -> McGill Financial Aid -> -> FAFSA phonecall -> lenders online -> FAFSA phonecall -> AES PHEAA (Pennsylvania Education) -> McGill Financial Aid.

Only the second woman at McGill knew what was going on, and I think that was because the guy I talked to at PHEAA knew what I needed to ask her. Why is this so complicated? Why isn't there a step by step manual to applying for a loan? Everything is fucking convoluted, like everything else involving money. I hate capitalism.

And for that matter, I also hate:
-People whose online pics don't look anything like them and make them out to be much more attractive than they actually are
-American Idol, and people who watch it
-People that think Bush is a good president only because he happens to be the president when "the Middle East decided to attack us."
-The fact that the word "attach" isn't spelled "attatch."

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Tuesday, May 25th, 2004
11:07 am - ever more productive
I applied for grad housing, sent my TA acceptence letter (I can mail the support documents later, apparently,) made an eye appointment, dropped off my resume at the CMU temp agency, and deposited a check. I am so productive! Now all I have to do is complete and mail this goddamn immigration form; the problem being I don't exactly know what I need to put on there.

current mood: productive

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Monday, May 24th, 2004
10:05 am
Damnit. I need to get all this McGill crap sorted out (loans, immigration, my TA job, tons of shit,) within the next three days, so I called today, it being Monday, and they're closed for Victoria Day.

Strange holidays.

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Saturday, May 22nd, 2004
6:45 am

Who wants to take a greyhound with me to Montreal (from Pittsburgh, 19 hours) for $118 round-trip, and stay in an awesome hostel for $19CAN/day?

The return trip is only 18 hours.

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2:54 am
So, my taking Spanish for the past 8 years has finally proven completely worthless. At McGill, Masters students need to pass a language reading exam in French, Italian, or German. Since it's a reading exam and not oral, and since I'm going to be living in Montreal and hopefully learning French anyway, and since the similarities and cognates between both French and Spanish and French and English are abundant, I'm going to do French, I think. I hope the exam isn't too hard, goddamnit. At least I took Spanish, which is similar to French, and not you know, Quechua or Cantonese or something.

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Friday, May 21st, 2004
4:29 pm - Yay!
I am getting a teaching assistanceship at McGill; a little more than $2,700 for TAing Melody and Counterpoint; which is a little more than 1/4 of my tuition. Although, I'm assuming that's for the whole schoolyear; if it's one semester, and I have a different TA in the spring, it would be half of my tuition. Thank god. Now I don't have to work in a French Canadian McDonalds; not that I could, not knowing French and all.

current mood: thank god

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Wednesday, May 19th, 2004
9:52 pm - Oh, CMU.
I got a letter in the mail from CMU today; it was another copy of my wallet-sized dipoma that they give us. Upon further inspection, though, this new one is the wrong one, and the old one is correct. The old one said:

Bachelor of Fine Arts
With University Honors
In recognition of the completion of the course of study perscribed for the field of

And the new one said

Bachelor of Fine Arts
In recognition of the completion of the course of study perscribed for the field of
With University Honors
Music (Composition)

At least they spelled everything right, though. Heh.

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