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Android Lounge 05.06.04 Results & Poll... [08 May 2004|08:32pm]
[ music | X-Marks The Pedwalk - Mirthless Knick Knack ]

Thanks to everyone that showed up to another spectacular Android Lounge!

Here are some pictures from our last Lounge..Sexiness within!

Here's the playlist from the last Android Lounge..Weirdness within!

And now, a poll....

Poll #290690 Android Lounge Livejournal Community?
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Should there be an Android Lounge LJ Community?

View Answers

Hellz Yes!
10 (83.3%) 10 (83.3%)

Hellz No!
2 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%)

2 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

Come celebrate 1.5's Incept date in style!!!!!! [06 May 2004|06:39pm]
4 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

Oh yeah... [28 Apr 2004|12:36am]
9 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

2.0 For Peace? [17 Apr 2004|08:44am]
Quick, who participated in Poop For Peace Day?
5 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

[14 Apr 2004|11:26pm]
7 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

This Just In... [03 Apr 2004|11:03am]

Look for more versions of this flyer soon!
1 Observation| Propose a hypothesis

Android Lounge Playlist 04.01.04 [02 Apr 2004|11:52am]
[ music | Aphex Twin - Cliffs ]

Click Here For Android Lounge Playlist Excitement! )

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[02 Apr 2004|02:56am]
Another successful lounge. Thanks to all that showed up tonight.

Playlists and photos tomorrow!
9 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

TONIGHT!!! [01 Apr 2004|05:27pm]

Come and get loaded with us! Britney Spears is supposed to join us as well!
2 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

Android Lounge April 1st!!! [25 Mar 2004|08:37pm]
[ music | Dead Voices On Air - Irthing Fell ]

6 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

TONIGHT! [05 Feb 2004|12:01am]
4 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

No reason to update... [01 Feb 2004|09:37pm]
...just looking for an excuse to show off my geeky new icon.
6 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

Coming to Fairview Public Library: [31 Jan 2004|09:49am]
Mondays, February 23; March 1; March 22; March 29 (Adult) 7-9 p.m.
John Stark Bellamy’s Cleveland Woe Tour
Cleveland’s “Prose Laureate of Crime & Disaster” presents his slideshows chronicling the Best Cleveland Murders and Disasters.
February 23: Terrible Things Everyone Show Know About Northeast Ohio
March 1: Women Behaving Badly: Ferocious Female Killers of the Western Reserve
March 22: Ash Wednesday Forever: The Collinwood School Fire
March 29: Horror on the Heights: The Murder of William Lowe Rice
2 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

One week from tonight... [29 Jan 2004|09:25pm]
1 Observation| Propose a hypothesis

Nessus, UNIX style.. [28 Jan 2004|11:33pm]
Only interesting to the two hardcore Mac geeks )
7 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

[25 Jan 2004|11:08pm]
Call him Sir William, Lord of the Blue Screen of Death...
Gates gets knighted.
God save the Queen.
4 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

ANDROID LOUNGE! [25 Jan 2004|05:01pm]
[ music | Mind Encode - Plastikman ]

Android Lounge February 5th. Flyer here )

1 Observation| Propose a hypothesis

Painting the states with the blood of the opressed... [25 Jan 2004|07:26am]
...or something.
You know, after looking at this, I realize that I've visited some pretty awful states, and still need to hit the ones that might actually be interesting.

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.
2 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

[22 Jan 2004|11:07pm]
12 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

Car for sale, interior might need some light cleaning... [21 Jan 2004|05:25pm]
Check it out. And no, it's not mine.
3 Observations| Propose a hypothesis

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