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The black pearl

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[19 Sep 2003|06:16pm]
Once again if you want to know about me go to frauleinsunder. You rat fink bastards.
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[31 May 2003|03:00pm]
Ok I took it again, just to make sure. Strange my best friend rated in the low 70%?? What the hell? And when she did it just a while ago she had completely different questions. And mr claudehopper, you took it again and now you rate lower! OH no, stop takin the test!
But then again..they say sometimes opposites attract!

honorata 100%
niyabinghi 99%
lenoraclaire 95%
glassveins 91%
xllbx 89%
rubylune 88%
peacockpunk 87%
tinkernoonoo 87%
khufu_gauze 86%
hermitbird 80%
threne 76%
m1sfit_t0y 72%
innercurtain 72%
cybersynthesis 72%
carrotbaby23 72%
ovariancyst 69%
jinxmalone 65%
claudehopper 65%
claudehopper 58%
How compatible with me are YOU?
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[17 May 2003|09:07pm]
[ mood | waiting ]
[ music | Morphine- You look like rain. ]

No rapture for me tonight...damn, but you know where to find me.

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[15 May 2003|03:08pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Glass Candy and the Shattered theatre -Be a Dolly ]

Anyone who is interested, and tired of these ridiculous ramblings on this lj I've had a new one for a while..if you haven't moved over should add's frauleinsunderda! ich bin wundersnatch!s lj

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[06 May 2003|03:30pm]
Oh and in case anyone is wondering who Sid Terror is here's a link..
He was the freakin' king baby and don't you forget it! Ok so anyways...I say yes, lets dig up the undead..the ones who were really there when things were happening. Let's write that book of our own, find all the OLD people, you know the one's who are oh lord! close to 30 years old or older! let us all pay homage where it's due and show the children how it was and should be done!
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[06 May 2003|10:59am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Sid Terror and the Undead ]

I got an email from a site this morning that has stories by various punks from the SF scene back when there was a scene informing me they would be interested in the online publishing of my stories and experiences. I have two interested now but I can't get motivated to send what I I'm very excited about because they've got writing from and about an old 'friend' Sid Terror...actually he's shamelessly promoting his book. I've started a lj to put some of the 10 or so stories I have from the sadobabies days and powell st punks..If you want to be added let me know it's friends only. this is the lj thesadobabiessfsadobabies
It will be full of lots of great, yes true..stories, I hope, if I can get my lazy ass to post them. Not just from my perspective but I knew the producer of many great bands back then so I have some first hand stories others just don't have..bands like the DK, Black Flag, even the Residents and other bigger name bands I have written about like Mdc, Rkl (eww), 7 seconds, dri, Fang, Bad Brains, Sid Terror, Touch me Hooker (hmm i don't think they were punk though), Glitter Doll, Drunks in Public, DRI, Operation Iv, GG Allin, Celebrity Skin, I can't list them all plus all the smaller more unknown local stuff..and a crap load of english bands. but it's not just about the music, so let me know. Ok, I'm going back to sleep now ...

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[02 May 2003|06:24pm]
I just wanted to hear you say it.. ;)
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[02 May 2003|05:35pm]
ich hasse, weil ich gehasst werde, bin ich ein Produkt meines subjektivität, ich bin meine Umwelt(Umgebung) ich bin nichts
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[22 Apr 2003|05:49pm]
I don't know why I bothered making that entry. The truth will expose itself and come boiling to the top soon anyways on its own. It's their loss and I truly feel sorry for them. They are bitter, ugly, empty people with nothing better to do but find entertainment they do not deserve and escape temporarily in others misery. They elevate themselves in my misery and sustain themselves on their own self deluded lies. I don't fucking care anymore. None of those people matter. Just a small handful in the millions who actually mean something in life. The day I see any one of them can create or produce something of any means worth more than mere existing is the day I will think twice about them. At this point I just don't care anymore. I wish the best for him on his deceptive quest to conquer the young or naive into his manipulative traps of egotistical bondage. If the girls he chooses to fuck are the ones I believe he is..the ones who have sided with him against me and they chose to fuck him I feel even more pity. As he truly leaves something to be desired..I leave them to wallow in their own shit.
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[16 Apr 2003|04:39pm]
Evil's playground is now closed for repairs.

