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(5 Judgements | Crucify Me)

My purple hair [22 Apr 2004|04:01pm]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | Velvet Acid Christ - Slut ]

However now it's pink, but here's one last look at it.

(4 Judgements | Crucify Me)

[18 Apr 2004|02:35am]
[ mood | crappy ]

I feel like such crap today.
I was supposed to go over to Stina's today, but I couldn't get my self out of the house.
Sorry Stina, but I'm making it up to you! I promise.
Pictures of my purple hair later.

I'm Young.  I Vote.  I'm NOT Voting Bush ::

(18 Judgements | Crucify Me)

I'm in a picture kinda mood [16 Mar 2004|06:20am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Funker Vogt - Date Of Expiration ]

One More )

(2 Judgements | Crucify Me)

[01 Mar 2004|04:39pm]
Happy Pulaski Day everyone.
And if you're not polish, I'm sorry.

(10 Judgements | Crucify Me)

Yay for manic panic! [17 Feb 2004|01:36am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Courtney Love - Mono ]

After much procrastinating and some trying it's almost done.
Finally white hair

(Crucify Me)

This has been the best Valentine's day! [14 Feb 2004|04:11pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Final Fantasy ]

Scott brought me 2 garbage bags full of balloons and a sewing needle.
And in each balloon there was a different gift.
I got all kids of lip gloss, a watch, a teddy bear, a cute purple fuzzy bracelet, a pretty silver bracelet, and actual diamond earrings.

It's the sweetest idea anyone has come up with for me.

Now to get ready for the bamboo club.

Happy Valentine's day everyone.

(Crucify Me)

If you can't be happy for others don't read this [25 Jan 2004|02:54am]
[ mood | grateful ]

So I went to fully inspect the my new house today... And DEAR GOD the stars are shining just on me right now. It's like a good dream I'm never ever going to wake up from.
For years I always wondered when I was going to get a good break. I almost can't picture things getting better.
And if a month comes up that Scott and I don't have much money, my mom said she'd take care of it, and she'll help us all we can.
I would just like to say that I've heard people pick their parents and I know I did. There isn't a better mom thats so supporting and loving as her. Through the past two years she really has become my best friend.
Scott is simply the best better half any one could ever be blessed with. He's helped with my school, friends, family, getting a better self image, any hour of the day or night. As much as I bitch I'm lucky to have someone who is so understanding. I've had a rough year and I can't think of one moment he's let me down. I mean bringing me vapor rub when and Thera Flu when I'm sick to quizzing me until I'm ready for my tests how great is that.

I knew if I changed my life from the direction it was going it would get better and it did much better then I could've ever hoped for. I get to work with computers at a job I love and feel proud of, be with someone I love, have a wonderful family, It's like the American Dream.

(6 Judgements | Crucify Me)

If at first you don't succeed, work for Microsoft. [23 Jan 2004|03:33am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Futurama ]

Well I'm moving into a house with Scott in a month or two!
It's so exciting and I'll still be living in paradise valley.
I'm so happy it's a house, I'm not a fan of apartments at all.
I'll of course be posting tons of pictures of us in our new place.

Also my week was made when I found out I'm #3 in class out of 10.
I'm sure I can make it to #2 soon.
It's actually lots of fun I now know how to build a computer from the ground up, and I know how to fix most problems too.
I've been studying about 3 hours a day though and practicing at home on computers and playing with mother boards.

This is my first serious attempt at business casual )

(5 Judgements | Crucify Me)

I can brag all I want now [19 Dec 2003|11:24am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | vnv nation - Structure ]

I am know officially a college educated women.
I have my AA in Computer Sciences.
And I'm 2 years away from my bachlors in IT Technology.
Not only did I graduate but with honers for my 3.8 GPA, it would have been a 3.9 but I took some time off when I was sick and when I had some surgery.

Also I would like to take this moment to thank the people that wouldn't let me give up Scott, Danny, Christina, Tiffany, Keith, Michael, Alan, Dre, My Mom, Jeff, and the rest of my family.

And to the people who did nothing but talk behind my back and try to discourage me well fuck you.

So I just got one thing to say now in the words of Kid Rock

They say I'm cocky, and I say What? It aint braggin' motherfucker if ya back it up

(Crucify Me)

[23 Nov 2003|02:13am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Me and Scott's one year anniversary is coming up and I was trying to come up with ideas ahead of time (because I know he's already got my present all figured out :)).
I was talking about it with Dre and Mike and so far I'm thinking either a video card or Final Fantasy 11.
Then Dre told me "You know you're never going to see him again, he'll become a slave to the game." I said "No our best times together are playing video games, if anything none of you will ever see me again school and friends will no longer be that important if I have Final Fantasy 11."

