in October
From Common Courage Press
August 29, 2003
Lenni Brenner
and the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party
Bister, Estrin and Jacobs
Howard Dean, the Progressive Anti-War Candidate? Some Vermonters
Give Their Views
August 28, 2003
Gilad Atzmon
Most Common Mistakes of Israelis
David Vest
Monument: Cement Shoes for the Constitution
David Lindorff
Shooting Ali in the Back: Why the Pacification is Doomed
Chris Floyd
Cheap Thrills: Bush Lies to Push His War
Wayne Madsen
Restoring the Good, Old Term "Bum"
Elaine Cassel
Not Clueless in Chicago
Stan Goff
Nukes in the Dark
Tariq Ali
Iraq Will Never Know Peace
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Behold, My Package
Website of the Day
August 27, 2003
Bruce Jackson
Deaths: Hiding the Body Count in Iraq
John Feffer
Nuances and North Korea: Six Countries in Search of a Solution
Dave Riley
an Interview with Tariq Ali on the Iraq War
Lacey Phillabaum
Bush's Holy War in the Forests
Steve Niva
Assassination Policy: the Trigger for Suicide Bombings?
Website of the Day
The Dean Deception
August 26, 2003
Robert Fisk
Smearing the Dead
David Lindorff
Great Oil Gouge: Burning Up that Tax Rebate
Sarmad S. Ali
Baghdad is Deadlier Than Ever: the View of an Iraqi Coroner
Christopher Brauchli
Bush Administration Equates Medical Pot Smokers with Segregationists
Juliana Fredman
Collective Punishment on the West Bank: Dialysis, Checkpoints
and a Palestinian Madonna
Larry Siems
Ghosts of Regime Changes Past in Guatemala
Elaine Cassel
Onward, Ashcroft Soldiers!
Saul Landau
a Modern Ahab or a Toy Action Figure?
August 25, 2003
Kurt Nimmo
Israeli Outlaws in America
David Bacon
In Iraq, Labor Protest is a Crime
Thomas P. Healy
The Govs Come to Indy: Corps Welcome; Citizens Locked Out
Norman Madarasz
In an Elephant's Whirl: the US/Canada Relationship After the
Iraq Invasion
Salvador Peralta
The Politics of Focus Groups
Jack McCarthy
Who Killed Jancita Eagle Deer?
Uri Avnery
A Drug
for the Addict
August 23/24, 2003
Forrest Hylton
Does Bogota
Robert Fisk
The Cemetery at Basra
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for
Insults to Intelligence
Andrew C. Long
Exile on Bliss Street: The Terrorist Threat and the English Professor
Jeremy Bigwood
The Toxic War on Drugs: Monsanto Weedkiller Linked to Powerful
Jeffrey St. Clair
or Against Us: the Bush Doctor Calls on Oregon
Cynthia McKinney
Bring the Troops Home, Now!
David Krieger
So Many Deaths, So Few Answers: Approaching the Second Anniversary
of 9/11
Julie Hilden
A Constitutional Right to be a Human Shield
Dave Lindorff
Standard Schaefer
Unholy Trinity: Falwell's Anti-Abortion Attack on Health and
Free Speech
Catherine Dong
Kucinich and FirstEnergy
José Tirado
History Hurts: Why Let the Dems Repeat It?
Ron Jacobs
Springsteen's America
Gavin Keeney
The Infernal Machine
Adam Engel
A Fan's Notations
William Mandel
Five Great Indie Films
Walt Brasch
An American Frog Fable
Poets' Basement
Reiss, Kearney, Guthrie, Albert and Alam
Website of the Weekend
The Hutton Inquiry
August 22, 2003
Carole Harper
John Chuckman
George Will: the Marquis of Mendacity
Richard Thieme
Operation Paperclip Revisited
Chris Floyd
Dubya Indemnity: Bush Barons Beyond the Reach of Law?
Issam Nashashibi
and the Right of Return: a Rigged Survey
Mary Walworth
Other People's Kids
Ron Jacobs
Darkening Tunnel
Website of the Day
Current Energy
August 21, 2003
Robert Fisk
The US
Needs to Blame Anyone But Locals for UN Bombing
Virginia Tilley
The Quisling Policies of the UN in Iraq: Toward a Permanent War?
Rep. Henry Waxman
Bush Owes the Public Some Serious Answers on Iraq
Ben Terrall
War Crimes and Punishment in Indonesia: Rapes, Murders and Slaps
on the Wrists
Elaine Cassel
Brother John Ashcroft's Traveling Patriot Salvation Show
Christopher Brauchli
Getting Gouged by Banks
Marjorie Cohn
Sergio Vieira de Mello: Victim of Terrorism or US Policy in Iraq?