Please keep me added..I'm not leaving this journal. it just needs some fixin'..
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evil always wins out in the end [11 Apr 2003|02:22pm]
I've learned my lesson. People never change. They are just as predictable and transparent as I had guessed them to be. Apparently there are some people from my past with bigger grudges and more hatred than can ever be accused of me resonating in their otherwise empty souls. Never date someone you've met on the internet, especially not lj. And even moreso when you're vulnerable. That's when they go in for the kill. There's a reason most males are hiding behind it. To the person who was so intent to fuck with me you accomplished your goal. What was in it for you? Really, I wish I knew. But I will continue on like it never happened. I had wanted us to be friends but you wanted more. Now you've got nothing but the children you play with. I hope you get all the 'gods' you deserve sir.
I wish I knew just what it was about certain 'people' that allowed them the comforts and security of knowing, no matter how many faults they reveal, how much fighting they endure, they will always be forgiven and some of us, are not entitled to their emotions.
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Paganini...who's gonna lead with me? PA MAMA needs you. [08 Apr 2003|04:35pm]
[ mood | paganini ]
[ music | Player--Baby come back... ]

Baby Come Back

Spending all my nights,
All my money going out on the town
Doing anything just to get you off of my mind
But when the morning comes,
I'm right back where I started again
Trying to forget you is just a waste of time

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you

All day long, wearing a mask of false bravado
Trying to keep up the smile that hides a tear
But as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling again
How I wish to God that you were here

Now that I put it all together
Give me the chance to make you see
Have you used up all the love in your heart
Nothing left for me, ain't there nothing left for me

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And I say to myself, what a wonderful world!! America open for bizsnatch.. Oh tears of joy [08 Apr 2003|12:22pm]
[ mood | YEEE-HAAAW ]
[ music | Tammy, Tammy, Tammy's in Love.. ]

Oh what if these two got together and had themselves some fine babies!! Oh a girl can dream. Again, makes one proud to be an American..hey I didn't say me though! Zeke T.B. Big Boy Baker Zucker, that would be a fine name for their son..has a nice ring to it..
now if only Zeke were real and this is what he looked like..*sigh*

But remember these fun facts about Tammy found on the redneck game web page...

She is NOT a Hillbilly--"Hillbilly is an Appalachian appellation. Since Ms. Baker (Dutch for "runny mascara") is from Wisconsin it is apparent that you are an inbred horses ass and know very little about many subjects"

She is NOT a Redneck--"Not a bad guess, but naturally you are wrong. You should be used to this by now. Rednecks are often educated and the affluence, while often garishly displayed, usually comes from at least semi-legitimate business enterprises. Tammy Faye, like you, fails to meet both of these criteria."

She in NOT White Trash--"While Tammy Faye displays many of the popular white trash manifestations she is, sadly, not of this type. The vast wealth she was able to accrue from the willing wallets of the whitest of trash elevates her above them if only for her superior guile and ambition."

She is however according to the site a Nick--"Atta boy/girl! Think about it. She is uncouth, unschooled, uncultured, and uncaring about anything but flaunting her kitschy, tacky possessions. Somehow we're not surprised that you knew this"

From Mobile Poems--works and life of a White Trash Poet Deke Zucker

If there's a Mall In Heaven by Deke Zucker

Slutty looking teenage girls, hair piled high
Thrice divorced moms, showing too much thigh
Belt buckle booth, cowboy boot shops
Country Western bar and there ain't no cops
NASCAR store opened in the west wing
Karaoke booth where my frunk buddies sing
Bass Pro Shops with a new casting pool
Sears and Monkey Wards, giving away tools
Frederick's of Hollywood for the little miss
My eight year old girl and her older half-sis
Guns and Ammo demo, no lines to get in
Indian casino, where I can win
Chesty stripper dancing, Hooters waitress too
And a stretch F-10 limc, brand spankin new!

however like his should be wife he is pervious to legal troubles..
he is currently being subject to accusations of plagerism by his
"hillbilly rival poet Delbert Stank..this poem came out before If there's
a mall in heaven"

If there's a store in Heaven
If will meet all of my needs
And, perhaps sunflower seeds
There'll be a store with crotchless panties
For my sisters and my aunties
And a john so I'll stop shittin in the weeds....

