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911 is a joke in your town [04 Jun 2004|01:38am]
[ music | aahhhhhwww ]

For the love of god woman, stop complimenting me.

On a different note, I'm going on a trip to Colorado and then Chicago for a week, starting Sunday morning. Gonna try to find Balls for the latter portion. And when I get back, I get to start working, which is both an exciting and dreadful thought, since it will be the simultaneous end of my boredom and beginning of chasing small children around. Just thought you'd all like to know.

Comments: can i get a soul clap?.

[02 Jun 2004|01:25am]
[ mood | mmm-hmm ]
[ music | how ya like it daddy ]

Yeah, so me and Mark went crusing around DC tonight...when I was chillin at his house beforehand, I picked up this little padded bat. It felt pretty good, so I decided to keep it for the evening. He followed suit and grabbed a wiffle bat before we bounced.

We parked in Bethesda cuz we were gonna see a movie, but we had some time to kill, so we naturally wandered around with the bats. We decided we were gonna scare some white folk, so we started following this couple walking down the street. When they finally turned around and confronted us, we pretended like nothing was wrong, we were just two guys enjoying a stroll down the street. Then we beat them with our kiddie bats.

Soul Plane was pretty damn hilarious. Black people are pretty damn hilarious. Black people realizing that if one of us did start an airline like the one in the movie, it would somehow go terribly wrong, is pretty damn hilarious. Hitting that bitch in front of me with my bat when she wouldn't shut up was pretty damn hilarious.

In Adams Morgan we went to this diner, named "The Diner." Apparently it's open 24 hours, which is pretty hot shit. After the waitress gave me the wrong meal, and I said I didn't mind, she slipped me her number on a napkin.

Afterwards, we drove around with music blasting as we tend to do. I saw this hot girl walking down the sidewalk so I leaned out and yelled, "Every time I see your thighs I cry when I drive by!" But then I realized that it was Justine and Becca and we gave them a ride.

So we drove around a little longer, but since we're black and were playing loud rap music we got stopped by the cops. It didn't help that we had bats in the car, or that we were in a really nice car. But we got off just fine. And then I came straight home.

(Parts of this story have been exaggerated or completely made up for dramatic effect. Oh yeah, and the girl from Petey Pablo's Freek-A-Leak video is unbelievably hot and gorgeous and amazing.)

Comments: 5 clapped twice - can i get a soul clap?.

[23 May 2004|08:50pm]
Yeah, so like I said earlier, home is pretty boring. Between the cicadas and my brother's drum set I don't get too much peace. Hey, don't you hate it when you think you have something to update about but when you actually get around to it, it's nothing at all? Yeah, I hate that.

Edit: I highly recommend the cartoon "Megas XLR" on the cartoon network. It is unabashedly about giant robots (even the theme song says "Chicks dig giant robots"). If you are insanely bored like myself, check it out.
Comments: 1 clapped twice - can i get a soul clap?.

[19 May 2004|04:07pm]
So yeah, I'm home. I refuse to make a reflective and meaningful entry about my first year at college. So I'm just gonna say two things:

Being back at home really is quite boring. I presume many weights will be lifted and many mix CDs made to pass the time. And oh yeah, video games.

I decided that next semester, I am going to get myself a really, really, amazingly gorgeous girl. I am simply not taking no for an answer.
Comments: 5 clapped twice - can i get a soul clap?.

[17 May 2004|02:04pm]
[ mood | calm ]

Well, let me start off by saying that I'm in desperate need of a shower, but will not take one for at least another few hours since I still have to finish my Rasta project. With that in mind, let me tell you a tale of an amazing end to my first semester of college.

Last night I went to Boston to see Mindless Self Indulgence, one of the weirdest bands in existence. I dragged Jessica with me since I didn't feel like going all that way by myself. We got there just in time to see the opening act, The Human Shield, and by act, I mean song. They were all wearing diapers, and at the end of the song they threw their guitars on the ground and jumped into the drum set.

In a few words, MSI is some crazy shit. In a nutshell, this concert was a lot like the last: I got spit on my Steve Righ?, the guitarist. Lyn-z, the bassist did a dramatic stage dive at the end, Kitty the drummer was just awesome, and Jimmy Urine, the singer, went apeshit. As the show went on, he wore less and less clothing. The crowd was intense, very squished, and quite literally moved as one. The only reason I didn't fall down was because there was no room to fall. I knew the words to every song except one, which I suspect was "1989." By the end, my shirt was literally drenched in sweat, certainly only some of it mine.

