Friday, October 24th, 2003 |
11:50 am |
WEB HOST ALERT hey, do you know of a free web host that allows hotlinking? I'm getting really annoyed, i'v elooked so hard @@;;; |
Friday, July 11th, 2003 |
7:35 pm |
Testing |
Tuesday, July 8th, 2003 |
12:09 am |
I have been away WAAAAAAAAAAY too long. I'll kick myself for neglecting my journal like this. I feel like a stranger here. Hope you're all well. I finished reading TOOTP a few weeks ago. Not the best book. I love sirius, he's the best character ever :*( I drew a picture of what 15 year old Sirius Black looks like in my head. I'll post it when I can scan it -.-;; ![Sirius Black]( You are Sirius Black! The dead sexy ex-convict. You like long walks on the beach and possibly hate Snape with a passion^^ Go you! Which of the marauders are you? brought to you by QuizillaI have a picture Of aragorn I thought was real sexy until my sister said it looked like Jesus. She was right, it does. o.O;;; I just want to blab about harry potter all day. Man, I love those books to bits. I feel really distant from you all, as i've been gone so long. Old friends, Cieara and Heather, how are you guys? I don't want to lose you, we've been friends so long. I got a gamecube game. And I don't have a gamecube. How lame's that? Stupid Tutors piss me off at my Graphic design course. GW members piss me off. at the moment everything's pissing me off. But I will try and remember to check my journal regulary... Theres still hundreds of back enteries I haven't read. I apoligise for that. Sirius Black is God. Current Mood: frustrated |
Tuesday, June 17th, 2003 |
5:44 pm |
I removed myself from the Clay Aiken communities. Its just full of people that are obsessed with him flooding my friends page, and I couldn't see my friends enteries.. I love the guy, but i'm not stupid about it. |
Sunday, June 1st, 2003 |
8:31 pm |
Haven't updated in ages, I'm not going back through friends enteries cause it's been too long since i've looked X.x;;
Clay Aiken Kicks. He's a real Sweetheart. Perfect in every way.
I hope you're all well.
^_^ |
Saturday, April 5th, 2003 |
9:55 pm |
Sunday, March 30th, 2003 |
2:21 pm |
[ Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<size=6>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.] <size=6>FUCK ALL THE TOSSERS IN THIS WORLD!</size> Current Mood: angry |
Monday, March 24th, 2003 |
5:04 pm |
Life is a real drag. man, problems are pains. I spend most of my time when i'm online listening to peoples problems on MSN and AIM. Ironic though.. whenever I have a problem no-one wants to know. Even my offline friends don't want to know. Life really isn't that great. Current Mood: numb |
Saturday, March 22nd, 2003 |
10:27 pm |
I could have a real argument with rexar over saddam Hussein issues. But I won't to avoid mere paragraphs of sh*t. Current Mood: frustrated |
Tuesday, March 4th, 2003 |
10:57 pm |
stole this from rexar, he didn't copyrite it. =P I ______ gobaby. gobaby is ______. If I were alone in a room with Gobaby, I would ______. If Gobaby started talking to me about nuclear physics, I would ______. I think gobaby should ______. gobaby needs ______ and a bunch of vacuum tubes. gobaby ______ me. I want to ______ gobaby. ~~~i added some more ©~~~ gobaby's opinion on me is ______. I would be surprised if gobaby ______. If I ______, gobaby would smile. I ______ therefor I am gobaby. fill in the blanks :P :D Current Mood: uncomfortable |
Tuesday, February 4th, 2003 |
10:46 pm |
Sunday, February 2nd, 2003 |
2:17 pm |
oh god this really SUX. there's always someone that has to steal anyone thats even a bit important to me. Fuck you, Poj. Current Mood: predatory |
Thursday, January 30th, 2003 |
6:20 pm |
I hate my life. most of my problems are brought on myself. I just wish I could learn to keep my fucking mouth shut. I hate my life. I wish I was dead. People tell me to do the world a favour and jump off a cliff. sometimes I think they're right. I never bring any good to anyone. Jealousy and Bitching is all i'm good for. theres something inside of me that doesn't like seeing people happy. Probably because i'm envious that I hardly ever feel that way. People don't understand what it is like to be depressed. They don't care. All people care about is themselves, just admit it, we're all looking out for number 1. One of the hardest lessons to learn is the fact no-one gives a shit.
I wish a mass meteorite would just hit the earth and destroy the entire human race. Then maybe life worthy of living may evolve. Every day there is war, crime, murders, and hatred. I am more disgusted with the behaviour of humans than any other form of life. Humans- the only spieciies to deliberatly kill one another out of selfish acts.
Thinking about all these situations, I don't even want to be alive.
I want to talk to someone. My family doesn't understand and my friends don't care.
I feel so lonely.
Current Mood: Finished. Current Music: Bob Dylan-positively 4th street:- |
Tuesday, January 28th, 2003 |
2:13 pm |
it's not fair. People and their Muthafucking girlfriends. People with girlfriends aren't worth talking to. its not fair. I want a boyfriend. But i'm left with all the dumb nerds and losers. I would do anything to just shoot myself or move out of this dam country. Everywhere I look there's couples, everywhere. And its getting so annoying, theres no-one single left to have fun with, only fucking teenyboppers and their slutty girlfriends. Fuck, I could punch someone. Current Mood: crushed |
Wednesday, January 8th, 2003 |
8:38 am |
I made a Kao Ani!!! (see icon) <3333333333333333333 Current Mood: bored |
Saturday, January 4th, 2003 |
10:30 pm |
Friday, January 3rd, 2003 |
8:47 pm |
Thursday, January 2nd, 2003 |
11:07 pm |
Wednesday, January 1st, 2003 |
5:48 pm |
Thursday, December 26th, 2002 |
1:31 pm |
going to make some Viggo mortensen ( <333333 ) Snape, Malfoy, Oliver wood, Tom riddle icons have fun everyone. <3 You're insane if you aren't madly in love with Viggo. Current Mood: creative |