Drive In by Deke Zucker

Took my El Camino to the drive-in movies
Loaded up the back with all my friends
cooler full of Buds, bag of pot and some Milk Duds
We might even stay til this thing ends

Parked in front of some guy with his wife and family
We made sure that we talked really loud
We yelled "shit and fuck" took a leak on some guys truck
It would've made my daddy really proud

Went up to the snack bar for a cold fish sammidge
Buttered styrofoam and warm ice cream
Threw my garbage on the ground, ate a gumdrop that I found
Flipped off the crowd in the projector's beam
Right before the ending I turned ray headlights on
Flashed my high-beams brightly on the screen
With accelerator floored I snapped off the speaker cord
That was the worst damned flick I've ever seen

this has been typed as read, verbatim

Makes you proud to be an American do n it?

Oh sweet Jesus I think it's time to pray!! Lord have mercy on Americans everywhar:

St Isidore Patron Saint of the Interwebbe:

The Plastic Jesus:

Well, I don't care if it rains or freezes,
Long as I have my plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car
Through all trials and tribulations,
We will travel every nation,
With my plastic Jesus I'll go far.

Plastic Jesus, plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car
Through my trials and tribulations,
And my travels thru the nations,
With my plastic Jesus I'll go far.

I don't care if it rains or freezes
As long as I've got my Plastic Jesus
Glued to the dashboard of my car,
You can buy Him phosphorescent
Glows in the dark, He's Pink and Pleasant,
Take Him with you when you're travelling far

I don't care if it's dark or scary
Long as I have magnetic Mary
Ridin' on the dashboard of my car
I feel I'm protected amply
I've got the whole damn Holy Family
Riding on the dashboard of my car

You can buy a Sweet Madonna
Dressed in rhinestones sitting on a
Pedestal of abalone shell
Goin' ninety, I'm not wary
'Cause I've got my Virgin Mary
Guaranteeing I won't go to Hell

I don't care if it bumps or jostles
Long as I got the Twelve Apostles
Bolted to the dashboard of my car
Don't I have a pious mess
Such a crowd of holiness
Strung across the dashboard of my car

No, I don't care if it rains or freezes
Long as I have my plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car
But I think he'll have to go
His magnet ruins my radio
And if we have a wreck he'll leave a scar

Riding through the thoroughfare
With his nose up in the air
A wreck may be ahead, but he don't mind
Trouble coming, he don't see
He just keeps his eyes on me
And any other thing that lies behind

Plastic Jesus, Plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car
Though the sun shines on his back
Makes him peel, chip, and crack
A little patching keeps him up to par

When pedestrians try to cross
I let them know who's boss
I never blow my horn or give them warning
I ride all over town
Trying to run them down
And it's seldom that they live to see the morning

Plastic Jesus, Plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car
His halo fits just right
And I use it as a sight
And they'll scatter or they'll splatter near and far

When I'm in a traffic jam
He don't care if I say Damn
I can let all sorts of curses roll
Plastic Jesus doesn't hear
For he has a plastic ear
The man who invented plastic saved my soul

Plastic Jesus, Plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car
Once his robe was snowy white
Now it isn't quite so bright
Stained by the smoke of my cigar

God made Christ a Holy Jew
God made Him a Christian too
Paradoxes populate my car
Joseph beams with a feigned elan
From the shaggy dash of my furlined van
Famous cuckold in the master plan

Naughty Mary, smug and smiling
Jesus dainty and beguiling
Knee-deep in the piling of my van
His message clear by night or day
My phosphorescent plastic Gay
Simpering from the dashboard of my van

