LiveJournal for Tiffany.

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Sunday, April 21st, 2002

oO Touch my heart Oo

Subject:look at what we made!
Time:1:36 am.
Prom Proposal

Dear Anthony,
I was wondering if you would BANG prom with me? I've been Fucking you in sexual education and I really think you are bitchin. I think we would have such a hot time together.

I thought we could humping dinner at the my room at around NOW. Then we could screwin to prom in my shagon wagon. I can't wait to bangin with you when the DJ plays lets talk about sex.

I am too sexy to ask you to prom in person, so I stripped this steamy letter instead. Please, Anthony, be my A Monkey for prom! Together, we can make it a night to ahhhhhhhhhh.

Want to craft another prom proposal? Click here.

Back to Prom Prep 2002 Home.

Saturday, April 20th, 2002

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:11:53 pm.
why do i put myself in these fucking situations? I cam to Nikki's party even thought i didn't want to, and yeah caren left, so now like usual its ADAM and NIKKI doin whatever and fricken MANDA and ROB...i knew this was gonna happen, yet I still set myself up...why can't i just dissapear...i don't wanna go in the other room because "O no" i'll spoil all there fun...why do i do this to myself? i Miss shannon, I miss adam, I miss how i used to be, i never let friends or anyone break me down before, now i am...i don't even know. not who i used to be, suddenly all this bothers me iand it realkly isn't fair...i should call my mom. i want more then anything to go home right now

oO 1 Butterfly y in my tummy |Touch my heart Oo

Time:11:45 pm.
no one can see my pain...

Thursday, April 18th, 2002

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:8:27 pm.
Hey eveyone, well then yeah, shannon is not home ::tear:: study hall wasn't the same, and i fro went to his class rigtt fun, nikki was supposed to come to youth group but she never showed...well i hope shannon is havin fun, johnny hasn't been on? ::tear::

Tuesday, April 16th, 2002

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:3:51 pm.
i am sorry to everyone...i started this whole thing...

oO 1 Butterfly y in my tummy |Touch my heart Oo

Time:3:08 pm.
ok, well this is to everyone who has gotten fucking involved in my shit the past couple of days, first of all i don't give a flyin FUCK what Nikki does, sorry to dissapiont everyone wwho wanted me to be mad at her, bacuse i am not...just tired of the drama...sittin here with Shannon and i know what real friends are, and well yeah you all know, thanks manda for the nice comments bout me in your convo with shannon, you thought it was funny that i was "mad"...nice, glad you guyz had fun...seeing we all know what you were doing YOU GO AROUND TELLING THE FUCKING WORLD as if we all wanna know...umm sowwie no one is intrested in your melo-dramatic soap-opera life you create...YOU WANNA CAUSE A FIGHT LETS GO THEN. you feel the need to cause your own fights, the major highlight of ur week was this petty littl dissagreement that never was a fight till you got 3/4 of the FUCKING Grand Island population at SUB. high aka stuck up bitches high, and then the fact that u get a bug up ur ass because shannon is goin out with your ex...when we all know that if one of her ex's you wouldn't say no...O you don't like it being blocked do you??? so sowwie i am tired of watching u shiit on people and the people you have the nerve to call your friends. don't it feel bad when everyone hates u??? you fricken deserve it...and as for the "ditching" factor thats how u get dieases...lets see how many people are involved in a 4 person conflict now : Me, Shannon, Nikki< manda, Caren, Dan, Adam< jason, Nikki tredo, Nikki ryan, Jessica, Nick, katie, etc. etc...the list goes on, and in the end who do u think will end up being alone and sad, ::tear::anyways and about the whole Nikki and Adam thing, i dunno why u get involved and blow it the shit outta the water bacuse u know what it don't bother me that you know what i think of u right now, quite honestly nikki and adam can go out 4 all i care, i knew it was gonna happen... but she better get her ass in gear and decide who she wants otherwise she is gonna end up being alone too. O YEAH AND TO WHOEVER SAID I WAS GOING TO PROM WITH JASON MASTERMAN CAN WE SAY EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I was asked by jason cliftman, who is a member of the graduating class of lancaster, so yall can kiss my rosey ass!!! toodlez and noodlez, put down that bottle of haterade!!! outie!

Sunday, April 14th, 2002

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:8:23 pm.
well i have to vent b4 i explode, Not only did manda and Nikki ditch me and shannon friday, after THEY made plans with us to go hang out with some boyz, that really didn't upset me, but they hurt shannon...i mean come-on manda is supposed to be her best friend...i dunno, so anyways guess where Nikki is?? You know my supposive friend..yeah well she is over in Adams bedroom right now...Gee big surprise...she can't even fucking wait...YES, I AM HURT OVER OUR BREAK-UP, i really did care about him, more then i thought i did...but no, in her mind its fresh meat..she sits there and tells me how she would never go out with him b/4 i went out with him, but i start going out with him and all they do is sneak behind my back~they think i am stupid they think i don't know...well guess what assholes i know and for that i don't think i can ever be friends with them anymore, they threw our friendship over and for what?? Well i hope it was worth it...i hate life...i hate people...i hate would be so much easier if i wasn't around.

