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[01 Jun 2004|06:57pm]
No smoking around WickedJ. Thankyou for your co-operation.


¤1 Wicked Soul - Join Me.

[29 May 2004|09:38pm]
[ mood | okay ]

-------------- Appearances Can Be Deceiving ----------------

For two years, 38-year-old Jian Feng had the luxury of a
beautiful woman at his side. Everything was going perfectly
fine until the couple decided to have a baby. Apparently,
his wife gave birth to a baby girl so ugly that Feng was
"horrified" at the sight of her. Feng immediately assumed
that his trophy wife had been cheating on him with an ugly
fellow. Quick to defend her daughter, his wife admitted to
having $127,000 worth of plastic surgery in South Korea
before they had met. She then produced a picture of how she
used to look and let him have a look. Well, this set Feng
over the edge and not only did he waste no time filing for
divorce, but he also sued her for deceit. He managed to get
$99,700 out of the whole deal.


¤3 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

[28 May 2004|04:11pm]
yaknow i just read this -;=msn&LID;=3800 - and i for one am very proud of MTV for gettin their HEAD out of their ass and doing something for the homophobes like Dubya and the other fucktards ill be the first one to go to the buisnesses that proudly sponser this Here Here!! for MTV
¤1 Wicked Soul - Join Me.

Big favor [19 May 2004|06:24am]
i need a huge favor i have been up all night makin sure this cd downloads got to 94 per-fucking-cent and i got DISCONNECTED..i was unable to resume...but thankfully i only lost one song...

Gretchen Wilson - Pocahontas Proud

if you can find this song on Kazaa it should be 5:16 long and be a rather upbeat quick tempo song i will love you forever if you find me this song :D:D
¤3 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

[11 May 2004|09:44pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

yaknow im really an asshole and ima prove it....i love my country BUT FUCK were a buncha bitches...fuck Iraq..turn it into a god damn parking lot..then get the cast of Queer Eye..and let them ass rape Saddam for hours...paint a big ole American Flag on his ass...this is shit we need to go over there with everything we got and just shut them down..enough of the shit ..killin our men...bah

¤1 Wicked Soul - Join Me.

[04 May 2004|03:20am]
[ mood | sick ]

Is it just me or does anyone else find it amazing that our government
track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall
she sleeps in the state of Washington.
And also track her calves to their stalls.
But the immigration dept. of our government is unable to locate
11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country.

The solution --- give every illegal alien a cow.

i dont feel very good :| *eats my soup*

¤1 Wicked Soul - Join Me.

[30 Apr 2004|01:13am]
[ music | Jimmy Dean - Big John ]

1.Go into your LJ's archives.
2.Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3.Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4.Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

sunset_raine*: It's like the bastard love child of boot and buoy.

¤6 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

Nice Guys [28 Apr 2004|01:26am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Ronny and the Dayontas - GTO ]

i consider myself a nice guy, noone who reads this can say different cus you dont know me well enough..but anyway i think this post deserves a read;=0&

¤1 Wicked Soul - Join Me.

[21 Apr 2004|01:24am]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Eagles - Hotel California ]
i scored 269* (i retook it)
drownintoyou: so when I'm totally honest on that test I actually got a 353. so I'm still not mad kinky but hey at least I can be honest...third time's the charm, right?*
JLK9182: I got a 188
country_farm_girl77: 415
Jess_DKNZ: 530
sunset_raine: I retook it, and now I'm 283.
Missile Oblivion says: 470
un1337_h4x02_f342_m3*: 400.
skittles_baby_01*: i got 270
heatherleann2002: my score was 315
stormcloud_82: i got a 375
deez_nuts_0wns_j00*: I got a 416.
fuckyea: 465, but that's bad enough. lmfao
gunlvnoregonian24: 255
I live my life in ruins for you and for all your secrets kept I squashed the blossom and the blossom's dead says:hahaha I got 100 (zara)
swayn_in_tyme: what would you say if i told you i actually scored a 410??
Ambz: 173*
imma_budlight_cowgirl: lmfao EEEEEEEEEEEEEK imma 250 lmfao
Cute Leo Gurl: 285
Hols says: 325
RowanofRoninW: 274
flirtacion: 361 bitch
onecrazy_mo_fo: hey i got a 498 on my test
burn4g3: I got 573
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: i made a 495
eohua86: i scored 133
xxx_a_s_h_xxx: i got 478
innocent_tilu_makeme_guilty: i got 325
wWw.JaMiE.cOm: 346 *