When I'm goin' fornicatin
I got my ceramic Satan
Sinnin' on the dashboard of my Winnebago Motor Home
The women know I'm on the level
Thanks to the wild-eyed stoneware devil
Ridin' on the dashboard of my Winnebago Motor Home
Sneerin' from the dashboard of my Winnebago Motor Home
Leering from the dashboard of my van

If I weave around at night
And the police think I'm tight
They'll never find my bottle, though they ask
Plastic Jesus shelters me
For His head comes off, you see
He's hollow, and I use Him for a flask

Plastic Jesus, plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car
Ride with me and have a dram
Of the blood of the Lamb
Plastic Jesus is a holy bar

too long I'll have to edit-
Plastic Jesus, you've got to go,
your magnet's burst my radio
Sitting on the dashboard of my car
But I, won't lose faith and I won't lose hope
cos, now I've got a pope on a rope
Swinging from the dashboard of my car

Once as I drove to Knock,
at a petrol station I got a shock
at the special offers that they had for me
20 more points and I can barter for a Jesus with stigmata
to sit upon the dashboard of my car

I found a site the other day with the song playing while Jesus danced but it seems to be gone now..for those of you who want to read the Plastic Cthulhu version or the Vishnu version go here:

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and so laid the burden...oh Baroness Else von Freytag-Loringhoven!! [07 Apr 2003|01:49pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Olivia Tremor Control-Define a transparent dream~Opera House ]

Aside from all of the theatrical productions, does anyone know if there has ever been a musician that has ever put her words to music? Or at least wrote about her in their lyrics? If not, it needs to be done..I'm gonna look into that..Maybe I'll do something myself..I'm going to really ponder that one..what various objects and sounds would she have enjoyed the most to accompany her words...I feel something really tingly, 'libidinous' and involving dirty underwear coming on..
oh yes!!

Blast: by Baroness Freytag-
The Little Review, 7 (September-December 1920)

Take spoon——scalpel——
Scrape brains clear from you——
how it hurts to be void !
blast flew
over twin hillocks
singeing——seering satanic stink——
blushroses !
barren grew——
to you——
sharp :
pointed pyramids
I smother——
pranked mother——
from stark things ! ! !
stark kings in rockchamber
mockeye set amber
within mine chest ! ! !
to rest——
no !
ripple——glide——quiver :
river !
overflow !
hillocks inundated
blushroses !
on twin hillocks
smaragd isle !
awhile——awhile—— !

Gihirda's Dance by Baroness Freytag
The Little Review, 7 (September-December 1920)

Nose straight
smile flower
unfolding in sun of love.
Petals : large——sweet
overwhelming cinnamon-scented——almond——sandal——rose-carmine——
cheekpale in ray of moon torch
ghosts——with strength of ghosts——enticing as passion in graveyard of flesh dead——
——alive—— ——

Hands cupped in greed of tissues parched——
owner's wolfheart—— !
devotion simple as child's suckled——
eyes of god drink out of tankard
of palm mine face's palegold champagne.
Whereas now thine polar-bear's sinister ivorywhite mouth black——
black lips cruel tender pluck
purple black in face white——
Tremble—— ?
not weep—— !
Tombstone——lie I beneath
weight——passionate weight——
pallor—— !
not life shall call
from stoneheaviness'
encompassing weight.
Eyes of god drain from veins cinnamonscented rosedisks carmine:
to blend——
thou——I .