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:8:02 pm.
i hate my life more and more every day

Saturday, April 13th, 2002

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:3:17 am.
Mood: hyper.
Hey everyone well we are downstairs...watchin rat race, funny funny yeah i talked to fro and jason and dan!!! Shannon is fallin asleep silly, we have to wake up early to take lil beck0rs to karate~it should be fun though, me and shannon did get to chill~ FuN fUn look I am giving shanbnon something to read tomorrow...she made me a man! she drew him 4 i am gonna hang him in my locker...shannon has the sign i made her on her wall~lol i think thats great...monkey in our pants dan....hehehe ITS A RRRRRRACE I HOPE I VIN! Hehehe great movie guyz. SOOO i am tired of being single...I needa man! I seriously want anthony sooooo bad!!! its sooo not even funny. He is the perfect man...I actually talked to Shannon today bout Adam, I actually feel a little bit better about it, but i guess i am still upset. Whoda thunk I would be I mean...this is what I thought I wanted...but i Guess I was wrong...i dunno...grrrr what about prom? I really don't think I am going to date now, and no date means no go...well movie still on and shannon woke up and was talkin to me so i am gonns go chill on the coach with a REAL friend...
Luv you guyz,

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:12:17 am.
hey hey peoples i'm chillin w/shannon at her house, we just back from john's the "north side GI Hood Hang out" man we had to be quick, just to survive, they might bust out a chicken wing out on us!!!!!! OOOO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol Scott and tracy were like nice to shannon, that scares me when tracy is nice 2 her, she is usually buckin all over her....WERE TALKIN TO FRO!!!! well actually i am, and dan, and slappy boy, annnnd johnny, its ggggggggreeeeeeeattttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shannon just cough/sneen tozed on me!!!!! ewwwwwwy sub-flavored boogers...(tastes like chicken)...shannon wants me to hurry up she needs summthin to read so i am just gonna post his be4 she has a coranaY
P.S-anthonys hoooooottttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
P.S.S-shannons a monkey....she like to hit me...owwey!

Friday, April 12th, 2002

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:8:15 pm.
soo yeah today was interseting, hair is cherry bomb red...deff. different, went to work today...some dude came into today from California today...hes the producer and director of blind date and the fifth wheel~he was all like you are impressed...he was like whats ur response...i was like "why??" he started laughing and was like, thats an intresting one!i want a mango...but we no have any! me, shannon, manda, and nikki were supposed to do summhin tonight but a course nikki and manda ditched us and now there is nuttin to do...shannon isn't allowed to drive after 9 and my parents won't give me a car...damn it CHANGE OF PLANS GONNA GO CHILL WITH SHANNON!

Thursday, April 11th, 2002

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:8:10 pm.
Well today was interesting, manda came home with me and we biked up to tops to get my pay check, then we went to "shannons fav. store" and we even saw tracey, so then we went back to tops and bought pop...came home and dyed my hair it turned out floresent i mean walking stop sign now i am gonna dye it dark cherry, hopefully it will d-funk-ify it. so anywho i got online and adams mom im-ed me...shes mad at me cause i don't think i can over there anymore she said "i can see you don't like us anymore either...thanks :'(" STAB ME IN THE CHEST WHY DON'T YOU has it ever occured to anyone that i actually may be upset...i mean hello? he broke up with me, and it feels like the only reason was to get to nikki....she was like Nikki isn't as big a part of this as you think...well I AM SOWWIE YES FOR ANYONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW I AM UPSET....I DUNNO WHY, I JUST AM!!! and everyone bucking on me don't help! well that all for now, gonna go re-dye my hair!

Wednesday, April 10th, 2002

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:9:06 pm.
"I love you,I would never break your me, you are one of the most important people in my life."

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:9:06 pm.
"I love you,I would never break your me, you are one of the most important people in my life."

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:8:19 pm.
well everyone, i got called into work fun, and i decided today that i am gonna start to go tanninf tomorrow...i'm tired of being the pasty Italian!! Maybe nikki will wanna go with me, then i won't have to go alone...I have an art show on May 1

Monday, April 8th, 2002

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:9:20 pm.

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:8:27 pm.

Your the thong. Your the spunky one out of all friends.
You keep having fun till it kills you. You always except a challenge and
never back down. You love taking risks and you hold nothing back.

Which underwear are you?

Take the you STOOPID quiz.

another quiz created by Peta

oO Touch my heart Oo

Subject:Hell yeah, betta recognize!
Time:8:25 pm.

Click Here To Find Your Inner Vampire Chronicles Villain

When you aren't sitting motionless in your shirine you are out terrorising the male population.
You have dreams of a world free of men but others do not share your view.
You were the first, you are the oldest, you are the strongest.

This Test Was Made By JazZ MolloY
Visit My Vampire Chronicles Livejournal Community!

Sunday, March 31st, 2002

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:3:26 pm.
Mood: tired.
Music:Romeo and Juliet soundtrack.
HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!! so how is everyone elses easter going?? lets see last night i started baking homemade pies for my mom at like 8:30, didn't fricken finish till like 3 this morning, then on top of that i went to work early and got home like half an hour ago...i feel sick as shit and i want nothing mre then to go to bed, but i am being forced to go have a family dinner and josh wants to do something tonight so i dunno...well later yall! have a great holiday!!|love you guyz,

oO Touch my heart Oo

Time:3:25 pm.

You?re Mandy Moore! You?re very sweet and caring. You?re also kind of modest, and shy too. You?re not exactly at the top, but you?re not at the bottom either. Which is alright with you, because you?re not taking life?s gifts for granted. Aw, you?re just the perfect little
girl! Polite, gentle, trusting, and have this sickeningly sweet aura that just makes you so darn lovable. But best beware, for your trusting nature can lead to pain as well.

What Kind of Pop Princess Are You? Quiz by Jonah

i'm mercedes!

LiveJournal for Tiffany.

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