June 3, 2004: Only 152 days until Election Day!
Demand a Plan to Secure the Peace in Iraq
President Bush's failure to plan for a post-war Iraq has left our soldiers in greater danger and uncertain of the future -- all while tarnishing America's credibility in the eyes of the world. Sign our petition to demand that President Bush give our soldiers the leadership and certainty they deserve by presenting a clear plan to win the peace in Iraq.
John Kerry
John Kerry has a bold vision for America's foreign policy that will restore our strength and security.
Click here to read the speech where John Kerry lays out his vision for our national security.
Take Action Today
DNC News
Jun 3, 2004: DNC on Tenet Resignation: Who Is Next?
Jun 1, 2004: DNC to Cheney: "Does it depend on what your definition of operational is?"
May 28, 2004: Silly Republicans… Didn't know White House is made of glass