No move—— !
from mine thine cheek not part
dual rock——on Nile——rigid :

A dozen cocktails by Baroness Freytag

spinsterlollypop for me-- yes-- we have
No bananasI got lusting palate-- I
Always eat them-- -- -- -- -- -- --
They have dandy celluloid tubes-- all sizes--
Tinted diabolically as a baboon's hind-complexion.
A man's a--
Will-o'-th'-wisp! What's the dread
Matter with the up-to-date-American-
Home-comforts? Bum insufficient for the
Should-be wellgroomed upsy!
That's the leading question.
There's the vibrator-- -- --
Coy flappertoy! I am adult citizen with
Vote-- I demand my unstinted share
In roofeden-- witchsabbath of our baby-
Lonian obelisk.
What's radio for--if you please?
"Eve's dart pricks snookums upon
Wirefence. "
An apple a day-- -- --
It'll come-- -- -- --
Ha! When? I'm no tongueswallowing yogi.
Progress is ravishlng--
It doesn't me--
Nudge it --
Kick it--
Prod it--
Push it--
Broadcast-- -- -- --
That's the lightning idea!
S.O.S. national shortage of--
What ?
How are we going to put it befitting
Lifted upsys?
Psh! Any sissy poet has sufficient freezing
Chemicals in his Freudian icechest to snuff all
Cockiness. We'll hire one.
Hell! Not that! That's the trouble-- --
Cock crow silly!
Oh fine!
They're in France-- the air on the line--
The Poles-- -- -- -- -- --
Have them send waves-- like candy--
Valentines-- -- -- --
"Say it with-- -- --
Bolts !
Oh thunder!
Serpentine aircurrents-- -- --
Hhhhhphssssssss! The very word penetrates
I feel whoozy!
I like that. I don't hanker after Billyboys-- but I am entitled
To be deeply shocked.
So are we-- but you fill the hiatus.
Dear-- I ain't queer-- I need it straight -- --
A dozen cocktails-- please-- -- -- --


"The immense cowardice of advertised litterati
& Elsa Kassandra, "the Baroness"
von Freitag etc. sd/ several true things
in the old days /
driven nuts,
Well, of course, there was a certain strain
on the gal in them days in Manhattan
the principle of non-acquiescence
laid a burden"

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Fancy Ephemera's Paper Dolls- Paper Dolls! Print them out , cut them up. [05 Apr 2003|12:18pm]

"What you get is a living; what you give is a life."
Lilian Gish

"Never say never, for if you live long enough, chances are you will not be able to abide by its restrictions. Never is a long, undependable time, and life is too full of rich possibilities to have restrictions placed upon it."
Gloria Swanson

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glimpses of avalon in whispers and murmured dictations [26 Mar 2003|09:49am]
[ mood | touched ]
[ music | more Neutral Milk Hotel ]

The most beautiful boy in the world and he suffers from scoliosis..and i always worry..
Another poem I wrote for CF- yes, he loves Faucault.

Thousands of times I've heard the bodies
cry out for idols and secrets, names are given
an evocation for him from them as they cried
a sudden illumination
the color of the flame of a white candle
reactionary and decadent
I follow along twisted paths
weighted and still
I look for him, for sanctuary
he is the sacred animal of odinism
with deprivated strategies driving him on to midnight
attacks of slender messages encrypted
on sore and oozing finger tipped talons

confrontation of six tasks
six days of torments, on the seventh, declaration of revenge
lists of honors
feasts of bourgeois nights, knights taken down in royalty 20 x 6
cynics despise the mathematicians but mathematicians are exemplary
to the royal bourgeois
he comes to me as a wavering hermetic, with maniac babble manifestos
waiting, I wait, anxiety in waiting
death in waiting

he is contemplating offenses and nuances of artifice
and he is drawn to me from sensation
the sensation of waiting lead through glimpses
I stand in the empty corners
open my arms along paths that meet only in dreams
I recognize his curvature, the winding grace of his affliction
it moves him forward, then back..prisoner of direction
punishing himself for being victorious

the impeccable strategist
immaculate in expression, studying the perfection of immortality
he was dreaming again, they dreamed- a universe of two
beauty and truth-- fuchsia and yellows
or perversity and desire-- oranges and reds
come to me again, I whisper, awaken the dualist
meet me in the empty corners
let me see those eyes of red
the two successors, one of the other leading the way
back to stems of an unwanted consciousness

and Swed boy this is for you, enjoy.