Vicente Navarro
Double Standards: The Case of Mr. Aznar, Friend of Bush
Website of the Day
The Intelligence Squad
August 20, 2003
Robert Fisk
Now No
One Is Safe in Iraq
Caoimhe Butterly
Life and Death on the Frontlines of Baghdad
Kurt Nimmo
UN Bombing: Act of Terrorism or Guerrilla War?
Michael Egan
Revisiting the Paranoid Style in the Dark
Ramzi Kysia
is not an Abstract Idea
Steven Higgs
NPR and the NAFTA Highway
John L. Hess
A Downside Day
Edward Said
The Imperial Bluster of Tom Delay
Jason Leopold
Gridlock at Path 15: the California Blackouts were the "Wake
Up Call"
Website of the Day
Ashcroft's Patriotic Hype
August 19, 2003
Jeffrey St. Clair
Blackouts Happen
Gary Leupp
"Our Patch": Australia v. the Evil Doers of the South
Sean Donahue
Uribe's Cruel Model: Colombia Moves Toward Totalitarianism
Matt Martin
Bush's Credibility Problem on Missile Defense
Juliana Fredman
Recipe for the Destruction of a Hudna
John Ross
Fox Government's Attack on Mexican Basques
Sasan Fayazmanesh
What Kermit Roosevelt Didn't Say
Website of the Day
Tom Delay's Dual Loyalities
August 18, 2003
Uri Avnery
Hero in War and Peace
Stan Goff
The Volunteer Military and the Wicked Adventure
Cathy Breen
Baghdad on the Hudson
Michael Kimaid
Fight the Power (Companies)!
Jason Leopold
The California Rip-Off Revisited: Arnold, Milken and Ken Lay
Matt Siegfried
The Bush Administration in Context
Elaine Cassel
At Last, A Judge Who Acts Like a Judge
Alexander Cockburn
Judy Miller's War
Harvey Wasserman
The Legacy of Blackout Pete Wilson
Website of the Day
Fire Griles!
to CounterPuncher Gilad Atzmon! BBC Names EXILE Top Jazz CD
August 16 / 17, 2003
Flavia Alaya
New Jersey
Jeffrey St. Clair
War Pimps
Saul Landau
The Legacy of Moncada: the Cuban Revolution at 50
Brian Cloughley
What Has Happened to the US Army in Iraq?
William S. Lind
Coffins for the Crews: How Not to Use Light Armored Vehicles
Col. Dan Smith
Time for Straight Talk
Wenonah Hauter
Electric System Do We Want?
David Lindorff
Where's Arnold When We Need Him?
Harvey Wasserman
This Grid Should Not Exist
Don Moniak
"Unusual Events" at Nuclear Power Plants: a Timeline
for August 14, 2003
David Vest
Rolling Blackout Revue
Merlin Chowkwanyun
An Interview with Sherman Austin
Adam Engel
The Loneliest Number
Poets' Basement
Guthrie, Hamod & Albert
Book of the Weekend
Powerplay by Sharon Beder
Hot Stories
Slobodo and Williams
CounterPunch Exclusive:
20,000 Wounded Iraqi Civilians
Prison Bitch
Rampton and John Stauber
True Lies: the Use of Propaganda
in the Iraq War
Small Destructions Add Up
WMD: Who Said What When
A Mother's Day Talk: the Daughter
I Can't Hear From
William Blum
and Denial in the War on Terrorism
Standard Schaefer
Experimental Casinos: DARPA and the War Economy
Aslam Khan
The Unbearably Grim Aftermath of War:
What America Says Does Not Go
Paul de Rooij
Gore Vidal
Erosion of the American Dream
Francis Boyle
Bush: A Draft Resolution
Click Here
for More Stories.
30, 2003
Take Back Your Time
Message of Simplicity for Labor Day
Americans spend more time working than the Japanese.
Europeans work nine less weeks a year than U.S. workers. Even
medieval peasants worked less hours than we do! It is time to
fight overwork and time poverty in America. Our time is all we
have and none of us know how much time we have remaining in our
In the past two weeks we celebrated our
40 wedding anniversary and Tom's 67th birthday. We took time
to enjoy extended conversations about how we are spending our
time on a week-end anniversary trip in the Blue Mountains of
North Carolina. At the Simplicity Congress in Seattle last week-end
along with other friends in the increasingly relevant and energized
Simplicity Movement we again committed ourselves to becoming
more thoughtful and intentional about what we do with our time.
The Simplicity Movement is all about
a more sustainable and enjoyable way of living. We confirmed
a consciousness of more simple, peaceful, and just solutions
to the oppression, conflict and killing that permeates the policies
of our American Empire and our "can't have enough stuff"
consumerist culture. Who we are is so much more important than
what we have!