Note: all us virgins got a star by our scores :">

¤14 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

[19 Apr 2004|10:03pm]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | Hank Williams Sr. - Honky Tonkin' ]

well fuck me and call me sally im in a mood to just kill rant the forum i post at...even though they can read this i dont give a shit...there is like MAD 16 and 17 year olds all talkin about "well last time i gave my bf a blow job.." dude...shut your legs and your mouth....go buy a cookie and do your damn homework..jesus i know ive said this a ton before but you need not be havin sex when your young..your stupid you dunno shit and you cannot take responsibilities ...fuck me someone fix that typo but anyway dude go be nerdy and work on your god-damn .com and in the words of chris rock "PUT THE DICK DOWN!"
thats about all i got to say about that..NEXT
#2 i been trying to find out what makes people do stupid shit and today i took on the task of if you have alcoholic family..why in GODS NAME would you even drink..youd think after seein the damage it does it would make you as sick as it does me but someone replied to my rant/question with "well it scares me that ill end up like them(someone in the family is an alky)" i wanna slap my forehead and ponder where did some guy go out and randomly fuck every idiot on earth..thus produce offspring..if your afraid of becoming an alcoholic.....ima rephrase something i just used.."PUT THE BOTTLE DOWN" just dont understand some ppl in life...if i may use something Alex just said on yahoo....

aliengrl101: precise reason why i dont drink
wickedone_: lol..
aliengrl101: lol it is
aliengrl101: i dont want anyone to have to deal w/ someone like my dad

thats gotta be the most intelligent responce ive heard....all day...

NEXT RANT: Music...what the fuck is wrong with the radio..if it aint and popular it dont get played or talked about...the reason i ask is its widely known i LOVE classic listening to hank williams right now...and if youve heard his music on the radio call the newspaper cus theres been a miracle..same with classic rock and stuff..all the great music is dying off..just the other night the oldies radio station was doing a tribute to Dick Clark whom i think should be king of rock and roll because he did so much along with Alan Fried (sp) to bring rock and roll to the public

¤3 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

[19 Apr 2004|02:28am]
dont ask cus im afraid to - xx_jess_dknz_xx's status is now "stupid itchy nipple" (4/19/2004 2:21 AM)
¤2 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

[17 Apr 2004|04:45am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Trace Adkins - Im Tryin ]

every day i get a newsletter about bizzare news, this is worth postin

MIAMI - A man in a chicken costume who follows typed comm-
ands is sweeping the Internet as part of a Burger King
advertising campaign. The actor that appears, complete with
a garter belt, responds to hundreds of typed commands, but
stops short of pornography. However, the chicken will obey
a command to pee on the couch at the
site. The chicken also responds to commands to riverdance,
moonwalk, somersault and bullfight. The soundless site looks
like one of many Web cam pornography sites where a user can
type in a command and a person on the screen will follow it.
However, ask the chicken to do a lewd act and it walks up to
the camera and wags a scolding finger. "The site is geared
to reach out to the 20- and 30-year-olds that are difficult
to reach with traditional advertising," said Blake Lewis, a
spokesman for the Miami-based chain. There is little refer-
ence to Burger King, apart from a button to click for infor-
mation on the BK Tendercrisp sandwich.

¤1 Wicked Soul - Join Me.

[15 Apr 2004|07:23pm]
WiCkEd J 18: of a boner.jpg
Cute Leo Gurl: Is it wrong that I'm suddenly turned on

I Havent laughed this hard in a LONG time..LMFAO
¤3 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

[15 Apr 2004|04:16pm]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | George Jones - Hotter then a 2 dollar pistol ]

i recently joined a forum and im reading and argueing with everyone..when i come across a topic...let me paste it

I used to be one of those people who sat around and said, "I wish I could change this," or, "Wow, that's horrible," but I'd never actually do anything about the problem. I'd just watch it develop and shake my head.