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The Surrealist Compliment Generator.. [19 Mar 2003|09:54pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Ultracherry Violet.. ]

"Most certainly, your fingernails stimulate magnetism in the most organic of solvents!"

"I surmise that your basement is made of skin and is never depleted of nurses."

"Your beautiful bulgarian bricks stack like the thousand eyes of Estonian potatos, peering amid fuzzy dreams of corrugated cardboard."

"Your eyelids reflect and refract the turgid limnations of an eel trapped in the flickering paralysis of Chaplin's cinematography"

"Solitamente, quando emani profumi, mi ricordi lamette circonflesse"

"In hunger you most certainly drool your tongue like a well-oiled pendulum, swinging to and fro in a sinusoidal frieze befitting a wounded mosque."

"Your hair sends forth a sheen remniscent of a wounded man streaming bandage gauze from the highest church steeple."

"Your love is like 1000 caucasian carnivores playing mumblety peg with an eggplant."

"The seared runes crossing your divided consciousness do speak of contemptuous cardinals setting a spanish villa ablaze."

And I didn't even have to post another picture for this one..
"Your face does bend even the most anorexic mirror into a sensuous playground of muscular spasms."

Oh why thank you!

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and precious mulga ensnared awe.. [08 Mar 2003|01:30pm]
variety cover dec 1918

From the Henry B Walthall memorabilia collection...oh what or who...I wouldn't give (or do) for this...

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Oh the horror...I had the dream again last night..not of the skin gloves but of 'the doll' [01 Mar 2003|12:19pm]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | the Cuddly Toys ]

Her heart broke in two.
I'm sure her pain did lessen
When across the room she flew.

I heard her noisy limbs
As she fell to the floor.
Just another of my whims.
She wouldn't play the game anymore.

I crushed her underfoot
Because she did not want to play
And back in her box she was put
Sure to be played with another day.
(i stole this poem by the way)

dichotomy and dilemma
fear or secret pleasure?
nature or nurture
who owns who?
ah, doll psychology 101

Yesterday at work we received a shipment of dolls, dolls again...when I was alone in the back of the shop. These weren't just any porcelain dolls but 3 foot lifesize collectibles. Not meant to be played with. With empty stares and 'the eyes', misplaced eyes that hint at a dementia..or psychotic episode pending, I had to open them in the darkened back room of the store. With each box the anxiety built..until I just couldn't take it anymore. I threw them down and continued to business as usual, residing at the front desk, despite there were no customers. I am not afraid of much these days. However I still have an irrational terror of dolls. I remember though when it started.
I think it began from that Night Gallery episode, the one of the possessed doll which is so full of rage and jealousy that each time the child who owns her gets a new doll, she awakens in the middle of the night to witness the 'evil' original tearing apart the others upon the shelves..and at some point, she sees the doll has taken to stabbings. She's caught in the act under the glow of the nightlight using ginsu on their plastic anatomy. Until finally the doll realizes that the 'jealousy' won't end until she rids herself of the very basis and cause of her 'doll' psychosis... she has to kill her owner. With that in mind, there were countless nights I would sit staring at the shelves of the dolls I had to reluctantly accept as gifts and eventually my imagination would start to visualize them moving. I was convinced this small army of dolls wanted me dead. Somehow though I think I secretly enjoyed the anticipation. I became obsessed with Night Galleries ever since. And the nightmares never end..ah yes... I know what would cure this ailment, or at least make it even more enjoyable...doll porn. I need to find some good doll porn. Not the 'real dolls' for actual one on one sexual gratification but those damn bourgeois porcelain dolls being violated, in every way possible.

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sublimation [25 Feb 2003|11:39am]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Patti Smith ]

here I go and I don't know why
I fell so ceaselessly
could it be he's taking over me

today all I ask of you, is make it happen..

Sometimes you can't tell
whether you're waking up
or going to sleep
Unnumbered streets
All the games cannot be yours
All the sights, the treasures of the eye
Does the divided soul remain the same?
No equation to explain
Destiny's hand
Moved, by love
Drawn by the whispering shadows
Into the mathematics
of our desire

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