Funny story that I wish happened to me instead of Jessica (who looked quite disheveled afterwards): Halfway through the show, she lost her cell phone, and since the forementioned crowd was so packed, there was nearly no hope of recovering it. Anyways, she accepted it as a casualty, and continued. At the end of the show, the band always sticks around to sign stuff, chat, kiss people, whatever. As I was making my way to Jimmy, Jessica sees her phone in his hands. Apparently, someone had found it and sent it up to be signed by Jimmy. Anyways, he signed her phone, and she claimed it once again.

I got my lucky charms watch signed by Jimmy (which came out as "squiggle squiggle") and my ticket stub signed by Kitty, who once again, I love.

After the concert, we had about 5 hours to kill since our bus back to Providence didn't leave until 2:30 AM. We almost saw Troy, but it was sold out, so we wandered around Boston for another hour until we reached the Hilton and decided to chill in the lobby, half sleeping and half watching the terrible Steven Segal movie that was on TV. And then we came back to Providence, went to bed, and here I am now telling the end of this story.

I got a bunch of pictures, got stuff signed, got to wander around Boston at midnight, had an extrememly agreeable last adventure with Jessica, and all around had an amazing, crazy, sweaty, and tiring time. But now, as I said at the beginning, I must finish my Rasta project.

Comments: can i get a soul clap?.

[14 May 2004|04:07am]
It's 4 AM, and I am in the middle of my quest to see how long I can stay awake. The last time I slept was Wednesday at 5 PM, and that was only a 2-hour nap. My goal is to go until hallucination, or perhaps, insanity. I'll be taking fake bets, meaning I will pay you no money.
Comments: can i get a soul clap?.

[08 May 2004|03:19pm]
I'm finding fewer and fewer things to make valid journal entries about.

Anyways, I played Magic: The Gathering for the first time in about a billion years last night with Boris and Scott and Pete and Pete. I didn't feel so bad when I lost since it was a 5-person game and I wasn't even playing with my own deck. I can't even begin to explain all the nerd passion that started to emerge.

Next Sunday I'm going to Boston to finally see Mindless Self Indulgence in concert again. It's going to be super.
Comments: can i get a soul clap?.

[03 May 2004|01:35pm]
One thing that I realized as I was organizing my comics today was that I am really looking forward to passing my collection off to someone. Finding my dad's old comics hidden away in the attic was an amazing experience (too bad he didn't keep his stuff in good condition). But as I was going through all the issues I had, I was reminded of all the amazing stories that I had read from various series that had just blown me away with their artwork, characters, plot, and occasional humor. I remember finishing the New X-Men "Planet X" and "Here Comes Tomorrow" story arcs and just needing to talk to SOMEONE about the amazing revalations that I had experienced. The JSA/Hawkman arc "Black Reign" had some important political and moral issues that it portrayed through super-powered revolutionaries. Spawn, despite being just plain pretty, I feel has some of the most creative and fantastic storylines in the business. And Spider-Man, all know how I feel about him.

I have no idea whether I'll ever feel the need or desire to sell my comic books, and for that matter, who knows whether or not any of it will be actually worth anything in 40 or 50 years. Chances are I won't, and then my child, girl or boy, skinny or fat, popular or monumental loser will be forced to inherit my 6 - 7/8" by 10 - 1/2" inked legacy. And I do mean forced - if they don't like it I'll beat it into them until they do.
Comments: 3 clapped twice - can i get a soul clap?.

OH MY GOD [27 Apr 2004|11:37pm]
Paintingjess: Nathaniel Saunders
Paintingjess: Lives in Perkins/Likes to eat green spotted gherkinds/video games? Nah, G he workin/ wha
Paintingjess: -freestyle brought to you by the hottest mc on the planet, White Chocolate
Paintingjess is away at 10:35:19 PM.
Comments: can i get a soul clap?.

[24 Apr 2004|09:18pm]
So I was a Jurassic 5 roadie-for-a-day today. Got to lift stuff and see their concert here at Brown for free. I could've met them and gotten autographs and chatted with them and stuff, but to be honest I was a bit intimidated/didn't care too much. The concert was good, I danced with my Jessica, and now I'm sleepy. But since Spring Weekend = many free parties, I won't really be sleeping. If you know what I mean.
Comments: 1 clapped twice - can i get a soul clap?.

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