Not any more!
My first step to animal activism was becoming a vegetarian <> and my second step was starting a club, here on my college campus, that I named C.A.R.A. - Campus for Animal Rights & Awareness

BBBLLAAAHH @ Sissy fucking veggiatarians..i spelled that wrong..oh well..but what the fuck is the POINT...everything you eat nowadays some animal was murdered for...that nice comfy leather chair your sittin in..those leather seats in ya car...blah..i just hate that whole "SAVE THE ANIMALS!!!" thing..i agree with it but yaknow the save the animals thing can never 100% be fully is the word i want...i dont god damn know..BLAH..someone finish my sentance for me cus i lost track of wtf i was bitching about

¤11 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

[15 Apr 2004|01:41am] ohmy god...ive been sayin that phrase over n over since someone posted this :|:|:|
¤1 Wicked Soul - Join Me.

More from chat [14 Apr 2004|02:18am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | voice chat ]

Jess_DKNZ: htf can you stand to use voice chat. talking to your computer makes you feel like a knob.
Jess_DKNZ: walk past someone's room in the middle of the night and they
Jess_DKNZ: you can hear em talkin to.. nobody?
sunset_raine*: It's fun to freak out your neighbors when you live in a dorm room, Jess.
Jess_DKNZ: can't you just make freaky sex sounds like a normal person
Jess_DKNZ: lol
sunset_raine*: I could.
Jess_DKNZ: Ohh!


bludg30n3ss*: she uses whole fish
Jess_DKNZ: i don't like fish. yuck.
bludg30n3ss*: I didn't say you ate them
Jess_DKNZ: i can't imagine liking them in my vagina, either
bludg30n3ss*: nice and slimey?
sunset_raine*: ewwww
Jess_DKNZ: fish are spikey fuckers
bludg30n3ss*: she has used them
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: lmfao
Jess_DKNZ: no.. I have caught them?
sunset_raine*: lol
Jess_DKNZ: they are covered in fins which have spines on them? lol
bludg30n3ss*: Eurotrash fish?
sunset_raine*: I'll probably sing it wrong.
Jess_DKNZ: the only fish in europe are herring and catfish
Jess_DKNZ: lol
bludg30n3ss*: Mmmm, pickled herring
bludg30n3ss*: I'm such a Jew
Jess_DKNZ: ..blegh
Jess_DKNZ: you'd make a good dane
bludg30n3ss*: no but it has quick profile
Jess_DKNZ: i haven't been fishing in ages
bludg30n3ss*: me neither
Jess_DKNZ: i used to go on my dad's boat
Jess_DKNZ: i dont know why
bludg30n3ss*: I need to go up and see my grandfolks
Jess_DKNZ: fish smell and are slimey
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: boo hoo
Jess_DKNZ: you get salty
Jess_DKNZ: sunburnt
Jess_DKNZ: seasick
bludg30n3ss*: she's such a wuss
sunset_raine*: psh
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: Jess are you one of them "eww icky dirty" wuss chicks?!
bludg30n3ss* sings, "Just like a woman"
Jess_DKNZ: pft.. because touching slimey fish and getting covered in salt is fun?
bludg30n3ss*: what do you think going down is like for a guy?
Jess_DKNZ: ooh. burn
Jess_DKNZ: I guess it's the same as it is for a girl
bludg30n3ss*: nah, we get all covered in goop the whole time, you guys get one spurt of it
Jess_DKNZ: not quite what i meant but okay
Jess_DKNZ: you get it easy
Jess_DKNZ: lol
Jess_DKNZ: pussy tastes a whole lot better than dick.
bludg30n3ss*: I would think dick tastes like skin?
sunset_raine*: heh
bludg30n3ss*: pussy tastes like stuffage
User dennis_6001 Has Left The Room...
Jess_DKNZ: don't act like you don't know
bludg30n3ss*: I don't
bludg30n3ss*: I'll let you know if I ever find out, though
Jess_DKNZ: didn't take you long to quote that, joe
bludg30n3ss*: Joe wants to know how you know what dick tastes like, he said you said you don't go down?
Jess_DKNZ: lol
bludg30n3ss*: idn't think they made them anymore
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: youve said before you dont
Jess_DKNZ: I mean I don't exactly go round saying "I suck dick!" but I don't say "I don't suck dick!" either.
idofunthingswithsharpies*: Jess come suck my cock!
idofunthingswithsharpies*: now
idofunthingswithsharpies*: BIATCH
Jess_DKNZ: it still smells funky.
idofunthingswithsharpies*: that's cause i fucked you with it last night
idofunthingswithsharpies*: so it has a mixture of pussy and ass
Jess_DKNZ: ah. i wondered why i ached when i woke up.
burn4g3: ewie, infection
idofunthingswithsharpies*: hehehe
idofunthingswithsharpies*: i fucked her first dustin
Jess_DKNZ: lol
burn4g3: kay
burn4g3: you're safe then
Jess_DKNZ: yummy. snatch juice used as ass lube.

