Be sure to save the page in question to your hard drive, or take a screen shot. Looks like as soon as somebody quotes one of his "Shut up, I was a veteran!" rants, he goes back and covers his tracks. Just like he did with his original "apology" and whatever it is you see when you click this link. (I don't want to be too specific, because who knows if he's covered his tracks even more between the time I'm typing this and the time you click the link.)
Consider this rebuke to a critic, quoted at the Mudville Gazette and on May 2:
Another West Point Butterbar who can't read my bio page and figure out that while he was playing Mario on his Super Nintendo, I was shooting people for George Herbert Walker Bush the 3rd. Been there, done that, newbie. Lecture me after you've seen piles of dead people who stood in the way of a Bush President.For the last time, I'm a fucking veteran. None of these posters mock the men and women in uniform. How is it that people are so stupid that they can't look beyond the image and understand the message?
But when you go to the original page, which is full of the hate mail he was so proud of generating, his response has been shortened to this:
For the last time, none of these posters mock the men and women in uniform. How is it that people are so stupid that they can't look beyond the image and understand the message?
Which is still rude, but at least it sticks to the issue, instead of slamming his critic for daring to question somebody with his hard-won military experience... er... which never actually happened. In other words, how he should have responded in the first place. Well, it's too late for that now, Wright. But it's good to see you're keeping busy.
Posted by Jim Treacher at May 5, 2004 01:50 PM | TrackBack