How I ever found someone as dorky as me I will never know.

I also ran into a very old friend from middle school today I haven't talked to her 7 years and I still recognize her.

I still don't know what I should do about my car or my back.

(7 Judgements | Crucify Me)

[17 Nov 2003|07:27pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

I have a dilemma.
Tomorrow is KMFDM but I have school the last class in the term.
But it's KMFDM..
I have 24 hours to think about it.

(2 Judgements | Crucify Me)

Time to sink or swim [15 Nov 2003|02:06am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Something on TV ]

This monday is the official start of my last class in E-Commerce programming then I graduate (YAY), get a month break and get my bachelors in IT Engineering.

There's just one problem this is our enterprise class and we're working for an actual client. It's a pass or fail class, and the pass or fail depends on how much our client likes the site we made.

However I think she believes we're web designers not web developers.
We're all right brainers we have no creativity.
We make programs and web sites that make your life more functional not give you culture.
I'm positive with my Scott's help which by the way he's doing the Maximum Fitness site (so proud of him), there won't be an issue but still they should have found us a client that wants us for our web developing skills not artistic skills.

(2 Judgements | Crucify Me)

Jenny's coming after you [22 Oct 2003|12:17am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | Stellastarr ]

Today I enrolled for my Bachelors of Science in Network Technology, and I'm starting this January almost a month after I graduate with my associates in Computer Sciences.
I'm so scared in fact I'm petrified wait... No there's no word that adequately describes how scared I really am.
I mean I'm excited and all but I'm afraid of failure and all things associated with it.
In any case in 32 months I'll be able to call myself an Engineer.
I'll be 22 with a major in Network Technology and a minor in Computer Sciences.
I'd say thats pretty good.

And I got a hamster he's so cute he's a dwarf hamster he's grey and white.
I love him so much Stina named him Spukee, I changed the spelling so that it could be Scott's company mascot. I'll post pictures of him next week.

I also got a really good contract today (50/50 profit split).

(3 Judgements | Crucify Me)

Sweet Zombie Jesus [08 Oct 2003|08:19am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | The Crystals - Then He kissed Me ]

So my mom today asked me if I had something in my mouth.
I said yes my tongue ring.
She asked me have you had that long?
I said 5 1/2 years almost 6.
I'm still amazed she noticed heh

(4 Judgements | Crucify Me)

Game Slave [29 Sep 2003|03:45am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Dark Cloud 2 ]

I actually finished Silent Hill 3 in 20:59 min, with 55 saves, and killed every monster on every level. Now I'm on the half way point to my 333 confirmed kills to get my extra beam.

::Happy Ego Dance::

(Crucify Me)

OS/2 VirusScan -- "Windows found: Remove it? [Y,N]" [24 Sep 2003|06:18am]
[ mood | tired ]

Damit there should be like a switch and timer on the back of our heads that activates sleep.
If it's something we all need so fucking bad why is it so damn hard.

(4 Judgements | Crucify Me)

If I had a muffin, I'd eat it. [22 Sep 2003|08:37am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | George Clinton - Play that funky music white boy ]

I'm so excited my favorite cousin Marcin is visiting from Poland for 3 weeks.
My mom asked me if me and my friends can take him to Las Vegas for the weekend.
I'm so happy I haven't seen him in 6 years, and who can turn down Vegas?

(Crucify Me)

This will be a good day [20 Sep 2003|06:35am]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Some girl on Gaia private messaged me asking me if she could quote my reply to a misguided boy about what women really want.

My post was : "Women want to be cared for, payed attention to, and to be treated like ladies, we want men to be tactfully honest, to take out the garbage, and to squash bugs."

I really think it's what about 75% of women want.

And happy anniversary Scott thank you for the best 6 months ever, I think you have all of the above covered (insert into = "Awww")

(Crucify Me)

1-800-NOT-1337 [16 Sep 2003|05:44am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Aqua - Happy Boys and Girls ]

Do you or someone you love suffer from delusions of L337-Ness?

(3 Judgements | Crucify Me)

Read [14 Sep 2003|05:40am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Aphex Twin - boy.girl song ]

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

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