DNC on Tenet Resignation: Who Is Next?
Washington, D.C. — Washington, D.C. In response to today's announcement that CIA Director George Tenet is resigning Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe issued this statement:
"With the Senate Intelligence Committee Investigation of Pre-War Intelligence report due out in a few weeks, the timing of the Tenet resignation is highly questionable. This White House has presided over some of the worst intelligence failures in American history and this resignation amplifies the widespread problems with how this President has overseen the intelligence community. George Tenet may now be out of the picture, but the President remains and needs to answer for these intelligence failures. "There are two real questions today. What will the Senate Intelligence report show and who in this Administration will be the next to go? It is time for the President to come clean with the American people about how he is going to hold his Administration accountable for the mistakes it has made."