Crazy Asian

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Friends OnlyMar. 19th, 2004 @ 05:14 pm

Some of My Favorite Lines From SATCMar. 6th, 2004 @ 01:48 am
Sex and The City Quotes

"She needs the stick out of her ass, and a dick in her coochie, pronto!" by Samantha in reference to Char.

Samantha: Babies are not my scene. From what I’ve heard, this one sounds like an asshole!
Carrie: You can’t call a baby an asshole.
Samantha: Why not? She called it a meatloaf.

Carrie: You just caught us a little off guard with the lesbian thing.
Samantha: That's just a label, like Gucci or Versace.
Carrie: Or Birkenstock.

Miranda: No, he's not sick. He's not hungry, he's not teething, he just wants to scream. I'm doing everything I can but I can't please him. If he was 35 this is when we would break up.

Samantha: Your parents named you Jerry Jerrod? No wonder you drank.

Carrie: Well, I think maybe there's a cheating curve. That someone's definition of what constitutes cheating is in direct proportion to how much they themselves want to cheat.
Miranda: That's moral relativism!
Carrie: I prefer to think of it as quantum cheating.

(after bus goes by with rude graffiti)
Samantha: Oh don't worry, Sweetie, don't worry -- nobody in New York notices a bus until it's about to hit them.

Samantha: You've got to get online, honey. If only for the porn.

Charlotte: shouldn't be talking like that at all, Samantha, it's rude and politically incorrect.
Carrie: Sweetie, a reminder: Samantha is rude and politically incorrect.
Miranda: She's an equal opportunity offender.

Miranda: Maybe it's time I stopped being so angry.
Carrie: Yah, but what would you do with all your free time?

Carrie: So you're a pessimist, right?
Miranda: Have we met?

Samantha: Until he says "I love you", you're a free agent.
Carrie: What is this? The Rules According to Samantha?
Samantha: See? I'm more old-fashioned than you think.

Carrie: There is no way that the love that I had with Big is the same thing that he has with Natasha.
Miranda: "Natasha"? When did you stop calling her "the idiot stick figure with no soul"?

Samantha: I'll admit I have had to polish myself off once or twice, but yes, when I RSVP to a party, I make it my business to come.

Samantha: He did something to me that was so perverse! Okay, I'm just going to say it. He tried to hold my hand.
Carrie: You mean to tell me that Smith is a hand-holder? And to think he once served us food.

Carrie: How does that work? You go to bed one night, wake up the next morning, and poof - you're a lesbian?

Cab Driver: No smoking in cab.
Carrie: Sir, we're talking up the butt, a cigarette is in order.

Charlotte: I don't think she's a lesbian. I think she just ran out of men.

Samantha: Adeena, I'm a lovely woman. At least get to know me, then hate me.

Samantha: Just look at this street! Stella McCartney, Alexander McQueen. The only designer name that belongs in the Meatpacking District is Oscar Mayer.
Carrie: I never liked his clothes. Too fatty.

Carrie: When Charles Dickens wrote "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," I believe he must have been having an affair with his married ex-boyfriend.

Miranda: I made him cry. No, first I yelled at him - I yelled at my friend the cancer patient - then I made him cry.

Charlotte: I just know that no matter how good I feel about myself, if I see Christy Turlington, I just wanna give up.
Miranda: Well I just want to tie her down and force feed her lard, but that's the difference between you and me.

Miranda: He has to get baptized and wear a dress.
Carrie: Baby's first drag show!

Charlotte: I proposed myself!
Carrie: What?
Charlotte: Yes. I suggested he have a tomato salad, then I suggested we get married.
Carrie: Wait. What exactly did he say?
Charlotte: Alrighty!
Carrie: Alrighty? He said alrighty? Now I'm thinking the upsetting thing isn't that you proposed, it's that you proposed to a guy that says "alrighty."
Charlotte: Oh, Carrie, stop!
Carrie: Alrighty.

Samantha: I'm dating a guy with the funkiest tasting spunk.

Aidan: Well, if Miranda doesn't want the kid, can't she just give it to Charlotte?
Carrie: No... it's not like a sweater.

"Miranda went out with an over eater and he over ate her!"

Carrie on masturbating to George Clooney: Clooney's like a Chanel suit, he'll always be in style.

Charlotte: TREY! I'm tired of being married to your penis. I'm a person! And this is supposed to be a relationship! And I am DONE walking on eggshells. Ooooooo, don't talk about moving in, in front of the penis cause it might go soft. And, and the penis likes this and the penis doesn't like that and THE PENIS WANTS TO BE MEASURED!

Samantha: Well what am I supposed to say, "hi this is my lesbian lover and p.s. I'm done with dick?"

Woman cop: Ma’am. It’s against city law to deface property (as she catches Samantha taping flyers of Richard’s face to a street pole)
Samantha: This man said he loved me and then I caught him eating out another woman’s pussy.
Cop: Carry on ma’am.

Samantha: Honey, you have to let it go. If I worried what every bitch said about me, I’d never leave the house.

Samantha: I'm a "trisexual". I'll try anything once.

Samantha: Then, he pretended to tie my hands behind my back and the whole time he kept screaming, 'Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up!' I tell you, it's so refreshing to be with someone who likes to fuck outside the box.
Carrie: And this is Samantha.
Berger: The wallflower, I see.

(the door buzzer sounds as the girls play poker... )
Miranda: Oh, it's Skipper. I told him I was here. He insisted on picking me up -- but he's not supposed to be here till eleven.
Carrie: Aw, he's like a sweet little seal pup.
Miranda: Which you sometimes wanna club.

Current Mood: tired
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