Take Back Your Time Day has become the
first major initiative of the Simplicity
Forum and is also the project of the Center for Religious,
Ethics and Social Policy at Cornell University. October 24, 2003
is the first annual Take Back Your Time Day and the date is symbolic
of the nine weeks remaining in the year that we work more than
Europeans. The idea of Take Back Your Time Day was conceived
by John de Graaf, a leader in the Simplicity Movement and award
winning documentary film maker best known for his PBS classic
. De Graaf is National Coordinator for Take
Back Your Time Day and he said that "Americans are reaching
a breaking point as far as overwork is concerned." in a
Labor Day Press Release.
John de Graaff is also editor of a book
of essays entitled "Take Back Your Time", published
by Berrett-Koehler. The book describes the essence of our time
depravity by authors who are leaders in the Simplicity Movement
as well as presenting essays on time poverty by experts on workplace,
family, health, and public policy issues.
On this Labor Day we should contemplate
the symbolism of Take Back Your Time Day and begin thinking how
we can catch up with the Europeans. They have public policy mandating
minimum paid vacations, a shorter work week and better pay for
low-income workers who work two jobs to make ends meet. If we
really want a strong America for all Americans we can do no less.
Most Americans do not have enough time
for their families and other basic responsibilities. Since 1970
the number of families eating dinner together has diminished
by one third and only about one half of the American people took
a full week's vacation this summer. We have an epidemic of over-scheduled
kids and under-connected families. Time is a family value and
our families are obvious victims of overwork in America. Couples
spend an average of twelve minutes a day talking with each other.
We average only forty minutes a week playing with our children.
Since World War II, Americans have taken our gains in productivity
in more stuff and money and none in more time for ourselves and
our families Encouragingly, Senators Orrin Hatch(R-Utah) and
Edward Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) have authored Senate Resolution
210 that proclaims October as "National Work and Family
Month"and makes "reducing the conflict between work
and family a national priority". It will come up for a vote
in early September and we hope that folks will encourage our
Senators to support this meaningful resolution.
A new poll, commissioned by the Center
for a New American Dream finds that 60% of Americans "feel
pressure to work too much" and 83% wish they had more time
to spend with their families. 75% said they "think that
Americans are too focused on work and spending".
Take Back Your Time Day has been endorsed
by labor unions, churches, and family organizations and our campaign
is promoting local teach-ins on college campuses and educational
events and potluck suppers at churches for October 24th.
Last Saturday evening the Simplicity
Congress in Seattle presented a fun talent show and we did a
wife and husband duo of "The Simplicity Poem", A Parody
of "I'm Late, I'm Late" with apologies to Lewis Carroll,
Sammy Fain and Walt Disney. Here are some sample verses:
"I'm late, I'm late, For a very
important date. No time to say hello, goodbye, I'm late ,I'm
late, I'm late."
"Consumption reigns, Our lives are
out of whack, Our time is not our own---to play, to rest, to
dream, We must get back on track."
"No time to cook a meal at home,
No time to play with kids, It's sad to say,
It's the American way, And here's the
reason why you (you see)"
"The ads tell me to buy, buy, buy,
And you, and you, and you. I'm mall-ward bound , consumption
to be found, I hurry off to shop, shop, shop, I just can 't seem
to stop, stop, stop. Shop till we drop, shop till we drop"
"Just slow it down, take back your
time and then-get others to, 'sides me and you, and you and me,
and me and you."
"The future's clear to see. simplicity
is here to stay, and here's the reason why (you see), It's overdue,
there is no turning back, It's up to us to 'save the world'
Tom Turnipseed is an attorney, writer,
radio talk show host, and a member of the National Steering Committee
of Take Back Your Time Day. Judy Turnipseed is the business manager
of Turnipseed and Associates and is a member of the Simplicity
Forum's Alliance of Leaders.
Edition Features for August 23 / 24, 2003
Forrest Hylton
Does Bogota
Robert Fisk
The Cemetery at Basra
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for
Insults to Intelligence
Andrew C. Long
Exile on Bliss Street: The Terrorist Threat and the English Professor
Jeremy Bigwood
The Toxic War on Drugs: Monsanto Weedkiller Linked to Powerful
Jeffrey St. Clair
or Against Us: the Bush Doctor Calls on Oregon
Cynthia McKinney
Bring the Troops Home, Now!
David Krieger
So Many Deaths, So Few Answers: Approaching the Second Anniversary
of 9/11
Julie Hilden
A Constitutional Right to be a Human Shield
Dave Lindorff
Standard Schaefer
Unholy Trinity: Falwell's Anti-Abortion Attack on Health and
Free Speech
Catherine Dong
Kucinich and FirstEnergy
José Tirado
History Hurts: Why Let the Dems Repeat It?
Ron Jacobs
Springsteen's America
Gavin Keeney
The Infernal Machine
Adam Engel
A Fan's Notations
William Mandel
Five Great Indie Films
Walt Brasch
An American Frog Fable
Poets' Basement
Reiss, Kearney, Guthrie, Albert and Alam
Website of the Weekend
The Hutton Inquiry
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