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The Bush Education Record: Every Child Left Behind

No child left behind? Don't believe it! The Bush administration is leaving America's children farther and farther behind by slashing the budget for key educational programs and not even fully funding its much-touted "No Child Left Behind" program (not to mention other educational initiatives). The result: Schools are in crisis, programs are being cut, teachers are quitting in frustration, and our children are not getting the educations they deserve. So much for the "education president."


DNC Research

Learn everything you need to know about how President Bush's policies are affecting our nation's schools in our DNC Research special reports.

DNC News

Revealed! If elected, Bush plans to slash funding for programs he's touting on campaign trail
Today's Washington Post reveals that if elected in 2004, George W. Bush intends to cut funding for a slew of domestic programs that he is currently touting on the campaign trail, including education, homeland security, Head Start, job training, a nutrition program for women, infants and children, medical research and on and on.

May 12, 2004: Van Hollen Tells the Truth on the Bush Education Record

May 11, 2004: DNC gives Bush "A" for Audacity

Mar 19, 2004: Hispanic Students Need Real Reform, Not More of Bush's Empty Rhetoric


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Bush Record Exposed
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