¤1 Wicked Soul - Join Me.

Ambz can Snort!!! [13 Apr 2004|07:47pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Montgomery Gentry - Cold One Coming On ]

man4yall2003: i like to make um screem..
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: make um say ugh. nah nah nah?!
amberology*: i like to make em spell correctly
amberology*: lmfao@that
amberology*: joe you made me giggle!
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: haha
burn4g3: lol
amberology*: and snort

lmao..and she calls ME the nerd?!..pfft

man4yall2003: have u ever cracked a joke in the middle of sex to see what the guy would do?
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: "ohh harder baby" 'hey hunny whyd the chicken cross the road' "ohhh fucckk. m...what the fuck u just say"
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: who the fuck cracks jokes during sex
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: "oh im gunna cum"
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: "hey knock knock"
amberology*: whos there baby... ohhhhhh harder
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat doesnt know any good knock knock jokes
amberology*: damn you
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: i ruined the moment :">
amberology*: uh huh


ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: if i could marry myself i would.. yes.. i love me..
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: but the problem is i can't fuck myself
Jess_DKNZ: Get yourself cloned with a penis, then
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: GREAT idea
Jess_DKNZ: I know, right
Jess_DKNZ: Question is
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: is?
Jess_DKNZ: since it's you.. do they have to be of legal age before you can do yourself?
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: HAHAHAHA
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: well, i'm sure they would come up with new laws for things like that
burn4g3: lol
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: like self molestation
Jess_DKNZ: maybe you'd have to wait til you're old. but at least then you'd have a young foxy you to have sex with
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: THanks jess... i'll get a proposal typed up..
xPiercedAngelx: lol my friend called me on her cell...and she's trying to ride a bike
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: town bike? huh what
Jess_DKNZ: I've already put far too much thought into this
xPiercedAngelx: No a a pedal bike
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: lol
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: i smell katsup
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: you scare me Jess
Jess_DKNZ: I'm glad.
suckmydickandillgiveyouatreat: weve talked about it and your prolly the biggest freak here...
xPiercedAngelx: You're the second Joe
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: we should get a card and all of us sign it..
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: joe just gets a door prize
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: like a gazoo
burn4g3: gazoo?
burn4g3: kazoo?
Jess_DKNZ: Ha. Second place is for losers
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: whatever they're called
ill_btch_slap_u_sidewayz: i thought it was a gazoo
Jess_DKNZ dances

and ppl wonder why im so fucked up..look at the ppl im surrounded by..

¤3 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

[12 Apr 2004|07:20pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Eh..whatever Winamp plays ]

ok in the process of showin Alex my halfass haircut she said this

RowanofRoninW: boy, put on a little more weight and you'd have women crawling after you
WiCkEd J 18: wth you mean women crawling after me lol
RowanofRoninW: cuz you'd be so stereotypically sexy

someone break this down for my stupid ass..what in gods green earth does she mean /:)
No Mel...she dont mean im hung :) im white remember

WiCkEd J 18: you tryin to say i look like somekinda marine
RowanofRoninW: O.o noo...
RowanofRoninW: are marines sexy? ive never met one
RowanofRoninW: lol
WiCkEd J 18: i wanna know what you meant
WiCkEd J 18: im stupid, remember
RowanofRoninW: that youre sexy, but super skinny
RowanofRoninW: lol

¤2 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

[11 Apr 2004|11:49pm]

admit it..your wish you could be this broke may think "hes got a lotta money" much shit i wanna buy
¤11 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

[11 Apr 2004|04:59am]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Randy Travis - Three Wooden Crosses ]

wickedone_: lol damn woman
wickedone_: almost 2 hrs
babiemel_98: Could've went longer but my mouth was gettin dry and I'm tired
babiemel_98: lmfao@me
babiemel_98: I'm so dirty

¤5 Wicked Souls - Join Me.

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