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The Bush Record: Broken Promises to America's Children

The administration that claims to be so interested in defending and promoting the American family is doing a lousy job of it. The ailing economy and lack of job creation are strapping family finances and causing a record number of personal bankruptcies. Health care costs are on the rise. Bush's failure to fund his education reforms is leaving children behind. And cuts in welfare programs are leaving hundreds of thousands of children without care.


DNC Research

Learn everything you need to know about how President Bush's policies affect your family with our DNC Research special reports.

DNC News

Bush & faith-based charities: shredding the safety net?
In promoting his faith-based initiative, Bush has stated his commitment to providing a safety net for families through government programs. But Bush has already started cutting vital social services like child care and after school care. And as the Washington Post recently revealed, the Bush administration is also preparing a secret budget plan for his second term that will initiate severe cuts to domestic programs, effectively shredding the social safety.

Mar 19, 2004: Hispanic Students Need Real Reform, Not More of Bush's Empty Rhetoric

Feb 26, 2004: Bush Administration Thinks Dropout Prevention Programs are "Unnecessary" While New Report Shows Low Rates of Minority Graduation

Feb 26, 2004: Bush Education Secretary Calls Teachers Terrorists as States Slam Bush on Broken Education Promises


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Bush Record Exposed
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