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Jun 3, 2004 ::

Tenet resigns

DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe on Tenet's resignation:

Who in this Administration will be the next to go? It is time for the President to come clean with the American people about how he is going to hold his Administration accountable for the mistakes it has made.

Donald Rumsfeld must go now!

The President has consistently taken an arrogant, offensive, and isolationist stance while falsely tieing the "War on Terror" with Iraq. When Congress and America supported the "blank check", it was an abstract, based upon the inaccurate information we were presented. Many expected it's intent to be leverage for further diplomatic action. Censure of a President and the forced resignation of a Secretary of State are difficult to support in a "time of war". I submit that given the growing climate of hatred for the U.S in the middle east., and given the growing global disgust for our actions, our policies, and our hubris as voiced by this administration, we have no choice.

George Tenent's resignation was needed. But he must not be held the sole scape-goat for this administrations devistating failures. As American's we must stand accountable and send the clear message that this administration does NOT represent "WHO WE ARE or WHAT WE STAND FOR!"

I submit that the only way to accomplish this is to demand the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld, demand the censure of President Bush, and in November, elect a President that will reflect American values and begin to position the United States as a leader, not a deceiving and lawless renegade, beginning the difficult restoration of respect for American Leadership in the global community. I ask you to consider that global respect for American leadership is our most prized tool in fighting terrorism and in creating a stable world in which America, Americans, and people from all nations have a better opportunity to grow and prosper.

I ask you to consider that patriotism is not always about supporting the person who holds the office, it is about protecting the Office of the Presidency and about supporting what is good, right and noble for America.

Posted by Gail F. @ 6/3/04, 03:42 PM :: Email

The American people will force the resignation of the entire Administration come November 2!

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Who in this Administration will be the next to go?

That's the salient question, isn't it? If you know, go join the White House Scandal Pool.

Fun for the whole family! Prize! Hours of entertainment!

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