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The Bush Record: Hostile To America's Workers

Bush has blocked attempts to raise the minimum wage, creating the longest period in history without a minimum-wage increase. Bush also has attacked retirement and pension plans through proposals that would reduce Social Security benefits, gut the Social Security Trust Fund and cut pension benefits.


DNC Research

President Bush's policies have been a disaster for working families. Learn more in our DNC Research special reports.

DNC News

Americans Reject Bush Policy to Ship Jobs Overseas
McAuliffe: "This is where the president's credibility gap meets his job gap. The American people know that exporting jobs is disastrous for our economy as well as our families."

Feb 10, 2004: Bush Economic Advisor Promotes Sending American Jobs Overseas

Jan 16, 2004: DNC Chairman McAuliffe Statement on Michigan Electrolux Layoffs, Manufacturing Job Losses

Jan 15, 2004: DNC Chairman Launches "State of America's Working Families Tour"


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Bush Record Exposed
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